Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


What happened while we were at WCRI wrap-up

Just digging out after WCRI; between built-up work and a desire to give you, dear reader, a break after filling your inbox late last week, MCM has been on a brief holiday.

We’re back!

While we were buried in all things work comp-related, the real world kept a-spinning. First up, what’s been going on with health reform, the costs thereof, and the impact on budgets.

A lot.  The most recent federal budget projections show a decline of around $300 billion in future costs for health insurance.

That’s huge.  Gigantic. Monumental.  Unprecedented.

In comparison, cutting NASA completely – $77 billion.  Ending Amtrak subsidies – $14 billion. Eliminating the deduction for all charitable giving? $214 billion.

There are two ways the federal government “pays” for health insurance – subsidies for folks insured via their employer; the portion of their “pay” isn’t taxed.  Second, the feds subsidize premiums for individuals buying insurance via the Exchanges on a sliding scale based to income. A more detailed discussion of the changes and impact thereof is here.

Note this does NOT include Medicare – although those projections are decreasing as well.

The latest budget estimate has Medicare costs over ten years coming in about $700 billion below 2010 projections.  

One of the reasons Medicare cost projections are declining – Between January 2012 and December 2013 there have been 150,000 fewer readmissions among Medicare patients—an 8% decline.” – hat tip to the Economist, and don’t forget to credit PPACA!

As if that’s gonna happen…

From a couple weeks back  is this news that California’s docs aren’t likely to be overwhelmed with patients due to ACA.  This from California Healthline:

  • 13.04 additional emergency department visits per week by newly insured individuals; and
  • 1.16 additional primary care visits per week by newly insured individuals.

 Back to work comp…

Good piece by PRIUM CEO Michael Gavin in WorkCompWire on work comp drug formularies; my only suggested add would be to make sure formularies aren’t rigid.  Need to allow payers, and their PBMs, to okay and reject meds based on the claimant’s diagnosis, medical treatment, other drug regimen, and other clinical factors.

Medata has promoted long-time COO Tom Herndon to president.  Tom’s not only a black belt in all things bill review and IT, he’s also a good guy, knows ops inside and out, and casts a mean dry fly.  Congratulations to Tom and his colleagues at Medata.

Enjoy hump day!


Workers’ wage replacement – the real story

WCRI’s Evelina Radeva focused on employee wage replacement, a particularly timely topic given NPR and ProPublica’s ongoing series on the Demolition of Workers’ Comp.

Suffice it to say that PP’s reporters would have greatly benefited from Ms Radeva’s presentation.  Informed sources indicated that reporters Michael Grabell and NPR’s Howard Berkes reporters failed to contact WCRI before this week; a rather stunning oversight on the part of the reppporters.

How any journalist reseaching workers’ comp could neglect to even call the nation’s pre-eminent research organization is beyond me.  They would have been well-served to engage early and often with WCRI and their many experts on all aspects of workers’ comp.

Radeva’s deep dive into weekly wage benefits in IN and NY; Indiana is raising their maximum weekly wage by some 20%, generally aligning Hoosiers with the other 15 states in the study set.  On average, 12% of workers hit the wage replacement cap across all 16 states.

Of note NY also increased their maximum weekly wage several years ago; California has as well.

Peter Rousmaniere raised an interesting question that unfortunately went beyond WCRI’s ability and mission – why is there a cap on the maximum weekly wage?

WCRI Rick Victor answered Peter’s question by noting the impact of tax brackets, the tax-free nature of work comp indemnity benefits and anecdotal information that higher-paid workers get other benefits from their employers that help offset lost wages – while acknowledging there is wide variation among and between the states.


The state of the States’ work comp systems

The variation in the cost to manage work comp clams varies wildly across states – from a low of less than $4000 in Wisconsin to more than twice that in Louisiana.

And, these costs are steadily increasing at annual rates betwen 4% and 11%.

Litigation is a big cost driver in several states, accounting for more than half of expenses in CA MN FL and LA.  WCRI’s Carol Telles described the factors contributing to those differences, noting bill review, networks, and other medical cost management efforts are a factor particularly in non-fee schedule states.  Other drivers are choice of medical provider and mandated medical management tools including UR and guidelines.

Telles contrasted Texas and New Jersey, states that have quite different approaches to medical managment and the regulation thereof.  Somewhat counter-intuitively, Texas is highly regulated, while NJ is most assuredly not. NJ has no fee schedule, treatment guidelines or UR, but does have employer direction and has allowed networks since 2011.

TX has required medical guidelines and UR, a drug formulary, and eliminated “informal” networks several years ago.  Networks are highly regulated and there is a medicare-based fee schedule.

To paraphrase Ms Telles, “Medical management may reduce costs, but there is a cost associated with that effort.”  She made that statement while discussing Texas – the data indicates medical management costs have stablized at 21% of medical costs per claim since 2011 (however medical costs per claim continue to increase).

Telles provided some excellent insights into litigation rates, costs, and drivers as well; factors contributing to expenses include:

  • complexity and length of dispute resolution process
  • process for obtaining and challenging medicl opinions on MMI
  • settlement usage

Notably, defense attorney expense was the largest single component in most states; however as plaintiff attorney fees are usually included in the indemnity fees we don’t know what the plaintiff attorney expenses were.




Lower fee schedules, increase costs?

Dr Rebecca Yang discussed the correlation of fee schedules and associated physician billing activity.

Key takeaways

  • There’s somewhat of a correlation between low office visit reimbursement rates and higher incidence of physician dispensing.
  • evidence from CA indicates that when th FS whas reduced, doctors coding practices did too – more office visits were coded as level 4 and level 5, while the frequency of lower level visits decreased proportionally
  • when the fee schedule was subsequently increased, the trend to more upcoding moderated – then resumed when the fee schedule was frozen again.
  • this experience was essentially replicated in Louisiana
  • in Florida, a change to the fee schedule for facility-based lumbar MRIs essentially increased reimbursement for “unscheduled” MRIs when compared to “scheduled” MRIs.  Perhaps you, dear reader, will not be shocked to learn that “unscheduled” MRIs went from about 1/3 of all lumbar MRIs to over 2/3 over the next few years.

What does this mean for you?

Blunt instruments – such as the physician fee schedules in place in 42 states – CAN BE opportunities for bad actors to game the system, while hurting the good folks.  

Not to say they should be abandoned, but rather it is necessary to think about what will happen if you change fees (or other care-based reimbursement rules) – not what you hope will happen.


ProPublica’s demolition of workers’ comp

Yesterday ProPublica published the first in what is apparently a series of articles on the workers comp systems around the country. This first effort focused on ‘reforms’ and generally indicated these are driven by big employers seeking to cut workers benefits and medical costs.

There is much coverage of grievous injuries, lost limbs, different compensation systems in different states and the role of big business in writing reforms.

I would suggest that writing about reforms, without discussing what’s driving the medical care reforms, is an oversight. And there was precious little discussion of cost drivers, but a lot of discussion about cost control methods, including a tortured passage attempting to describe California’s utilization review process, and the issues inherent therein.  Unfortunately, the coverage of this issue focused on the denials of care, not on the reasons therefore, the process that is used, and why some requests should be denied (more on that in a later post).

Re California, I asked friend and colleague Alex Swedlow for his thoughts on how ProPublica characterized cwci’s research; here’s his perspective…

 The article would benefit from a full discussion on how much and what type of care is approved and denied.  It’s true our study showed that about 91% of the disputed denied treatments are upheld by Independent Medical Review.  What is missing from the article is that denied disputes are only 6% of all treatment reqests and that the California worker’s comp system approves 95% of all treatment.  And the 5% that is ultimatly denied is another story.

The dramatic increase in utilization review in California has been driven largely by the plaintiffs bar, which has been using the IMR process to extend disability. One has to wonder why they have been doing this. In addition IMR increases are driven by by the overuse of drugs, the changes in medical practice patterns since the treating physician presumption was overturned, and the desire on the part of many to address the overtreatment that is rampant in Worker’s Compensation.

Moreover, there was no attempt to explain why employers are seeking to direct injured workers to specific providers or panels of providers. This was presented as a problem for injured workers, when that is inmost instances absolutely not the case.

In fact, the care direction by employers was treated as somehow harming injured workers.

I was excited when I heard propublica I was going to be taking this topic on. I have been impressed by propublica’s work on many fronts. There is much about Worker’s Compensation that needs improvement. Unfortunately, my take on this article is that it is quite one sided, and does not address many of the significant issues that are leading to harm for injured workers, employers and taxpayers. As an introduction to the topic, it is seriously flawed.

While there may be other articles coming in future weeks and months, the expectation that has been set by this article is that the system is somehow tilted in the employers favor. I can assure you that in most states, this is far from reality.

I’d suggest that the story is far from complete. It ignores the rampant profiteering that is the primary driver of the reforms described in generally negative terms, fails to point out the complicity of the claimants bar in extending disability, and completely misses the damage done by profiteering physicians over-prescribing opioids and benzodiazepines and failing to work closely with payers and employers.

Data point- the back surgery scandal in California led to many unnecessary back surgeries, much pain for claimants, and tens of millions in excess costs for employers and taxpayers.

There is no question big business is behind much of these reforms just as there is also no doubt state medical societies are overwhelmingly to blame for rampant abuse of the system in states such as Florida and Maryland.

Data point- the medical society and a drug dispensing firm used the same lobbyist who successfully kept doc dispensing operating in MD thereby increasing costs and extending disabilty.

Finally the story fails to address a critical point – namely the nature of the workforce, employment, injuries and the health care system has fundamentally changed in the last 100 years.

Of course it doesn’t work now. Women are a majority of workers, employment in services long ago overtook manufacturing and industry, Medicare exists, health care systems have radically changed, and the working population is much older fatter and less fit.

It would have been quite helpful to discuss states where things are working well. Washington is one and Ohio has made great strides as well.

What does this mean for you?

If asked by a non-work-comp person about the article and subsequent pieces, you may want to suggest that reality is somewhat different from the world portrayed by ProPublica.


The latest data on physician dispensing from WCRI

Wcri’s experts summarized their latest research in doc dispensing in the second presentation.

A couple quick takeaways.

First, the efforts to control the price of the repackaged drugs dispensed by physicians has failed as the dispensers have effectively circumvented the rules or statute by creating “new” drugs that are remarkably similar to current medications.

this is particularly problematic in IL and CA.

Second, physicians in Florida were apparently prescribing and dispensing opioids more often than necessary as they stopped prescribing these meds when they could no longer profit from dispensing fees.

Pharmacy costs in CA are growing rapidly however the pain management guidelines seem to have led to a flattening in the growth of the more potent opioids.

CWCI exec dir Alex Swedlow provided his usual excellent debunking of the false claims made by doc dispensing advocates, noting costs are higher and disability duration longer.

The net – doc dispensing research overwhelmingly indicates the practice adds no value and benefits no one but the profiteering docs and their enablers.




Live blogging from WCRI

In lovely Boston this week for the annual WCRI meeting, a day and a half stuffed with Research findings data and interpretation thereof.

Warning- due to some laptop issues I’ll be posting from my iPhone, and you will undoubtedly see many more typos than usual. A prize to the reader who correctly totals all the typos over the next two days.

The conference begins with the usual WCRI disclaimer that the organization presents research results and does not take policy positions. I’m happy to infer what the results mean and what we should do about the findings.

The lead off session addressed the impact of ppaca on work comp, specifically cost shifting from group to work comp.

Olesya Fomenko Ph.D did the research on the topic with a focus on ACOs and their impact on case shifting from group to comp. Much of the discussion revolved around capitated vs fee for service reimbursement and the financial motivations of the treating provider. In a capitated system, the doc gets paid the same amount for all non-occ care, but makes more for treating occupational conditions as they are not covered under he capitation arrangement.

The key finding is the “growing use of capitation is likely to increase the number of soft tissue injuries seeking payment under WC.”  Obviously this is going to be more common in states where capitated plans are more common.  The research indicates a potential increase in soft tissue claims in the 12 or so states with a quarter or more of workers covered by capitated plans – CA NY PA MI MA etc.

If capitation increases, there may well be more states with characteristics indicating a higher propensity to shift cases from group to comp. Capitation has declined over the last decade, but the growth of acos is likely reversing this trend.

Whats not visible in the data is the question “were soft tissue claims under reported previously, and now that there are stronger financial incentives to correctly categorize claims, they are now correctly categorized?”


Pre-WCRI catch up…

With WCRI’s annual confab coming up Thursday am, meetings in Boston tomorrow, and lots going on already this week, here’s a quick summary of goings on from all over the health care world.

Kudos to Liberty Mutual’s (and fellow Syracuse University grad) Tammy Camillone; Tammy was just promoted to run Liberty’s bill review operation.  With the pending transition from Coventry’s 4.0 to Strataware, this is a big job – but one well within Tammy’s capabilities.

Healthplan membership climbed by 5.6 million members from Q3 2013 to Q3 2014. That’s not surprising; what is surprising is the big gains in ASO (administrative services only, or self-insured health plans for larger employers) business for Kaiser and Anthem.  While most growth was in the individual lines, the jump in employer plans indicates things are looking good for health plans across a broad spectrum of products. 

A study just published in JAMA indicates the risk of overdose from prescribed opioids may be significantly greater if the opioids are long-acting (e.g. OxyContin) vs short-acting.

To our knowledge, the findings of the present study provide the first evidence that the risk of unintentional overdose injury is related to the prescribed opioid’s duration of action. If replicated in other cohorts, our findings suggest that clinicians weighing the benefits and risks of initiating different opioid regimens should consider not only the daily dose prescribed but also the duration of opioid action, favoring short-acting agents whenever possible, especially during the first 2 weeks of therapy.

Thanks to Steven Feinberg MD for the tipoff.

Finally, there are good people in the world, and there are people who are not.

Goings-on in Maryland work comp highlights this all too well.  The physician dispensing advocates, their pawns at the Maryland medical societies, and their hired hitmen are all on the wrong side of right.

In pursuit of the almighty dollar, these slimeballs are quite willing to say anything, do anything, lie about anyone, distort any facts and compromise whatever morals they may once have had just so they can keep feeding at the trough.

A trough filled with dollars hard-earned by taxpayers and employers.


What Maryland SHOULD be studying

Three weeks ago a group of stakeholders in Maryland decided physician dispensing wasn’t that bad [scroll down in link].

These stakeholders agreed to not do anything legislatively to address doc dispensing for another two years because their own analysis had indicated physician dispensing in MD was not changing.  Now, a lobbyist for physician dispensing “technology” firm Automated Healthcare Solutions has penned an opinion piece that can only be described as a hit job on WCRI, a highly respected research organization.

There are two related problems here.

  • It’s obvious the doc dispensers’ strategy is to try to discredit WCRI – no other reason to publish an editorial in a paper in a state that you’ve already won.
  • The stakeholders that signed the letter agreeing to forgo any legislation ignored research from Johns Hopkins University (located in Maryland) proving physician dispensing is associated with much worse patient outcomes.

I won’t dignify the lobbyist’s moronic prattling with a point-by-point rebuttal; WCRI already has in the measured, professional, and very precise way that is the hallmark of academic research. Suffice it to say that the lobbyist’s own writing shows he is even less knowledgeable about statistics, research standards, and data analytics than our Newfies are.

This guy calling out WCRI on statistical analysis is akin to me telling Blake Shelton he doesn’t know the music business.

Next, in a letter citing the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission, the stakeholders asserted “contrary to previous trends reported by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute, Maryland claimants received a smaller proportion of prescription drugs dispensed directly from their physicians, as compared with prescriptions dispensed from pharmacies.”  After much review, my conclusion is this – there are differences in the methodologies used by the MWCC and WCRI – but those differences do NOT mean WCRI’s work is wrong.

First, the data collection process the stakeholders used to come up with their conclusion is not as rigorous as it could – and likely should – have been. For example, they asked multiple sources for data on physician dispensing, but failed to provide tight criteria or definitions for these sources to categorize the data. As a result, the findings are questionable because the sources may well have:

  • used different criteria to identify “physician dispensers”
  • used different definitions of “repackaged” drugs
  • differing ability to identify what entity dispensed a drug
  • differing ability to differentiate between physician-owned “pharmacies” and retail pharmacies
  • different definitions of “generic” and “branded” drugs

Second, the MWCC analysis used an entirely different methodology than WCRI, a methodology that, among other factors, included different time periods and a different set of claims.  It is NOT surprising that different data sets, different methodologies, different time lines yield different results.

On its own initiative, WCRI used the stakeholders’ methodology in an attempt to understand the discrepancy, with the following result:

When we replicate the data and methods used by the Commission on the data used in our Maryland draft study, we get 16.7 percent where the Commission reported that 15.7 percent of prescriptions were dispensed at physicians’ offices. Hence, when we use similar methods on different data sets, we get similar results.

Ignored in the lobbyist’s “editorial”, and by the stakeholders as well, is this:

In the last published WCRI study on this topic, Maryland was compared to 20 other larger than average states. We found that physician dispensing in Maryland was more frequent than in 17 of these 20 states—twice as common as in the median state, [emphasis added] and four times more frequent than in the neighboring state of Virginia. 

Rather than get into a “mine’s better than your’s” conversation, here’s what we know.

There’s no question Maryland has a very large physician dispensing problem – one that all the research indicates is likely driving worse outcomes for patients and higher costs for employers and taxpayers.  The really troubling thing here is the stakeholders know, or should have known outcomes may be significantly and adversely affected by doc-dispensed drugs, yet went along with the deal.

In conversations with stakeholders, I asked why they didn’t consider this, and got no answer.  When I pressed and asked if they were going to work with JHU’s researchers to look at outcomes, I was told they “may have to think about that.”

Think about…what?

I don’t think these stakeholders are bad people or ill-intentioned; they do have a lot on their collective plate.

I do think they have – for their own reasons, which may make sense to them – given up the fight against physician dispensing.

In so doing, they are missing out on an opportunity to help Maryland employers, taxpayers, and injured workers.

They are also empowering the dispensers in other states.

What does this mean for you?

All the research indicates physician dispensing increases disability duration, indemnity expense and medical costs.  THAT is what Maryland should study.

Note – in the interest of full disclosure, I am (as most of you already know) president of CompPharma LLC, a consortium of workers’ compensation PBMs. It’s also important for readers to know that it matters not one iota to me financially if physician dispensing increases or decreases.

It does matter to me personally as it is flat out wrong. It is bad policy that is damaging the many to enrich a very few.


It’s March! well, almost…

Here’s the quick update on goings-on this week.

First, Helios has an excellent synopsis of rules, regs, and laws affecting many aspects of workers’ comp medical management here.  Get it, save it, and you’ll find it’s a great reference.

Kudos to David Williams!  His Health Business Blog has its tenth anniversary this week; he celebrates by hosting a most excellent Health Wonk Review.  Posts on hypocrisy and executive compensation at a Catholic Health Network, convoluted and mostly losing efforts to avoid the PPACA mandate, hospitals’ patient experience ratings and the profitability of fund-raising make for a quick roundup of news and views certain to keep you on top of all things health policy.

Ben Miller at WorkCompCentral reports on the recent spate of mergers in the PBM world (subscription required).  Ben discusses the non-work comp market, noting WC is affected by goings-on in the (much larger) group health, medicare/medicaid world.

Heard about several PT provider groups who are quite concerned/angry/furious re the 59 modifier issue.  Two have retained outside counsel and both are pursuing audits.

Finally, here’s a really good piece on how some efforts to motivate employees are counter-productive; Hint – it isn’t (all) about money – but it isn’t that simple either. Well worth your time.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

