
A wake-up call for the insurance industry

We are stuck in a self-destructive cycle, namely an industry-wide culture that rejects true innovation that leads to a huge talent deficit that prevents innovation.

With few exceptions, there is little in the way of innovation, effective marketing, risk-taking, creativity and substantive investment in systems and technology in the insurance industry. That will be the death of many insurers and healthplans.

As a result, we can’t get enough brilliant, impactful people to work in our business because our culture is anathema to most of them.

So, there’s no innovation.

The most important part of any organization is its people. Yet our industry’s talent deficit is as wide and deep as the Marianas Trench. Sure, there are some very smart folks doing great work – in healthplans, State Funds, private insurers, TPAs, and service companies.

They are the exception, not the rule.

Don’t agree?

How many of your brilliant college classmates chose a career in insurance? In your career, you were blown away by someone’s acumen, insight, brilliance, thinking how many times? How many execs in this business came out of top business or other schools?

Why is this?

I’d suggest it is the very nature of our industry; it isn’t dynamic, doesn’t reward innovation, hates self-reflection, abhors risk-taking, and doesn’t invest near enough in people or technology.

Proof statements, courtesy of The Economist 

  • No insurer ranks among the world’s top 1,000 public companies for R&D investment – yet dozens of insurers are in that top 1000.
  • On average insurers allocate 3.6% of revenue to IT —about half as much as banks.
  • In a study of 500 innovation topics across 250 firms, many insurers are working on the same narrow set of ideas.
  • Many property insurers, whose fortunes rely on forecasting climate-induced losses, are still learning how to use weather information.

Tough to recruit talent to an industry that – for Pete’s sake, invests half what banks do in IT…

  • Or for a property insurer that hasn’t figured out weather is kinda important?
  • Where all your competitors define “innovation” as doing the same stuff you do?
  • That probably spends more on janitorial services than R&D? (Ok, that may be a bit of an exaggeration.)

Many of the big primary insurers in today’s market will be overtaken by the Apples, Amazons, Googles, Beazleys, Trupos, and Slices tomorrow. The names you know are brilliant innovators and have billions upon billions of cash to invest. The names you don’t know have figured out and are diving into markets that the traditional, stodgy, glacially-fast insurers can’t even conceive of – reputational risk, very short-term insurance for specific items, disability coverage for gig workers, and a host of other opportunities.

Oh, and they are doing it without all the paperwork, hassle and nonsense that keeps insurance admin expenses at 20% of premiums while frustrating the bejezus out of potential customers. (having just spent hours on the phone fixing a problem with flood insurance, count me as one)

And no, with rare exceptions health insurers aren’t any better. With structural inflation that guarantees annual growth of 5-8% and an employer customer that has to provide workers with health insurance, plus governmental contracts that pay on a percentage of paid medical, and record profits across the entire industry, there’s every reason to NOT control costs.

Those record profits may well continue till a Cat 5 storm hits the Jersey shore and/or a deep recession hits and/or investment portfolios are crunched by macro factors.

In the meantime, Jeff Bezos will be looking for places to plow some of his hundreds of billions.

Tomorrow – what to do about this.

What does this mean for you?

Critical self-reflection is really hard, and really necessary. This industry is ripe for disruption and it will happen. The question is, what will you – and your company – do?




Predictions for workers’ comp in 2020, Part 2

My last post covered the first five of my annual prognostications; today we look a bit deeper into the crystal ball…

6. California’s crooked docs will be outed.

With SB 537 signed into law, it looks like we’ll know which docs are the bad actors later this year. Kudos to the behind-the-scenes folks who made this happen; thanks to them we’ll know the name of the PM&R doc in northern California who filed IMR requests resulting in 2,800 IMR letters and 4,441 Medical Decisions.

(while the law doesn’t require this outing to happen before 2024, I’d expect we’ll know the names of the worst offenders in 2020.)

Word of warning – network providers would be well advised to do their own research to identify and remove problematic providers before the list becomes public. Failing to do so will show you’re just a box of contracts.

7.  More effective approaches to chronic pain and opioid abuse disorder are here – and will gain a lot of traction in 2020.

Behaviorally-focused treatment, medication-assisted therapies, long-term clinical support and individual-specific treatment plans are all essential to solving the biggest problem in workers’ comp – chronic opioid use disorder [OUD]. Payers are recognizing that discounted-network approaches to pain and OUD are nothing more than revenue-generators for vendors. Carisk’s Pathways 2 Recovery is getting significant traction; Paradigm is shifting to more of a behavioral approach as well. (Carisk is an HSA consulting client).

8.  Don’t expect any meaningful state legislation/regulatory changes.

Significant change doesn’t happen unless there is a lot of pressure to make that change. And there isn’t – With workers’ comp anything but a problem for employers and insurers, constituents aren’t pressuring legislators to take action and regulatory activity will be mostly clean-up stuff.

Word of warning – beware of folks hyping relatively minor stuff like medical marijuana. Compared to the California crisis and Illinois’ past work comp disaster these issues are pretty insignificant.

9. Benefit adequacy will gain some traction.

I’ll admit this is much more of a hope than an actual prediction.

As reported by NASI, worker benefits have declined dramatically over the last two decades. Sure, some of this is due to the drop in frequency, but workers are getting less in benefits than they have in the past – and that’s bad by any measure.  It’s great that employers’ costs are declining, but that shouldn’t be at the expense of injured workers and their families.

With employers’ work comp costs at an all-time low, it’s long past time we focused on making injured workers whole.

This does NOT mean I support the self-described “worker advocates” who make their living off injured workers. If anything these leeches do more harm than good.

10. Conferences will continue to struggle

look familiar?

The work comp conference industry is suffering from over-supply; as a result many conferences are seeing drops in attendance, revenues, and exhibitors.

For some conference planners, the fix is pay-to-play.

While a possibly-useful short-term fix [pay-to-play generates much-needed revenue and profit] the long-term impact will be to further reduce the value of conferences.

Another “solution” is to require each session include an employer, ostensibly to provide real-world examples that other employers can use to improve their programs. The problem with this is obvious; while it will drive more attendance from brokers, TPAs and insurers, it doesn’t deliver much value for other employers. Here’s what I said back in August..

I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard “well, if I had a thousand workers in XYZ city I could negotiate with an occ clinic too”, or “how do I apply that to my interstate trucking company” or “yeah that’s not going to fly with my unionized workforce”.

That said, conferences put on by CWCI, NCCI, WCRI and those focused on self-insureds are content-rich and well worth your time.

That’s it for this year – may you do well by doing good.


Predictions for workers’ comp in 2020

Well, proving once again that I can’t/won’t learn from past mistakes, here are five of my predictions for 2020.

  1.  The work comp insurance market will stay soft.

    As in mushy, pillowy, baby rabbit fur soft.
    Multiple factors make a strong argument for a continued soft market. (that’s a market where prices decline and it’s very easy to get insurance)
    First, insurance rates and prices continue to drop in pretty much every state. Second, outside of California self-insureds I haven’t seen any significant uptick in – or even leveling off of – claim frequency.
    Third, see prediction #2.
  2. Work comp medical trend will remain flat.

    Trend has been flat for several years now; as a result, medical severity (that’s a financial term, not a clinical one) remains well under control as well.
    The biggest factor may well be the industry’s ongoing success in reducing inappropriate opioid usage.  Also, frequency declines will likely continue, helping drive down medical costs.
  3. Facility costs will gain a lot more attention.

    This is the biggest cost problem payers are facing; hospitals and health systems have figured out work comp payers are a very soft target, and are hoovering dollars out of payers’ pockets.
    We’ll see more payers take specific actions to address facility costs; payment integrity will gain significant traction among payers and service providers. (PI firm Equian is an HSA consulting client)
  4. Consolidation in the work comp services industry will continue, with more of the big players merging/acquiring each other.
    A few years ago there were ten or a dozen PBMs, now there are 4 with any measurable share. Paradigm and Genex have consolidated the case management sector. There are now a handful of bill review application vendors; that could decrease if Conduent’s Stratacare/ware goes up for sale early in 2020. Same thing has happened in the TPA space driven primarily by Sedgwick.
    The consolidation has been both horizontal, that is across different sectors (e.g. Paradigm buying CM and network companies) and vertical (TPAs buying other TPAs); as there are fewer assets for sale
    Sure there is a proliferation of start-ups and smaller players but it is going to take a while for these to break thru and gain major share in one of the verticals.
  5. OneCall will be sold. 

    And possibly broken up by the buyer. After KKR and GSO’s takeover of the near-bankrupt company two months ago, not much has been heard from Jacksonville HQ.  After the balance sheet clean-up and Polaris review are completed, expect the new owners to put it up for sale. KKR and GSO will turn a handsome and quick profit, prior debtholders won’t have to write off their entire portfolio.
    No word on whether employees will get something back as well; that would require action by the current owners as “old” stock is essentially worthless.Next time – the next five.


in which I cover newsworthy stuff that happened this week…

Uh…that’s why you buy insurance

From Politico we hear CMS Administrator Seema Verna asked us taxpayers to pay for $47,000 worth of jewelry and other stuff stolen “during a work-related trip.” Among the valuables gone missing – that she wanted us to pay for were a $325 moisturizer (!!!) and $349 for noice-canceling headphones – plus a $5,900 Ivanka Trump pendant.

Yep, the person who runs the biggest insurance entities in the world wants the government to bail her out because she decided to NOT buy insurance. (update – good news, we aren’t paying for Ms Verma’s bling)

Physical therapy in workers comp

MedRisk released its third annual report on PT in WC earlier this week.  560,000 work comp patients were served by MedRisk so far this year; the average duration of care has shrunk to 11.2 visits over 48 days.  Better news – 98.1% patient satisfaction rate and 97.7% of providers agree with MedRisk’s clinical recommendations.

There’s an old business meme that comes to mind – “stick to your knitting.”

At a time when other service companies were seeking to become everything to everyone, Shelley Boyce, Mike Ryan and their colleagues at MedRisk went the other direction, focusing narrowly on work comp physical medicine. Along with the best management team in the business, they executed the plan to perfection. (While MedRisk is an HSA consulting client, all the credit goes to those folks).

Meanwhile all the caterwauling about drug prices turns out to be much ado about nothing (I’m looking at you, AARP) . This from the estimable Adam Fein PhD’s discussion of CMS’ review of healthcare costs:

    • For 2018, spending on outpatient prescription drugs grew by 2.5%—below the spending growth rate on hospitals, physician services, and overall national healthcare costs.
    • CMS significantly lowered its previously reported drug spending figures by billions after incorporating new data on manufacturers’ rebates.

More news showing hospital consolidation raises your healthcare costs.

From NIHCM comes a terrific slideshow – my favorite is this one – key takeaway is prices ALWAYS GO UP after mergers.




Time for an effective workers’ comp opioid solution for Louisiana

Today’s WorkCompCentral arrived with William Rabb’s report on the use of opioids by workers’ comp patients in Louisiana. [subscription required]

A few notable findings:

  • Louisiana work comp patients get more opioids, and they get them for longer periods of time than any other state studied
  • Employers and taxpayers pay significantly higher prices for drugs than in other states
  • 7 out of 10 claims included an opioid prescription
  • Louisiana patients get twice as many opioid scripts than the average state.

For some reason, some “claimant attorneys” don’t see the wisdom of formularies/guidelines intended to reduce inappropriate opioid use, citing spurious claims from the pain industry in attempt to validate their complaints.

Louisiana has had treatment guidelines in place for several years, however they have not been revised or updated in memory and are very difficult to enforce. Compared to other states, the Pelican State has made little progress reducing inappropriate opioid use by work comp patients.

Back in 2017 I cited Sheral Kellar, Director of Louisiana’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration discussing the opioid issue in her state.

Ms Kellar knows a formulary is NOT a panacea, rather a critical tool in the armamentarium which includes:

  • Prescription drug monitoring programs that require and facilitate pharmacist and physician participation,
  • Strong and well-designed utilization review programs,
  • Flexibility for PBMs and payers to customize medication therapy to ensure patients get ready access to appropriate drugs and reduce risks from inappropriate medications,
  • Carefully-planned implementation,
  • Drug testing, opioid agreements, and addiction/dependency treatment

Over the last decade I have spoken with many individuals heavily involved in Louisiana workers’ comp; each frustrated and saddened by the lack of meaningful progress in attacking the overuse of opioids by workers’ comp patients. 

What does this mean for you?

Here’s hoping Louisiana is able to make real progress on reducing opioid usage. Families, communities, employers, and providers have all waited long enough.




What’s up with Paradigm?

Paradigm is evolving rapidly – and none too soon.  A data-driven firm known for taking risk on catastrophic claims, Paradigm has strengthened its behavioral health offerings, and added case management, specialty and network services, all intended to make the company one of the major players in workers’ comp medical management.

I’ve tracked Paradigm for more than two decades, watching the company evolve from one stubbornly stuck in a business model that precluded growth to a diversified provider with a broad array of service offerings. In conversations with Paradigm execs several years ago, I wondered why the company wasn’t solving client’s problems, instead focusing narrowly on a highly-selected group of catastrophic claims.

While this made sense from Paradigm’s perspective – it wanted to focus its expertise on a very select type of claim – there was a big problem with this approach.

Namely, Paradigm wasn’t thinking about this from its customers’ perspective. Customers gave Paradigm a big list of claims which Paradigm winnowed down; typically relatively few were actually “accepted” by Paradigm.  The customer had a bunch of problematic claims, but Paradigm wasn’t interested in solving the customer’s problem, it just wanted to cherry-pick claims.

That’s changed.

I caught up with Paradigm Catastrophic Care Management CEO Kevin Turner a couple weeks back to get updated on the company.  Here are my takeaways (Paradigm Outcomes is one of three divisions).

Paradigm is moving down the severity scale, applying the expertise and experience it has gained handling big cat claims to less-complex claims. In so doing, the company is embedding itself deeper and broader into its clients – and growing revenues.

Turner spoke at length about Paradigm’s core asset – the wealth of data the company has amassed over the last three decades – and how that informs the company’s approach to managing cat – and “near-cat” claims (my words, not his).

We also dove into bio-psycho-social issues, including the patient’s “whole family situation” (again, my words) and the critical importance of the family in the recovery process. Marital status and satisfaction, financial stability, relations with children are all key considerations that can impact the recovery process. That just makes sense; if a patient has a difficult home life and kids with issues, it is going to be that much harder to get better.

The company recently launched a home-grown IT application – EDDG – designed to help care managers use the company’s historical data and lessons learned along with bio-psycho-social indicators to manage claims.

Of note, Paradigm is no longer the only company in the cat claims risk taking business. Carisk Partners has gained traction with its Pathways 2 Recovery program, leveraging the company’s deep expertise in behavioral healthcare and workers’ comp experience. Carisk takes risk both on individual claims and for entire portfolios of claims. (disclosure; I work with Carisk)


Workers comp is A) doing great, or B) a big problem

Where you sit determines what you see; this adage applies to the work comp industry.

For payers, employers, and taxpayers, all is great.  Rates are low and dropping, insurers are enjoying record profits, frequency continues to trend down, medical costs are flat.

The very things that make payers happy have the opposite effect on service companies. For most entities involved in medical management, pharmacy management, investigations, technology, claims systems, Medicare Set-Asides, and litigation defense the drop in frequency and flat medical costs are unwelcome news.

The trickle-down effects of this dichotomy are many and varied.

  • There is little-to-no pressure to revise state workers’ comp laws and regulations.
  • Insurers are looking to increase their work comp business as it is a big profit maker.
  • Claims execs are trying to balance hiring and training new claims adjusters while planning for long-term decreases in claim volume.
  • Execs are also extremely careful about investments in new IT projects, as the long-term payoff is also challenged by structural declines in claims.
  • The consolidation of service companies continues unabated; IMEs, bill review, specialty networks, PBMs, investigations, case management, cat case management services are all subject to this consolidation.
  • Selling services to payers is getting increasingly difficult.  Payers aren’t seeking solutions to major problems; they are reluctant to switch vendors unless there are serious service problems.
  • Work comp conferences are struggling due to the structural issues above; the lack of big problems driving intense interest in solutions and an arguably-over-saturated conference market is hurting attendance.

So, what to do?

If you are a service entity, you’ve got to differentiate. You must also deeply understand what individual buyers want, why they want that, what their decision process is, and who else is involved.

Unfortunately many service entities are cutting marketing budgets and pressuring sales staff to deliver deals. While sales targets are important indeed, they must also be realistic.

If you are a payer, I’d echo the last sentence above. Many payers are planning to write more workers’ comp, an obvious impossibility.



Work comp rates are still too high – and will continue to drop

Today, I’m going to convince you that despite years of continued decreases, work comp premiums are still too high.  And will likely remain too high for the next few years.

That’s how long it will take the impact of reduced opioid consumption to work its way through comp financials. Sure, continued declines in frequency and high employment along with declining worker benefits are also factors – but I’ll argue what’s way more important is the drop in opioid prescriptions.

A decade into this, the dramatic drop in work comp opioid prescriptions is continuing unabated.

  • CompPharma’s 16th Annual Survey of Prescription Drug Management in Workers’ Comp [free to download] shows payers have slashed opioid spend by 40% over the last two years.

  • myMatrixx [HSA consulting client] reported a 15% drop in opioid spend in 2018.
  • Optum Workers’ Comp reported a 2.9% reduction in opioid spend for the first half of 2019 compared to the first half of 2018.
  • CWCI’s just-released report analyzes data from lost time claims incurred between 2008 and 2017:
    • the percentage of claimants receiving opioids dropped 51% over that time period
    • chronic opioid use dropped by 77 percent, from 13% of claimants to 3%
    • acute use declined by 40 percent

My key takeaway from CWCI’s report isn’t the drop in opioid usage, it is that claims without opioids are much less costly, therefore the drop in opioid prescriptions is driving lower claims costs.

Those reductions have yet to be fully factored into work comp rates – so rates will continue to drop.

Key data points:

  • Average benefits for claims without opioids were 30% less than for claims with opioids (at 12 months).
  • Claims without opioids had 25% fewer TD days than claims with opioids.

The net – “Cumulative savings from the decline in opioids are projected at $6.5 billion for 2010 – 2017 claims.”

Report authors Steve Hayes, Kate Smith, and Alex Swedlow provide suggestions for actuaries on page 15 and in Appendix 4.

What does this mean for you?

Rate reductions haven’t caught up with the reality on the ground. 

Barring major unforeseen events, work comp rates will continue to drop for several more years. 

For those so inclined, an extensive discussion of rate-making is here.




Opioids and work comp premiums

Two seemingly-unrelated papers hit the inbox yesterday; CWCI’s just-completed analysis of opioid usage in the Golden State, and NCCI’s report on 2019 workers’ comp financials.

The key takeaways from NCCI’s report include:

  • Premiums are expected to drop 10 percent in 2019, driven by rate/loss cost filings. In other words, losses are declining which leads to lower insurance costs.
  • This marks the sixth consecutive year of decreased premium levels.
  • Not coincidentally, 2019 is the sixth consecutive year of underwriting profitability.

So, even though premiums are dropping like a rock, insurer profits are better than they’ve ever been.


Well, declines in frequency are certainly a big contributor. Reduced worker benefits are likely a factor as well – and a big problem we’ll address in a later post.

If anything, investment profits are a drag on profitability (NCCI reports 2018 investment gains averaged 9.2%.

Which brings us to CWCI’s report “The Impact of Declining Opioid Use on Lost-Time Claim Development & Outcomes in California Workers’ Compensation” [emphasis added; disclosure – I provided input as a peer reviewer for the final report]

Key takeaways:

  • “from 2008 to 2017, chronic opioid use…declined from 13% to 3% of all lost-time claims (a relative decline of 77%)”
  • the strength of the opioids dispensed within the first 12 months of treatment, measured in cumulative morphine milligram equivalents, declined 59% for chronic opioid use claims

Tomorrow – the connection between opioid reductions and premium levels – and what it means for the industry and you.



What’s up?

The inbox has been stuffed with important new research and news; here’s what most interested me.

Work Comp

Perhaps the best annual summary of the state of the workers’ comp world is just off the press.  The National Academy of Social Insurance’s report is here. Free to download, NASI’s latest finds:

  • Employers’ costs have fallen from just over $1.50 per $100 of covered wages in 1997 to $1.25 in 2017.
  • Worker benefits decreased even more, from $1.17 twenty years ago to $0.80 per $100 of covered wages in 2017.

My takeaway – workers are getting less in benefits than they have in the past – and that’s a bad thing.  It is great that employers’ costs are declining, but that shouldn’t be at the expense of injured workers and their families.

The fine folk at CWCI published their latest research on UR in the Golden State. Despite what some on the applicant attorney side argue;

Results show that 94.1 percent of services performed or requested from January 1, 2018 to October 31, 2018 were either approved (92.5 percent) or approved with modifications (1.6 percent)…

Yup, 17 out of 18 services were approved. 

WCRI’s annual conference returns to Boston – register herenow.  Or risk missing out, as the event fills up every year. Don’t be one of these people!

[I don’t think the guy on the right is Andrew Kenneally…]

Check out WCRI’s upcoming webinar on medical prices paid and work comp fee schedules – lots of great information on facility costs – the biggest problem (outside of opioids) in work comp today.


From Alan Fein at DrugChannels, a most excellent video by John Oliver on everything you should know about compounding pharmacies. You gotta watch this… [can you believe Oliver actually knows about stuff we work comp pharmacy nerds think about???]

The video is both hysterically funny and terrifying. Watch it.

From the funny to the deadly serious; if you haven’t read Gary Anderberg’s most recent GB Journal, you likely don’t know this:

research showed that “57% of those who died from opioid-related deaths had at least one prior workplace MSD. [musculoskeletal disorders]

I’ve long opined the opioid industry has done horrendous damage to the work comp industry, injured workers, taxpayers and employers. Gary’s reporting shows it is even worse than we thought.

When are you going to hold the opioid industry accountable for their criminal actions?

That’s it for now…for those attending the NWCDC next week in Vegas – make sure to say thanks and farewell to Peter Rousmaniere and Roberto Ceniceros.  These gentlemen are both retiring, and our industry will be much the worse for it.

I’ve known them both for decades, learned much from them, and deeply respect their contributions to our industry. They’ve certainly earned a respite…here’s hoping Peter and Roberto weigh in from time to time. Their wisdom and experience are irreplaceable.

I won’t be there – family vacation in Zion Utah…with three grown kids, we have to work around their schedules, proving once again that I am completely not in control of anything.