Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


To know why some think the US healthcare system is going to get better and cheaper – and why I strongly disagree, read on.

David Cutler PhD led off the WCRI’s confab with a discussion of the future of healthcare. It was GREAT that a conference has finally tried to educate work comp people about healthcare – after all that is the biggest driver of workers’ comp.  Sorely needed.

But…(more on that in a minute)

Dr Cutler noted that US healthcare is about as unstable as it has been for some time. And there is much more uncertainty to come.

He then asked the audience to vote on whether healthcare will get better and cheaper, stay the same, or collapse.

I voted collapse.

He also differentiated between “Trend” and “Wiggle”, noting it is important to consider what is actually a trend vs what is more likely slight ups and downs – need to differentiate between one-time factors and overall structural issues with long-lasting implications.

Cutler attributes consolidation among small providers to the drop off in patient service demand; that is, demand for providers’ services declined and therefore the smaller providers needed to merge or be acquired. I’d note that Cutler did not mention other factors driving consolidation, namely:

  • Interoperability (CMS IT requirements that can be a big lift)
  • small office staffing woes,
  • office operational expense increases, and
  • PE buyouts that make owners wealthy overnight.

Why Cutler is positive about the future of the US healthcare system

  • Delivery of medical care (number of services rendered) fell off during covid and really hasn’t fully recovered, which implies there are fewer unnecessary procedures/visits/treatments these days. (assumes the decline was mostly in unneeded services)
  • Elective stuff didn’t come back – such as hip replacements, shoulder surgery, etc.
  • Staff shortages are less of an issue of late

Dr Cutler also noted that in his view, medical staff burnout and labor force withdrawal from healthcare delivery roles will be temporary…Employment is coming back.

Very briefly, Dr Cutler’s thinking is that hospitals have too many beds; a lot of care has moved to outpatient facilities and ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs)…as a result hospitals will close floors, other hospitals will close, and the need for nurses in hospitals will thus decline.

Notably, Dr Cutler provided data from CMS to build a case that healthcare itself is better controlled – Medicare growth has been relatively flat over the last few years, and some analysts believe this has reduced total spend by several trillion dollars.

Finally, Dr Cutler also discussed value-based care and the move to bundled care, I suppose as evidence that healthcare is getting more efficient.

So here’s the “But…” in which I respectfully disagreed – and and still do disagree – with Cutler’s optimistic outlook.

Cutler – Shift of care away from and hospital closures will reduce costs and staffing needs

MCM – I don’t have the data, and I’m sure Dr Cutler does, but there’s both anecdotal “evidence” (family members have left patient care for other jobs in healthcare) and actual research that clinical staff shortages are NOT moderating.

Here’s rather compelling evidence that the shortage is NOT going away.

According to the United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast published in the September/October 2019 issue of the American Journal of Medical Quality, a shortage of registered nurses is projected to spread across the country through 2030. In this state-by-state analysis, the authors forecast a significant RN shortage in 30 states with the most intense shortage in the Western region of the U.S.

Perhaps Dr Cutler is talking over the very long term – and perhaps the Journal’s authors are not accounting for the shift in care to outpatient facilities.

Perhaps. On the other hand, change is very, very slow in healthcare.

Also, hospitals are major assets, assets which are providing a ton of revenue to the health system or hospital’s owners. Sure, many owners might like to walk away…but they can’t – not without huge pressure from unions, workers, communities and politicians. So, they’ll do anything they can to keep the patients coming, to keep the hospital open – if they don’t they will go belly up – oh and some of the hospital’s execs will not have jobs.

Cutler – Value-based care is saving money…

MCM – There is very little evidence that VBC actually saves money, and a lot of evidence that it doesn’t. In fact, a CBO study indicates that overall, well-funded, well-designed and well-run VBC initiatives actually resulted in higher costs. I’d note that some disagree with CBO’s results. – however those disagreements generally focus around better outcomes, health indicators and the like – NOT on cost reductions.

Cutler – Medicare spending is below predictions thus healthcare is less costly

MCM – But other payer spend has not.

Yes, Medicare’s costs have been below predictions…but that’s NOT the case for individual insurance, group health and Medicaid spend – which has has increased.

To be fair, Cutler agreed with my comment (which I made after his talk), but noted Medicaid spend per enrollee has declined.

He is correct…however in my view but likely because the expansion of Medicaid involved more healthier people being signed up before and during the COVID emergency.  And, their costs prior to enrollment were likely uncompensated care…so my take is overall medical costs weren’t reduced, just shifted to a different payer.

At least for the next few years – and likely longer – the “shiftee”, dear reader, is often workers’ comp.

Finally, good friend and colleague Gary Anderberg PhD of Gallagher Bassett commented that all of us are getting older and sicker and how does that factor into predictions re cost. Cutler indicated he sees it as a mixed picture as cognitive and CV health are improving while others – obesity-related such as diabetes in particular – are declining.

What does this mean for you?

I still vote collapse.



WCRI – Employers weigh in…

Good decision to add three very different employers to the conference; Publix, Disney and Duke University.

[As a Syracuse alum, I thought WCRI could’ve made a better choice than Duke…]

Here’s my quick take…there was a ton of content with which your faithful reporter could not keep up…so apologies for the somewhat disjointed post.

None of the three are doing pre-employment drug testing (except as required by law)

Publix self-administers work compMichele Maffei has over a hundred employees managing the program. Michelle and her colleagues are very involved in the entire process, work diligently to engage with local operations, and focus tightly on return to work. They handle clinical management, claims, and bill review inhouse. RTW is a huge priority; they try to get everyone – even amputees – back to a job at Publix; during Covid a transitional job was checking in folks showing up for vaccination.

Publix identifies the medical providers they want to provide care to their associates and in some cases contracts directly with those providers; “we are very purposeful about what we do.” Oh, and consistent with earlier findings, telemedicine usage has dropped off post-Covid.

Sharon DelGuercio noted Disney can pay above fee schedule if they need to get specific specialties in central Florida to treat associates. Still it can be difficult to ensure ready access. Disney focuses on the full scope of recovery drivers, striving to keep them in their home location, a strong transitional program with over 400 job descriptions.  Disney’s focus is, quoting Sharon; “nobody goes home”

Duke University’s Charles Kyle weighed in on behavioral health, a main focus of the worker’s recovery program. Return to work is also key; as Duke is very de-centralized different units have their own priorities however costs are tracked back to those units.

A recent focus and rising concern among healthcare professionals [Duke has a major medical center as well] is violence, especially gun violence.  Other forms of physical violence seem to have increased as well across both the medical facilities and University operations. Duke has a task force assigned to this and is steadily improving prevention and recovery initiatives for workers injured by violence.

Panelists acknowledged that in general there’s a higher level of violence, a higher level of incivility, they are just meaner than they used to be.

Michele mentioned physician dispensing (PDD) as a key priority; with their operations in Florida this is NOT a surprise.  MDs should not be allowed to give patients drugs as they are not pharmacists.





Vennela Thumula PharmD and Randy Lea, MD doves into the presence and influence of psychosocial factors on recivery.

Dr Thumula led off by noting psychosocial barriers are the number one obstacle to recovery.

A variety of factors are barriers including:

  • Poor recovery expectations, fear of pain
  • Catastrophizing
  • Perceived injustice
  • Family system support issues, pre-ex psych factors
  • Job dissatisfaction

Multiple guidelines recommend early identification of psychosocial risk factors. WCRI looked into prevalence of psychosocial factors in LPB patients seeking PT. do they recover differently

These factors were common, strongly associated with functional recoveries after PT care, and WC patient had more psycho risk factors and these facts were more strongly associated with functional outcomes.

Dr Thumula laid out the various screening tools used in the research and described the variation between WC and other payer types

Key takeaways:

  • WC patients had high levels of fear avoidance and negative coping, both of which might impede return to work.
  • Workers with higher levels of psychosocial risk factors (PF) had smaller functional improvements than those with lower levels.
  • And, workers with elevated psychosocial risk factors were less likely to make meaningful improvements in function
  • And, they had a much higher likelihood of “very limited” function at discharge from PT.

Dr Randy Lea summarized the findings and provided attendees with what they can tell colleagues upon return from the Conference.

  • First, WCRI’s study is the most robust that focused on WC.
  • Prevalence of PF was high – 1/3 to ½ were high risk.
  • High risk factors result in 40% less improvement than workers without those factors.

So, stop, take a step back, and understand these are frequent, do occur, and are impactful.

Then, you may want to:

  • refer the patient to a mental health professional, and/or
  • make sure the treating clinician knows about the PF factors, and/or
  • use the research to predict those who are most likely to benefit from care.


CWCI’s annual conference is almost here

I connected with CWCI President Alex Swedlow  – and good friend and colleague – to find out what’s been going on in the Golden State and what the annual confab will feature.

Here’s the registration info.

note highlights are mine.

MCM – Please briefly describe the workers’ compensation industry in California…frequency, disability duration, cost drivers, outcomes, market share of major payers.

AlexCalifornia has the biggest WC system in the county, bar none.  Whether it’s premium, frequency, medical care delivery volume, expenses.  We’re a high litigation state with significant friction costs. 

That said, our state has accomplished some remarkable changes and improvements through legislative reforms, regulations, and payer’s delivery systems that have significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of benefit delivery to CA injured work force.

MCM – I hear there are concerns about access to care in California for workers’ comp patients. What does the research say?

AlexAccess to care is a national crisis that is just now reaching full awareness.  We are all waiting longer for access to specialists whether you are hurt on the job or during a weekend softball game.

The concerns about access within WC has been a research topic for CWCI for 25 years.  Our most recent studies show that during the acute care phase (90 days) and the first year of treatment following the injury, the CA WC system delivers most services within a few days of the injury with little change in the mix or volume of professional services over the past 5 years.    Expensive, yes. But a remarkable and stable result.

Let’s remember that workers’ compensation represents less than 2 percent of the CA healthcare economy.

Also, the National Institutes of Health project CA will be short 35k physicians and 45k nurses by 2030 with almost 1 out of 3 physicians retiring within 5 years.  So right out of the gates, our system has very little leverage for addressing this problem.  This makes our current medical delivery systems all the more remarkable.

MCM – Thinking about the various sessions, which one will have the most long-term impact on workers compensation and why?  I noted a panel will explore the impact of exogenous influences on workers comp…can you give our readers a couple of examples and their impact?

Alex – The theme of our 60th Annual Meeting is “An Altered State”.  We will explore how our system has expanded well beyond the original “Grand Bargain” and into its current form and function.  We will also focus on key bread-and-butter issues including fresh research on claim development, medical service delivery and dispute resolution, the controversial medical legal fee schedule, COVID, and that great, unique to CA imponderable, Cumulative Trauma claims. These are all issues that originate within our system.

CWCI just published a study on this (free to all here); here’s a top takeaway:

In 2022, CT claims represented more than one out of three litigated claims. And, as Alex notes, CT is a “condition” unique to California. 

I smell something…and it isn’t a rose.

(back to Alex)

We will also explore exogenous influences, trends and issues that originate outside of our system that nonetheless have a significant influence on CA WC. We will preview the results of one of the first studies to use our state’s CURES system (California’s prescription drug management program) which captures all control substance prescriptions issued to all Californians across all payer groups.  The results show state-wide changes in opioid use over a 5-year trend.  The study also provides a look into simultaneous prescribing patterns across payer groups.

Other sessions will address our state’s economy, political climate, the looming $70B budget deficit, workforce migration, access to care, and some key interstate comparisons that show how much CA WC has changed over time.

Joining our staff, we have two great guest speakers from the Public Policy Institute of CA, Sarah Bohn and Eric McGhee, who will present new data on specific external forces that impact the vitality of our WC system.  In addition, our long-time colleague, Ramona Tanabe, President of WCRI will discuss interstate comparisons to show how CA WC has evolved relative to other states.

What does this mean for you?

If you want to know, you’ve got to go.





Good news Friday…a robust economy and optimistic consumers

In out continuing effort to keep a positive outlook, we once again bring you news to brighten the day.

today – the economy – which is doing quite well, thank you – driven by rising wages.

First up – the US economy is “very strong – last quarter it grew 3.2%, a very good rate indeed.

Consumer incomes jumped 1.0 percent…”in January, aided by higher dividend payments and the annual cost-of-living adjustment in Social Security.”

and…”consumers have also become more optimistic about the economy, surveys show

Those factors likely helped drive new home sales up almost 2 percent year-over-year. This helps the construction industry and employment of tradespeople, durable goods such as appliances and HVAC and home goods.

from MarketWatch core inflation dropped to 2.8% in the 12 months ended in January. (PCE is personal consumption expenditures) – graph from US BEA

What does this mean for you?

Better economy = more jobs + higher wages + lower inflation = more disposable income = more jobs…


The heat is ON.

Heat exposure has killed 40 workers per year since 2011.

Heat – and other exogenous factors related to human-caused climate change will likely be the fastest-growing driver of occupational injuries.

Fortunately others are stepping into the gaps caused by a failure of leadership by the Federal Department of Labor and outright stupid behavior by some state politicians. (note dozens of elected Representatives have authored a bill that would require and enforce heat protection standards for workers…of course, the House can’t even pass a ^%$%&#* budget, so this ish’t going anywhere.)

California has been a leader and is on the verge of implementing standards to protect indoor workers from heat exposure; Minnesota and Oregon also have indoor heat standards. Colorado, Oregon, and Washington also have rules for outdoor workers.

Meanwhile, OSHA has been dithering for years, failing to establish enforceable standards while more workers die.

The American Society of Safety Professionals just published standards for protecting construction workers from heat….these standards have no teeth, but would very likely have prevented this death.

Meanwhile politicians in Florida and Texas are doing their best to kill more workers. That is NOT hyperbole…Florida passed legislation protecting student athletes from heat, but has actively promoted legislation that would prohibit local governments from requiring employers to offer the same protection to workers.

And then there’s Texas

Good news – WCRI’s annual meeting will include insights into climate-related drivers of occupational injuries.

What does this mean for you?

Higher workers’ comp rates, more injuries, and more dead workers in Texas and Florida – and elsewhere.


Ramona Tanabe on WCRI’s annual confab.

Ramona Tanabe, CEO of WCRI – a most excellent workers’ comp research organization – was kind enough to carve out a few minutes on the eve of this year’s gathering of the brainiacs to answer a few of your reporter’s questions.

MCM – Great to see a discussion of provider consolidation on the agenda – what was the trigger for this?

Ten years ago we looked at where care is being delivered across states…Massachusetts was particularly notable for how much care was delivered by hospital-based care providers. More recently this has been increasing in some states as facilities acquired practices. Stakeholders brought this up so WCRI decided to watch this and see how providers changed when they joined a larger group. [WCRI looked at provider billing before and after they were acquired by/joined a health system or hospital or large provider group]

  • MCM – What was one of the surprising findings from the research on consolidation?

We had a hypothesis that assumed we would find duration of disability would decrease due to coordination of care – and lo and behold numbers were the opposite – duration increased. We will get into the causes at the conference next week.

  • MCM – Thinking about the various sessions, which one will have the most long-term impact on workers compensation and why?

Two – excessive heat – this impact is external to comp system and is not going away…it is a different world.

And the changing medical workforce is going to have a long term effect – access to care specifically doctors RNs LPNs is changing . Prof Cutler will talk about changes to the healthcare workforce and what’s been happening about that – who is providing the type of care – how many providers, who owns them and hospitals it is all changing – it is not like it was 30 years ago and the effects of that will continue to impact workers’ comp.

  • MCM – There’s been what can only be described as a misunderstanding around medical costs in workers’ comp – in your mind what accounts for this? What WCRI research can help stakeholders grasp what’s really happening with medical costs?

Yes to the second question; there will be a session on medical costs and effect on inflation. At the last conference some said there is a delay in how inflation in the economy affects workers’ comp and that was why we had yet to see medical inflation…Have prices changed over time? that is how economists think about inflation…there’s also been a shift in services – where it is being delivered or changes in the types of services that also factor into pricing…location of service, intensity, utilization all affect costs

  • MCM – Drug costs have been declining for some years now – any indications this trend has ended or changed?

[Drug costs] have declined over time – [this varies] by categories of drugs, there have been decreases in some and increases in others – society helped with that change with publicity around drug issues…issuing report on this later this  year.

What does this mean for you?

Pay attention to WCRI. Their research will help you plan for the future.



Opioids in workers comp – spend is down a billion dollars.

More than 20 years ago I posted this:

Oxycontin in WC

Where are we today?

After a horrific spike in opioid prescribing for workers’ comp, the industry has done a remarkable job reducing unnecessary and inappropriate opioid usage.

Well, except for the Federal Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, which was way too late to take action.

Leaving OWCP aside (if only we could), here’s a few statistics:

Our annual Survey of Prescription Drug Management has tracked opioid prescriptions for more than a decade.

  • The 2021 Survey showed a 12.5% drop in opioid spend over the previous year.
  • Opioids represented 13.4% of all respondents’ pharmacy spend, the lowest figure in the history of this survey.
  • A decade ago, opioids accounted for 29.4% of drug spend.
  • And, a decade ago drug spend was MUCH higher than it is today.

Net – workers’ comp has reduced opioid spend by roughly a billion dollars over the last decade.

What does this mean for you?

Thousands of lives saved, families preserved, moms and dads alive, kids not orphaned, addictions avoided.

Thanks to all who have done this – you are treasured.


Good news Friday!

Here’s stuff to brighten your day…

Our cities and rural areas are getting safer.

Overall crime rates have dropped – a lot...

unless you own a Kia or Hyundai.


Murder rates are dropping as well

Net – safer cities and towns.


Business owners’ consensus view is inflation will remain near 2 percent...this from the Atlanta Fed.

Healthier people!

2 Medicaid items of note

North Carolina is expanding Medicaid – terrific news for poorer folks in the Tar Heel State. Great news for the 346,000 residents who now can actually get healthcare.

In some states, Medicaid is expanding coverage to include housing and nutrition, a major step towards improving the health of Medicaid recipients.  What I love about this is research indicates housing and food stability enable people to a) get healthier, b) focus on school and work (hard to study or work when you are hungry and living on the streets).

Kudos to the Trump Administration for jump-starting CMS’ investment in social determinants.

CMS’ move is just the latest that recognizes the critical importance of stable housing and reliable nutrition. From WaPo:

social determinants of health — essentially, the conditions in which people live — have an enormous bearing on well-being. Medical care, studies have shown, accounts for only 20 percent of the difference in patients’ health, while social risk factors are responsible for half to 80 percent.

And it’s not just Medicaid…

Last year, the National Committee for Quality Assurance, which evaluates health plans and medical practitioners, updated a data tool used by 90 percent of health plans, requiring them to report whether they have assessed patients for shortages of housing, transportation and food.

See you in Boston March 5 – 6 for WCRI…it’s sold out BUT there is a waiting list… click on the link to sign up.



A.I.: The Basics

AI is all over healthcare, from assisting in diagnosis to evaluating new medicines, from allocating resources to triage. Sure, there’s enormous potential – there’s also big risks. At last fall’s National Work Comp conference AI was all over the exhibit floor….in recent surveys HSA has conducted we have seen a dramatic rise in AI-related comments.

What’s apparent from our conversations with industry execs is this: AI is…in the eye of the beholder.

While industry folks talk about AI’s potential, they readily acknowledge their understanding is superficial at best.

I asked Jay Stith, the brains behind HSA’s analytical work – he’s also worked extensively with AI applications in his work with HSA and on the national scale for disaster prediction and preparation – to give you, dear readers, a very brief overview of what AI is, how it “works” and where it might be useful.

At its core AI represents the culmination of efforts to infuse machines with human-like cognitive functions. The engine driving AI’s transformative power is machine learning – a discipline enabling algorithms to learn from data patterns. This not only facilitates automation but also empowers AI systems to continuously enhance their performance, making them dynamic and adaptable to evolving challenges.

This potential doesn’t come without cost. Once you decide to pursue AI, launching a competent AI system requires a lot of work:

• Determining what problem you want AI to address,
• acquiring the resources (money and infrastructure) ,
• earning management and staff buy-in,
• acquiring the talent to develop AI,
• assessing/cleaning up/revising the data used to “train” AI
• developing metrics to evaluate the AI’s output
• building the AI model/tool/program/etc. structure,
• adequately training the AI, and
• then…the dreaded implementation phase.

All while navigating the tricky ethical considerations associated with AI (privacy, ownership, algorithmic bias, hallucinations, and employee displacement) and the looming threat of increases/changes in regulations.

That said…safely navigating the path will lead to much improved productivity, clinical outcomes, and lower costs for all.

More specifically, stakeholders believe AI in worker’s comp can be very beneficial throughout the workflow –from the basics like increasing speed and accuracy across the board all the way to enhancing predictive analytic capabilities and most, if not everything, in-between.

What does this mean for you?

The potential is huge but be mindful of the arduous process to get there.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

