Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


Health plans are doing well – very well

As the economy started to recover and health reform measures began to be implemented in Q1 2011, health plans benefited with increased enrollment. According to industry analysts Mark Farrah Associates, “The Commercial sector saw a net gain of 1.6 million members between December 2010 and March 2011. In comparison, the Commercial sector gained approximately 388,000 between December 2009 and March 2010.” The increase contributed to an overall membership gain of 1.1% for the top seven health plans/insurers.
Across all seven health plans, which account for 41% of membership in the country, the news was generally positive especially on the profit side. Profits were up almost across the board, with United HealthGroup enjoying a 7.95% margin and Kaiser, Wellpoint, and Aetna all seeing net profits in excess of six percent. The good news continued in the second quarter; Kaiser saw a sixty-plus percent jump in profits in Q2; Cigna and Humana each had profit increases of more than thirty percent.
The PPACA’s requirement that health plans provide coverage for dependents up to age 26 added about 280,000 members for Wellpoint and less than 100k for Aetna over the year ended Marh 2011.
Medicare and Medicaid enrollment also saw gains; Medicaid’s increase was a bit more than commercial’s at 2.3%. In contrast, Medicaid grew by 13.6% during the recession, which economists consider ran from December 2007 to December 2009.
What does this all mean?
PPACA has already contributed to increased revenues for health plans
. Margins are solid across the board and look to be growing.
Membership is also on the upswing, driven partially by governmental programs but primarily by substantial increases on the commercial side.
Overall, it’s a good time to be in the health insurance business. That said, there’s a very, very different world coming and health plans will need all the free cash they can accumulate to prepare for health reform’s dramatic changes to their business models.


The Super-Committee – healthcare experts need not apply?

With nine of the twelve spots on the Super-Committee taken, it looks like energy, tax policy, and political connections (now there’s a surprise!) are well-represented. What isn’t is expertise in health care, Medicare, or Medicaid.
With House Democrats scheduled to name their three panelists by Tuesday, it’s possible that someone with real knowledge of healthcare policy will be included, but regardless of who Nancy Pelosi names, there won’t be someone from the GOP side who’s got deep experience in the issue, someone(s) who could engage in a real discussion of the issues, represent the other side’s views, and act as the ‘in-house expert’ and counsel the other members of their party.
With Medicare and Medicaid likely to account for over a quarter of the Federal budget, the absence of deep health care policy expertise is rather stunning.
The implications are well worth considering.
When one doesn’t understand the inner workings of a system, sector, industry, or business, there is a tendency to believe in the power of simple solutions to achieve desired results. For example, economists tout the power of ‘consumerism’ to control health care costs, failing to understand the negative impact of high deductibles on health status due to foregone treatment. That’s not to say we don’t need a stiff dose of personal responsibility if we’re going to control health care utilization, but there’s good – and very bad – ways to inject that personal responsibility.
Price controls are another potentially problematic measure. The SGR (mechanism designed to control Medicare physician reimbursement) has had two obvious downfalls; physicians increase utilization to offset declines in procedure-based reimbursement and politicians kowtow to powerful interests when those interests are threatened.
When those simple solutions are rolled out, the long-term effect can be exactly opposite of the desired result.
For example, back in 2004, California implemented a very low fee schedule for drugs dispensed to workers comp patients – a fee schedule that cut reimbursement by around 40%. Yet costs – which are driven by the price of the pill times the number of pills and the type of pills (e.g. OxyContin v ibuprofen) increased 72% over the next few years.
Why? Anecdotal evidence suggests that pharmacy benefit managers could no longer afford to provide clinical management services, as they were barely breaking even on each script.
Back to the Super Committee. While it’s highly doubtful Pat Toomey et al would stomach price controls, remember it only takes seven votes on that committee to pass their plan. When the horse trading starts, there isn’t anyone who can explain exactly why this or that suggestion would not work in the real, messy health care world. With a very short timetable, their staffs will have a very tough time keeping up with projections and forecasts. As the November 23 deadline nears, the pace will pick up as the pressure builds to deliver something – anything – before the deadline.
Thus we may well end up with Congress voting up or down on a ‘plan’ based not on sound policy and solid analysis but on political expediency.
Then again, that would be different exactly…how?
What does this mean for you?
Watch the Super Committee very, very carefully. And be prepared for anything.


New vs legacy work comp claims – where is our attention?

I’ve been working on a project for a client that involves, among lots of other things, determining the volume of new and legacy claims in each state. Its been rather eye-opening.
For example, Ohio – which has pretty good reporting, as one might expect form a monopolistic state – had just over a hundred thousand new claims in 2010.
And over eight hundred thousand total open claims in 2010.
Think about that – eight times more open claims than new claims. I’m sure there’s lots of good and bad reasons for this, some due to Ohio’s unique workers comp system. But this disparity, if one can call it that, isn’t limited to Ohio.
Missouri had almost four times as many open claims as new claims, and of the (very) few states that report their open claims volume, most are in the 3x range (open to new).
Perhaps this shouldn’t have come as a surprise, and maybe it’s more of a reminder than a surprise, a reminder that legacy claims are a very, very important part of work comp.
Maybe the most important part.
It seems we spend a lot of time working on new claims – reporting the claim, getting the claimant into network, figuring out reserves, determining cause, etc. All of these are important and valuable, necessary steps in the workers comp process. I’m wondering if we spent the same amount of time/effort/focus on old claims we do on newer ones what we’d get. Maybe not much, maybe a little better results, maybe a few more claims closed a bit faster.
From talking with adjusters and case managers, most view these claims as just bumping along. They’re buried in the day to day stuff, the work that’s ‘urgent’, that has to be done to hit those targets for ‘good claim handling’. Sometimes a strong focus on the ‘urgent’ leads to a lack of focus on the ‘important’.

I can already hear it – “no, we’re all over these; just looked at them; not us, we’ve got our act together.” That may well be so – but are you sure? After all, it’s likely that you’ve got something like three times as many claims on your books as you’ll get reported this year. And those older claims are where the money is.


Understanding opioid abuse

There’s a lot of myth and fiction surrounding opioid abuse, addiction, and dependence, a situation that leads to misunderstanding the drivers, and solutions to the problem. With NCCI reporting narcotics account for a quarter (about $1.4 billion) in work comp drug spend, it’s critical for adjusters, clinical staff, and execs alike to understand the issue.
There’s a CEU course entitled “Understanding Opioid Addiction and Dependence: Therapeutic Options to Improve Patient Care” that’s free for the taking. Originally developed for pharmacists, anyone can access the materials and take the tests. If you can’t take the course now, make sure you click on the link and print out the flow chart illustrating the appropriate path for screening, diagnosis and treatment of opioid dependence, print it out, and stick it up on your wall. Especially if you’re an adjuster.
A reader asked why this has become so important an issue. Several reasons.
1. Most claimants on opioids aren’t going back to work driving the school bus, operating the printing press, or moving patients in the nursing home. Getting claimants off opioids is the first step to getting the claim closed.
2. Drug costs are going thru the roof, driven in large part by overuse of narcotics.
3. There’s very little medical evidence to support the long-term use of opioids for individuals with musculoskeletal injuries. Yet many claimants are on opioids for more than three months.
Here’s a couple takeaways to get you thinking…
– Among individuals 12 years or older in 2008-2009 who used pain relievers nonmedically in the past 12 months, 55.3% acquired the drug from a friend or relative; 17.6% reported that it was prescribed by a single physician
– Evaluating opioid dependence requires an understanding of the difference between addiction, tolerance, and physical dependence.
– the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, defines substance dependence, which equates with addiction, as a maladaptive pattern of substance use over a 12-month period with evidence of 3 or more of the following
(anything here sound familiar?):

  • Drug tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • The amount or duration of use is greater than intended
  • The patient repeatedly tries unsuccessfully to control or reduce substance use
  • The patient spends much time using the substance, recovering from its effects, or trying to obtain it
  • The patient reduces or abandons important work, social, or leisure activities because of substance use
  • The patient continues to use the substance despite knowledge that it has caused ongoing physical or psychological problems

What does this mean for you?
Dealing with opioid abuse requires understanding the causes and solutions. If you handle claims or deal with injured workers, this is well worth your time.


The Health Policy Heat Wave

It’s August. Things are supposed to be slowing down, as record heat waves hit the south central part of the nation, vacations thin out offices and shorten commuting times, and parents rejoice that their beloved offspring – and their detritus – will soon be somewhere else most of the time.
(photo from
But in health policy world, the pace just picked up – a lot. Far from the summer doldrums, activity related to the debt limit, IPAB, Medicare reform and Health Exchanges is at a late-September pace.
To start us off, here are four posts focused on the recent stupidity around the debt limit expansion, and the impact of that stupidity, that merit top-of-the-fold placement.
here’s a picture of a health care exec before reading the following two posts….
First, let’s ruin your day with the scariest post of the summer (if not the year) from Bob Laszewski. Bob’s view of the debt limit deal will ruin the vacation of any provider:
“Physicians, facing a 29.5% Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) fee schedule cut on January 1, 2012, need to be really worried. That 29.5% cut is part of the existing budget baseline from which the super-committee needs to cut hundreds of billions more–much less find tens of billions of dollars to put these doc cuts off again. Hospitals … have to be in the bull’s eye this time. Drug companies are a particularly juicy target for liberals who don’t like them and conservatives who wish the Part D program had never been passed. Medicare Advantage insurers have recently been reporting record profits–not something you want to be doing when the Congress is looking for lots of cash.
While there is a 2% cap on any cuts that could occur to Medicare in the $1.2 trillion default trigger, there are no limits to what the super-committee can cut.” [emphasis added]
My view is there are going to be big cuts in provider reimbursement, which will inevitably lead to cost-shifting to private payers. That means insurers, healthplans, self-insured employers, and workers comp payers can expect higher pricing and utilization, and soon.
And here they are after reading those posts…
The prolific Maggie Mahar has posted a thorough and well-documented piece on the whole debacle, citing Paul Volcker among others to note this should have been a routine process – after all, ” George W. Bush raised the debt ceiling seven times for a total increase of 90 percent. Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times for a total increase of 199 percent, which is the highest ever percentage increase in U.S. history. So far President Obama has raised the debt ceiling three times for a total increase of 26 percent.”
Maggie quotes the AP on the potential (I think highly likely) that “payments to doctors, nursing homes and other Medicare providers could be trimmed, as could subsidies to insurance companies that offer an alternative to government-run Medicare.”
Finally, Jaan Sidorov educates us on the relationship between US Treasury ratings and health insurers, noting “With an announcement of a downgrade, millions of dollars of insurer money in reserves and surplus could evaporate.”
Gotta love David Williams’ post Health care reform in 2 short sentences. Read it.
Absent any game-changer along the lines of David’s, we’re going to have to rely on science and smart policy – which means the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Jonathan Cohn’s post at Care and Cost makes a compelling argument to not repeal, but rather retain, if not strengthen, IPAB. Jonathan notes “there’s a ton of data to suggest it [Medicare] doesn’t do a very effective job of fostering good quality”.
Which leads us to Avik Roy who contributes a post citing Cato’s Michael Cannon’s research to make the point that politicians don’t care about waste fraud and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid because it’s other people’s money. He must be talking about the GOP, as much of the ‘waste and fraud’ could have been eliminated if the GOP-led Congress and Republican President hadn’t: a) passed and signed the Medicare Modernization Act which prohibited CMS from varying payment based on efficacy of drugs and devices; b) continued the gutting of Federal outcomes research; c) passed Medicare Part D while prohibiting CMS from negotiating drug prices with pharma; and d) suspended Pay-as-You-Go rules that would have required cuts in other programs to offset the huge cost increases from these programs.
Oh, and many are now looking to kill IPAB, which promises to reduce unnecessary and wasteful spending…
Sticking with cost control, our buddy Hank Stern thinks the Institute of Medicine’s support for coverage of birth control pills at no cost to women may lead us down a slippery slope – if birth control pills are “medically necessary’, what about Rogaine?
Health Affairs contributed a thoughtful and compelling piece on the impact of ACA on employer health insurance, focusing on the McKinsey study’s conclusion that lots of employers will drop health insurance. Authored by the redoubtable Jeff Goldsmith, the post makes compelling reading. Among the more thought-provoking passages are these:
– “the large employer’s influence on benefit design has been a major enabler of escalating premiums. The main influence hasn’t been first dollar coverage, but rather their preference for open access, point-of-service plans…”
– “A surprisingly large percentage of the survey’s respondents were not aware of many specific features of the legislation that will directly affect them.”
– “it doesn’t make sense, for small employers or their workers, for small employers to continue offering coverage given these incentives.”
Health Access California’s Anthony Wright digs deep into the Exchange issue. If Jeff Goldsmith’s prognostications are right – and they may well be – the Exchanges will soon be the dominant channel for insurance distribution. Anthony’s point that “health reform cannot fulfill its promise if the Exchange is not successful” is the core of his contribution, which provides a thorough and succinct summary of what Exchanges should be.
The ever-insightful Louise at Colorado Health Insurance Insider’s got a great piece on her state’s efforts to create an unbiased Health Exchange. As an independent insurance broker, her views are reality-based and observations are keen.
John Goodman’s contribution is entitled “Everything We Are Doing in Health Policy May Be Completely Wrong”. Goodman comes to this from his review of a study focused on a change in the maximum one-time supply of drugs in North Carolina’s Medicaid program from 100 days to 34 days. Goodman posits this: “Suppose that for most poor people and most health care, time is a bigger deterrent than money.” The study isn’t available without purchase, so I wasn’t able to find out what it actually said.
WorkCompInsider’s Julie Ferguson, the progenitor of many work comp-related blogs and social media initiatives, gives comp folks a solid background on the use of social media to investigate work comp fraud, along with a treasure trove of links to sources, views, and legal advice.
Long-term contributor Roy Poses never relents in his pursuit of ethical issues in health care; his contribution for this edition is a two-part series on the for-profit hospice industry.
Roy cites a Bloomberg report suggesting that (here and here) for-profit hospices may increase revenue by aggressively recruiting patients, sometimes using deception, and sometimes including those who are not really terminally ill. However, they may then deny the latter group potentially life-saving care (because hospices are supposed to only provide palliation and improve quality of life for dying patients.) This suggests that hospices may function like real “death panels.” Yet those who have ranted about the dangers of government “death panels” have not yet shown any concern with this.
That’s not to say that health care professionals shouldn’t pay close attention to the financials – a point Brad Flansbaum makes quite compellingly in his post on the impact of medicare rates, private payers, and their impact on hospitalists.
Kirstin Siemering sends us news of a company in Nebraska that’s really, truly, totally committed to improving their employees health and wellbeing – and seeing huge returns in lower health costs, increased productivity, and higher quality.
From Amy Berman comes a cold blast of reality – she’s been diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer which has metastasized to her spine. Amy discusses a real and ongoing problem, one that greatly affects people and costs – the inability of many care givers to frankly discuss the reality of terminal illness with patients, and the resulting heroic efforts that cost billions while providing little, if any, benefit to the vast majority of patients.
Jessie Gruman’s post gets the award for best title – Our Preference in Health News: Uncertainty or Naked Ladies? Jessie identifies the issue – we want quick, we want certain, we want easy – and no, we don’t want to think. Err, I mean the folks who DON”T read HWR!
Jessie and Gary Schwitzer must’ve been experiencing the same frustration: Gary’s contribution is a video summary of his experience reporting on health journalism, the first of his five-part series that should be must-watch for any health care journalist.
The post from Glenn Laffel’s Pizaazz focuses on the impact health news/journalism can have on the patient, along with many patients’ lack of basic computer, internet, and interpretive skills – skills many of us take for granted.
Kinda/sorta related is the post from Shahid Shah; who explains what the FDA’s new draft guidance on mobile apps means to health IT vendors. It’s a great summary of what kinds of apps may or may not be considered medical devices from a regulatory perspective and is worth reading if you’re in the mHealth space.”
And now, for something completely different, we offer Jason Shafrin’s post on Brazil’s health care system.
That’s it. I’m off for a few days to Oklahoma City (what, that’s not a common vacation spot?) next week, then a family vacation to Block Island. Hope your August is good – although I’m likely partially to blame if it isn’t!


Get ready for big changes in provider reimbursement

Now that the debt limit deal is done, the hard stuff starts. While there’s been a lot of focus on the Pentagon budget and lack of revenue increases, the real heavy lifting will come when the super-committee convenes to figure out how to save the next $1.2 trillion. And their focus will be on Medicare, Medicaid, and provider reimbursement.

Because that’s where the ‘super-committee’ is going to have to find a big chunk of the additional savings required by the deal.
With Medicare and Medicaid accounting for a large and ever-increasing part of the deficit, by necessity the super-committee is going to have to look at provider reimbursement. As Bob Laszewski points out, they don’t have time to fundamentally alter reimbursement methodology, can’t change the eligibility parameters under the terms of the deal, and they are starting from a deficit projection that assumes the pending 29.5% cut in physician reimbursement is actually going to happen.
The 29.5% alone accounts for about $300 billion, so the super-committee has to find another $1.2 trillion on top of that $300 billion.
Where’s it going to come from?
Physician reimbursement under Medicare and Medicaid is going to get hammered.
Hospitals are going to see substantial cuts in reimbursement as well.
Pharma and PBMs participating in Part D are another big target, and one with less political pull in DC.
Insurers heavy in Medicare Advantage have been reporting nice earnings of late; that’s not going to escape the notice of deficit-cutters in Washington.
Expect to see means testing for Medicare as well.
What are the chances we see substantial cuts in reimbursement? I’d say about 100%.
Without higher revenues and given the requirements of the debt limit deal, there’s no other place to cut the hundreds of billions needed, and do so by Thanksgiving.
What does this mean for you?
Cost-shifting was a problem before this deal. It is about to become THE problem for private payers and workers comp insurers.


The latest on Coventry’s work comp results

The healthplan company’s Q2 earnings were released last week. If you were looking for any insights into their comp business, the Coventry release wasn’t the place to look; there was no mention of workers comp results – this despite the sector’s three-quarters of a billion dollars in revenue and outsized contributin to margin.
The big news – actually it was pretty much the only news – was not related to operations, but rather the settlement of the Louisiana lawsuit. Coventry added $0.68 to EPS after the May 31 definitive settlement agreement reduced the company’s liability in the class-action lawsuit. Originally, Coventry had reserved for the full amount of their liability, which came to $1.18 a share; the definitive agreement resulted in a substantial reduction in the company’s liability. As to the merit of the suit, my take is Coventry was mistreated; this suit couldn’t have succeeded in many places other than Louisiana, where providers’ legal power is all out of proportion to any harm they may suffer.
The workers comp operating results appear to be pretty flat, notwithstanding CFO Randy Giles’ statement that Coventry “increased our fee revenue guidance slightly for the second consecutive quarter, driven by our Workers’ Compensation Services business. We continue to be pleased with this ability of these businesses and the very valuable nonregulated earnings that they produce for the company.” (thanks to seeking alpha for the transcript)
While the company does not break out WC financials from the rest of the business, the workers comp sector is the lion’s share of the “Other Management Services” product type. Sources indicate comp is about 88% of that sector’s revenue, making Q2 revenue somewhere in the $195-$199 million range, up slightly over Q1’s $191.6 million, (which was a 4% increase over the prior year’s quarter).
Coventry remains enthusiastic about this business, characterizing its offering as the “Most complete national offering…[with a] Long-term penetration opportunity…CVH offers unparalleled integrated capabilities…[in a] fragmented industry ripe for consolidation…] (from a June 2011 Investor Presentation)
I’d disagree with their characterizations in several ways. First, Coventry is a network and bill review company first and foremost. While it does have offerings in complementary product lines, they aren’t nearly as robust, and certainly nowhere near as dominant as their PPO (their bill review operation is far from industry-dominating). Second, Coventry’s work comp revenue is growing primarily via price increases; the company has lost business of late (Broadspire’s very public split being the most noticeable) and Anthem Wellpoint’s network offering is gaining traction both within, and outside, California.
Second, their integrated capabilities are not “unparalleled” — far from it. Moreover, the market doesn’t see the value of integrating what are pretty different services under one vendor. To the extent that Coventry has been able to sell combinations of services, they’ve been doing this by offering deals – “you buy our PBM offering and we’ll offer a price reduction in these other areas.”
Finally, Coventry is not investing in this business – in fact they’re harvesting margin from workers comp, margin they need to prepare for the post-2014 world of health reform. Don’t expect them to spend anything they absolutely don’t have to on workers comp; this is a cash producer, not a long term growth business.


Physician dispensing – Exactly how much more does it cost?

WCRI’s just published another in their excellent series of reports benchmarking workers comp costs and outcomes in key states. This latest, entitled “PRESCRIPTION BENCHMARKS, 2ND EDITION: TRENDS AND INTERSTATE COMPARISONS”, provides additional insight into the difference in cost between drugs dispensed by physicians and retail pharmacies. It is based on 2006 – 2008 claims with more than seven days of lost time that had at least one script paid by work comp. Before we dig into the cost differential, there’s one item in particular deserves your attention
Here’s a direct quote:
At $1,182, Louisiana had the highest average prescription cost per claim, [emphasis added] more than three times as high as that in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and 50-70 percent higher than the states with higher prescription costs.”
Two reasons – utilization, and physician dispensing.

Well, claimants in LA received higher cost drugs, more of them, and a higher percentage of their scripts were brand drugs. Louisiana also had a ‘medium’ level of physician dispensing that had grown moderately over the study period. LA claimants were also much more likely to have carisoprodol prescribed than claimants in most other states.
In sum, claimants “filled more prescriptions for more pills per claim in Louisiana than in any other study state.”
Ok, back to the premium paid for physician dispensed scripts. Here are a couple examples.
In Florida, ibuprofen dispensed by physicians cost 48% more than when dispensed in a retail pharmacy. In Illinois, it’s 42%; Louisiana, 81%; Maryland, 63%; New Jersey 69%; Pennsylvania 57%.
Ibuprofen is a bargain compared to Soma(r) (carisoprodol); Florida’s docs were paid 464% more; Louisiana 268%; Illinois 384%; Maryland 318%, Tennessee 300%.
In total, physician dispensed drugs likely add about a half-billion dollars to employers’ workers comp costs – cost that brings no added value.
What does this mean to you?
Do you write comp in Louisiana?


Medical cost trends – good news, and bad

There’s good news and bad news in the latest projections on health care costs; last year, US health spending increased a mere 3.9 percent, due largely to the recently ended recession (people lost health insurance, and those who still had it couldn’t afford their high deductibles, and others switched to Medicaid from their group coverage after losing their jobs).
The total national health bill for 2010 hit $2.6 trillion. While the health spend did increase 3.9%, nominal GDP went up by the same amount, so health care spend as a percentage of GDP didn’t change.
That won’t last very long.
In three short years, national health spending growth is expected to reach 8.3 percent due to several factors:
– implementation of the Affordable Care Act of 2010
– expansion of employer coverage
– increased Medicaid enrollment
– associated increases in spending on drugs and physician care, driven in part by newly-insured individuals seeking care for conditions long neglected.
The year after ACA’s implementation, inflation is expected to decline to 5.3%, as effect of the one-time demand for services by the newly insured tapers off
For details, see the article in Health Affairs


Why Florida’s work comp costs are heading up

One big reason – physician dispensing of repackaged drugs.
Two stories, seemingly unrelated, appeared in the last week or so that, when read together, clearly lay out the problem.
One described the costs borne by Florida’s employers, costs much higher than necessary due to inflated costs from drugs dispensed by physicians. A loophole in the law allows doctors to dispense drugs at prices far above those for the same pills dispensed in a retail pharmacy. More on this in a minute.
So, why is this happening. In a word – money. Specifically, political connections fueled by large campaign donations from companies profiting from the current Florida fee schedule, a fee schedule that has added tens of millions in costs to Florida’s employers and tax payers.
here’s an excerpt from the article:
“Employees of one influential healthcare company, Miramar-based Automated Healthcare Solutions, accounted for $55,200, the second-highest amount of contributions to Haridopolos.
With Haridopolos’ backing, the firm was active in pushing a bill tightening reporting requirements for a prescription-drug monitoring database [PDMP]. The firm, along with Haridopolos, also unsuccessfully fought a provision restricting many doctors from dispensing painkillers in their offices.”
Now at first blush this is good news – and I’d say at second blush too. AHCS appears to be promoting a PDMP, a long- and desparately-needed tool that would enable much better tracking of narcotic prescribers, dispensers, and users by physicians, pharmacists, and, when appropriate, law enforcement. Doctors would be able to see if their patient was getting multiple scripts from other doctors; pharmacists would see if their customer was getting similar scripts filled at other pharmacies, and law enforcement’s ability to identify potentially criminal behavior would be greatly enhanced.
So far, so good.
What’s less good – much less – is AHCS’ actual business. AHCS enables physician dispensing in Florida and many other states. Which leads to the next article.
WCRI’s recent report indicates Florida’s drug costs are 45% higher than the median state, largely due to physician dispensing – not of narcotics, but the run-of-the-mill generics that make up the vast majority of work comp prescriptions. Here are some of the study’s conclusions.
– the average payment per claim for prescription drugs in Florida’s workers’ compensation system was $536 – 45 percent higher than the median of the states in the study.
– Over a two year period (2005/2006 and 2007/2008), the average cost per claim for prescription drugs in Florida increased 14 percent. By contrast, prescription costs per claim were fairly stable in most study states over the same period.
– Higher and growing costs of prescription drugs in Florida were largely due to more frequent and higher-priced physician dispensing.
– Physician-dispensing in Florida’s workers’ compensation system has been taking an increasingly larger share of prescription payments. The percentage of prescription payments for physician-dispensed prescriptions in Florida increased from 17 to 46 percent over a four year period (2004/2005 and 2007/2008)…
I’d note that WCRI’s most recent data are from 2008 – three years ago. If physician dispensing continued to grow at the same rate, we’re looking at drug costs in Florida that are probably twice as high as other states…
Here’s the net. AHCS has contributed close to two million dollars to various politicians, political campaigns, PACs, and other entities. Sure, some of their activity appears to be focused on controlling narcotics in workers comp. But most of their donations occurred back when Florida’s legislature was intent on closing the loophole that has generated millions in revenue for AHCS, AHCS’ affiliates, and AHCS’ dispensing physicians.
Nationally, physician dispensing of repackaged drugs adds more than a half-billion dollars to employers’ costs. These added costs are passed on to taxpayers, customers, stockholders, and employees.
All at a time when employers and taxpayers are struggling to get though a horrendous recession.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

