Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


Vegas – the elephant hunt is on

It’s got to be weird.

Former competitors standing next to each other in the booth, greeting guests at their events, talking up the advantages of companies they were competing with just a month ago.

It may be even stranger for those people who were not competing but now are, the ones whose companies have acquired units that now conflict with companies they used to work with, or at least be supportive of.

Nonetheless thats where the industry is these days. And that consolidation and disruption is going to continue for the foreseeable future. The word from the investors I’ve spoken with is that they are still very actively pursuing investments in work comp.  Met with several yesterday who were on the floor and in meetings all day, looking for the next deal.

My sense is the interest is primarily in big deals – not taking companies from $20 million to $100 million but from $400 million to a billion dollars plus. Sure, the smaller deals will continue, but the big stuff is where the focus is these days.

Here’s a very brief take on what I see happening.

Coventry is going to get lots if attention as investors seek to pull it out of Aetna and either operate it as a standalone or use it as a platform to compete with.  For all the reasons I enumerated here, that isn’t going to happen.  If anything, the current Obamacare debacle will make it even less likely Aetna exits a complementary, fee-based, non-PPACA-affected business.

Not gonna happen.  If anything, Aetna is going to look to add to their work comp portfolio; expect to see them in the hunt, albeit very selectively.

One Call is reported to be looking for add-on deals, and I’d have to think one likely product-market is work comp PBM and a broader network.  The Apax folks are here and, according to a couple reports, asking lots of questions about market opportunities.

Expect OCCM to add business, although the prices current owners will demand are going to be outrageous unthinkable in line with the Align/One Call multiples.

Stratacare was mentioned several times; there’s been lots of talk over the last few months but no public action.  I’d have to expect something will occur here; perhaps KKR, the new owners of Mitchell, will make a play to buy them out and consolidate the bill review industry.  If they do, I have to believe Medata and MCMC would be licking their chops.

What does this mean for you?

A very busy holiday shopping season!


Today’s work comp briefs…

And, no, I’m NOT referring to the type Bob Wilson discusses in a recent investigative report...

First up, and timely indeed, is a post from friend and colleague Sandy Blunt about the integration of guidelines with medical bill review. Medata ran a large sample of medical bills from a very well managed work comp payer against medical guidelines and identified “15 percent in cost savings from questioned medical procedures” – over and above what the payer was already finding.  Now, I’d note that “questioned” does not mean “actual”, nor should it.  However, it does indicate a major opportunity that I daresay many payers are missing out on; employing guidelines as part of the bill review process.

Compounding drugs isn’t just for people anymore!  A colleague sent me a link to a story of a drug dealer in Texas that has been selling performance-enhancing drugs for racing horses. Good to know they aren’t limiting their expertise to just us humans!

Millennium Labs and Texas Mutual just inked a deal wherein Millennim will be providing drug testing services for claimants prescribed opioids. (ML is an HSA consulting client).  Texas Mutual has been at the forefront of opioid management for a couple years now; this further enhances their program.

The Claims and Litigation Management Alliance is hosting what looks to be an interesting conference in January; the NYTimes’ Barry Meier will be keynoting; Barry has written several books on opioids and published articles on physician dispensing and opioid usage in work comp


What to check out at the Work Comp Conference

For those attending the National Work Comp and Disability Conference in Las Vegas next week, here are a few things you may want to check out.

Following up on last week’s webinar reporting the results of our Survey on Opioid Management in Work Comp, I’ll be discussing the report and answering questions at CID Management’s booth.  It’s an invite thing, so click here to get signed up.

Wednesday at 5:30 good friend and colleague Peter Rousmaniere will be discussing his new book, Work Safe: An Employer’s Guide to Safety and Health in a Diversified Workforce.  The event will be held in the Mandalay Bay Hotel; stop by either the Concentra or Broadspire booth to get details.

MedRisk (consulting client) will have their magician on hand; if you haven’t seen him do his stuff, it’s a must-see.

I’ll be at Millennium Labs’ booth (1245) Wednesday at 10 and 4, stop by to catch up on the latest in drug testing, new illicit substances making the rounds, and creative things folks are doing to try and fool the testers.

The AMA – American Medical Association is there.  You may want to ask them what their position on physician dispensing for profit is; I and others (thank you, American Insurance Association!) have been trying to get them to get real about this for years…their policy statement says it’s a no-no, but their lobbyists seem to support it.

Alkermes is the company that manufactures Vivatrol; the injectable intended to address opioid addiction.  I’ve heard some payers are considering the medication as part of a comprehensive treatment program – may be worth checking them out.

There are a ship-load of medical device companies on the floor, most with products intended for spinal surgical implants.  There are also a few companies offering solutions to the implant problem. You may want to visit one of the suppliers, then hop on over to a cost containment firm to compare and contrast… 

Gensco Labs – these are the wonderful purveyors of SpeedGel(r), that amazing concoction guaranteed to speed recovery, reduce pain, maybe even grow hair on turtles, and all for a price just ten times more than it’s almost-identical off-the-shelf competitor; Ben-Gay.

Ask them: How exactly is your stuff different and better than Ben-Gay? Show me the research!

Alas, Automated Healthcare Solutions (the folks who sued me for defamation in federal court, only to have the case thrown out), is not exhibiting; located in the same Florida ‘hood as Gensco, and sharing at least one corporate exec, perhaps they don’t want to steal the limelight…

I’m going to try and report from the conference, but with few minutes to breathe it will be difficult – at best.

Pleasant travels, and remember – what happens in Vegas, gets recorded on smartphones.


Obamacare is NOT just the Federal Exchange

Okay, deep breath here folks.

There’s no question the Federal Exchange is a mess.  And that’s the polite characterization.

But let’s not get too carried away, because the Federal Exchange is just a small part of PPACA/Obamacare.  In fact, the Exchange impacts just 7% – seven percent! – of the US population.  Thus, it is:

  1. Irrelevant for most Americans – specifically the 80% who get their insurance from their employer or are covered by Medicare or already covered by Medicaid.
  2. Not operating in 16 states plus DC, and that includes a couple of big ones – California and New York specifically.  In general, those exchanges are doing pretty well. Yes there are significant problems in Hawaii, Maryland and a couple other states, but overall they’re doing fine.
  3. Operating in states where 59% of today’s uninsured live.  Sure that’s a lot, but it isn’t everyone, not even close. And, a big chunk of that 59% are not eligible for coverage for various reasons (undocumented, state refused to expand Medicaid, etc.)

And, the Federal Exchange is just one part of Obamacare.

It is a means to an end, and that “end” is covering as many eligible people as possible, while fundamentally changing the competitive marketplace to force insurers to compete based on delivering the best outcomes at the lowest price.

Key components of Obamacare already implemented include:

  • Medicaid and CHIP expansion, providing coverage to the growing population of people who don’t make enough money to buy their own coverage, or who work for small companies that don’t provide insurance.  
  • Credits to help small businesses buy coverage
  • Elimination of medical underwriting, lifetime caps, and coverage of dependents to 26
  • Allocation of funds to Comparative Effectiveness Research to promote treatments that actually work.
  • Policy changes and funding for new delivery systems and reimbursement arrangements, funding which has generated explosive growth in Accountable Care Organizations and Medical Home-based models.

What does this mean for you?

Eventually, the federal exchange will be fixed.  Meanwhile, our health care “system” is going thru drastic change, change that will, over the long term, improve the health care we get and reduce the cost of that care.  

Of course, there’s going to be some well-deserved political fallout in the interim.




Obamacare’s dilemma, simplified

The website is not going to be fixed by the end of the month.

As a result, most people will NOT be able to enroll in commercial plans that start January 1.

Many of those who are already insured got cancellation notices, so their policies will not exist after January 1.  And it will be very, very difficult for insurance companies to postpone or “cancel” those cancellations. Not because they don’t want to but because they can’t.

Insurance companies have spent years preparing for January 1; programming computers, developing policy language and getting it approved by regulators, setting up new provider networks, cutting deals with providers; setting up EDI links with the government and banks, and building new reimbursement and clinical management programs. All are ready to go, tested, checked, and waiting for the ball to drop.

They can’t just undo this; they can’t call “Time Out” or hold off, or stop.  The train is leaving the station, and there’s nothing the President or anyone else can do to stop it.

Which puts the Administration in a very poor position, albeit one they built themselves.  The website won’t be ready, and the current policies won’t be in force as of January 1.

Is there a solution?

Not that I see.

What does this mean for you?

Depends on your state.  I’ll address the impact on workers’ comp in a future post.


Is Zohydro the next addiction creator?

I’m just as sick of writing about opioids as you are reading about them.

But the FDA’s approval of Zohydro, yet another highly-addictive, easily-abused opioid – the fourth in the last four years – requires our attention.

I’ve been trying to ignore the Zohydro story but today’s excellent piece in WorkCompCentral reminds us just how difficult the battle is. Zohydro is a very powerful, “extended release” opioid pill.  The problem is this; while the drug is formulated to allow the opioid to gradually “leak out” into the blood stream, abusers can get all the opioids into their system at once by crushing, dissolving, or melting the pill.

No one I have spoken with – or quoted in the WCC piece – understands why the FDA would approve Zohydro without tamper-resistance; some form of chemical or other method that prevents this crushing/dissolving/melting/burning process.  Many drugs on the market today have this type of modification.

But they did.  And we’re stuck with it.

So, what do we do?  Here are a few ideas.

  • Require all use of Zohydro is pre-authorized, and only allowed after failure on other, much less potent medications.
  • Require (where possible) substitution of one of the abuse-deterrent medications for Zohydro.
  • Monitor physician prescribing patterns, and intervene with docs/practices prescribing Zohydro.  Let them know you are watching, require proof of medical necessity, and constantly monitor their patients.  Require drug testing, opioid agreements, evaluation of pain and functionality.
  • Reach out to ALL docs who write scripts for Zohydro letting them know your policy. Do this early.

It comes down to the docs who treat your claimants.  If you have the right docs, this won’t be a problem.  If you have to work with all docs, monitor, manage, intervene.

Yes, it is a LOT of work.  But it is a LOT less work than dealing with more addicted claimants.

What does this mean for you?

Fortunately, most payers are far better prepared to deal with Zohydro than they were a few years ago.  Get ready, and measure how many claimants are taking Zohydro on a weekly basis.  That’s the metric to measure success.  


Obamacare – what’s REALLY happening

For those who want to really understand what’s happening with the rollout of Obamacare’s health exchanges, Brad Wright has compiled the best of the health policy wonk-o-sphere in this week’s edition of Health Wonk Review.

There’s insights into the faults of the Administration, successes of state-based exchanges, Medicaid expansion, and the growth of Accountable Care Organizations among other jewels.

Brad’s edition is timely, concise, and on point.



The future of work comp managed care

Specialty care is growing – in impact, popularity, valuation, attention. Meanwhile, the historically-dominant vendor, Coventry work comp, is shrinking.


I’d hazard a few guesses.

First, Coventry’s prior bosses starved the work comp unit, treating it as a cash cow but neglecting to ensure adequate feed for that cow. As a result, the bill review engine is rapidly running out of steam, the network is being overtaken by other generalists and hollowed-out by specialists, and little attention is being paid to case management, referral services, and other ancillary product lines.

A classic business situation, one that former Coventry CEO Allen Wise ordered with full understanding of the long-term consequences.

Now, it’s Aetna’s problem.

Word is the staff termination notices are starting to flow as the new owners look for ways to increase profitability.   Staff reductions may well hamper Coventry WC’s efforts to remain a  major player in comp – but that may not matter to the folks responsible for the business.  If their marching orders are to generate cash, then that they will do.

Meanwhile, One Call Care Management and Align sold for $3.2 billion. The entire work comp medical spend in the niches served by the new company is about $7.5 billion. 

I still have trouble wrapping my head around that.  And everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – I’ve spoken with can’t fathom that price for those assets.  By way of contrast, Aetna only paid $5.6 billion for all of Coventry – Medicaid, group health,  Part D, and work comp.

Leaving aside the price paid, does this mean specialty care is much more valuable/important/useful than the old-line generalist managed care firms?

Or is it just that Coventry’s lack of investment and neglect of product development has allowed other entrants into the market, entrants who have been able to capitalize on a market need not met by what was the company best positioned to do just that.

We don’t know what Aetna’s long term plans are for work comp, but the current staff reduction is an indicator – not THE indicator but AN indicator.  Meanwhile, the money is flowing into specialty care – and that’s where innovation, value, results, and progress will be.

What does this mean for you?

Work comp medical management will be fundamentally changed over the next two years.  It remains to be seen if that is a good thing.


5 – shut it down till it is ready to go

It is increasingly clear that is not working, and is not getting appreciably better. If it doesn’t get fixed – and I mean REALLY fixed – by the drop-dead date of December 1, the implementation will have to be delayed until it is.

And that may not happen until late next year.

There are two problems – the front end enrollment process, and the back end information distribution process. On the front end, a handful of people are successfully enrolling in health insurance on but a handful is nowhere near enough to get the program up and running successfully.  However, that’s just as well, and may actually be intentional.

If tens of thousands of people were successfully enrolling every day, the back end – where all the things happen that make health insurance actually work – would not be able to handle the volume.  That is a very polite way of saying it would be an unmitigated disaster.

Once you’re signed up, (among other things) your bank account has to be debited, subsidy calculated and applied (if there is one) and enrollment and eligibility information catalogued and prepared for distribution.  This process relies heavily on an EDI  process using an industry standard known as the “834”.

The problem is that each insurer has their own slightly-different version of the 834, so each health plan’s 834 has to be programmed, tested, and then tested each month to ensure the right data in the right format is getting to the right computer databases.  The best discussion of the issue was on Bob Laszewski’s interview with Daryl Chapman last week. Here’s an excerpt:

 There are lots of data elements and a lot of field variables. Because of this complexity, no one takes a file straight into a production system––too risky. There are variations on the process but every company has some type of validation process. Generally, the 834 goes through an acceptance process, which scans the file and checks for errors. If it passes the data check it uploads to some kind of “model office” where it is tested again and then, if it passes, it goes to production. Although most of that is automatic there are several chances for the file to “error out.” Once in production, the file drives the payment system, claim system, and is the source for the list of doctors and hospitals they need to confirm the person is eligible for benefits.

Files still have lots of opportunity to trigger false reports in each of these systems if they aren’t accurate.

For example, member data is not the same as payment or cash data (member payments in this case come from two sources; the subscriber and the government). Poor quality data can lead to lots of problems trying to reconcile who the health plan was paid for and who they have on their eligibility system. Very few systems ever connect cash to belly-buttons and even fewer have debit and credit carry forward accounting capability making reconciliation on the fly very difficult.

If the member data is a mess then the cash becomes a mess. When the subsidy cash goes to the carrier from the federal government, the carrier doesn’t just get you; they get thousands of member cash files. If there isn’t a match, the claim paying process has to be suspended until people with green eyeshades figure it out.

And out in the world where doctors and hospitals live if the data isn’t clean doctors and hospitals may not treat you if the carrier file doesn’t say you are covered. They may demand payment upfront from the patient until things are straightened out or balance bill if claims aren’t reimbursed. That is a particular problem here because so many of these people will presumably be low-income.

This is where the biggest problem lies, and the hinge on which the success or failure of Obamacare rests.  I do not understand why the Administration doesn’t bite the proverbial bullet and shut down the Exchanges until they are absolutely ready to go.  Sure, there’d be a lot of political fallout, but that would last for a few news cycles, and then they’d be off to some new celebrity scandal.

Instead, the President and his proxies are telling people to get on to the site and sign up.  A site that isn’t working, and is much harder to fix because the White House appears to want to avoid some political damage. That is unconscionable.

What we need now is Lyndon Johnson.  He’d get the right people in the room, beat them mercilessly, make the tough decision and move on.  Instead we have millions of people who desperately want and need health insurance spending hours trying fruitlessly to enroll on a site that is fundamentally broken.

 What does this mean for you?

An aphorism is appropriate – If you don’t have time to do it right in the first place, what makes you think you’ll have time to fix it?



Outrageous spine surgery costs in California – now we know why

The FBI caught two California politicians allegedly accepting bribes to stop legislation that would have drastically cut reimbursement for spine surgeries.

Here’s the money quote:

“We’ve been keeping him [a spine surgery hospital CEO] in business now for the last four years, because the governor kept pushing these regs (sic) to cut the funding on these spinal surgeries for workers’ comp,” [CA State Senator] Calderon was quoted as telling an agent during a conversation on Nov. 2, 2012.

“All we’ve been trying to do is hold off that cut so they continue paying for that. The way it is now, they are leaving it up to the administrator at workers’ comp to decide how much they pay for these implants, and if they get cut out of that, they are out of business. So that’s what we’ve been working the last four or five years. You know, we’ve kept them going. We’ve pushed it off, pushed it off, pushed it off.”

Now we know why employers have been forced to pay for the implants twice; a loophole in California WC reimbursement requirements allowed hospitals to bill for the devices as part of the facility bill then again separately (that’s not exactly it but pretty close).

The Calderon brothers allegedly accepted bribes well in excess of $28,000 from Pacific Hospital of Long Beach and related parties to stall or stop legislation that would have fixed the loophole.  According to an FBI affidavit obtained by Al Jazeera;

[State Senator} Ronald Calderon..accepted approximately $28,000 in bribes from [Pacific Hospital CEO Michael] Drobot in exchange for directly enriching Drobot’s business by supporting legislation that would delay or limit changes in California’s workers’ compensation laws relating to the amount of money medical care providers are reimbursed for performing spinal surgeries.

So, there was malfeasance perpetrated by plundering profiteers who were looking to suck money out of California’s taxpayers and employers.  That’s bad – very bad.  A complaint filed by California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund, Drobot and his affiliates “alleges that [Drobot] received $161 million through inflated surgery room and spinal implant reimbursement fees in what the state calls “multiple fraudulent schemes.”

What’s worse is it is likely many of the work comp back surgeries were unnecessary at best and harmful at worst. 

Most of the procedures involving devices (the driver of Calderon’s scheme) were spinal fusions, a highly controversial procedure.  In 2011, more than 465,000 spinal fusions were performed in the US, and “some experts say that a portion of them — perhaps as many as half — were performed without good reason. (WaPo)

According to the article in the Washington Post;

The rate of spinal fusion surgery has risen sixfold in the United States over the past 20 years, [emphasis added] according to federal figures, and the expensive procedure, which involves the joining of two or more vertebrae, has become even more common than hip replacement.

Kudos to Al Jazeera for breaking the news. Gotta love those local papers…

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

