Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


John Hanna – one of workers’ compensation’s good people

There are few people in this industry I respect and admire as much as John Hanna.

John is the Pharmacy Director at Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, where he and Medical Director Steve Woods MD have done wonderful work on any number of issues.

Perhaps none so important as John’s work to revamp BWC’s formulary, pharmacy program, and pain management approach. After implementing a formulary AND the infrastructure to publicize it to providers and address authorization requests, here’s some of what John has accomplished at BWC:

  • Injured workers were prescribed 15.7 million fewer opiate doses in 2014 than in 2010, representing a 37 percent decrease
  • prescriptions for muscle relaxants and anti-ulcer medications decreased by 72 percent and 83 percent.
  • In 2014, BWC’s total drug costs were 16 percent, or $20.7 million, less than in 2010.
  • Opiate costs were down 36 percent ($19.9 million); muscle relaxant costs were down 78 percent ($3.3 million); and anti-ulcer costs were down 95 percent ($6.4 million).
  • By 2015, total opioid doses for injured workers declined by 41 percent, and
  • the average daily opioid load per injured worker in 2015 was below the 2003 level.
  • The number of work comp patients considered opioid dependent was cut almost in half.

Think about that.

Due primarily to John, over 4,000 people are no longer categorized as “opioid dependent”.

His work has undoubtedly saved dozens of lives, will keep families whole and return hundreds of Ohioans to a functional, productive, livable life.

When John reads this he’s going to be kind of upset, because he will point to and credit everyone else involved in what has been, and continues to be, a big effort. And he’s right. That said, he’s the linchpin; the quiet, steady, very persistent and totally committed driver behind the change. This would not have happened without him. He was instrumental in getting BWC to pay for addiction treatment, using creative and personalized approaches to help injured workers get back to living without opioids.

This cut claims costs by tens of millions of dollars too, and therefore costs for Ohio’s employers and taxpayers – but this wasn’t the intent.

As long as I’m getting on John’s cranky side, I’ll also tell you, dear reader, that he’s the most modest person I know. Just one example – read his bio.  See anything there about his service in Vietnam as a Green Beret medic?

What does this mean for you?

We hear too much about crooks, liars, and cheats in workers’ comp. Thank goodness for the John Hannas.


What’s your company worth?

With investors once again looking to buy into the work comp service sector, owners are looking to figure out what their company is worth. Truth is, many work comp services companies are tough to value, in large part due to their “non-contractual customers.”

Revenues and profits from “non-contractual” customers are often discounted by potential buyers, who much prefer locked-in, guaranteed-price, long-term deals for their inherent predictability.

But that isn’t the way the real world works; often case management firms, IME companies, UR vendors and other service entities don’t have formal contracts with many of their customers. Instead, they provide a service, and send a bill to the claims adjuster. There may, or may not be an upfront understanding of the service’s price.

Claims payers like this because it doesn’t lock them into a vendor, while service companies are eager to work with payers and the contracting and price negotiation process can take a long time and yield little real benefit.

Which brings us to a conundrum – how does a seller or buyer value “non-contractual” revenue. Here are six ways to think about that – ways that might get you a higher price. (this is a summary; I strongly encourage you to read the Wharton article and listen to the podcast)

  • How many people have made a transaction, used our product or service sometime within the trailing 12 months?
  • How many people have made a repeat purchase, have engaged with us at least twice over that trailing 12 months?
  • Of all the people who made a transaction with us back in 2015, how many came back and did it again in 2016?
  • With all the purchases that we had today, what percent of them are from customers who did something with us in the previous year?
  • Of all the customers who bought with us, what percent were with us previously? Or of all the orders that were placed with us this year, what percent of them are by customers who have bought previously?
  • Of all the customers who have done anything with us in the past year, how many things did they do? How many purchases did they make or sell on?

I can hear you groaning – how can I figure this out? I don’t have time for this. We don’t have the data.

All likely true – however, if you don’t have time to value your business, you won’t know what it is worth to you.  You also won’t know where you should be investing, what customers drive what part of your profits, and what that means for your strategy going forward.

What does this mean for you?

Knowledge is the most valuable asset you have. It’s worth the time to obtain it.



HWR’s “alternative facts” edition is up and ready

errr. actually, it’s the Laurel and Hardy edition.  

Brad Wright brings us a terrifically readable synopsis of the latest writing from the bestest experts on health policy, work comp, regulations, and why there are lots of treatments that deal with symptoms, but few that actually cure disease.

Two not to miss are HWR maven Julie Ferguson’s piece on worker safety at a time of program defunding, and regulatory collapse, and the increasingly-brilliant Louise Norris’ fact-filled summary of the real story about the “collapse” of exchanges.


Latest news from the work comp world

A few items of interest from the workers’ comp world…

The sale of Mitchell proceeds, with multiple sources indicating four finalists have been selected. Word is one is a strategic, or industry buyer, while the rest are investment firms. Given current Mitchell owner KKR’s avowed intention to double their money (they paid $1.1 billion several years ago), it’s a safe bet the finalists are those with the deepest pockets.

Mitchell’s move to build their workers’ comp and auto pharmacy benefit management business is continuing; the latest deal is an acquisition of Mobile, AL-based PMOA. With this latest transaction, Mitchell has vaulted into the second tier of work comp PBMs, with revenues likely in the $175 – $200 million range.

The expansion into the PBM world makes sense, as it significantly increases top line (revenue).  I’d note that the PBM business is looking less attractive these days as margins have been hammered by states drastically cutting fee schedules.

Optum will announce today – or shortly after – that long-time workers’ comp exec David Young will assume leadership of the company’s workers’ comp subsidiary. Formerly CEO of Coventry Work Comp, David brings decades of experience to one of the largest service providers in the industry.

Congratulations to Gallagher Bassett and Pam Ferrandino; GB has hired the vastly-experienced Ferrandino to help run the TPA’s business development team.  Formerly leader of Willis Towers Watson’s casualty brokerage business, Pam will bring a wealth of knowledge and keen understanding of the buyer to GB. (Pam is a friend and colleague)

Finally, the transactions signal a bit of a resurgence in the work comp transactions. The work comp services world appears to be a focus of attention among private equity firms these days – there are at least two other deals that are in process, both have generated a lot of interest in the investment community.

There are several factors driving this. 

  • the mess in DC makes any business case or investment opportunity relying on or heavily driven by CMS or HHS dangerous at best. With the on-again-off-again ACA repeal effort, it’s impossible to predict what’s going to happen. Investors are well-advised to stay on the sidelines until things get clearer.
  • Interest rates are headed up, making now the time to do transactions before debt financing gets more expensive.
  • Private equity firms have a gabillon dollars in funds looking for investments.  They’ve got to find places to park that cash or risk alienating the entities and individuals who’ve bet on their ability to drive huge returns.
  • Sellers are getting multiples in the double-digits for work comp assets. (Prices for their companies are more than ten times the company’s cash flow) Smart owners know that will NOT continue; workers’ comp is a declining industry overall. The owners who are realists know this may be the last best time to sell.

What does this mean for you?

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered, and investors, be careful.


4 million jobs

may be gone when autonomous driving is fully implemented.

At an average salary of $33k, that’s $132 billion in wages that will disappear from payroll.

This from a report from the Center for Global Policy Solutions released last month – thanks to Insurance Journal for the heads’ up.

A quick primer – this contemplates “Level 5” autonomous driving – that is, the vehicle can handle every driving situation without human intervention.  Today, some vehicles have attained Level 4, which allows hands free driving in most situations such as highway and parking.

Some will scoff, citing regulatory hurdles, consumer reluctance, or just Luddism as reasons this will never happen.  Me?  I’d feel a lot safer if that dual semi trailer had Watson behind the wheel – and I’d be pretty happy to have a lot more time to work, read, call my mom, sister, and kids, text and blog while traveling from upstate New York to Boston, NYC, Philly, or Cleveland.

Implications abound.

  • more productivity for Americans
  • lower work comp premium for insurers
  • fewer injured workers
  • far fewer accidents = less need for replacement parts, less need for body shops, paint techs, wholesalers
  • less need for truck stops, mechanics, motels and restaurants (and these are in addition to the 4 million drivers)
  • lower work comp medical costs
  • way harder to re-employ transportation workers looking for employment
  • increased inequality as transportation is one of the few sectors with large numbers of relatively good-paying jobs.

What does this mean for you?

Denial is not a viable long-term option. Adaptation is.


Beware the Ignorant Antagonist

This was the message Accident Fund’s Jeff White delivered in a recent presentation on disruption in insurance – and specifically workers’ comp. A few of Jeff’s slides are shared here…

The idea is simple – things you used to have to do via phone or fax or in person or thru the (gasp) snail mail you can do on your smartphone or tablet – instantly, securely, and at no cost.

Hotel reservation?  Hotels Tonite.

Plane? Get a reservation, get flight status pushed to you, change your seat, get an upgrade.

Get dog food? Amazon Prime.

Nearest coffee? Starbucks app – and pay for it too.

Check on your house? Sure – lock status, turn up the heat, watch home security cameras.

Banking? Deposit checks, pay bills, move money around via your phone.

Sports? Get scores, watch highlights, chat with fellow fans, post pictures, buy tickets.

Travel, retail, security, banking, entertainment – all have been disrupted, middlemen eliminated or drastically changed by adoption of smartphones, spread of a very fast internet, growth of artificial intelligence-driven decision making, internet banking.

This is happening with insurance now, driven by those same technologies, processes, capabilities. Think about the implications; here’s one.

Insurance is risk-sharing for potential losses, but it is a very blunt instrument. Risk is estimated using what are really crude tools to assess exposure, potential cost, liability. Technology allows risk takers and risk assumers to narrow down the actual “risk” a lot, lowering cost of risk and more accurately pricing that risk.  Others with similar risks share the burden – but that burden is much lower due to accurate understanding of exposure.

If a loss occurs, tech can pay the claim instantly.

The graphic below is not a “could be”, it’s a “what actually happened in real life.”

Think this won’t happen in workers’ comp?

Ask a former travel agent – there are lots of them.

Most insurance companies will NOT survive the transition.  That’s because they don’t want it to happen as it will reduce revenues, eliminate the need for executives with newly-irrelevant skills and experience, and make existing infrastructure partially obsolete.

New entrants who don’t have lots of infrastructure to support and business models rooted in current technology and buying patterns are the “Ignorant Antagonists”.  Many of them will fail due to “stupid, ignorant” mistakes – but some will survive, thrive, and come to dominate the insurance industry.

What does this mean for you?

Your company tomorrow will be a lot different than it is today.  If it is around tomorrow. 



Work comp disruption and “the important vs the urgent”

A very long time ago a professor in a business school class said “you have to differentiate between things that are important and things that are urgent”.

That may very well be the most valuable lesson I learned in business school – although it’s one I constantly wrestle with.

I bring this to your attention, dear reader, because there’s been a very important series of blog posts sitting in my “drafts” folder for weeks now. I should have finished and posted them a month ago, but more “urgent” things kept coming up. Mea culpa.

So enough of my time-management problems – here’s what’s so important.

Writing in IAIABC’s Perspectives, Jeff White said:

Even more unconventional P2P insurance models are planning to go to market in 2017, some with the intent to cut out the insurance company altogether. Their
plan is to initially appeal to the one-third of the U.S. population that is wildly open to sharing money and property, even if they have never met each other in person before. These companies are adopting models taken straight out of the current Fintech playbook using crowdfunding, microfinancing, and P2P lending models as their guide.

Jeffrey Austin White is the smartest person I know in work comp.  Jeff also has the unique ability to instantly grasp highly technical issues and, more importantly explain them to the rest of us so that we understand the issue, AND get its implications.

You need to read his article, because it explains precisely what the future – peer-to-peer networks, crowd-funding, blockchain – holds for healthcare and workers’ comp.

This future has huge implications for buyers, regulators, suppliers, and other stakeholders. A few examples:

Teambrella will push the limits of our current regulatory system by allowing members to cover their own risk using a distributed network based on the blockchain.

Teambrella’s model will [be]… funded by a closed community of users without a license or the backing of an insurance company, a centralized authority, or state regulators. What? Are they allowed to do that?

Lemonade is one of several new companies, or platforms, that is re-inventing mutual insurance, by operating under what is now referred to as a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. This network allows customers to form groups and finance their own claims from a shared pool of funds with excess covered by a re-insurer. In the true P2P model, money left over in the pool, which would normally be profit for the insurance carrier, is either refunded back to the individual participants, paid forward to the next year’s premiums or, in the case of Lemonade, donated to a charitable organization.

Several major organizations are currently engaged in an international insurance pilot project based on blockchain technology. Aegon, Allianz, Munich Re, Swiss Re, XL Caplin and Zurich are among 15 companies that recently announced the launch of the Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative — B3i.

I’m going to dig deep into this in the next post.



Quick takes…

Crazy busy here at the intergalactic HQ of Health Strategy Associates, so I’ve been slacking on my blogging duties…

here’s what came across the virtual desktop of late.


several articles of note – save them, file them, read them.  You WILL have to understand blockchain, and sooner than you might think.

Blockchain and the sharing economywhich will include insurance

What will blockchain mean for jobs? One expert says: “30–60% of jobs could be rendered redundant by the simple fact that people are able to share data securely with a common record.”


The sharing economy depends on the ability of entrepreneurs to leave big employers with good healthplans. If ACA is repealed and/or individual insurance markets tighten up, the gig economy is going to get slammed.  “Job lock” is real; this from HealthAffairs

Without the ACA, there will be fewer Howards who start their own businesses, resulting in fewer jobs. That’s why anyone who tells you that the ACA is a “job killer” is flat wrong.


Express Scripts’ new work comp drug trend report is out – key highlights are:

  • drug spend is down 7.6%
  • opioid utilization is down 11.1%

What this means – work comp PBMs and payers’ efforts to reduce opioid over-utilization are paying off, and this is excellent news for patients and employers alike.

HOWEVER, with half of all patients receiving at least one script for opioids, we’ve still a long way to go.  No vacations folks, now’s the time to keep a relentless focus on reducing opioid usage – especially for patients who’ve been on these drugs for months.

Truth is, some patients demand specific drugs, and it’s difficult for docs to convince them otherwise. And, it’s notoriously difficult to get physicians to change their habits...they are human after all.

Hawaii’s legislature is considering legislation to limit physician dispensing.  Thank goodness the Clifford Yees of the world seem to be sidelined – at least for the moment.

Back tomorrow to a deeper dive into a key issue…


Republicans channelling Monty Python

Why the President and Congressional Republicans are still trying to do healthcare legislation is truly a puzzle. Unhappy with their initial effort to completely blow up the insurance markets (and their political future), they’ve re-engaged in a pointless effort that is destined to fail – and wound themselves in the process.

Pointless because every concession to win votes from the Freedom Caucus guys costs votes from those slightly more moderate.  So, it’s a zero-sum game – win an arch-conservative’s support, lose a less-conservative vote.

perhaps they’re thinking the initial AHCA no-vote debacle wasn’t much of a concern…

To be fair, in the disastrous AHCA non-vote they ONLY lost one of their arms.  This time they’re looking to lose more appendages.  This is one of those “if you don’t laugh you’ll cry” moments, because ACA does need significant improvement, but – at least for now – improvements are being ignored as politics prevail.

There are a lot of reasons this is political suicide…

The President and Republican candidates committed to keeping coverage for pre-existing conditions.  The plan being discussed today would gut this entirely, leaving over a quarter of us without coverage for pre-ex.  Ignore claims to the contrary; the combination of changes to what’s covered (essential health benefits) and removal of restrictions on premiums would mean anyone in the individual or small group markets would be subject to medical underwriting (absent state regulations to the contrary).

A close friend and lifelong Republican (including experience working on Capitol Hill) emailed me this morning about this latest “reform the reform” effort using language that would peel the paint off a battleship.

Most Americans now believe the GOP “owns” health reform.  A just-published Gallup poll finds 61% of respondents said “any problems with the law moving forward are the responsibility of Trump and Republicans in Congress…”

Interestingly, ACA is now polling higher than ever, at 55% approval. That’s up 13 points since the election…

I think the Freedom Caucus guys understand their ideological purity means millions of Americans will lose insurance coverage – and thus healthcare. 

And when they do, every mother, father, aunt, uncle, and grandparent will be incensed beyond measure that their wife/husband/child/grandchild won’t get the care they need.

How that is a winning proposition escapes me, but good for the Freedom Caucus for standing up for what they believe in.

Of course, you need to have legs if you want to stand.


UPDATE – looks like the Freedom guys and their Republican opponents can’t agree on what the White House said the new bill would include.  Either that or the WH folks told the two parties different things.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

