Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


ACA rollout – how’s California doing?

If there’s a state that’s key to the success of the ACA, it is California.  Peter Lee, Exec Dir of Covered California (the Golden State’s exchange) gave a status update.

Lee reported enrollment in insurers via CC is right about a million people – and this doesn’t include the Medicaid expansion. Looks like about 20,000 are signing up per day of late. 

Here are the highlights.

– success is predicated on providing affordable health plans – and there are several plans available in each area, with some having a dozen or more options.

– about 26% of enrollees are in the 18-34 demographic; Lee sees this as a work-in-progress, and considers them the “Young Convincibles”.

– CA is an “active purchaser”, which means they carefully oversaw the health plan bidding process to ensure the plans available on the exchange were comprehensive, affordable, and many.

– about 2 million will get subsidies to buy health insurance

– LOTS of marketing, outreach, advertising, partnering with agencies.  But the most effective part has been via community organizations.

– enrollment has been greatly aided by facilitators.

– a lot of analysis will continue to assess outcomes, access, and disparities by different demographic group, and Covered California will move past the enrollment phase and into the improvement phase over time.



ACA – how California’s health plans are adapting

I’m honored to be speaking at Keenan & Associates’ annual Summit today, and they’ve graciously allowed me to live blog from the Summit.

The day begins with a panel of California health care executives discussing how their companies are adapting to ACA.  Representatives from Kaiser Permanente, Aetna, Anthem, HealthNet, United Healthcare, and Blue Shield of California answered questions from Keenan’s Henry Loubet and the audience.  Here are a few highlights.

First, the pace of innovation, the investments these companies are making, the focus on smart disease state management, and the effort to get closer and closer to the member are all striking.  There is a LOT going on and I got the sense that these companies are working feverishly to adapt and build and innovate.

A big area of focus was on ACOs/tailored/narrow/high quality networks, which evidently have been a big part of most health plans’ strategies. Loubet wrote about this recently here.  The companies represented seem to be fully invested in ACOs, with several working with multiple ACOs.  They are measuring results, and according to Blue Shield, the metrics are looking quite positive.

ACOs are not monolithic or identical across companies, rather they are highly customized with geographic areas, populations, reimbursement models, and state regs all influencing design and structure.  Simply put, they are akin to the old HMOs, where the focus is on an integrated health care delivery system and consistent, high quality care management.

Working with docs to identify and assertively manage patients with specific disease states is also a big focus, and several of the speakers discussed how they are using technology – smartphones, apps, on-line video consults with a doc, and electronic medical records – to do this.

Someone asked about the integration of WC and group health, and the speakers seemed to agree that ACA’s data integration may help move this closer however there’s so much focus on addressing ACA implementation that tying group and work comp together won’t happen any time soon.  

Finally when asked about possible changes to ACA going forward, the panelists’ comments included; a delay in implementing the small employer mandate; allow consumers to keep their current plan for longer; and possibly postpone fees and taxes (which ones weren’t identified).


Friday catch-up and quick takes

Yikes – where did the week go?

Apologies for not keeping up with the daily blogging – too darn much paying work these days.  Alas…

So here are a few quick takes.

Prime Health got $8 million in debt financing from LongueVue Capital; this likely means the PPO won’t be on the block any time soon.  No word on what they’re going to use the funds for…

Drug compounding hit the big time this week, with the news that both the FDA and HHS’ Office of the Inspector General are looking into compounding.  This from AIS’ Health Business Daily: (free sub req)

“…state-regulated compounding in hospitals and federal oversight of manufacturers — are colliding, as the FDA in January urged hospitals to buy drugs only from compounders that voluntarily register with the agency and abide by “good manufacturing practices.”

Compounding — which is the mixing of two or more ingredients to tailor a drug to a specific patient’s needs — also is a new target on the 2014 Work Plan for HHS’s Office of Inspector General, with the OIG eyeing practices inside hospitals and oversight by Medicare accreditors.


About 80% of survey respondents want their elected officials to fix O-care – not make it fail.  Fully three-quarters of non-Tea Party Republicans want their representatives to fix – not kill – Obamacare…and the less-educated one is, the more likely they are to oppose Obamacare.

Of course, among those who disapprove are some who want a single payer system.

Re Obamacare implementation, there were mis-leading headlines and ledes out there saying that insurance markets are less competitive than they were pre-reform.

Once again, these media got it wrong.

Here’s what the study  – which only looked at 7 states – really said:

“early indications suggest that some exchange markets are more competitive than their states’ individual markets before the ACA (emphasis added)…Two states (Connecticut and Washington) that have also been successful at enrolling consumers seem to have less competition than in their 2012 individual markets.  Results from the remaining states generally show either similar levels of competition as their pre-ACA markets or mixed signs.(emphasis added)

There’s a great infographic up at JAMA’s site showing what people are paying under Obamacare – check your state here.

Finally, myMatrixx has a webinar on specialty pharma in work comp next Tuesday at 2 PM eastern.  Highly recommend it – this is a rapidly growing and very complex issue and Phil Walls is a great “explainer”.

Enjoy the weekend, best of luck in your brackets, and here’s hoping my beloved Orangemen make it thru!


Reality vs magical thinking

Too many workers’ comp execs are allowing their political viewpoints to cloud their business thinking. They can’t abide the notion of PPACA/Obamacare, and along with the majority party in the House of Repesentatives, want it repealed or blown up or completely emasculated.

This is magical thinking.

And magical thinking will not help those execs, or their companies, prepare for or deal with the implications of Obamacare.

Look, as an proud socially-liberal Democrat (as if that’s any new news to you, dear reader), I had to suffer thru 8 long, painful, miserable, agonizing, soul-destroying years of George Bush.  For those of you on the other side of the political spectrum, I feel your pain.  Really.  Even if the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is pretty far from a liberal (sorry, had to slip that in!).

That said, it’s time to accept reality.

PPACA/Obamacare is the law of the land, it is not going to be repealed, substantially delayed, or emasculated. It is here, and it is going to stay.

Despise it you might (as I despise Medicare Part D and the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, and the Iraq war) but accept it you must.  If you spend your work time focused on what you don’t like about health reform, you’re not spending your time thinking about reform’s implications for workers’ comp – how you can mitigate any problems, leverage any advantages, and monitor and measure ways reform affects your business.

What does this mean for you?

Those who do focus on the business implications are going to be better prepared, and therefore more likely to be successful, than those who dwell on uncontrollables.


North Dakota’s WSI – what? listen to the Medical Director? Hah!

WSI’s legal folks are going around their own Medical Director to outside, part-time, contract medical directors when they want a certain opinion.

Thanks to Tony, I learned of the dispute between the North Dakota state fund’s medical director and that august entity’s legal department early today (hat tip to WorkCompCentral’s Peter Mantius); it took me quite a bit longer to get the back story on this mess.

And it is a mess.

Here’s the issue.  When the claims and legal departments want a specific answer about a medical issue on certain claims they DON’T ask WSI’s Medical Director.  No, they send it to one of two outside reviewers and skip routing it to, or even involving their in-house, full-time, employed Medical Director.  By all accounts the Medical Director, a Dr Luis Vilella, is widely respected, known to be a “team player”, and interested in nothing more than ensuring the claimant gets the right medical treatment and the correct medical determination.

Evidently some claims and legal folks at WSI don’t like it when their view of a claim is inconsistent with that of Dr V, which is why they avoid involving the good doctor on specific claims.  This has been going on for some months, until finally Dr V sent a letter about the issue to WSI’s director, the famous ex-state-trooper-now-workers’comp-CEO Bryan Klipfel. (the letter was obtained by the local paper in a freedom of information request)

In part, Vilella’s letter read: “How can WSI impartially adjudicate a medical claim when its own Director of Legal Services, Attorney Green, disregards litigation support that WSI’s Medical Director offers on matters of disease and injury causation?”

It would be bad enough if this was only on one claim – but it most definitely isn’t.  In fact, sources indicate this has been happening for several years, including at least two incidents where WSI managers tried to alter his medical opinions.  In addition, Vilella is being marginalized within WSI; excluded from meetings focused on medical topics, prevented from meeting with Sedgwick’s on-site auditors; and pushed three levels down below Klipfel in the reporting structure.

So we have the Medical Director in a work comp insurer – and a relatively tiny one at that – who reports up to a guy who reports up to another guy who reports up to a third guy who THEN reports to the top guy.  In Klipfel’s defense, he recently decided to fix that really stupid reporting structure, and Dr V will be reporting directly to him.

That said, Klipfel knew legal and claims were marginalizing Dr V ever since former boss Sandy Blunt was run out of town on a rail.   With Sandy’s departure, it appears as if the legal geniuses at WSI decided they were not only brilliant legal minds, but they were more suited to make medical decisions than a medical doctor.

After all, why would a state experiencing an explosive growth in workers’ comp claims, many of them complex, difficult, and traumatic, ever want to have a medical director in a position of authority?  In actuality, the treatment of Vilella reflects something much more troubling than just a series of blatantly stupid decisions by claims and legal.

It is prima facie evidence of Klipfel’s – and the WSI Board’s – complete lack of understanding of the primary importance of medical in workers’ comp claims.  Medical drives well over half of direct claims costs, and heavily influences the indemnity portion.  Yet the acknowledged expert in medical was multiple levels below the CEO – who, by the way, had ZERO experience in work comp, or business for that matter, until he was appointed to the top job.

I don’t know Vilella, but I do know several other folks at WSI. The ones I know are good people, doing the best job they can in very trying circumstances.  They really truly want to help injured workers.

It is too bad they are being “led” by idiots.


WCRI – Shuford on how the economy drives work comp

NCCI’s Dr Harry Shuford gave a great brief talk on the economy’s impact on the financial performance of WC.

A few key takeaways.

  1. WC is a relatively small part of the overall property and casualty insurance industry (around 11% or so)
  2. Average operating gain of WC has been about 5% over the last 20 years. That factors in an average return on investment of 14% and the underwriting results.
  3. WC premium dropped 23% from 2007 – 2009, then grew 18% from 2010 to 2012.
  4. Markets for all P&C lines seem to go thru cycles in synch.  That is, when the personal auto market is soft, so is WC, etc. Harry’s inference – poor investment returns are key to understanding when cycles occur, and, perhaps more significantly, help us understand overall business cycles as high investment returns APPEAR to predict recessions.
  5. Cost drivers include:
  • Long term structural decline in frequency  – this is global and not limited to the US.
  • The ebb and flow of inexperienced workers drives frequency as part of the business cycle – temps get added, frequency goes up.
  • Medical severity is a huge driver – utilization, price, and intensity of services.



WCRI – California’s Work Comp Medical Dispute Resolution

Alex Swedlow, a certified rock star in the world of work comp analytics, held forth on medical dispute resolution as it exists in California.

MDR covers conflicts around the cost, utilization, and “standard of care”, these are evaluated against regulations, guidelines, fee schedules, and refereed by a judge, peer review doc, or some panel of designated experts.

California bill SB 863’s impacts were addressed, and include the following:

  • 3 million liens processed over ten years, but the re-enactment of a fee to file liens in 2013 has cut lien filing fee by over 80%
  • 90% of 2011-2012 liens came from a ten-mile radius in LA – but only 25% of WC claims
  • change to reimbursement for ASCs dropped 28% after a 31% drop in the relevant fee schedule

Now on to the most fun part of 863 – the Independent Medical Review (IMR) “program”.  As Alex said, “boy has IMR been proven popular.”

Volume is 12x the expected volume and runs above 12,000 per MONTH.

Just under 50% of all medical management fees are from UR.

Among the cases that go to elevated UR, about 43% are for pharmacy, most for opioids and compound drugs.  A third of IMR decisions are also for pharmacy.  There’s a lot of misunderstanding about how many medical requests are handled internally vs done by an outside physician reviewer.

Just under 6 percent of all treatment requests were denied or modified before getting to IMR.  4.7% of all treatment requests are denied at the IMR stage.

Less than one in 20 treatment requests are ultimately denied via IMR.

75% approved internally, 18% are approved by elevated review; 4.7% are ultimately denied by the IMR process.

Less than one in 20 treatment requests are ultimately denied via IMR.

CWCI’s next step is to look into how a pharmacy formulary would affect pharmacy spend and scripts; looks like it would dramatically reduce the use of opioids, brand drugs, and compounds.

Stay tuned and check their website for updates on CWCI research.



The Affordable Care Act and Work Comp – WCRI’s view

WCRI’s Thursday morning begins with a series of presentations and discussions on the impact of PPACA/Obamacare on workers’ comp.

According to WC Executive Director Rick Victor, “Few pieces of legislation have the potential to affect people both financially and personally as the ACA. ”

(Note – my sense is there’s way too much attribution of normal market changes -positive and negative – to ACA, more on that later)

Rick went on to provide a framework for understanding ACA with specific attention to individual states.  Among the key issues

Will expansion of care lead to:

Shortages of providers who treat injured workers, which may lead to longer disability and higher costs – Victor opined that in states where Medicaid expands shortages will be greater than in non-expansion states. Similarly in states with low health status and/or an older population. As an economist, Victor noted that prices might rise and that will reduce shortages – in this case, payers will pay providers above the fee schedule to get access to care.  There’s a precedent for this in Canada, where providers in Ontario treating work comp patients get paid more than when they treat non-occ patients.  This happens in Massachusetts today as well…

That said, WC ALREADY pays more for specialty care than Medicare or Medicaid or group health in almost all states, so additional payments are likely not necessary. Given a multitude of factors, WCRI predicts the states that will have primary care shortages are:

  • California
  • Florida
  • Louisiana
  • Texas
  • New Mexico
  • Nevada
  • Mississippi

I’d note that most of these are states that – at present – aren’t expanding Medicaid.  If – or more likely when – they decide that Medicaid expansion is a good thing, the predicted provider shortage may get worse.

Healthier employees – The data suggests folks with insurance are healthier than those that are not insured.

Victor doesn’t seem to think ACA will reduce unnecessary care for injured workers. Notably, he didn’t give a time frame for that statement; I firmly believe the work done by PCORI WILL have a dramatic effect on the care that’s delivered to, say, patients with back pain.  That’s going to take time – years, not months, but it will have a big impact.

Lots of discussion of the impact of PPACA on cost shifting – and a wealth of data Rick presented that indicated providers find creative ways to upcode, shift procedure mix, or otherwise find ways to increase revenues in the face of price controls or other regulatory attempts to restrain costs.

My research indicates cost-shifting is a complicated issue.

There’s been a good bit of discussion – some on Mark Walls’ LinkedIn group, on the potential for PPACA to influence claiming behavior.  The net is, I just haven’t seen any credible research that indicates PPACA will lead to more claims.  I’ve discussed this in detail here.

Finally, be careful to NOT attribute anything and everything, good and bad to ACA. A lot of things were occurring before ACA, including provider consolidation, more and higher deductibles, rising costs.

Will ACA accelerate, decelerate or change these trends?  It is impossible to separate out ACA’s effect from that of other factors.



WCRI – impact of reform in Illinois

Rebecca Yang analyzed the impact of the 2011 30% fee schedule reduction on prices paid for professional services in IL. Here are the highlights…

  • WC prices paid (not billed, or Fed Schedule) for office visits were 18% lower than group health and 15% below Medicare.
  • Costs for office visits went from 20% above the study state average to 20% below that average after reform.
  • Surgery was a VERY different story; arthroscopic knee surgery costs were 166% higher than group health and 380%+/- above Medicare.
  • Actual prices paid dropped after the reduction, but by 24%, not 30%.  this was likely due to negotiations between the providers and network operators.  In addition, some providers dropped out of networks, eliminating any discount below FS.
  • It appears utilization may have increased, off-setting a third to a half of the impact of price reduction.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

