
What happened to the work comp Medical Director?

Late in 2011 I predicted medical directors would begin to assume more authority and responsibility as workers’ comp insurers/TPAs realized the significance of medical management.

Boy was I wrong.

My thinking was logical (I know, that was my first mistake); with medical expense totaling three-fifths of claims expense, the powers-that-be would realize that managing that medical expense required medical expertise.  Ergo, doctors (well, some doctors) should be heavily involved – in leadership roles – in managing that expense, setting policy, allocating resources, leading that effort.

Alas, with a few notable exceptions (Hartford, Broadspire), docs aren’t sitting in the big offices. Most are in high-level-but-primarily-supporting roles – advisers, conference speakers/representatives, in-house consultants, client and prospect presenters – while filling the traditional function of in-house medical expert addressing UR determinations and responding to claims queries.

That’s no knock – none at all – against the folks in the medical director role.  I know a few pretty well and others a bit; they are very knowledgeable, thoughtful, extremely capable, and way under-utilized.  That’s not to say they aren’t incredibly busy, but all too often they are busy doing things that, while necessary and important, aren’t the highest and best use of their expertise. More importantly, they aren’t setting policy and strategic direction for medical management – that remains the purview of business/claims folks.

Again, that’s not to say many claims folks are incompetent or unskilled or not capable.  That’s not my point.

My point is simply this – medical management is increasingly important, yet most workers’ comp payers’ claims operations are run by folks who grew up in an industry where indemnity was deemed (appropriately) more important. They know and understand that world very well, and are well-equipped to deal with claims in that environment.  Payer CEOs appear to view medical expertise as a supporting function.

The world has changed, dramatically. It is now 2013, yet medical management in workers’ comp is dominated by huge networks of deeply-discounted providers; results are measured by how much payers can squeeze out of providers on every bill (ignoring the services on that bill or how many bills come in) and how much margin their in-house “medical management” unit generates for the enterprise.  Moreover;

Outcomes are a sound bite with little meaning beyond RFP responses and conference Powerpoints.

Medical management directors are evaluated based on the totally-wrong-headed percentage of savings model.

Non-medically expert claims personnel are tasked with making critical decisions about medical services, decisions for which they are woefully unprepared and unqualified.

So, any surprise that medical costs are escalating, opioid use has reached epidemic proportions, back surgeries are far more prevalent in comp than other lines, utilization continues to increase, and loss ratios are way above 100%?

There’s another contributor to this situation – the hoary meme that doctors can’t manage or lead.  That is sooooo nineteen-nineties.

Fact is doctors are leading many organizations and business units within those organizations – and doing a damn good job.  Think Mayo, Lahey Clinic, Oregon (Governor is a physician), CDC, Wellpoint, Partners (Boston), United HealthGroup, McKesson Health Solutions, CVS/Caremark – and many others.  I know several workers’ comp medical directors that are more than capable of sitting in bigger chairs behind bigger desks, yet they aren’t.

Once again, we in the work comp world are stuck in the past.

What does this mean for you?

Those payers that recognize the critical importance of medical will be more successful than those that do not.  And that means putting medical directors in positions of authority and responsibility. 


Coventry’s last earnings report

I’ll admit it, I’ve been slacking…It’s now five days since Coventry released their last-ever earnings report, and I’m only now posting on it.  Mea culpa; too darn much work. Here are a few quick takeaways followed by my perspective on the company and their results this quarter. 

(and so much for my title for the Q4 earnings report as the “last ever…”)

  • Very solid earnings – up 61% from the prior year quarter.  Pretty impressive.
  • Revenues were flat after some Medicare Advantage bookkeeping stuff
  • Commercial membership – and revenues – are down again.
  • Medical loss ratios (MLR) for Commercial risk and Medicaid are looking very good, improving substantially over the previous quarter; Part D is not.
  • Workers’ comp revenue is down substantially.

Let’s start with work comp (sorry David Young).  2012 was a tough year – revenue  decreased $26 million or 3.3 percent from the prior year. And Q1 was no improvement; revenues declined almost $8 million from the previous quarter; $16 million from the same quarter in 2012.

The main driver was likely pharmacy; the full impact of the loss of ESIS’ PBM business to Progressive was felt; the numbers may also reflect the USPS’ decision to change from Coventry’s FirstScript PBM to PMSI. Because ALL pharmacy revenue counts as “top line”, losing a PBM customer has a disproportionate impact on financials – just as winning one does (First Script won the Selective Insurance business recently).

I’ve said before – and will repeat again – Aetna is NOT going to dump the WC business.  If anything, they’ll likely invest in the sector.  There’s a bunch of reasons private equity is all over workers’ comp services these days: there’s lots of upside from automation; margins are very healthy; regulatory risk is minimal; and it is a good counterbalance to the group/public sector health plan business.

Overall, decent growth in Medicare Advantage and Part D revenues.  Medicaid growth was negative, driven by exiting one market and increasing membership in two others.  Overall, Coventry’s public-sector business continues to be the largest of the company’s three business segments – while commercial membership and revenues continue to sag.

This is why Aetna is buying Coventry – public sector expertise, market share, and membership.  Mother Aetna has the commercial sector pretty much figured out (as much as anyone does in these pre-ACA-implementation days); they need help in the public-sector health plan markets.

Unless the world ends, this will REALLY be their last earnings report.

What does this mean for you?

Size matters in the post-ACA days – a lot.  Expect more mergers and acquisitions, and some big ones too.



Express Scripts’ work comp results are in

Express Scripts’ 2012 Drug Trends Report provides an interesting picture of the trends experienced by their clients.  ESI has a pretty strong presence among the State Funds, with California and New York two of the larger ones served by the St Louis-based PBM.

As noted last week, you can’t compare statistics from one PBM to the next without ensuring you understand and factor in the definitions, formulae, claimant population and methodology/time frames used by the PBMs in question.

ESI’s stake in the ground is in avoiding “waste”, defined as “any additional spend on pharmacy costs that provides no incremental benefit in treatment outcomes.” Prescribing branded drugs when generics are available, maximizing home delivery, avoiding potentially abused drugs – all contribute to waste and thus higher costs and poorer outcomes.

A couple of interesting data points; ESI’s researchers determined that using non-morphine pain medications (typically synthetic opioids e.g. OxyContin) instead of morphine-containing meds “could have cost $1,172 in additional spend per injured worker for each year during which narcotic medications were used.” The point was specific to claimants receiving long-acting opioids relatively early in the treatment process, with ESI contending other, less expensive drugs are likely more appropriate.

Lead clinician TIm Pokorney RPh and his colleagues also looked at compounds and copacks; potency was “much higher than intended in MIssouri and Texas”, a particularly frightening finding given the well-publicized problems with compounds’ safety.

ESI’s average client saw trend increase 2.9% in 2012, driven by a 3.2% increase in the cost per script.  Oxycontin remained the top drug in terms of cost, at 9.7 percent of spend, however overall usage of narcotics was down 2.7% – a welcome change and one mirrored by other PBMs’ results.

Drugs that saw significant more utilization year-over-year include generic morphine, Cymbalta(R) gabapentin and oxycodone – all used for treating pain. On the positive side, utilization of Opana(R) ER and Oxycontin both declined dramatically. Clearly ESI’s efforts to move claimants from branded drugs to generics are paying off.




WCRI hosted a webinar yesterday to discuss WCRI’s latest research into long term users of opioids, policy options and recommendations.  The event topped the list of best-attended webinars – the problems associated with opioids and potential solutions thereto is a critical issue facing all workers’ comp payers.

Dr Dongchun Wang started with a review of WCRI’s new information – with a focus on longer-term usage – lost time, musculoskeletal-related injuries without surgery who received opioids more than 6 months after injury. Here are a few of Dr Wang’s highlights:

  • In Louisiana, one in six claimants who received opioids early on were long term users, in other states it is one in ten.
  • The use of other treatment modalities in conjunction with opioids was quite low – 24% of claimants from 2009 – 2011 were receiving drug testing – ten points higher than the two previous years – whoever range was from 18% – 30%.
  • This was far better than psych evals – which were in the mid-single digits.  Very few claimants are evaluated on the front end for psych issues, or get psych treatment.

Dr Kathryn Mueller followed up with a discussion of the global pain problem and attendant issues with opioid over-prescribing and abuse.  Claimant MEDs (morphine equivalent dosage) varied by a factor of four across the study states.  This despite consistent guidance from all sources recommending limited use of opioids. ACOEM calls for limiting opioids to 3-10 days while all guidelines re CNCP (chronic non-cancer pain) essentially include the same treatment for pain – limited opioids, use of NSAIDs, manage not end pain, use CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy, 6-10 visits typically).  Opioid therapy is a very small part of pain therapy, which should also require documentation of functional improvement and change. Dr Mueller also:

  • recommended accessing PDMsP.
  • recommended including weaning language in all opioid agreements.
  • noted there are no studies that show long acting opioids are preferred or have better outcomes than short acting – and no evidence for or against a specific drug.
  • noted CO has a drug monitoring payment code to encourage payment for physicians managing opioids
  • said re urine drug monitoring, that physicians need confirmatory testing of metabolites and not just in-office screening

Dr Dean Hashimoto finished up; we will review his comments in a later post.



Workers’ comp drug trends – good news at last, Part 2

Workers’ comp pharmacy benefit management firms devote significant resources to research, much of which is published in their annual drug trend reports.  Today we focus on PMSI’s just-released report…

The big news – narcotic utilization in the first year of the claim was down 7 percent from 2010 to 2012.  There was an increase in NSAIDs, indicating physician prescribers were substituting NSAIDs for narcotics, a major step in the right direct.  For all claims, narcotic utilization declined 3.2%, an indication that there was less of a decrease among older claimants. Nonetheless, the top drug by spend continued to be Oxycodone at 9.1%

PMSI’s 2013 Annual Drug Trends Report covers three years of in-network transactions totaling just under $1 billion in spend spread over 5.7 million transactions.  Their researchers use cost per day and average days supply to level set for changes; for 2012, cost per day was up 2.8% while utilization declined 2.7% for essentially no change in cost year over year.  This was driven in part by converting more claimants from retail to mail order and associated 21% lower price per day supply. (mail order meds are a lot cheaper)

The report also cites the key role of generic conversion – PMSI clients’ cost for generics was 75% less than for brand ($2.83 v $11.09).  Overall, both generic efficiency and generic fill rates were up; however this varies by age of claim as rates decreased as claims age.

The report includes several excellent charts and maps detailing various regulatory and legislative issues – physician dispensing regs, repackaging reimbursement limits and the like.  There’s also an excellent graphic showing how carisoprodol dispensed by a physician can cost more than ten times the retail pharmacy’s cost ($138.60 v $11.03 – p 10)

One item of interest – the cost per physician-dispensed pill in HI was $4.71 v $1.68 for pharmacy in 2012…

Finally, the big PBM’s clients saw good results from their acetaminophen program as it cut number of claimants taking more than recommended dose by 40%.

Considering this report and Progressive Solutions’, it appears that PBMs have been able to make some progress in reducing the use of narcotics on new claims.  It may also be that physician prescribing patterns are changing; I’m looking into that through a couple of sources to see if we can discern any overall pattern.

More to come.




Workers’ comp drug trends – good news at last – Part 1

There are three workers’ comp drug trend reports out this week; we’ll look at each one (in order I received them).  A cautionary note; it is difficult to compare PBMs’ performance on the basis of their reports; the metrics and basis for those metrics varies, their books of business are different (some have lots of very old claims, others have more state funds than national clients and there are also other differences in payer mix with some payers much more aggressive and willing to work with their PBM on specific issues).

First up is Progressive Solutions’ version. The big PBM saw an average reduction in spend per claim of 0.5 percent, driven by a combination of fewer days’ supply per script and fewer scripts per claim.  Progressive has invested heavily in predictive analytics; the payoff has been a significant drop in opioid usage for targeted claims (15% decrease in morphine equivalents).  The data shared in their report parses out the various factors driving claim cost and risk, with “pharmacy behavior”(number of prescribers, number of pharmacies, medications) becoming increasingly significant as a claim ages.

Progressive’s clients are seeing a reduction in opioids as well, with both long- and short-acting opioid script volume down. This has cut per-claim costs for opioids by 4.2 percent.

The report has an extensive and accessible section on legislative and regulatory trends, with discussions of state regs on repackaging, compounds, and physician dispensing.

The takeaways are this:

  • Analytics and modeling can drive much better results by focusing resources on the big problems. The PBM and WC industries need to continue to up their game, and get smarter about where, when, and how to address cost drivers – generic, one-size-fits-all approaches are costly, inefficient, administratively burdensome, and annoy claimants and physicians.
  • The impact of regulations and legislation on WC pharmacy, and thus workers’ comp costs and outcomes, is increasingly important.  Physician dispensing and compounding are two of the biggest profit-creators for those interested in sucking money out of the comp system.  It behooves all stakeholders to thoroughly understand these issues and get involved.
  • Opioids are being addressed – there’s much to do but a strong focus and assertive programs can and do deliver results.

Finally, Progressive’s report is well-designed and well-written.  Kudos to the folks who actually took all that research and translated it into language the rest of us can understand.




A tough week for work comp in Florida

Florida’s legislature is working thru several workers’ comp bills – and the news isn’t good.  A PDMP bill has been emasculated; Florida’s prescription drug monitoring program won’t require physicians check the system before prescribing drugs.

And while there’s ongoing negotiations on a bill addressing physician-dispensed drugs, at this point it looks like Florida’s employers will have to pay more for physician-dispensed drugs than they would if those drugs were dispensed by retail pharmacies.

This is a fluid situation and may well change – and we can only hope it does. We are also wondering where the retail pharmacies and food/drug combos are in the discussion; there is no evidence that physicians pay more for their drugs than drug stores do, so forcing employers and taxpayers to cough up millions to line the pockets of dispensers and their enablers is nothing more than extortion.

That said, it is clear that the Florida Medical Association has once again ignored their Hippocratic oath to do no harm; according to Mike Whitely’s piece in WorkCompCentral the FMA  got the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Mike Fasano R New Port Richey, to “drop a requirement that Florida physicians consult the PDMP before prescribing drugs on Schedules II and III of the US Drug Enforcement Administration’s controlled substances list.”

Notably Rep. Fasano appears to have removed that requirement in hopes that in so doing the bill would have a better chance of passage.  That said, the FMA’s position is short-sighted and self-serving.  According to the vice chair of the FL PDMP Foundation, it “makes sense for doctors to check the database and it takes 30 seconds.” [emphasis added].

So.  Thirty seconds is more important to the FMA – and their members – than preventing doctor-shopping, reducing criminal behavior, and saving lives.

Lest you think I’m being hyperbolic, doctor shopping kills people. And speaking about the Tennessee law requiring docs check the PDMP database before prescribing, “There’s no question the law there will reduce overprescribing and doctor-shopping, said Gary Zelizer, director of government affairs for the Tennessee Medical Association. Yet reducing over-prescribing, doctor-shopping, and the resulting deaths and injuries is less important than saving 30 seconds.

For those interested in doctor-shoppers’ views on PDMPs, read this.  Abusers hate PDMPs that mandate physician checks of the PDMP before prescribing.


Opioids’ long term impact on workers’ comp – WCRI reports

Opioids will be the biggest problem the workers’ comp industry faces over the next few years.  WCRI’s hosting a webinar on the issue later this month, and I’d encourage you to sign up (do it fast, there’s a limit on attendees).

For those unaware of recent research on the issue, here are a few of the issues:

  • there’s huge variation among and between the states; according to WCRI’s latest research 17% of Louisiana claimants who started using opioids were still using them 3-6 months later, compared to about 3 percent in Arizona.  Clearly the risk of addiction/dependency in LA is much higher than in AZ.
  • Less than a quarter of all long-term opioid users were tested for drugs via urine drug screening.  When you factor in drug testing data that indicates a substantial percentage of claimants prescribed opioids don’t have evidence they’re taking them, it is clear employers and insurers are paying millions for opioids that may not be used for the intended purpose (to be generous).
  • In California, claimants prescribed opioids are off work 3.6 times longer; litigation is 60 percent higher, and their claim costs are twice as high as claimants who don’t receive opioids.

If opioids aren’t on your radar, they soon will be.

If not, you must be in Arizona.

What does this mean for you?

Sign up for the webinar


Drug compounding’s continuing problems

According to the NYTimes, the FDA’s ongoing investigation into compounding pharmacies:

“found numerous unsafe practices at about 30 compounding pharmacies, the same type of facility responsible for the tainted drug that caused a deadly meningitis outbreak last year.

Among the problems found were unidentified black particles floating in vials of supposedly sterile medicines, rust and mold in clean rooms where such drugs are made, improper air flow, and clothing that left workers’ skin exposed.” [emphasis added]

If they aren’t, workers’ comp payers and medical management firms should be paying very close attention to these inspections.  There are three problems with compounds – they tend to be very costly, there is zero evidence that they help the healing process, and there is a wealth of evidence (see above) that compounds can be very dangerous – if not lethal.

Workers’ comp claimants harmed by compounds will incur expenses to address that harm – expense that will have to be covered by the workers’ comp payer.

The payer may also have to provide death benefits for claimants killed by compounds.

States that currently have a compounding problem are likely to see it grow – as it has in California.  States enjoying a compound-free experience are almost certain to be targeted by compounders and their enablers.

The list of FDA-inspected compounders is here.


“Disability” is increasing…why?

Are we suffering traumatic injuries from falling trees, collapsing scaffolds, dangerous industrial machines?

Is it because so many of us work at jobs requiring intense physical labor, and we are working long hours long past middle age?  Conversely, is it the very sedentary nature of many jobs that saps energy and wastes muscle?

Could it be we are just living longer than we ever have, and our bodies, programmed by evolution to live long enough to procreate, just aren’t built to stay strong, flexible, and resilient for decades?

Or are we way too fat, get far too little exercise, eat lousy food, and blame everyone but ourselves for the consequences?

Is it the continuing high unemployment rate and dearth of good-paying jobs?

And/Or – and here’s the scary thought – is it the definition of “disabled” that’s changed – both the public one and the way some view themselves?

This is becoming an increasingly critical question – as the number of Americans on Social Security for “disability” has increased rather dramatically – doubling from 1985 to 2005. In 1984 2.2% of the working-age population was receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI); 4.1% was in 2005.  This increase was, according to a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, driven by a change in the definition of disability:

The most important factor is the liberalization of the DI screening process that occurred due to a 1984 law. This law directed the Social Security Administration to place more weight on ap-plicants’ reported pain and discomfort, relax its screening of mental illness, consider applicants with multiple non-severe ailments, and give more credence to medical evidence provided by the applicant’s doctor.

These changes had the effect of both increasing the number of new DI awards and shifting their composition towards claimants with low-mortality disorders. For example, the share of awards for a primary impairment of mental illness rose from 16 percent in 1983 to 25 percent in 2003, while the share for a primary impairment of musculoskeletal disorders (primarily back pain) rose from 13 per-cent in 1983 to 26 percent in 2003.

The number of working-age folks receiving SSDI reached 8.8 million at the end of last year.  That’s about 4.4 percent of the working age (18-64) population, an increase of 0.3 percent over the last seven years.

There’s been an increasing amount of attention paid to this issue; that’s both warranted and appropriate.

Yet I’m reminded of something Jennifer Christian MD told me years ago; “there’s no condition so disabling that there isn’t someone in the US with that condition working full time today.”

So, what is it?

My sense is it is all of the above. Some are really hurting or unable to work at jobs they can perform, others lazy, some dispirited, some enabled by physicians, many just getting older and wearing down, many unable to find good-paying jobs.

What does this mean for you?

Big, knotty problems aren’t fixed by simple answers or assignment of blame.  They are fixed by understanding drivers and the various moving parts needed to assemble solutions.