Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


The Hawaiian political charade

I received an email from an individual who attended a “hearing” on a workers comp bill in Hawai’i. It’s compelling for two reasons – it clearly illustrates the comp system’s vulnerability to manipulation by those seeking ever-greater profits and ever-lesser oversight, and the weakness and inadequacy of employers’ and insurers’ efforts to prevent that manipulation.
Here’s the perspective of Charlie Donovan – and no, Mr Donovan is not an insurance guy; in fact he works for a group of physicians that serve workers comp claimants.
“I was bothered by the fact that one of the biggest supporters of the [IME] bill, and from my understanding one of the most active participants in fundraising for Senator [Josh] Green [orthopedic surgeon and drug dispensing physician], was not only given the chance to testify, but was called upon again to answer questions in front of the committee.
I was incensed that there were 2 orthopedic surgeons with over 50 years of combined experience treating patients, performing surgery, and conducting IMEs sitting 10 feet in front of Sen. Green who were not given the time of day.
And it seemed so blatantly unfair that an injured worker who had driven in “all the way from Waianae” was given a chance to testify, but that a neurologist with over 30 years of experience who flew in from Maui to give testimony was not afforded the chance to speak.
But when testimony was closed, I looked at my watch and saw that barely 40 minutes had expired since the hearing was gaveled to order. With easily 2 dozen more people anxiously waiting to have their opinions heard, it was over.
Epiphany!!! The entire hearing had been a charade. The members of the committees who graced us with their presence (all 6 of them) were not interested at all in being educated, or in hearing what the “public” had to say. Passage of that bill was a “done deal” before anyone walked into the room, and the hearing was nothing more than an inconvenience for the committee members.
I suppose that I was naïve for thinking that “public testimony” really mattered, that years of experience, statistical data, and the opinions of other professionals would trump fundraising donations. I suppose that somewhere down deep I knew that politics was a dirty business, and that “public service” was a catch-phrase of absolutely no significance. But part of me didn’t want to admit it, until it was rammed down my throat in the most transparent piece of kabuki I have ever seen.
So while facts comes before fundraising in the dictionary, I must now begrudgingly admit something that I probably already knew – that the order is obviously quite different in the world of politics.
Like wandering behind a horse and getting kicked, this is a lesson that will not have to be taught twice.”
What does this mean for you?
Insurers and employers better get real, and fast. You are going to get your heads handed to you if you don’t stop dissembling and focus on these issues.

Workers comp is a very, very soft target for profiteering physicians and the various businesses that have sprung up to suck money out of employers’ premium checks. They are organized, very well-funded, and aggressive.
Meanwhile, insurers and employers are sitting idly by while these bad actors use your dollars to buy political influence.


Hawaii’s (likely) evisceration of the workers’ comp system

After posting last week on the politicization of the physician dispensing issue in Hawai’i, I heard from a number of stakeholders alarmed by that – and other issues.
Chris Brigham, MD, has been following what can only be described as an effort to eviscerate Hawaii’s workers comp system. He contributes these observations to MCM.
The Aloha State has been friendly to physician dispensing and to certain legislative officials, including Senator Clayton Hee, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee, receiving funding from individuals and entities associated with physician dispensing companies [Hee’s contributors were identified in MCM last week; last week I referenced a physician dispensing cost control bill that would take steps to deal with this issue, however the bill is likely to end up in the Committee and die.]
Physician practices involved in physician dispensing lobbied very actively for another bill, a bill that would effectively thwart the independent medical evaluation process in Hawaii.
HB 466 was passed this week by the State’s Joint Committee on Judiciary and Labor and the Committee on Health (chaired by Senator Josh Green, MD, who has also been the recipient of fund raising by interests aligned with physician dispensing companies.) This bill would require independent medical evaluations (IMEs) to be performed upon mutual agreement of the injured employee and the employer. The attitude and behavior of the treating physician heavily influences the patient; if the treating physician feels threatened by the IME physician, it’s likely the treating doc will advise the patient to reject the evaluation. Thus, what this bill really means is the treating doctor and employer have to agree on an IME. If there is no agreement, the evaluation is assigned by the director to a doctor from a list of qualified physicians maintained by the state.
At the hearing, a physician who heads up a large practice involved in physician dispensing stated he would be pleased to provide names of physicians qualified to be on the “list”. Interestingly, documents reveal that certain physicians charge a fee of $3500 for an IME for one of their own patients and the resulting five page report. Curious how a doctor could perform an “independent” evaluation on his own patient…
This bill also limits IMEs to one per case, unless valid reasons exist with regard to treatment. How does this deal with various issues that occur during a life of a claim and to multiple problems? What is the rationale or need for this legislation? No studies have been performed to demonstrate a problem. Hawaii has been known for high quality IME reports and, according to data published in the AMA Guides Newsletter March / April 2010; Hawaii has the highest degree of accuracy in impairment ratings in the country.
How is this state going to deal with changes that are likely to dramatically increase costs and result in delayed case closure? This is particularly problematic given Hawaii’s state budget shortfall. This legislation appears to be responding to a non-existent problem, rather than addressing any issue of questionable care. If decision makers are rational, recognize the true issues, understand there is no money to pay for the proposed needless changes, and do not make decisions influenced by who sponsors their campaigns, there is still a slim opportunity for defeat. I’m not optimistic.
In terms of thwarting bad care, could it get worst for Hawaii? Yes.
The same parties are advocating passage of a bill to allow the Director to approve treatment plans without a hearing if they are disputed by the employer, a bill to permit the Director or claimant to reopen cases even years after they are resolved by settlement if a question arises concerning undue influence or the injured worker’s mental competence, and a bill to allow attorney’s fees to be awarded if a claim is prosecuted or defended without good cause. Attempts to bring evidence-based medicine to Hawaii have been thwarted.
What does this mean for you?
Beware of strategies by certain stakeholders who are attempting to alter the workers’ compensation system through legislation to be more “friendly” to them – even if it results in increased costs (human and financial).
Recognize that some of these stakeholders may well be seeking influence through contributions to key legislative decision makers; Money talks. Recognize despite its beauty, not all is perfect in Hawaii – it is a wonderful place to visit, however you probably would not want to have a business or be injured there.


Physician dispensing comes to Connecticut

Inflated costs for employers and insurers, higher taxes for state residents, and riskier medical treatment for injured workers – all are on the horizon if Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Commission Chairman Mastropietro allows physicians to dispense repackaged drugs to injured workers.
Mastropietro held a hearing yesterday where 4uDoctor attempted to convince all in attendance that the inflated cost of physician-dispensed repackaged drugs is actually a good deal.
Most weren’t buying their claims, nor should they. On the contrary, as their website states, 4uDoctor highlights their ability to”Generate significant additional ancillary revenue” for physicians.
4uDoctor’s claims for patient benefits are easily debunked.
There’s NO evidence that physician dispensing improves compliance, speeds return to work, or improves outcomes. None. Zilch. Nada. In fact, Chairman Mastropietro may want to focus on the patient safety issue; here’s why.
Work comp claimants are usually treated by docs that haven’t seen the claimant before the occupational injury; this almost always is the case in Connecticut where most employers can send injured workers to physicians who specialize in treating work comp conditions. While the WC doc certainly asks about prior medical history, current medications and the like, it is not uncommon for patients to forget which meds they take or be unable to accurately identify their drugs.
Not so big an issue if the claimant goes to their usual pharmacy, where the system will identify any potential conflicts and notify the dispensing pharmacist.
A bigger issue arises if the treating doc doesn’t get the full story, prescribes and dispenses meds that conflict with the claimants’ other meds. Then, the patient may be harmed, and because this harm comes as a result of treatment for a work comp injury, the employer is on the hook for any additional medical care.
To further rebut 4uDoctor’s argument for patient benefits, note that their dispensing is only for workers comp patients. Why can’t the docs’ other patients benefit from “improved compliance…convenience…confidentiality”? Perhaps it is because Medicare and group health plans won’t pay inflated prices, but work comp payers may be forced to (if the Commission doesn’t do the right thing).
What does this mean for you?
Physician dispensing drives up costs for employers, increases taxes, and kills jobs. This is little more than a big money-maker for a few, paid for by the rest of us.

If you agree, please pass this on to the Connecticut Workers Compensation Commission Chair at


The healthcare economist’s view

Jason Shafrin’s hosting this fortnight’s edition of Health Wonk Review, covering issues from birth control to Sen Santorum’s health care platform.
One notable entry is Maggie Mahar‘s observations on the cost – or lack thereof of contraception: “A 2000 study by the National Business Group on Health estimates that not providing contraceptive coverage in employee health plans winds up costing employers 15% to 17% more than providing such coverage.”


Santorum on health care – fiscally conservative or not?

Now that Rick Santorum has grabbed the hot potato known as the ‘GOP presidential race front-runner‘, it’s time to learn about his stance on health care, his platform, and his history.
Let’s start with past history; while platforms and political statements are kinda interesting, it is always instructive to see what candidates did before they became candidates.
Before we dive in, let’s remember our guy Rick is an avowed small-government fiscal conservative. (SGC).
Got that? OK, off we go!
First, SGFC Santorum voted for Medicare Part D, even while acknowledging he didn’t like the lack of any funding for the handout to the elderly. FYI – Part D’s share of the nation’s debt is now over $16 trillion
While in the Senate, SGFC Santorum worked his butt off to to include extra spending in a Medicare overhaul for hospitals in Puerto Rico. The extra spending, funded by taxpayers to the tune of $400 million, would have directly benefited Universal Health Services, a hospital management company based in his home state of PA. Santorum wasn’t entirely successful but that didn’t stop him from reaping the benefits of the revolving door; according to newspaper accounts, “Within months of leaving the Senate, SGFC Santorum joined the board of Universal Health Services, where he collected $395,000 in director’s fees and stock options before resigning last year.”
Santorum’s platform is best characterized as “platitudinous” – rife with paeans to the wonders of the free market, personal choice, doctor-centric care and other blather, along with the standard rants describing “Obamacare” as “cruel”, “one-size-fits-all”, “job-destroying”. But there’s nothing substantive beyond calls for repealing Obamacare and making Medicaid a block-grant program.
Noticeably, the platform of this champion of the free market does NOT mention SGFC Santorum’s support for Paul Ryan’s Medicare voucher system. A more public acknowledgement would be unwelcome among the over-65 set, and likely wouldn’t endear him to his UHS buddies either.
Oh, Santorum does echo the usual Republican call to allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines, as if this amazingly-naive approach would actually do anything to address cost or increase choice, while hypocritically denying states’ rights to control heath insurance within their borders (wait…isn’t Santorum in favor of states setting their own health care policies?)
One of the more trenchant reviews of Santorum’s platform is fromDavid Williams; his dissection of Santorum’s health care tenets is well worth considering:
“It’s interesting that he’s calling for universal, affordable access. Sounds a lot like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The only difference is this piece about “government bureaucrats.” I wonder what specific elements of PPACA he means by this -because I don’t see a lot of interference in “health care decisions” in the Act relative to the pre-PPACA days.
It’s hard to argue with the idea of “targeted” and “patient-centered” solutions. And actually, that’s the path taken by PPACA. Didn’t opponents criticize the length of the bill? A lot of that is because there are many different targeted approaches taken: some for individuals, others for small business, others for medium sized organizations, still others for large entities. Other targeted interventions are in place for high-risk patients…”
One last thing. SGFC Santorum also doesn’t believe in evolution.
Oh my.


Money buying bad policy – the Hawai’ian version

Florida appears poised to restrict overcharging for physician dispensing of repackaged drugs to workers comp patients, so dispensing companies are looking for greener pastures.
One that looks promising indeed is Hawai’i, where physician dispensing exploded onto the scene last year, with several physician offices jumping into the business. And these docs didn’t start out slowly; no, they enthusiastically entered into this new opportunity to “improve patient care and increase compliance” by prescribing and dispensing drugs to large numbers of workers comp patients. It is unclear whether this desire to improve patient care and increase compliance led these physicians to dispense drugs to their Medicare and group health patients; hopefully some enterprising legislators or reporters in the Aloha State will find out.
Outside of the palm trees, sandy beaches, and salutary climate, there are some eerie parallels between Florida and Hawai’i, specifically the early and aggressive lobbying – and political contributions – of companies and individuals profiting from physician dispensing.
We’ll focus on one individual in particular – Sen. Clayton Hee, a Democrat. Sen Hee happens to be Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee Chairman. That would be the Committee where a bill intended to cap the costs of physician dispensed drugs was tabled (and effectively killed for that session).
Hee raised more money than any of his colleagues during the six-month filing period ended Dec. 31, raking in $68,800.
More than half ($38 grand +/-) came from individuals and entities affiliated with, related to, employed by, or clients of “physician dispensing technology company” Automated Healthcare Solutions.

You’ve got to admire AHCS’ bipartisanship; Hee is an avowedly liberal Democrat, while AHCS’ contributions in Florida have gone to very conservative Republicans.
The $38 grand is peanuts compared to the $3 million spent by AHCS et al in an effort to keep their Florida business alive and prospering.
The bill has been “carried over” to this year’s session, and is currently making progress through the various committees. Unfortunately, it will end up before Senator Hee’s committee, where, in all likelihood, it will die for lack of attention. You can track the bill’s progress – or lack thereof — here.
What does this mean for you?
Physician dispensing of repackaged drugs is coming to your state, or more likely, is already there. If Florida caps the cost, you can be assured physician dispensing in your state is about to increase – by a lot.


Repeal of the mandate; Bad news for workers’ comp?

If the requirement that every individual have health insurance is overturned by the Supreme Court, workers’ comp costs will increase over the near term and get worse from there.
If the mandate sticks, costs will likely moderate somewhat, then increase at a lower rate. Here’s why.
First, it may not be why you think; work comp costs won’t come down because people with health insurance are less likely to file WC claims (the theory being those without insurance are more likely to try and get comp to cover a non-occupational injury). In fact, studies indicate those with insurance are less likely to file a comp claim, although the correlation appears to be statistical and not causal. For a more in-depth discussion, click here. [opens pdf]
Healthier claimants
What may well be the most significant long-term impact of reform is the likelihood that workers will be healthier, their underlying conditions and comorbidities will be addressed by their health plan, and therefore comp payers won’t have to pay for treatment of those conditions in order to resolve the work injury. Think diabetes and surgery…
This is particularly true for smaller employers in states such as Texas and Florida which have large proportions of working-age people with no health insurance; work comp insurers focused on small businsses may well find their outlook looking rosy under reform.
In addition, several studies (here and here) indicates those with health insurance tend to be healthier than those without. Healthier people heal faster, more good news for work comp.
Degenerative conditions
For some diagnoses, identifying the cause of the injury is becoming increasingly problematic. It is often difficult for a physician to determine the ’cause’ of back pain or dysfunction; it may, or may not be wholly or partially related to a work injury and different physicians often reach different conclusions about the cause of injury. While reform won’t clear up those medical mysteries overnight, it will reduce the need for comp payers to pay for what are clearly non-work-related conditions.
Less need to cost shift
Workers comp is the most profitable payer for many facilities; margins are much higher for comp than for Medicaid (which pays below cost) and Medicare (which pays right around cost). When more people have health insurance, there will be less need to shift cost to workers comp to cover the expense of providing care to the uninsured. Sure, the Accountable Care Act will not cover everyone, but it will cover about two-thirds of those currently without health insurance. And most of those newly-covered folks will be the employed (and dependents thereof).
There’s a complicating factor – or rather multiple factors that make the real picture a bit too muddy to clearly project the impact of reform on cost shifting. For example, Medicaid will expand significantly (in fact it already has). While that’s good because providers are now getting paid something for some portion of the care they use to do for free, it may well be that they deliver a lot more care to a lot more people – all at below-breakeven rates.
With that said, it remains to be seen if the mandate stays, goes, or, if it goes, takes the entire Accountable Care Act with it.
What does this mean for you?
Regardless, it is clear that the more people there are with health insurance coverage, the better it is for workers comp payers. And if the mandate goes away, the percentage of workers with health insurance will undoubtedly be less than if it doesn’t.


Opioids – one insurer’s (successful) approach

While many workers comp insurers and TPAs are lamenting the problems of overuse and abuse of opioids, some are actually implementing solutions. While no one can claim they’ve got this solved, there are some promising approaches.
One of the more sophisticated and comprehensive opioid programs was recently implemented by the Accident Fund and their subsidiaries. It involves early identification of opioids dispensed to claimants, rapid notification of adjusters, and peer-to-peer intervention in claims identified as high priority.
The program grew out of a research collaboration with the Occupational Medicine Division at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine that linked pharmacy data to claims data; the findings revealed a strong link between opioid use and extended disability duration. Equally important, the research team, led by the Accident Fund’s Jeffrey Austin White, determined the number of scripts for opioids “were increasing at a rate of 10% per year across the enterprise since 2006 and dominated the top 5 list of most used drugs by 2008.”
Accident Fund Holdings Inc. (the parent company of the Accident Fund, CompWest, United Heartland, and Third Coast Underwriters) is using an internally-developed software application called “Care Analytics” to monitor incoming pharmacy records in “near real-time”, looking for triggers and patterns that indicate a potential for abuse. When a potentially problematic transaction is flagged, the appropriate adjuster is immediately notified. Depending on the specifics of the claim and the transaction, a nurse case manager and/or the Medical Director may also be notified.
There’s a good deal of peer-to-peer intervention in the program, and to date its been quite successful. According to Paul Kauffman, RN and director of Accident’ Fund’s medical management programs, “Over 70% of our providers have been willing to adjust treatment protocols and monitor the use of opioids by our injured workers…over five percent [of claimants identified] have been weaned from narcotics and are already back to work.”
By no means is this an easy process, and it can be complicated by workers comp regulations and laws that don’t promote effective approaches to addressing opioid abuse and addiction in workers comp. This has to change; the Hopkins-Accident Fund research indicated that workers prescribed even one opioid had average total claims costs 4 to 8 times greater than claimants with similar claims who didn’t get opioids.
I should note that I’ve been working with Accident Fund and their affiliated companies for some time, however I was only tangentially involved in this program. That said, it is obvious that one of the key factors driving the success of this program has been strong and consistent support from senior management, in this case Chief Claims Officer Pat Walsh.
What does this mean for you?
Solving the opioid problem is absolutely realistic, but it requires strong senior management support, careful use of intelligent analytics, and coordination across multiple areas within the payer.


Coventry’s 2011 financial results

Coventry Health announced their full-year 2011 results this morning; I’d have to sum it up as quite positive, driven primarily by big Medicaid and Medicare revenue increases. There’s no question where management is focused – with CMS programs accounting for half of the company’s revenue and essentially all of their growth, management’s focus on the call was almost exclusively on governmental programs with some discussion of the impact of health reform.
Most interesting was the continuation of lower medical utilization and lower medical costs into Q4, especially in the inpatient admissions and days across both Medicare and commercial populations. Chairman Alan Wise did note there’s been a slight uptick in physician utilization, but this was outweighed by the decline in facility services.
Geographically, it is increasingly clear Coventry is focusing on their core Midwest states, with expansions in governmental programs, deals with provider systems, and specifically successful efforts to increase their Medicaid business in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and (not strictly speaking a midwest state) Kentucky.
The commercial business is not faring as well, with essentially flat membership for the year; premium increases resulted in an 8% uptick in revenue. The work comp sector is not growing much – more on that below.
Coventry’s utilization trend was consistent with other payers, yet their overall cost trend is a couple points higher than other health plans at high single digits. This appears to be unit cost driven (no surprise), although CFO Randy Giles did state health reform increased trend by up to 200 basis points specifically from eliminating deductibles and copays for preventive services. Seems like an awful lot to me; I can’t see how preventive care deductibles and copays could possibly amount to 200 basis points in losses.
Coventry re-negotiated their Medco pharmacy contract (for their non-workers comp business) and got better terms and an extension, with Medicare through 2015 and commercial a year longer.
On the workers comp front, the loss of a large customer dropped revenue 3%; word is that was the ESIS contract. Management did note that the $1.1 billion in management services/fee revenue is higher margin and provides cash for investment and acquisition activities.
Charles Boorady did ask the only question about workers comp, asking what drove the loss of the large customer – Mike Barr [sp?]is the new manager of the overall services business so Wise deferred to him. WC is an area they’re looking to grow, as it is unregulated revenue it is a ‘great place to be’. Barr said they lost their second largest group due to a competitive environment, noting there was “nothing specific with WC that created the issue, as a line it runs well.” [paraphrase] He went on to note Coventry is centralizing some operations to consolidate especially in areas where there’s no network.
Management said that while Coventry lost the overall contract, some employers (likely administered by ESIS) are looking to come back and work directly with Coventry, and Coventry is working on those opportunities. In commenting on the work comp sector, Wise said it is a stable and slightly growing business, it is an accident based business and in tough environment it has continued to add revenue slightly and ebitda a bit. In response to a question, Barr said they lost the business on price.
What are the key takeaways?
Governmental business is increasingly important – and that’s where the focus will be for the foreseeable future.
Coventry’s trend seems to be just a tad higher than their larger competitors.
MLR rules and the effect thereof are still working their way thru the system; it will be interesting to see how small employers react when they get their rebate checks later this year.
Expect Coventry’s work comp sector to push hard to increase revenue from existing and add new customers.


Acquisitions in the offing?

Word is the recent flurry of acquisitions and mergers in the work comp services industry isn’t likely to taper off any time soon.
Genex is reportedly up for sale, Injured Workers Pharmacy has seemingly been in play for months, a major managed care firm may be in play, and there is significant activity on the part of investment firms looking to buy into the PBM space.
This comes on the heels of MSC’s purchase of complex care firm Total Medical Solutions, York’s purchase of JI Companies, and the sale of Paradigm Services to an investment firm (one without much experience in workers comp), all taking place just last month, not to mention 2011, a very active year for work comp deals.
Among the likely acquirers are investment firms eager to jump into what looks like a business ripe for consolidation and automation, as well as current players seeking to add assets and services to their portfolio of companies/products/services. Expect ISG Holdings to be especially active; with Stratacare and Bunch already onboard they are positioned well to expand into related service lines.
The spate of activity may slow for a bit as sellers seek higher valuations than the current 7x EBITDA (+/-) that is around average these days, this typically happens as owners see other deals done, want to get in on the gravy train, and believe their company offspring is more valuable than others they’ve seen sold. But, with the threat of an increase to capital gains coming at the end of this year, there’s a big incentive for owners to cash out now and save big dollars in tax expense.
What does this mean for you?
Perhaps a bit of distraction, which may open up opportunities for vendors/service companies who can stay focused on their customers’ needs.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

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