Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


A promising new tool for physical therapy

I’m approached by lots of companies looking for advice on how to get their products/services into the workers’ comp and/or group health space…most are:

  • not exactly ready for prime time &/or
  • don’t have enough solid research behind them &/or
  • have glaring deficiencies &/or
  • just don’t feel right.

But when Bill Zachry called me about Plethy, I paid attention (disclosure – Bill is a long-time friend and colleague, has huge experience in workers’ comp, and is one of the finest people I know).

While Plethy’s Recupe is technically in the digital musculoskeletal space, Recupe is unlike other approaches in that the technology is not the focus, rather a key component of a comprehensive approach that supports physical therapists’ work with patients. Yes there’s a smartphone-based app, yes there’s a sensor that is used to help the therapist monitor exercises and recovery, yes the data can be seamlessly shared with other members of the patient care team.

In my experience devices of this kind are either driven by technologists or clinicians – both have challenges. Technologist-driven approaches often have significant clinical gaps, while clinicians’ efforts are usually clunky and hard to use.

Plethy has involved orthos, DPTs, and other clinicians in the entire development process, which has been managed/done by highly experienced tech experts with deep background in tech product development.

Tech should NEVER displace the involvement of clinical experts. Rather tech should support those experts, provide actionable information and do so with minimal hassle factor.

So far, Recupe checks those boxes.

What does this mean for you?

We are getting there…

note – I am an advisor to Plethy.


Our healthcare system is breaking.

The healthcare system is in perilous shape.

The fourth wave of COVID is pushing many workers past exhaustion, anger and frustration to despair.  If you are one of the anti-vaxxer, anti-mask, “personal freedom” people, this is on you.

Healthcare workers say:

  • “You feel expendable. You can’t help thinking about how this country sent us to the front lines with none of the equipment needed for the battle,”
  • “You look at staffing, preparedness, what the priorities were for many hospitals during the crisis, and it’s clear the industry is driven by profits rather than well-being of patients or health workers,”
  • “As psychiatrists, I think we were all seeing the warning signs. You had doctors suddenly writing their wills, talking about how they felt abandoned to die, how the only choice they faced was being called a hero or coward,”
  • “It’s hard to let go of the anti-mask thing…The worst thing is the panic you see on dying people’s faces when they realize this could be it…”
  • “There have been many healthcare workers who have not only thrown in the towel, but have said they are never coming back,”

Over half a million healthcare workers quit their jobs in August, and more have left since then. Three of every ten healthcare workers are considering quitting.

Traveling nurses in many areas are getting north of $100 an hour, while their full-time colleagues are making less than half of that. Yet traveling nurse staffing agencies have more than 40,000 unfilled vacancies.

Oh, and the average nurse is over 50 years old, and that has not been an easy 25 years with often-brutal shift hours, lots of standing, lifting and emotional stress. Combine wage disparities with the risk of bringing COVID home to family and children with the pandemic of the unvaccinated and we get…

a disaster in the making.  The toll is not only personal, it is national.

Hospitals in several states are again postponing all but emergency surgeries.

Some areas are so overwhelmed patients requiring higher-level care are being shipped out of state.

What’s truly awful about this is so much of it was preventable.

What’s even worse is the continued refusal by many to get vaccinated and wear masks. These people are destroying our healthcare system and the people who take care of us.

This is personal for me; family members are front-line healthcare workers and I see the toll this is taking on them every day.

What does this mean for you?

Get vaccinated. Wear a mask. Take responsibility. 




Don’t miss out

on WCRI’s 38th Annual Issues & Research Conference, March 16-17, 2022. Mid-March is a great time to be in Boston!  Then again, pretty much anytime is.

Register here.

on NCCI’s latest update on claim frequency and severity – spoiler alert, frequency is still declining, although it’s hard to unpack the influence of COVID from structural drivers. Hat tip to Carolyn Wise and Kevin Fernes for their helpful research and cogent explanation of the data.

More surprisingly, severity – which is workcomp-ese for costliness – declined last year – for non-COVID claims.

Also notable – and consistent with what I predicted last year COVID claims are way less costly – as in two-thirds less costly – than non-COVID claims (this isn’t about chest-pounding, rather pointing out that this was predictable – but few in the WC world have the health care/medical system insights to do so)

Also worthy of your attention, Chris Brigham MD is hosting a discussion of Post-Acute COVID via Webinar – registration is here and is complimentary.

Finally, in yet another example of the consequences of stupid, a physician who testified before Congress that Ivermectin would prevent COVID…wait for it…got COVID. As concerning, there have been 2021 1,810 cases of ivermectin poisoning in the U.S. in the first 10 months of this year, compared with 499 for the same period in 2019.

What does this mean for you?
Understanding healthcare would be really helpful for workers’ comp execs.


The giant of healthcare

UnitedHealth Group projects its 2022 revenues will be around $320 billion – that’s equivalent to 7% of total US healthcare spend. (around 80% of UHG revenues flow through as medical expenses.)

UHG is the largest of the health insurers, capturing 14.4% of total premiums – or one of every 7 premium dollars. (thanks to Jeff Kadison for the math correction)

The four largest health insurers capture 4 of every 10 premium dollars.

It also made the most profits through the third quarter of 2021 (most of CVS’ revenue is not from its health insurance business.)

For readers in the workers’ comp business, UHG’s projected 2022 medical spend  is about 8 times larger than total US workers’ comp medical spend.


Facts vs beliefs

The medical community is wrestling with ethical issues arising from vaccines.

Simply put, should unvaccinated people infected with COVID be treated differently than the vaccinated?

This isn’t just an academic exercise; here in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont, emergency rooms, critical care units, ICUs and Pediatric ICUs are stuffed full of COVID patients, almost all of whom are unvaccinated.

The Governor has issued an Executive Order intended to give hospitals more flexibility in setting up overflow units. At least two NH hospitals have postponed or halted elective surgeries as a result of the latest COVID surge.

Michigan may be in even worse shape.

The implications are real and potentially tragic.  Parents, friends, children or neighbors in car accidents, struck by heart attacks or strokes, suffering from kidney failure or pancreatitis or appendicitis or anaphylactic shock may find their local hospital doesn’t have an open bed and/or is operating short-staffed.

The latter is worsening by the day, as nurses, support staff, physicians and other clinicians are exhausted, frustrated, angry and despondent over long hours and the need to treat unvaccinated COVID patients. That and a relatively tiny number of healthcare providers have also bought into the lies perpetrated by antivaxxers, exacerbating the staffing shortage as they lose their jobs.

The exception to this discussion is for populations that have been mistreated, lied to, abused and misled by eugenicists masquerading as researchers.

The arguments for NOT treating those adults who are unvaccinated by choice (rather than due to a medical exemption) go like this…

  • the “slippery slope” argument – once we do this, then we’ll
    • refuse to treat obese people for heart disease, kidney disorders, diabetes, hypertension etc; smokers for heart disease, cancer or COPD; drinkers for liver disease – as if individual decisions with repercussions limited to that individual are the same as antivaxxers’ potential to spread infections, contribute to variant development and possibly kill family members, kids, health care workers and co-workers in the process.
      • as long as we’re talking about obesity…it isn’t
        • communicable,
        • preventable by vaccination, or
        • filling ICUs to over-capacity.
  • the false equivalency argument
    • refusing to treat the “unvaxxed by choice”? than you shouldn’t provide care to women who have unplanned pregnancies – as if a one-time event is equivalent to a person’s brazen willingness to potentially infect dozens of us.
  • the “you are violating my freedoms” argument
    • if we can ban smoking in schools, restaurants, offices, airports and public transportation, we can certainly require immunization and penalize those without valid exemptions (if you think you should be “free” to smoke in a school or medical facility, that’s a whole different issue)
      • Oh, and pets are required to be immunized against dangerous diseases, as are kids.

Which leads us to the facts vs beliefs issue.

“Beliefs” – that you are a better driver than anyone else so should be allowed to drive at twice the speed limit through a school area and your child doesn’t need to be in a child safety seat and you don’t need to wear a seatbelt and you can hold your liquor so driving buzzed isn’t a problem for you; that you know more than 99% of the experts so you won’t get vaccinated, that children don’t die of COVID are NOT facts.

And when those beliefs are demonstrably false – as the anti-vaxxers’ arguments clearly are – the moral dilemma becomes more complicated.

“Freedom” isn’t free – if you want to be free to be unvaccinated, then you – no one else but you – have decided to accept the consequences of that decision.

Actually, that’s not right – because your decision is directly affecting your neighbors, family members, and co-workers. It is directly affecting my family members who work in healthcare, people you will infect, and lives you will disrupt.

In fact, freedom from disease, from economic disruption, from grief when loved ones die – comes at a cost – and that cost – however slight – is all of us getting vaccinated.

What does this mean for you?

Spare us the false equivalencies, the slippery slopes, the my freedoms nonsense, get the damn vaccination and wear a damn mask.

And when you get COVID, stay home and don’t interfere with our freedom to be free of COVID.

A more comprehensive discussion of the arguments against vaccination is here.



I’m thankful for

The many, many good friends I’ve made over 30+ years in this business…people I would not have met if I hadn’t somehow stumbled into and stayed/got stuck here.

The passion many have to do the right thing and the privilege it has been and is to work with companies and organizations with that central objective.

Readers who challenge, confront, correct, applaud, cheer, and debate and have been doing so for 17 (!) years.

The mistakes I’ve made over the last few decades, for what they have taught me about hubris, assumptions, lack of diligence, and the power of experience.

My family – Deb, the most positive, joyful person on the planet who’s somehow tolerated me for 34 years; Erin who’s become an amazing mom, fierce advocate for her patients, and incredibly strong person; Molly whose intensity in competition is matched only by her love for and dedication to family; and Cal who has persevered in the face of overwhelming difficulties, always pushing through and never giving in.

A lot about our world is less than great these days, so it’s more important than ever to keep the good front and center.

Be well.




COVID conversations, curiosities and cures

Three-quarters of a million of our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers have died of COVID.

That is a mind-blowing number, made personal because all of us know of someone who died of the disease or has a family member that did.

Remember 9/11 killed about 3,000 of us.

Of course, the unvaccinated are dying at a far higher rate than the vaccinated, and the vaccine divide is becoming more partisan by the day. Unvaccinated English people were 47 times more likely to die of COVID than those who had been fully vaxxed for more than three weeks. 

KFF’s survey reports the race/ethnicity vaccination gap has shrunk significantly, while the partisan divide has grown over time.

Today, the most significant factor determining vaccination status is political affiliation. 

What’s sad beyond belief is this

That said, 6 out of 10 of those who identify as leaning or Republican have received at least one dose.

Thanks to Broadspire’s Marc Cunningham for hosting me on the Beyond the Claim podcast; Marc and I spoke about the impact of COVID on workers’ comp, the need for deeper understanding of medical drivers, and what the future holds.

Advocate Healthcare Aurora’s Teresa Clarke took the stage in the second episode, and dove deeper into COVID and healthcare. Teresa manages AHA’s work comp program, and has been in the trenches since day one of the pandemic.

Hat tip to Broadspire’s Chris Stephenson for handling all the heavy lifting on the pod.

Two new medications show a lot of promise in treating COVID. And no, neither are Ivermectin.

Pfizer’s Paxlovid is in the Emergency Use Authorization process; the Federal government is expected to contracted to buy 10 million doses of the medication.

When given within three days of symptoms, Pfizer’s antiviral reduced the rate of death and hospitalization by 89 percent for those at high-risk of developing severe illness.

Merck’s drug “reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by nearly half among higher-risk people diagnosed with mild or moderate illness.”

What does this mean for you?

Get vaccinated, because you might die if you don’t.


Infrastructure = jobs = premiums and claims

Three days ago President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a notable accomplishment coming after bipartisan support in Congress.  Pretty remarkable that this happened at all; past Administrations  – both Democratic and Republican that enjoyed majorities in Congress were unable to pass this desperately needed legislation.

There’s lots of good news in the Act; including: (source Business Facilities)

  • US$47 billion in climate resilience measures to protect buildings from the storms and fires that result from climate change
  • $65 billion to repair and protect the electric grid, build new transmission lines for renewable power and develop nuclear energy and “green hydrogen” and carbon capture technologies
  • $39 billion to continue and expand current public transit programs, including help that allows cities and states to buy zero- or low-emission buses
  • $66 billion to fix Amtrak and build out its service along the Northwest Corridor, in addition to building tens of millions for high-speed rail and other commuter rail
  • $7.5 billion to build electric vehicle charging stations;
  • $25 billion to repair airports to reduce congestion and emissions, encouraging the use of low-carbon flight technology

States are already targeting the funds for much-needed projects; North Carolina is getting $1.5 billion for bridge repairs,  broadband expansion, and transportation upgrades – and more dollars for other projects.

Wyoming’s roads, dams, water systems and bridges will get $2.5 billion in repairs and upgrades.

Arizona’s rapidly expanding population desperately needs new infrastructure – and big improvements to utilities especially water as well as ports of entry along the border. 

The federal Transportation Department “plans to open competition for the first round of port infrastructure grants funded by the bill within 90 days, as part of a broader effort to ease supply chain bottlenecks slowing down the delivery of goods.”

That will impact Long Beach, Savannah, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Mobile, Seattle, Norfolk and other critical ports.

The question is – how fast will these dollars translate into employment? I’d say next summer we will see a noticeable impact as plans that are already under development get funding commitments.

The Federal Highway Administration projects each billion dollars in highway funding supports 13,000 jobs.

S&P estimated a:

 $2.1 trillion boost of public infrastructure spending over a 10-year period, to the levels (relative to GDP) of the mid-20th century, could add as much as $5.7 trillion to the U.S. over the next decade, creating 2.3 million jobs by 2024 as the work is being completed.

The Act is about $1.7 trillion in spending, so we’re looking at about 1.9 million jobs. 

Of course, that is an estimate – it could be higher or lower. However, there’s no question workers’ comp will see:

  • higher premiums;
  • more claims; and
  • higher severity.

What does this mean for you?

Prepare for some much-needed growth. 


Medical drives everything

The “claim-centric” approach to handling workers’ comp claims is misguided.

Hear me out.

You’re a parent of a sick child. Her pediatrician wants her to get ear tubes and an antibiotic. The insurance company’s claims rep denies the request, instead requesting an X-Ray and Tylenol, telling you to call back in a few days if that doesn’t work.

Of course, the claim rep thinks she’s doing the right thing and has decades of experience – but no medical training, no RN or any other designation.  You appeal to your daughter’s case manager, who agrees with the pediatrician.

And the claims rep rejects the case manager’s recommendation.

24 hours later, your baby daughter has a fever and is hoarse from screaming and you are at the local ER, about to lose your mind.

This is how almost every workers’ comp payer “manages” medical treatment.

Claims reps/adjusters/examiners with zero formal medical training decide what medical care your claimants get.

They approve opioids and spinal cord stimulators because they don’t want to hear from an attorney.

They deny surgeries because, well, because they don’t think they are necessary.

They refuse to pay for behavioral health because they don’t want to “own the psych.”

They “certify” 24 visits of PT because, well, because…

Medical drives claim outcomes. Medical drives claim costs.  Medical drives recovery and return to work. Medical drives litigation. Medical drives everything.

What does this mean for you?

Would you let a claims rep determine the care your baby or grandbaby gets?

Then why do you have claims reps determining the care your claimants receive?

(shout out to an anonymous good friend who got me thinking more about this)


for hospitals, Cost ≠ Quality

Some hospitals are efficient – defined as delivering excellent care at relatively low cost, while others are quite inefficient – high cost, not great care.

Then there are the high cost and unknown quality of care facilities – but the net is this – cost ≠ quality, and quality does not cost more.

The Lown Institute has done some great research on this, and identified the nation’s 10 most efficient hospitals – the criterion being how much Medicare was charged compared to how many patients died 30 and 90 days from admission. OK, that isn’t by any stretch a comprehensive definition, but the results were revealing.

Costs ranged from $9,000 to $27,000 per patient…and if all hospitals operated as efficiently as the top 10, we taxpayers would save $8 billion each year.

Of course private payers are charged more, and pay more than Medicare. Nonetheless, efficient hospitals are going to be efficient for all payers.

Here’s the top ten.

  1. Pinnacle Hospital (Crown Point, Ind.)
  2. Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center (Reno, Nev.)
  3. MercyOne Dubuque Medical Center (Dubuque, Iowa)
  4. Encino Hospital Medical Center (Encino, Calif.)
  5. Park Ridge Health (Hendersonville, N.C.)
  6. Oroville Hospital (Oroville, Calif.)
  7. Saint Michael’s Medical Center (Newark, N.J.)
  8. UnityPoint Health-Meriter (Madison, Wis.)
  9. East Liverpool City Hospital (East Liverpool, Ohio)
  10. Maple Grove Hospital (Maple Grove, Minn.)

Curious about another hospital?  Click here to find out how it ranked.

What does this mean for you?

Knowledge is power – but only if you use it.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2024. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

