Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


Big things that affect work comp

Perhaps the biggest factor driving workers’ comp is the economy, and more specifically employment trends.

In a down economy, payroll declines, claims cost increase, and it’s harder for recovering workers to find new jobs, resulting in longer disability duration. The result – lower total premium dollars and a challenging claims environment.

In an up economy, there are lots of jobs looking for workers, payrolls are up as employers have to pay more to get and keep workers, and it’s therefore easier to place recovering workers.  Plus premiums are up as payroll is higher.

We are now enjoying the classic “up” economy. While there are spots where the economy is not booming, overall things are pretty good in most places. And, the latest data is even more encouraging.

We are near a 16-year high for job vacancies at 5.6 million.

540,000 jobs were added in June and July, and unemployment is at 4.9 percent.

Wage growth is finally showing some movement, with BLS reporting private industry workers compensation over a rolling-twelve-months up by 2.6 percent last week.

This isn’t a post about who created what jobs, or who gets credit or blame, its about workers’ comp and what drives the business.  And right now, with comp carriers enjoying a string of financial success that’s all but unheard of in our industry, it’s good to know the macro factors out there are generally pretty positive.

What does this mean for you?

Good news until the pricing wars hit.


Help me understand…

How an investment firm can own a physician dispensing company and a work comp program administrator.

ABRY has acquired a controlling interest in NSM, an insurance program administrator focused on, among other things, selling work comp to smaller employers.

Yawn, right?

Not if you are one of NSM’s insurance companies or insureds.

ABRY – which now controls NSM, also owns Automated Healthcare Solutions, the physician dispensing “technology” company that makes big dollars by sucking dollars out of work comp carriers, employers, and taxpayers.

So, if you’re ABRY, what’s going thru your corporate mind? You know – better than perhaps anyone in the country – how lucrative the doc dispensing business is (that may be a key reason ABRY has held on to AHCS for 6 years, way longer than most investors hold on to companies).

And you know the dollars are coming (mostly) from workers’ comp – which means insurers, employers, taxpayers.  And you know that all credible research indicates physician dispensing increases medical and indemnity costs – plus the higher cost per pill inherent in the doc dispensing model.

Now you own a controlling interest in a company that – and this is importantadministers worker’s comp programs but does not insure those programs.

So help me understand why this is not inherently a conflict of interest. As an owner, ABRY makes money when AHCS makes money from workers’ comp payors, but does not lose money when a company it owns pays AHCS’ bills.

I reached out to ABRY’s Brent Stone and NSM CEO Geof Mckernan early this morning in an effort to get their perspectives.  Here’s what I asked Mr Mckernan:

Given that NSM’s insureds and carriers expect NSM to effectively manage their workers’ compensation programs, how does that square with the business model of AHCS, which is based on generating the highest possible fees for physician dispensed drugs?

There is a conflict of interest inherent in owning a company that manages workers’ comp claims and one that profits by generating the highest possible revenues from workers’ comp claims.  How will this be addressed by NSM?


  1. How will NSM work to mitigate the additional costs including extended disability duration and medical expenses inherent in physician dispensing?
  2. Will ABRY keep AHCS and NSM entirely separate from an investment management perspective?
  3. When conflicts arise between AHCS seeking reimbursement and NSM’s claims function (both internal and via YorkRSG), how will those conflicts be addressed?
  4. Given the well-documented problems inherent in physician dispensing, how will NSM assure it’s carriers and insureds it is taking all possible steps to mitigate those risks?

I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything…

and thanks to WorkCompCentral for the tip!


Party Time for Florida work comp attorneys

AIG just increased reserves for workers’ comp claims in Florida by $109 million.

Attorneys reacted positively…


NCCI’s just-released analysis indicates this isn’t an anomaly; their experts estimate the unfunded liability may exceed $1 billion.

To give you some context, total workers’ comp premiums in the Sunshine state last year were $3.6 billion, making this potentially the largest unfunded liability ever seen.

Who’s affected

Insurance companies, self-insured employers including governmental entities, and employers with deductible plans.

What does this mean?

“Un-funded” means insurers won’t be able to increase premiums to cover the additional costs as those costs are for policy years that have expired and there is no mechanism to charge former policyholders higher premiums to recoup the losses.  So, each employer and insurer has to come up with the funds.

Who benefits?

Attorneys.  The additional funds will go to pay plaintiff and defense attorneys.

What caused this?

Three decisions by the Florida Supreme Court.  Taken together, the decisions essentially overturn the limits on plaintiff attorney fees, allowing those attorneys to charge hourly fees instead of a percentage of their client’s benefits.

Previous reforms were motivated by high plaintiff legal costs as attorneys were paid their hourly rate regardless of the amount awarded to their client.  This incentivized attorneys to litigate, as any work was compensated, regardless of the outcome.  Taken to the extreme, claimant attorneys would spend hours litigating a denied office visit or X-Ray, racking up legal costs far above the actual cost of the denied service.

The reform sought to remove this incentive by paying attorneys a percentage of the actual award instead of an unlimited hourly-rate-based charge.

What does this mean for you?

A totally miserable weekend – and many weeks to come – for Florida’s self-insured employers and insurers.

Party time for work comp attorneys.


Opioids – the cost of the drug isn’t the problem.–R56ID_OnOVWjPZWVWUZ34PdboXT6Rx5x0F_qrHGLoAkd8YE0i7kZZ-AsE8M0F2vb5iMU58twYkIaV66wZWIWv_Q_BhN37G-VZ3Mc0ACGTbIhT8xQ&_hsmi=32453515

That’s the headline for a study that you – dear reader – need to read.

Here’s why – “Medical services for people with opioid dependence diagnoses skyrocketed more than 3,000 percent between 2007 and 2014.”

And that’s for privately insured people.  Based on research covering 150 million insureds, the report indicates the problem is particularly severe for younger men (19 – 35 year olds in particular).

We’ve all hypersensitive to the societal and personal cost of opioids, the Fair Health research is proof positive that the dollar cost of the drug itself is the least of the cost issues; dependency is strongly associated with much higher utilization of drug testing, overdose treatment, office visits and (my assumption) higher usage of other drugs intended to address side effects of opioids.

What does this mean for you?

Three thousand percent means you can’t afford to NOT address opioid addiction and dependency.



ACA – a little perspective on who’s going to win

Premiums are SKYrocketing!

Deductibles are HUUUGE!

Insurers are DROPPING OUT!


Can’t we all just chill for a minute?

Truth is, premiums in the individual marketplace today are lower than they were a couple years ago.

Yes, rates are going up, but the proposed rate increases are:

  • lower than historical trend rates
  • still to be approved by regulators
  • not as big a deal as one might think because consumers are shopping around and getting better deals
  • for plans that cover 17% more benefits than pre-ACA plans

To be fair, deductibles and coinsurance costs are much higher than pre-ACA, continuing a trend that’s been around for years.

My take is these economic cost control mechanisms are going to run their course, and we’ll see much more focus around care management and network management going forward.

That said, isn’t this EXACTLY what we were supposed to get from consumer-driven health care plans?  Insurers that are using economic levers to incent consumer behavior, narrowing networks to use buying power to get lower prices and focusing care management efforts on the 5% that generate 50% of costs will succeed, those that don’t understand this market or how to compete will fail.

What does this mean for you?

Expect health plans totally committed to the new health care market to win.  And that success will make them much tougher competitors in the group health market in years to come.

Watch out, Anthem, UHC, and Aetna



More insured via Exchanges is good news for Work Comp

People who obtained private health insurance coverage thru the Exchanges in 2014 were less healthy than those previously insured. A just-published article in HealthAffairs provides details on their medical issues and conditions, more on this below. [sub req]

That’s not surprising; prior to ACA, many individuals and families weren’t able to obtain coverage at a reasonable price, and some couldn’t get any coverage at any price, due to insurers underwriting practices.

Now that medical underwriting and pre-existing exclusions are outlawed, folks with health problems can get insurance.  Before we jump into the implications discussion, here’s the specifics.

among those with individual private coverage, the likelihood of reporting fair or poor health and the likelihood of being obese increased by 1.5 and 4.2 percentage points, respectively (Exhibit 1). We also found that the likelihood of having at least one of ten specific chronic conditions5 increased by 6.7 percentage points for this group—a change that was driven by increases in the likelihood of having hypertension (a 4.0-percentage-point increase) and diabetes (a 2.9-percentage-point increase)

The good news is many of these chronic conditions respond well to relatively inexpensive treatment, and the cost of caring for these individuals is much lower if they have access to good primary care.

For work comp payers, the good news is a bit less obvious – but it is good news – for two reasons.

First, in general the working population will be slightly healthier – because more workers will have insurance, and the least-healthy are more likely to be improving their health status. Thus if they do get injured, they will likely heal faster as their overall health status is better.

Second, work comp insurers won’t have to pay to treat their non-occ medical conditions, as the patients are more likely to have health insurance.



Details matter.

Someone who doesn’t do what you do may think it looks pretty simple.

Carpenters look at a house and see detailed planning, careful material selection, precise measuring, and skilled craftsmanship because they know what it takes to build a strong, sturdy, attractive, functional home. They are experts due to years of experience and hard-earned lessons and mentoring by their elders.

Me? I see walls and a roof. Building looks simple to me; get some lumber, nails, and tools, plus some other building stuff like shingles and wire and concrete, and start slapping stuff together.

Which house would you want to live in?

The same is true for any profession – teaching, medical bill processing, hitting a golf ball…right? Professionals – and we are all professionals in our chosen vocations – understand the complexity in what they do, while outsiders tell us it looks simple to them.

I’m thinking about the Presidential candidates’ positions on health care and health care reform.  Trump wants to “rip out Obamacare root and branch” and replace it with something much “simpler”.

In general, Trump’s calling for:

  • allowing insurers to sell health insurance across state lines
  • repealing the individual mandate
  • requiring insurers to cover anyone regardless of their pre-existing condition.

Sounds great…you don’t have to buy health insurance until you really need it, but the insurance companies still have to sell it to you even if you need a heart transplant or new kidney or are having premature triplets.  (We discussed the across state lines thing here)

Here’s where those “details” matter.

What will insurance companies do if they are required to cover people who don’t need to buy insurance until they get sick?

They have two choices – go bankrupt or stop selling insurance to individual sand families.

What do you think they’ll do?

Of course they will stop selling health insurance to individuals.  When that happens, the Paduda family, and most of the other 11 million folks insured thru the Exchanges will find themselves with no health insurance and no one to buy it from.

Then what?

Here’s the point. We live in an amazingly complex world, one where there are NO simple solutions.   I know, simple solutions are really appealing, but “see the ball, hit the ball” only works until you step up to the plate, when it gets a whole lot more complicated.

If health care reform was easy, it would have been done decades ago. It’s messy, complex, and there are no simple solutions where everyone wins. It requires consideration of the “what then” issues. When you move one lever, it triggers a whole bunch of reactions that, if not anticipated, will create way more chaos.

Yes, the ACA is messy and needs fixing. Yes, we need our politicians to engage, debate, argue, and work it out. What you and I do NOT need is a sound-bite solution that is NO solution at all.

What does this mean for you?

If you think health care is a mess now, can you imagine what it would look like if people could wait to buy insurance till they were sick, and insurers had to either sell it to them or stop selling insurance altogether?

It would look like this



Work comp drug spend is going down

On average payers’ drug spend dropped 6.5% from 2014 to 2015.

And the bigger payers saw bigger reductions, with several cutting spend by double digits.

Those are the results for 30 large and mid-sized work comp payers I surveyed for CompPharma’s annual Prescription Benefit Management in Workers’ Compensation Survey.  State funds, large and mid-sized insurers, TPAs, self-insured trusts, and very large employers all participated in this, the 13th annual Survey.

The big question is – why?

Before we jump into that, allow me to address a potential criticism of payers’ drug management efforts.  This reduction is NOT because payers want to prevent their patients from getting the care they need.  Rather, payers – and their PBM partners – are focusing on ensuring patients get the drugs they need quickly and with minimal hassle, while blocking potentially problematic drugs.

This effort has paid off in the near term in lower costs for employers and taxpayers, and will almost certainly result in quicker healing and return to functionality; patients who don’t get unnecessary opioids get better a lot faster than patients prescribed these dangerous and often-misused drugs.

The Survey report, which will be out in August, will have details.  At this point in our analysis, several drivers seem to be at play here.

By far the most significant is the depth and breadth of pharmacy clinical management programs now in place at most payers.  The vast majority of payers rely on their PBM partners for most clinical management functions, with responsibility delegated to PBMs for some/most/all functions including:

  • patient enrollment
  • formulary development and management
  • prior authorization
  • pharmacist review of claims
  • prescriber outreach and follow-up
  • peer review and interaction
  • reporting
  • high cost claim assessment and intervention

This is somewhat unique in the work comp medical management world.  Unlike surgery, hospitalization, and other service types, most payers have delegated pharmacy management to PBMs.  There are several reasons for this.

  • Unlike other medical services, pharmacy is highly automated, requiring a unique electronic communication capability and expertise to accept, approve, process, and pay for the service.
  • Few payers want to invest the funds and management resources necessary to effectively manage pharmacy.  With the continued focus on reducing administrative expenses, overhead is an evil word at most insurers, so outsourcing it just makes financial sense.
  • PBMs have a lot more knowledge about pharmacy management as this is their core business.  Insurers, TPAs, and state funds have many other priorities on their collective plate, priorities that most view as more central to their core business.  They are insurers and claims handlers, not pharmacists.

That said, a handful of large payers have internalized pharmacy management – hiring pharmacists and nurses, instituting workflows specific to drug authorization, focusing on long-term opioid users, and tightening up drug formularies and approval processes.  These entities are also seeing solid payback on that investment, with costs dropping by double digits for these big payers too.

A final point that bears consideration.

Work comp PBMs, most of which are members of CompPharma (I am president of CompPharma), are doing a really good job and thereby reducing their income and profits.

They do this because this is how they win additional business; their value proposition is to ensure patients get the right medications and don’t get the wrong ones.

What does this mean for you?

PBMs are getting it done.


Steve Anderson’s Health Wonk Review

Steve Anderson’s edition of Health Wonk Review somehow manages to find new news from last week’s Republican convention.

That would be impressive enough, but wait, there’s more!

David Williams’ deep dive into dialysis – an industry that exemplifies the conflicts and adverse motivations inherent in our health care system.

A revealing look at healthcare “ministries”; a business which, at the very least, requires a leap of faith across a very deep chasm.

And a critical de-construction of President Obama’s JAMA article about ACA.

A great way to start your week!



Work comp pharmacy – different indeed

The US spent $322 billion on outpatient drugs in 2015 – an 8.1% increase over the year before. (subscription required)

Over the next decade, CMS expects drug spending increases to outpace overall health care inflation by a significant margin at an average annual jump of 6.7%.

Things look remarkably different in the work comp world.

I’ve been surveying workers’ comp payers (insurers, state funds, TPAs, and large employers) for 13 years and the latest data indicates most are seeing a year-over-year decrease in drug spend.  I haven’t finished aggregating the data and checking the details, but this year looks like a continuation of the decreasing drug cost trend we’ve seen over the last several years (past Surveys available here).

More than 2/3rds of payers surveyed reported a drop in drug costs in 2015, and those that saw increases usually cited unique situations as primary drivers for those increases. Conversely, payers with decreases generally attributed their success to the same factors:

  • a strong focus on clinical management 
  • particular attention paid to opioid usage
  • ongoing, concerted effort to drive generic utilization

One other key driver – payers that work closely with PBMs on a variety of programs – retail network penetration, high risk patient identification, peer review, and outlier-prescriber outreach are seeing significantly better results.

I would note that work comp PBMs are spending a lot of money and resources to cut their revenues.  [I am president of CompPharma, a consortium of worker’s comp PBMs]

While there’s no question work comp can learn a lot from group health and other payers, the remarkable success workers comp payers have had in reducing the utilization of opioids shows that Medicaid and group health could and should carefully study what we’ve been doing.

What does this mean for you?

We are making progress, and work comp PBMs are leading the way.


Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

