Physician dispensing in comp – the right way

A commenter (thanks Greg) on my post yesterday re NCCI’s research on physician dispensing noted “Going after the physicians, who are making efforts to recoup their steadily declining reimbursements, does not seem like the best strategy.” Greg’s got a good … Continue reading Physician dispensing in comp – the right way


Workers comp, drug dispensing, political contributions, and jobs

Automated Healthcare Solutions, their execs and affiliates contributed $1.7 million to political campaigns over the last two years. If anyone has any doubts about the financial returns enjoyed by the physician dispensing business, yesterday’s report in Health News Florida should … Continue reading Workers comp, drug dispensing, political contributions, and jobs


MCM investigative reporting – physician dispensing in Florida

If there’s one area of work comp pharmacy management that’s making payers crazy, it’s physician dispensing (followed closely by compounding). The number of physicians and clinics dispensing drugs is growing; as one state seeks to reel in abusive practices, the … Continue reading MCM investigative reporting – physician dispensing in Florida


Solving pain – opioids, NSAIDs, and better options

WCRI’s latest report on drugs in workers’ comp has some excellent news…opioid usage dropped 29% from Q1 2021 to Q1 2023. WCRI’s data is from 28 study states representing the vast majority of workers’ comp drug spend. It may well … Continue reading Solving pain – opioids, NSAIDs, and better options