Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


What happened to the work comp Medical Director?

Late in 2011 I predicted medical directors would begin to assume more authority and responsibility as workers’ comp insurers/TPAs realized the significance of medical management.

Boy was I wrong.

My thinking was logical (I know, that was my first mistake); with medical expense totaling three-fifths of claims expense, the powers-that-be would realize that managing that medical expense required medical expertise.  Ergo, doctors (well, some doctors) should be heavily involved – in leadership roles – in managing that expense, setting policy, allocating resources, leading that effort.

Alas, with a few notable exceptions (Hartford, Broadspire), docs aren’t sitting in the big offices. Most are in high-level-but-primarily-supporting roles – advisers, conference speakers/representatives, in-house consultants, client and prospect presenters – while filling the traditional function of in-house medical expert addressing UR determinations and responding to claims queries.

That’s no knock – none at all – against the folks in the medical director role.  I know a few pretty well and others a bit; they are very knowledgeable, thoughtful, extremely capable, and way under-utilized.  That’s not to say they aren’t incredibly busy, but all too often they are busy doing things that, while necessary and important, aren’t the highest and best use of their expertise. More importantly, they aren’t setting policy and strategic direction for medical management – that remains the purview of business/claims folks.

Again, that’s not to say many claims folks are incompetent or unskilled or not capable.  That’s not my point.

My point is simply this – medical management is increasingly important, yet most workers’ comp payers’ claims operations are run by folks who grew up in an industry where indemnity was deemed (appropriately) more important. They know and understand that world very well, and are well-equipped to deal with claims in that environment.  Payer CEOs appear to view medical expertise as a supporting function.

The world has changed, dramatically. It is now 2013, yet medical management in workers’ comp is dominated by huge networks of deeply-discounted providers; results are measured by how much payers can squeeze out of providers on every bill (ignoring the services on that bill or how many bills come in) and how much margin their in-house “medical management” unit generates for the enterprise.  Moreover;

Outcomes are a sound bite with little meaning beyond RFP responses and conference Powerpoints.

Medical management directors are evaluated based on the totally-wrong-headed percentage of savings model.

Non-medically expert claims personnel are tasked with making critical decisions about medical services, decisions for which they are woefully unprepared and unqualified.

So, any surprise that medical costs are escalating, opioid use has reached epidemic proportions, back surgeries are far more prevalent in comp than other lines, utilization continues to increase, and loss ratios are way above 100%?

There’s another contributor to this situation – the hoary meme that doctors can’t manage or lead.  That is sooooo nineteen-nineties.

Fact is doctors are leading many organizations and business units within those organizations – and doing a damn good job.  Think Mayo, Lahey Clinic, Oregon (Governor is a physician), CDC, Wellpoint, Partners (Boston), United HealthGroup, McKesson Health Solutions, CVS/Caremark – and many others.  I know several workers’ comp medical directors that are more than capable of sitting in bigger chairs behind bigger desks, yet they aren’t.

Once again, we in the work comp world are stuck in the past.

What does this mean for you?

Those payers that recognize the critical importance of medical will be more successful than those that do not.  And that means putting medical directors in positions of authority and responsibility. 


Austerity’s impact on public health

A new book reports on the impact of financial austerity measures on public health, suicide rates, hospital admissions, and other measures of morbidity and mortality.  The news is striking – countries that adopted severe austerity measures have seen rapid deterioration of citizens’ health status, while those that dealt with financial trauma in a more measured way avoided those consequences.  In a piece in today’s NYTimes, they  contrast two recent financial disasters – Greece and Iceland – and the impact of their austerity programs on public health.

Lest you think this has nothing to do with we Americans, think “sequester”.  More on that in a minute.

Severe austerity measures in Greece have produced similar consequences for public health –

“Greece[‘s] national health budget has been cut by 40 percent since 2008, partly to meet deficit-reduction targets set by the so-called troika —  the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank — as part of a 2010 austerity package. Some 35,000 doctors, nurses and other health workers have lost their jobs. Hospital admissions have soared after Greeks avoided getting routine and preventive treatment because of long wait times and rising drug costs. Infant mortality rose by 40 percent. New H.I.V. infections more than doubled, a result of rising intravenous drug use — as the budget for needle-exchange programs was cut. After mosquito-spraying programs were slashed in southern Greece, malaria cases were reported in significant numbers for the first time since the early 1970s.”

While Iceland’s more measured approach has had little impact on their citizens’ health status –

“Iceland avoided a public health disaster even though it experienced, in 2008, the largest banking crisis in history, relative to the size of its economy. After three main commercial banks failed, total debt soared, unemployment increased ninefold, and the value of its currency, the krona, collapsed. Iceland became the first European country to seek an I.M.F. bailout since 1976. But instead of bailing out the banks and slashing budgets, as the I.M.F. demanded, Iceland’s politicians took a radical step: they put austerity to a vote. In two referendums, in 2010 and 2011, Icelanders voted overwhelmingly to pay off foreign creditors gradually, rather than all at once through austerity. Iceland’s economy has largely recovered, while Greece’s teeters on collapse. No one lost health care coverage or access to medication, even as the price of imported drugs rose. There was no significant increase in suicide. Last year, the first U.N. World Happiness Report ranked Iceland as one of the world’s happiest nations.”

Which brings us home to the US.

Sequestration’s impact on public health has been well-documented.  What I find really troubling is how fast Congress and the President reacted to air traffic delays – it took them less than a week – compared to their total inactivity on Head Start, addiction treatment, inoculations, and staffing cuts.

Good to know we abide by the Golden Rule:

He who was the Gold, rules.


This biweekly edition of health Wonk Review covers the recent news that health care cost inflation has moderated, digs into various aspects of ACA implementation, and provides insights on a couple other timely topics.  Read on!

Health care cost trends are slowing…

First up, Health Affairs’ just-released research indicates the decline in inflation could result in a reduction of $770 billion (yup, that’s “billion” with a B) in public program health care costs over ten years.  

I can hear the cheering…

For those looking for a thoughtful and comprehensive consideration of the sustainability of this trend, consider this post from John Holahan and Stacy McMorrow of the Urban Institute; “All of these factors taken together suggest that a return to a high historic growth rates in health care spending may not materialize….we…are cautiously optimistic.”

John Roehrig is less optimistic, using research into economic cycles and related factors to come to a conclusion that “I don’t think either of these studies suggests that spending growth is likely to remain at the 4 percent levels seen over the past four years. [emphasis added] Some portion of the slowdown is permanent but some will be given back during a recovery.

I’ve reviewed these and several other reports, and my takeaway is guarded optimism.  Sure, the economy reduced demand, but there’s no question there are fundamental changes occurring that are affecting care delivery, pricing, and reimbursement.  

While drug costs are not top-of-mind these days, a group of oncologists is plenty cranky about the cost of specialty meds intended for cancer patients.  David Williams gives us his take, quoting one section of the doctors’ opinion piece: ““In the US, prices represent the extreme end of high prices, a reflection of a “free market economy”.

One cannot talk drugs without talking marketing to docs; Gary Schwitzer has highlighted an innovative marketing approach involving Hooters… If you don’t follow Gary, you should.

One area that researchers are paying close attention to is facility costs; Brad Flansbaum’s entry; Brad discusses the problems inherent in reducing costs in the hospital environment – “Most providers employed by hospitals know the drill: increase throughput, implement regulatory changes, monitor hospital measurement and report cards, and of course, reduce costs.  However, despite the growth of “hospital as laboratory” and rise of the inpatient practitioner, we must face facts.  We receive our salary from the beast we wish to slay.” [emphasis added]

Sticking with hospitals, a recent WSJ opinion piece assaulted Medicare’s new hospital re-admissions reimbursement policy; the John Hartford Foundations’ Chris Langston presents a clear-eyed, point-by-point rebuttal that shows why the program is a necessary and important step to improving health care for older adults. The net? The reduction in reimbursement for re-admitted patients appears to be good policy and will likely drive improvements in patient care and quality. 

Implementing reform

A big part of reform’s implementation involves exchanges; Louise Norris ofColorado health Insurance provides a brief overview of the progress his state has made: “Less than a year after the ACA was signed into law, Colorado began the – often contentious – process of creating the state’s exchange.  They’ve been working on it pretty much constantly ever since.  And the result is Colorado’s health insurance exchange is on track to open on time and provide all of the promised services:  small business and individual sales platforms, with an option for employees to select from multiple plan options in the small business exchange.  Jay hasn’t seen data from DC and the other 16 states that opted to run their own exchanges, but guesses they’re also faring relatively well,

Interestingly, the move to electronic health records (EHR) may well lead to higher costs, as providers get better at coding, payers end up paying for more stuff.  That’s one  takeaway from Jonena Relth’s submission on EHR and a recent teleconference on same.

The changes in delivery models may well lead to long-term cost reductions, however patient involvement will be key.  Jason Shafrin’s contribution contemplates the issues inherent in informing Medicare patients they’ve been assigned to an ACO; many may not know…

Neil Versel has also contributed a piece on consumer awareness – or more accurately the lack thereof.  His piece refers specifically to ignorance about telemedicine, and what the industry must do to reduce that ignorance

For those seeking more info on Medicare and the often-mind-numbingly-confusing array of programs, acronyms, and payment schemes, Joanne Conroy MD’s post offers a simple overview of the program.

Writing at, Wendell Potter doesn’t see the possible decision of some large insurers to avoid the exchanges as much of an issue; “The number of insurers that participate in the exchanges will vary from state to state, but there should be no shortage of affordable options available, especially when the subsidies – which will be available only for coverage purchased through the exchanges – are factored in.”  Wendell cites Vermont as an example; there are only two likely participants but both have submitted rates that are quite competitive with current products.

Motivations and motivators

Then there’s the motivation of big health plans and their leaders – can you spell M-O-N-E-Y?  I thought you could…The always-engaged Roy Poses MD has two posts; one discussing UnitedHealth’s CEO, his compensation, and UHG’s rather checkered recent past and issues of quality, physician oversight, and patient safety.  Ouch.  Similar concerns exist regarding Amgen’s executive compensation and their recent legal troubles.  

An interesting perspective on the same issue comes from Jaan Sidorov MD MHSA; Jaan wonders if the policy of “no pay for readmissions” could translate into shoddy care for patients who, despite the best of care, still have to be readmitted; If you had to be readmitted through no fault of anyone, wouldn’t YOU want your doctors to be compensated for taking care of you?

Thanks to Maggie Mahar for her post on breast cancer awareness – an effort that I (and others) think has had some significant negative consequences.  Maggie says: “Could it be that breast cancer arareness has become over-awareness? This isn’t happening in other countries. Then again, we are better at marketing fear than any other country in the world. And the pink ribbon campaign is all about marketing.”[emphasis added]

Side-bar note – I’ve long been a critic of the male version of breast cancer awareness; the prostate cancer scare, those who profit from it, and their well-intentioned but harm-causing supporters.

Research says…

John Goodman thinks a recent analysis of Oregon’s Medicaid program is a damning indictment of Obamacare; “a new study finds that (as far as physical health is concerned) there is no difference between being in Medicaid and being uninsured.”

Ezra Klein has a different take on that study; while there’s no question many health status measures did not differ between the Medicaid insureds and uninsured’s, depression was 30% lower among the insured group.  More significantly Ezra notes a wealth of other research has found Medicaid coverage does tend to improve health status.

Thanks to Vince Kuraitis and Leslie Kelly Hall for their editorial on the “duty to share” patient information with the patient.  In the US and the UK, providers have excessive incentives to “hoard” patient data and insufficient incentives to “share” it.  Consistent with a recently released report in the UK, they authors recommend development of an explicit duty to share patient information and discuss barriers and implications.

from the Work Comp World

WorkCompInsider’s Jon Coppelman thinks Massachusetts’ Governor Deval Patrick’s idea to tax workers’ comp indemnity (wage replacement) benefits.  This in a state where those benefits are already inadequate – at best. 

Bad idea, Your Honor.

Mike Allen alerts workers’ compensation payers to the need to prepare for reform; while PPACA doesn’t specifically address workers’ comp, there are a host of implications – especially for tech platforms.

Today’s tech topic

David Harlow’s piece focuses on Massively Open Online Medicine, showing just how diverse – and informed – HWR contributors are. If health sensors and wearable devices do become prevalent, it will likely take a lot of time – and a lot of change by a lot of people and institutions.


Health inflation is down – and may stay down

There appear to be several reasons for the decline in the health care cost inflation rate with a poor economy and resulting job loss and changes in benefit design often cited – rightly – as chief contributors.  There’s some fear that an improving economy and higher employment will return us to the ugly days of 7+ percent health inflation rates.

Possibly. However there are indicators that changes to provider-payer contracts, a reduction in unused facility capacity, growth in medical homes and ACOs, changes in reimbursement methodologies, and less reliance on new technology are having an impact. These factors, and others unknown, look to be responsible for more than half of the decrease in inflation.

Here’s how the authors of a recent article in Health Affairs put it:

“we believe that current trends support cautious optimism that the spending slowdown may persist—a change that, if borne out, could have a major impact on US health spending projections and fiscal challenges facing the country, among other factors.”

The implications are vast.  At the highest level, lower medical trend allows employers and their employees to use cash for other purposes, alleviates some of the pressure for Medicare reform and reduces deficit and debt projections.

This last may be the most significant implication – an analysis indicates public-sector health spending over the next ten years may be $770 billion lower than projections.  

What does this mean for you?

Those of us with grey hair and fading eyesight have seen too many of our hopes for cost control crushed to get overly excited.  Nevertheless, this is far better than the proverbial stick in the eye…



Health care spending is stabilizing – why?

There have been a plethora of reports of late indicating health care spending trend has decreased significantly – to an average of 3.9 percent since 2009; the trend appears to be continuing today.  This after annual increases ranged from 6.2 to 9.7 percent between 2000 and 2007.  While there’s no denying an increasing portion of costs have been borne by insureds dealing with higher out-of-pocket costs, there’s something else going on here.

The question is – what?

The quick answer is – several things.

First, the continued sluggish economy; recent research published by the Kaiser Family Foundation attributes about three-quarters of the decline to the recession; others think it is only about a third.

Second, increased deductibles and co-pays account for about a fifth, according to some researchers.

More encouraging is the sense (and it is ONLY a sense) that the new contracts between insurers and providers are partially responsible.  

Health plans and providers (mostly health care systems) are increasingly basing reimbursement less on fee-for-service and more on accountable-care type methodologies, wherein providers benefit from delivering less, not more care.  The evidence for this is best described as “anecdotal data”; several health plans are reporting lower inpatient admissions, reduced length of stay, fewer expensive procedures, more generic meds, better care for chronically ill patients along with fewer acute episodes.

This is a big deal – a very big deal.  We will be digging into this for the rest of the week.


Coventry’s last earnings report

I’ll admit it, I’ve been slacking…It’s now five days since Coventry released their last-ever earnings report, and I’m only now posting on it.  Mea culpa; too darn much work. Here are a few quick takeaways followed by my perspective on the company and their results this quarter. 

(and so much for my title for the Q4 earnings report as the “last ever…”)

  • Very solid earnings – up 61% from the prior year quarter.  Pretty impressive.
  • Revenues were flat after some Medicare Advantage bookkeeping stuff
  • Commercial membership – and revenues – are down again.
  • Medical loss ratios (MLR) for Commercial risk and Medicaid are looking very good, improving substantially over the previous quarter; Part D is not.
  • Workers’ comp revenue is down substantially.

Let’s start with work comp (sorry David Young).  2012 was a tough year – revenue  decreased $26 million or 3.3 percent from the prior year. And Q1 was no improvement; revenues declined almost $8 million from the previous quarter; $16 million from the same quarter in 2012.

The main driver was likely pharmacy; the full impact of the loss of ESIS’ PBM business to Progressive was felt; the numbers may also reflect the USPS’ decision to change from Coventry’s FirstScript PBM to PMSI. Because ALL pharmacy revenue counts as “top line”, losing a PBM customer has a disproportionate impact on financials – just as winning one does (First Script won the Selective Insurance business recently).

I’ve said before – and will repeat again – Aetna is NOT going to dump the WC business.  If anything, they’ll likely invest in the sector.  There’s a bunch of reasons private equity is all over workers’ comp services these days: there’s lots of upside from automation; margins are very healthy; regulatory risk is minimal; and it is a good counterbalance to the group/public sector health plan business.

Overall, decent growth in Medicare Advantage and Part D revenues.  Medicaid growth was negative, driven by exiting one market and increasing membership in two others.  Overall, Coventry’s public-sector business continues to be the largest of the company’s three business segments – while commercial membership and revenues continue to sag.

This is why Aetna is buying Coventry – public sector expertise, market share, and membership.  Mother Aetna has the commercial sector pretty much figured out (as much as anyone does in these pre-ACA-implementation days); they need help in the public-sector health plan markets.

Unless the world ends, this will REALLY be their last earnings report.

What does this mean for you?

Size matters in the post-ACA days – a lot.  Expect more mergers and acquisitions, and some big ones too.



Marketing dispensing to physicians…

This from a vendor presenting at a recent specialty medical society meeting in California…


I’m not sure who did the graphics on this, but I especially like the quality of the artwork (reminiscent of Highlights!) and subtlety of the message.

What’s your take?





Obamacare RFID chip – the best comments ever.

The second most popular post (6300+ readers )in the 8+ years of MCM was on Obamacare’s RFID chip – a fantasy of conspiracy nuts and the right-wing tinfoil hat crowd.


For those who don’t recall, these crazies believe anyone signing up for health insurance will be implanted with an RFID chip containing their medical and financial records. This is an intentional or ignorant mis-read of the PPACA’s Medical Device Registry language which calls for a database – NOT A CHIP – for tracking who’s got what stuck inside them.

Here are a few priceless comments…

  • Placing a chip, for any reason, within your body is the work of the devil. Devices can be tracked in other ways besides a chip. Just register the person’s information in the database. You don’t need a chip to do that..

  • Joe Palooka [naw, I’ve got no right hook] thinks we will believe him when he tells US that Obamacare isn’t planning on microchipping every one of US just like mutts in a kennel — he kisses NWObutt but it’s not going to do him any good WTSHTF
  • hey guys, I believe in the Lord. Don’t get the chip or else you won’t have eternal life with God. Please don’t use it and tag #savetheworld cause I’m against it. Please help! SAVE THE WORLD
  • I heard (actually not just heard but read on the “National Review’s” “Huffington Post” tribute section) that Joe Paduda is in fact a socialist, Nazi, fascist, communistic, capitalist, Keynesian, free-market, supply-sided, Reaganomic, Obamanomic, bipolar, schizophrenic, ADD/ADHD, hate-mongering compassionist. And frankly –from what I and that person who types their comments to Joe over a cup of morning coffee in their in their underwear know about Joe– that sounded about right to us … but what do we know.
  • the Illuminati is in control of all major world Governments and they don’t change any laws too fast that anyone can notice a big change happening, but they change it so little that we never mind it at all!  This RFID chip and the drafted laws are just perfectly a Illuminati proceeding
  • Do a little research its all true abd very sad it used to be subliminal now it all hidden in plain sight but amazingly enough 60%of the citizens still think everything is peachy who can see chemtrails and forced inauculations with their head always in the tv,cell phone, or computer wake sheeple befor it too late
  • i just wish i was in US i will have love it n perharps what it wrong of having i chip in forehead ? it just for u to get proper care n feel protected wherever u are in this world , so my brothers n sisters lets us support it Obama all the way


Express Scripts’ work comp results are in

Express Scripts’ 2012 Drug Trends Report provides an interesting picture of the trends experienced by their clients.  ESI has a pretty strong presence among the State Funds, with California and New York two of the larger ones served by the St Louis-based PBM.

As noted last week, you can’t compare statistics from one PBM to the next without ensuring you understand and factor in the definitions, formulae, claimant population and methodology/time frames used by the PBMs in question.

ESI’s stake in the ground is in avoiding “waste”, defined as “any additional spend on pharmacy costs that provides no incremental benefit in treatment outcomes.” Prescribing branded drugs when generics are available, maximizing home delivery, avoiding potentially abused drugs – all contribute to waste and thus higher costs and poorer outcomes.

A couple of interesting data points; ESI’s researchers determined that using non-morphine pain medications (typically synthetic opioids e.g. OxyContin) instead of morphine-containing meds “could have cost $1,172 in additional spend per injured worker for each year during which narcotic medications were used.” The point was specific to claimants receiving long-acting opioids relatively early in the treatment process, with ESI contending other, less expensive drugs are likely more appropriate.

Lead clinician TIm Pokorney RPh and his colleagues also looked at compounds and copacks; potency was “much higher than intended in MIssouri and Texas”, a particularly frightening finding given the well-publicized problems with compounds’ safety.

ESI’s average client saw trend increase 2.9% in 2012, driven by a 3.2% increase in the cost per script.  Oxycontin remained the top drug in terms of cost, at 9.7 percent of spend, however overall usage of narcotics was down 2.7% – a welcome change and one mirrored by other PBMs’ results.

Drugs that saw significant more utilization year-over-year include generic morphine, Cymbalta(R) gabapentin and oxycodone – all used for treating pain. On the positive side, utilization of Opana(R) ER and Oxycontin both declined dramatically. Clearly ESI’s efforts to move claimants from branded drugs to generics are paying off.




Air traffic controllers, health care, and Head Start

I fly a lot. You probably do too.  Flying is not much fun – when it’s not downright miserable.  So the news that the furlough of air traffic controllers mandated by sequestration was leading to even more delays was most unwelcome.

Some rejoiced when Congress passed legislation allowing the FAA to stop furloughing workers  – and I’ll admit I was one of the some. Typical American – it’s all about me and my personal convenience.

In the cold light of morning, that’s a very short-sighted perspective.

Sequestration was supposed to be so bad that even the intransigent Congress would come together to pass a budget.  If the FBI couldn’t add any new agents, pork producers couldn’t get their meat inspected, physicians’ payments were reduced, drug approvals delayed, weather reports and warnings more sporadic, Head Start enrollment reduced, the hue and cry would be so unthinkable that even Congress would compromise.

Alas, rather than compromise, some Congresspeole decided protecting their principles was far more important than anything else.

Until the folks who vote complained that – God forbid – they might have to spend another hour in the terminal waiting for a flight.

Congress – Dems and Reps alike – and the President – promptly caved on their principles, ended the certainly annoying but not life-altering inconvenience of travel delays, and thereby showed that flight delays are waaaaaay more important than real solutions to real problems – health care fraud, runaway health care costs, poorly-educated kids, national security.  

If anyone still thinks they’ll solve the big problems, think again.  This was the perfect issue to force compromise.  A principled stand by anyone would have (perhaps) forced compromise – the public was feeling the effects, and that public outrage, channeled effectively, was precisely the intent of the sequestration.

Nope.  When the going got tough a little uncomfortable, the spineless caved. And in so doing screwed the country.



Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

