
Recapping the NWCDC

The feet have stopped throbbing, business cards have been entered into the CRM (aka contact database), and the whirlwind that is NWCDC has been left behind to be replaced by some general themes.

Here are a couple of takeaways.

Big show, lots of attendees. Looks like the economy’s recovery, change in venue, and increased profitability of work comp (for payers and vendors alike) drove more folks to attend the conference.  Either that or a whole lot of Latin music fans were attending sessions and working the floor.  Sessions were well attended; topics and/or speakers seemed to attract more interest than at other meetings I’ve been to recently and there was some new information from different folks that I hadn’t heard before.  

Lots of sessions on opioids, which indicates a) the industry is paying attention; b) payers are looking for solutions; and c) there are business opportunities.  I’d note that the depth of knowledge demonstrated by some hawkers pitching solutions was rather unimpressive.  There were far too many instant solutions that are anything but, thrown together by folks with very little understanding of the problem and obstacles to solutions.

I met with several new up-and-comers, folks who built businesses before, sold them, and are now developing their next offering.  Unlike the mega-companies that were the talk of the show, these are focusing narrowly, building slowly, and finding under-served, or not-well-served niches.  Liked what I saw.

Comp remains attractive hot in the investment community.  Among the many private equity folks in circulation were several Apax folks, the PE firm that just acquired One Call and Align.  More to come.

There’s nothing like sharing space with the Latin Grammys to show an old white guy just how uncool and out-of-the-loop he is.  If a celebrity walked by me, I never knew it.

And the Mandalay Bay is waaaay nicer than the former LV Hilton.  Need to get the exhibits closer to the sessions, though.


Changes at Coventry work comp

David Young is no longer heading up the Coventry work comp business.  

His departure, announced to customers after the conclusion of the work comp conference took the work comp management staff (and me) by surprise.  Long-time Coventry exec Art Lynch is now running the show, reporting up to Aetna’s Steve Doyle.

While I’ve been a long time critic of Coventry, I’ve also noted Young was in a no-win position.  Tasked with generating cash for the enterprise, Coventry’s work comp unit never received the investment or attention it needed to grow and evolve.  Instead Young and his colleagues had to raise prices, convince customers to stay with the increasingly-creaky BR 4.0 bill review application, cross-sell all services, and do so with fewer and fewer resources.  As a result, customers weren’t happy, and there wasn’t much Young et al could do to make them any happier.

Lynch knows the business, is well-regarded and well-liked, and is a consummate professional.  He knows Coventry’s customers and is known by those customers.

What does this mean?

I’d be throwing darts if I speculated, so I won’t. 


Vegas – the elephant hunt is on

It’s got to be weird.

Former competitors standing next to each other in the booth, greeting guests at their events, talking up the advantages of companies they were competing with just a month ago.

It may be even stranger for those people who were not competing but now are, the ones whose companies have acquired units that now conflict with companies they used to work with, or at least be supportive of.

Nonetheless thats where the industry is these days. And that consolidation and disruption is going to continue for the foreseeable future. The word from the investors I’ve spoken with is that they are still very actively pursuing investments in work comp.  Met with several yesterday who were on the floor and in meetings all day, looking for the next deal.

My sense is the interest is primarily in big deals – not taking companies from $20 million to $100 million but from $400 million to a billion dollars plus. Sure, the smaller deals will continue, but the big stuff is where the focus is these days.

Here’s a very brief take on what I see happening.

Coventry is going to get lots if attention as investors seek to pull it out of Aetna and either operate it as a standalone or use it as a platform to compete with.  For all the reasons I enumerated here, that isn’t going to happen.  If anything, the current Obamacare debacle will make it even less likely Aetna exits a complementary, fee-based, non-PPACA-affected business.

Not gonna happen.  If anything, Aetna is going to look to add to their work comp portfolio; expect to see them in the hunt, albeit very selectively.

One Call is reported to be looking for add-on deals, and I’d have to think one likely product-market is work comp PBM and a broader network.  The Apax folks are here and, according to a couple reports, asking lots of questions about market opportunities.

Expect OCCM to add business, although the prices current owners will demand are going to be outrageous unthinkable in line with the Align/One Call multiples.

Stratacare was mentioned several times; there’s been lots of talk over the last few months but no public action.  I’d have to expect something will occur here; perhaps KKR, the new owners of Mitchell, will make a play to buy them out and consolidate the bill review industry.  If they do, I have to believe Medata and MCMC would be licking their chops.

What does this mean for you?

A very busy holiday shopping season!


What to check out at the Work Comp Conference

For those attending the National Work Comp and Disability Conference in Las Vegas next week, here are a few things you may want to check out.

Following up on last week’s webinar reporting the results of our Survey on Opioid Management in Work Comp, I’ll be discussing the report and answering questions at CID Management’s booth.  It’s an invite thing, so click here to get signed up.

Wednesday at 5:30 good friend and colleague Peter Rousmaniere will be discussing his new book, Work Safe: An Employer’s Guide to Safety and Health in a Diversified Workforce.  The event will be held in the Mandalay Bay Hotel; stop by either the Concentra or Broadspire booth to get details.

MedRisk (consulting client) will have their magician on hand; if you haven’t seen him do his stuff, it’s a must-see.

I’ll be at Millennium Labs’ booth (1245) Wednesday at 10 and 4, stop by to catch up on the latest in drug testing, new illicit substances making the rounds, and creative things folks are doing to try and fool the testers.

The AMA – American Medical Association is there.  You may want to ask them what their position on physician dispensing for profit is; I and others (thank you, American Insurance Association!) have been trying to get them to get real about this for years…their policy statement says it’s a no-no, but their lobbyists seem to support it.

Alkermes is the company that manufactures Vivatrol; the injectable intended to address opioid addiction.  I’ve heard some payers are considering the medication as part of a comprehensive treatment program – may be worth checking them out.

There are a ship-load of medical device companies on the floor, most with products intended for spinal surgical implants.  There are also a few companies offering solutions to the implant problem. You may want to visit one of the suppliers, then hop on over to a cost containment firm to compare and contrast… 

Gensco Labs – these are the wonderful purveyors of SpeedGel(r), that amazing concoction guaranteed to speed recovery, reduce pain, maybe even grow hair on turtles, and all for a price just ten times more than it’s almost-identical off-the-shelf competitor; Ben-Gay.

Ask them: How exactly is your stuff different and better than Ben-Gay? Show me the research!

Alas, Automated Healthcare Solutions (the folks who sued me for defamation in federal court, only to have the case thrown out), is not exhibiting; located in the same Florida ‘hood as Gensco, and sharing at least one corporate exec, perhaps they don’t want to steal the limelight…

I’m going to try and report from the conference, but with few minutes to breathe it will be difficult – at best.

Pleasant travels, and remember – what happens in Vegas, gets recorded on smartphones.


The future of work comp managed care

Specialty care is growing – in impact, popularity, valuation, attention. Meanwhile, the historically-dominant vendor, Coventry work comp, is shrinking.


I’d hazard a few guesses.

First, Coventry’s prior bosses starved the work comp unit, treating it as a cash cow but neglecting to ensure adequate feed for that cow. As a result, the bill review engine is rapidly running out of steam, the network is being overtaken by other generalists and hollowed-out by specialists, and little attention is being paid to case management, referral services, and other ancillary product lines.

A classic business situation, one that former Coventry CEO Allen Wise ordered with full understanding of the long-term consequences.

Now, it’s Aetna’s problem.

Word is the staff termination notices are starting to flow as the new owners look for ways to increase profitability.   Staff reductions may well hamper Coventry WC’s efforts to remain a  major player in comp – but that may not matter to the folks responsible for the business.  If their marching orders are to generate cash, then that they will do.

Meanwhile, One Call Care Management and Align sold for $3.2 billion. The entire work comp medical spend in the niches served by the new company is about $7.5 billion. 

I still have trouble wrapping my head around that.  And everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – I’ve spoken with can’t fathom that price for those assets.  By way of contrast, Aetna only paid $5.6 billion for all of Coventry – Medicaid, group health,  Part D, and work comp.

Leaving aside the price paid, does this mean specialty care is much more valuable/important/useful than the old-line generalist managed care firms?

Or is it just that Coventry’s lack of investment and neglect of product development has allowed other entrants into the market, entrants who have been able to capitalize on a market need not met by what was the company best positioned to do just that.

We don’t know what Aetna’s long term plans are for work comp, but the current staff reduction is an indicator – not THE indicator but AN indicator.  Meanwhile, the money is flowing into specialty care – and that’s where innovation, value, results, and progress will be.

What does this mean for you?

Work comp medical management will be fundamentally changed over the next two years.  It remains to be seen if that is a good thing.



Outrageous spine surgery costs in California – now we know why

The FBI caught two California politicians allegedly accepting bribes to stop legislation that would have drastically cut reimbursement for spine surgeries.

Here’s the money quote:

“We’ve been keeping him [a spine surgery hospital CEO] in business now for the last four years, because the governor kept pushing these regs (sic) to cut the funding on these spinal surgeries for workers’ comp,” [CA State Senator] Calderon was quoted as telling an agent during a conversation on Nov. 2, 2012.

“All we’ve been trying to do is hold off that cut so they continue paying for that. The way it is now, they are leaving it up to the administrator at workers’ comp to decide how much they pay for these implants, and if they get cut out of that, they are out of business. So that’s what we’ve been working the last four or five years. You know, we’ve kept them going. We’ve pushed it off, pushed it off, pushed it off.”

Now we know why employers have been forced to pay for the implants twice; a loophole in California WC reimbursement requirements allowed hospitals to bill for the devices as part of the facility bill then again separately (that’s not exactly it but pretty close).

The Calderon brothers allegedly accepted bribes well in excess of $28,000 from Pacific Hospital of Long Beach and related parties to stall or stop legislation that would have fixed the loophole.  According to an FBI affidavit obtained by Al Jazeera;

[State Senator} Ronald Calderon..accepted approximately $28,000 in bribes from [Pacific Hospital CEO Michael] Drobot in exchange for directly enriching Drobot’s business by supporting legislation that would delay or limit changes in California’s workers’ compensation laws relating to the amount of money medical care providers are reimbursed for performing spinal surgeries.

So, there was malfeasance perpetrated by plundering profiteers who were looking to suck money out of California’s taxpayers and employers.  That’s bad – very bad.  A complaint filed by California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund, Drobot and his affiliates “alleges that [Drobot] received $161 million through inflated surgery room and spinal implant reimbursement fees in what the state calls “multiple fraudulent schemes.”

What’s worse is it is likely many of the work comp back surgeries were unnecessary at best and harmful at worst. 

Most of the procedures involving devices (the driver of Calderon’s scheme) were spinal fusions, a highly controversial procedure.  In 2011, more than 465,000 spinal fusions were performed in the US, and “some experts say that a portion of them — perhaps as many as half — were performed without good reason. (WaPo)

According to the article in the Washington Post;

The rate of spinal fusion surgery has risen sixfold in the United States over the past 20 years, [emphasis added] according to federal figures, and the expensive procedure, which involves the joining of two or more vertebrae, has become even more common than hip replacement.

Kudos to Al Jazeera for breaking the news. Gotta love those local papers…


Opioids in Work Comp Survey – more results & Webinar

Almost done analyzing the megabytes of data from our Survey of Opioid Management in Workers’ Comp; here are some of the key takeaways.

Here’s the key takeaway; most respondents understand the problem and know (generally) what needs to be done, but their organizations aren’t doing many of the things they should be.

In the “not really a surprise” category, almost all respondents believe opioids are overused in workers’ comp.

But this doesn’t mean they should NEVER be used; over 95% of respondents believe there is an important role for opioids in comp;

  • over three-quarters believe opioids are appropriate for addressing pain associated with catastrophic injuries or
  • recovery from surgery,
  • and two-thirds also believe they are appropriate for dealing with short term acute pain.

In comparison, relatively few – under 25%, believe opioids are appropriate for addressing chronic pain.

Both qualitative and quantitative responses overwhelmingly indicate the prescribing physician is the primary “factor” driving opioid overuse; almost 3/4 of respondents are monitoring physician prescribing patterns.

Clearly we are in the early stages of dealing with the problem; while most respondents know a comprehensive and integrated approach is the optimal solution, few companies have developed or implemented one; most are one-off, separate processes that rarely tie together.

Sponsor CID Management will be hosting a webinar highlighting key results and takeaways, you can register for the free webinar here.  I’d do it now, as there are only 500 slots and there are a couple hundred plus already signed up.

We will be diving into details in the webinar, providing examples of programs that are in place, the results of those programs, and where things are headed.  The webinar is November 12 at 2 pm eastern, 11 pacific.



Are opioids driving up comp medical costs?

Two articles in WorkCompCentral yesterday grabbed my attention.

One discussed an 8.7% rate increase recommended by California’s regulators (down from a 9.5% recommended by another group.  Part of the increase was attributable to “overall market deterioration, the causes of which are not clear.”  Greg Jones’ piece went on to paraphrase Dave Bellusci, EVP and Chief Actuary for California’s rating bureau, who reportedly said it was “too early to say what is driving the higher medical loss severity and growing claim frequency.”

Another piece cited the latest research by CWCI and Axiomedics’ Dr Laura Gardner. The lede of the story was this:

“Claims featuring multiple opioid prescriptions are linked to higher rates of indemnity claims, more expensive medical benefits payments, a greater probability of attorney involvement and lower claim closure rates.”

I don’t want to leap to conclusions here, as correlation does not equal causation, however the juxtaposition of the two stories was striking, especially when one recalls that the prevalence of opioids in workers comp has increased dramatically over the last decade.

What does this mean for you?

What is the impact of opioids on your medical and claims costs?


Big doings in the world of opioid management…

While we’ve been marveling at the truckloads shiploads of dollars investors are pouring into work comp service companies, there’s been a lot more activity of much greater import out in the real world.

Here’s a quick update on the latest news in opioids, and opioid management.

Barry Meier continues to do the best national reporting on opioids; his piece this morning on moving Vicodin(r) et al to the Schedule II list is great reporting indeed.

Why is this necessary?  Mike Whitely’s eye-opener in WorkCompCentral summarizes a report from the Trust for America’s Health on stopping the prescription drug abuse epidemic. Couple of most distressing items:

  • more than one of every ten teens reported “non-medical” use of prescription drugs
  • Drug overdose deaths doubled in 29 states over ten years
  • Drug overdoses now kill more 25-64 year olds than motor vehicle accidents

A big part of the solution is instituting real prescription drug monitoring programs; Kudos to the Pennsylvania House for passing (191 – 7!!) legislation addressing prescription drug monitoring; a new bill is in progress that would require docs and dispensers to report controlled substance scripts within 72 hours, with the directive that a “real-time” reporting requirement should be implemented as soon as possible.  (hat tip to work comp central).

TPA Broadspire is doing good work on opioids; they report encouraging results as almost three-quarters of claimants in their pain management program reported a significant decrease in drug usage (mostly opioids). These were mostly long-term claimants, with an average claim duration of 8.1 years.

And we’re about to wrap up the work on our Survey of Opioid Management in Workers’ Comp; a webinar is scheduled for November 12 at 2 pm; I’ll get sign-up info out tomorrow.

Thanks to CID Management for sponsoring the Survey.


Align – OneCall, it’s even bigger than I thought

I reported last night that OCCM and Align will be purchased by private equity firm Apax for around $2.3 billion.

I was wrong.

OCCM alone will go for $2.3 billion, and Apax will also pay somewhere north of $750 million for Align Networks.

The $3.2 billion company will service a space that in its entirety, totals about $7.5 billion.

I’m sure the bathtubs in Jacksonville are filling with Dom Perignon even as you read this, as well they should.  That’s nothing short of amazing.  Kudos to Align, the founders, and the folks at Riverside and General Atlantic.

Now, how in the heck will Apax get a good return on a company on which they spent more than the entire annual GDP of some decent-sized African countries?

They have to grow, and they have to generate higher profits. Growing requires landing new deals with new and old customers, and making sure those corporate deals actually turn in to transactions.  In work comp, we call that the “wholesale sale” (to the exec) and the “retail sale” (to the desk-level folks, who actually do a lot of the service ordering.)

If you reduce staff, you run the risk of losing desk-level retail sales.  But if you don’t, you have all those expensive folks increasing your SG&A costs.  Now, there’s certainly less of that going on these days than in times past, but the desk-level sale is by no means a thing of the past.

There’s another issue here as well; payers like to have alternatives.  I’ve spoken with several work comp execs today who said they were not terribly happy about the deal, as it put more of their eggs into a very large basket.

For OCCM to deliver the returns Apax most certainly wants, they’ll have to overcome this long-standing and deeply-entrenched policy/practice/ethos.  Sure, they might diversify into other insurance lines, but that’s a very, very tough row to hoe.

What does this mean for you?

They didn’t buy these companies to reduce revenues.