
ExamWorks acquires Optum’s Settlement Solutions business

The folks at ExamWorks reached out to me a while back about their MSP business, and specifically about a pending acquisition, namely Optum’s Settlement Solutions.

[Note there is no press release for this transaction; Optum requested ExamWorks not do a release.]

That has closed – today – so I can now publish my interview with Exam’s Christie Britt, President of ExamWorks Compliance Solutions… edited for clarity and brevity.

MCM – Why is Examworks focusing on the MSP space?

Britt – ECS has an established long history with MSP compliance, founded as Gould & Lamb in 2004 and merged with MedAllocators, and subsequently acquired by Examworks in 2014.  Medicare compliance has become increasingly complicated over the last fifteen years as the volume of liens has exploded and as CMS has taken steps to connect the dots to coordinate benefits.  MSP is very specialized, requiring expertise in claims systems, medical expertise, and Medicare compliance.  Payers are concerned about being compliant to avoid penalties and the risks must be addressed by specialists.

Our desire to be the leader in MSP compliance drives us to focus on this space.

MCM – How will this help ECS compete going forward?

Britt – ECS will bring to market the largest Section 111 Reporting program with the most file specifications to share data, the largest data aggregation engine, most configurable interfaces to accommodate the smallest to largest reporting clients and the most robust rules engine.

We will also have the largest team of MSP experts in the industry with the most tenured knowledge and experience to service the MSP industry.

MCM – Does ECS offer the full range of MSA/MSP services?

Britt – Yes, ECS will continue to offer the full suite of MSA / MSP Services for all customers.  Our core business is and will remain offering a fully integrated Section 111, MSA and conditional payment resolutions solution and tailored to our client’s risk appetite that fit seamlessly into any claim handling program.

MCM – The reporting issue is just one of the components of MSA/MSP services…how does this acquisition impact those other components?

Britt – Section 111 Reporting ties all aspects of MSP compliance together and can no longer be viewed as separate components. We are seeing CMS connect the last remaining “dots” by requiring Mandatory MSA reporting effective April 2025 (See more detail below). This changes the voluntary process of submitting an MSA to the WCRC for review and approval to a required reporting element that may generate a Civil Money Penalty if not handled appropriately.

This acquisition will impact the other areas of MSP compliance by providing a large portion of the industry with a solution that ties all aspects of MSP compliance together from the onset of the claim to its closure, designed to proactively identify claims that needs attention before they become a compliance issue and driving up the cost of the claim.

MCM – CMS continues to waffle around MSP and MSA requirements leading to confusion and uncertainty – and some strong disagreement among payers on core issues. What is ECS’ view on the importance/significance/utility of the MSA/MSP process?

Britt – Medicare has recently announced changes to Section 111 that will require payers to report an MSA amount on all reported workers’ comp settlements beginning with claims (including $0.00 settlements) that settle on or after April 4, 2025.

CMS promises to use this data to deny treatment at the point of sale, communicate with beneficiaries, and (if ignored) enforcement against the claims payer.

In addition, CMS has made a number of technical changes to tie section 111 data with the common working file to better coordinate benefits and pursue recovery for past Medicare payments.  Section 111 reporting is an important obligation required under federal law, and because CMS continues to build enforcement activities around it, MSP issues have more claims impacts today than really at any point in the past.  Take, for example, Medicare conditional payments (aka liens).  CMS continues to misapply Section 111 reporting data and attempt to recover from workers’ comp claims payers for dormant / closed claims and – even if the claim is open and active – for unrelated medical care.  For this reason, and many more, conditional payments are a major area of compliance that requires payers to be cognizant of the claims impact of Section 111 reporting.

What does this mean for you?

ExamWorks continues to grow.

Next – what’s up with Optum?


Heat = More injuries.

With temps here in the northeast nearing 90 degrees F yesterday  – and much hotter in many southern and western states, attention is turning to the implications for workers – and workers’ comp.

Two studies released by NCCI and WCRI show just how damaging excessive heat will be for workers and employers.

WCRI’s study – authored by the estimable Olesya Fomenko, Vennela Thumulaand Sebastian Negrusa, contains a wealth of information which anyone in construction should be aware of…


WCRI will be discussing this in a webinar June 6. Register here.

At NCCI’s recent AIS, researchers noted:

  • Days with extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, exhibit 2%-10% more injuries in NCCI states compared to “mild” days.
  • The largest effects of hot days are seen in outdoor sectors, particularly construction.

What does this mean for you?

Underwriters, actuaries, and risk management folks – pay attention. 


What’s really going on with workers’ comp medical…

Medical inflation in workers’ comp is pretty much flat – as it has been for several years.  Why?

Four reasons.

  1. Claim counts continue to remain pretty flat with lost time claim frequency down yet again.
  2. Drug costs have plummeted over the last decade, and now account for about $2.2 to $2.5 billion or 7% – 8% of total medical spend…down from around $5 billion.
  3. Costs for professional services – docs, PTs/Ots/chiro – remain pretty low. WCRI’s latest publication (available for now cost at the link) shows very little inflation across 36 states. Kudos to WCRI for tracking this up through 2023 – that’s really fresh data.
  4. Facility costs are increasing, but have yet to reach the point where payers actually do anything material about cost control.
    A better way to say this is payers are lazy and complacent, waiting for the crisis to hit before actually doing anything.

What does this mean for you?

Focus on facilities. 


A Workers’ Comp Quiz

Workers comp is:

a) hugely profitable,

b) way over-priced,

c) even more profitable than it looks,

d) by far the most profitable P&C insurance line,

e) NOT suffering from medical cost increases,

f) a highly mature industry with all the attributes thereof,

g) shrinking as claim frequency continues the 20-year trend averaging -3.4%

h) the financial savior of multi-line carriers, and/or

i) all of the above.

The answer is…i.

NCCI’s Annual Issues Symposium provided a deep dive into the industry’s financials…and the industry is swimming in a lake of profits.

With a net combined ratio of 86%, WC is HUGELY profitable…especially when one considers the industry is over-reserved to the tune of…$18 BILLION.ut wait…when you add investment income, private carriers pre-tax operating profits are a whopping 23%.

Which means premiums are still far too high, employers are still paying far too much for WC insurance, and insurers are sitting on $18 billion that should be returned to policyholders.

This despite ongoing premium rate reductions…in every state.

Oh, and medical inflation is LESS than overall inflation – at a paltry 2%.

Amidst all this sunshine and rainbows, there’s one troubling trend…facility costs.

Specifically ASCs and outpatient, which is the only category showing an increase in share of medical spend. 

As CompPharma has reported drug spend has been trending down for years – and now accounts for just 7% of total WC medical spend – down from 12% in 2012.

The full AIS report is here …

What does this mean for you?

Employers – lower rates – MUCH lower rates.

And BIG dividends if your carrier is a mutual.

Insurers – invest those profits in technology NOW. Workers’ comp – and the P&C industry as a whole – is waaaay behind in tech. NOW is the time to invest – because…

this will not last.



Cost Doesn’t Equal Quality Part 2:

All over the country there are areas where the more expensive facility has poor scores for patient safety and outcomes. And with facility costs accounting for about 40% of workers’ comp medical expenditures, you can hardly afford to ignore this reality.

Today we look at Sarasota, Florida. More specifically, we are comparing Sarasota Memorial Hospital against Sarasota Doctors’ Hospital.

According to Health Strategy Associate’s Facility Assessment Tool (c) – Sarasota Memorial Hospital scores:

60+% higher on Clinical Outcomes

50+% higher on Person and Community Engagement

75+% higher on Patient Safety

than Sarasota Doctors’.

And Memorial is a whopping 7 points better on Relative Price – which means you are paying much less for a much higher-scoring facility.

When combining all 5 metrics the Facility Assessment Tool considers, Sarasota Memorial Hospital scores 2.94 against just .16 for Sarasota Doctors Hospital.

Oh, and these two facilities are just 6.4 miles away from each other with Sarasota Memorial Hospital closer to the beach!

Take a look at your network and see just what facilities you are utilizing – and what they are costing you.


Physical medicine management firm MedRisk will acquire Conduent’s Casualty Claims Solutions business.

So…what and why and how?

What will MedRisk do now?

Improve Conduent’s performance is Job One.  
Conduent has – to be kind – struggled to deliver customer service, to respond to client needs, to keep systems, regulations, and fee schedules updated, to keep its customers much less win new ones, to actually perform. MedRisk has a wealth of experience and expertise in turning around an entity with those problems, has the staff and internal knowledge to help fix Conduent’s major issues, and has the leadership to actually get it done.

Stabilizing the current business is the first, and by any measure the most important task.

I’d note that MedRisk is the most successful physical management company in the space because it listens to its customers; partners – in the truest sense of the word – with them and works very hard to make payers’ front-line staff’s jobs easier, less stressful and less complicated. (I know, MedRisk is not perfect, no organization is…)

That corporate culture will be hugely helpful for Conduent’s bill review clients.

Why did MedRisk do this deal?


It’s all about the data.  I CANNOT emphasize this enough.

MedRisk’s analytics folks are quite adept at assessing provider performance  – “performance” being based on what its customers value. Payers want more control over physical medicine (which is one of the fastest growing costs in workers’ comp). Now, with access to terabytes of data on provider billing, treatment practices, related services e.g. surgeries, medications, facility visits, treatment documentation, claim demographics, duration of care and lots of other hugely valuable data points, MedRisk will be able to help customers better:

  • assess and identify high- and low- performing providers
  • get instant notice of changes in billing patterns (e.g. new Revenue Cycle Management tricks designed to hoover dollars out of payers’ pocketbooks)
  • reduce leakage from provider networks
  • evaluate treatment plans to identify effective and less effective approaches to specific types of claims, diagnoses, and cases
  • and a host of other things we haven’t yet thought of.


Is MedRisk – a rehab management company (!!!) – becoming the major provider of bill review services which are generally recognized as the most important and impactful of workers’ comp services?

Simply put, because it is very well run, has a really impressive growth record of late, and is worth a ton of money. That corporate equity gives it a relatively low cost of capital and access to even more investment.


I’ve worked with MedRisk for more than 2 decades. In no way am I responsible for or attempting to take credit for what Shelley Boyce, Mike Ryan, Sri Sridharan, Michelle Buckman, Ed McBurnie, Vic Pytleski, Rommy Blum, Jamie Davis, Tom Weir, Mary O’Donoghue and many others from the most senior to the least senior workers have accomplished.

The company’s leaders – starting with Shelley and continuing to today – have focused on doing right by customers and pushed that ethos throughout the organization. Yes, MedRisk had its stumbles along the way…but it recovered and became more successful by learning from those mistakes and returning to its core principles.

What does this mean for you?

Success is all about delivering your customers what they want how they want it.


Walmart is shutting down its healthcare centers…which means…what?

Three things.

First, healthcare is a very complicated and complex business, nothing like Walmart’s core business 

Walmart’s culture, ethos, business practices, priorities, and people built a multi-gazillion dollar consumer business by TBH, beating the crap out of vendors to deliver really low prices.

That is diabolically different from building a service-oriented, one-at-a-time, people-based interaction around a very complex need – healthcare.

So, yeah, healthcare is about as different from Walmart’s core culture as you cold possible get. 

Walmart’s failure comes after Haven Healthcare, the joint venture of giants Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan went belly-up early in 2021.

Haven CEO Atul Gawande MD lacked the intimate, deep knowledge of healthcare infrastructure, reimbursement, regulations and management required to be successful. A brilliant writer, insightful analyst, and highly visible public figure, Gawande didn’t have the management chops. He also didn’t give up his other jobs and had no experience as CEO of a start-up.

Many who think they know healthcare – don’t.

Then there’s commitment. Gawande was committed to Haven – and frankly the three founding companies were as well – like the chicken is committed to breakfast.

If you want to take on something as daunting as reforming healthcare, you’d best be committed to the task like the the pig is committed to breakfast.

Second, reimbursement.

Despite a partnership with giant UnitedHealthcare, Walmart Health was unable to attract enough customers paying enough for care at its 51 centers. This MAY have been due – at least in part – to the venture’s focus on Medicare Advantage members…

This from UHG’s announcement back in 2021:

(the partnership will launch in) 2023 with 15 Walmart Health locations in Florida and Georgia and expand into new geographies over time, ultimately serving hundreds of thousands of Medicare beneficiaries in value-based arrangements through multiple Medicare Advantage [MA] plans. [italics added]

MA has been having a rough time of late which may have factored into a non-produdctive partnership…As the payor, UHG would want WH to agree to low reimbursement rates…as the provider, WH wanted high reimbursement…

Third, providers.

Primary care providers are expensive, rare, and thus have a lot of bargaining power. Oh, and you can’t have a business without them.

Which – to return to the lede, runs directly counter to Walmart’s…everything.

What does this mean for you?

Fixing healthcare requires understanding healthcare.




There’s a LOT of good news today

The House finally approved a massive aid bill for Ukraine – and the aid is already flowing – hallelujah.

Several encouraging takeaways…

  • It was bipartisan, with strong support from both parties (who’da thought??)
  • It passed despite strong opposition from the Republican Presidential candidate
  • It includes long-range missiles that Ukraine can use to demolish Russian air defenses, oil infrastructure, shipping, bridges and railroads

Long range ATACMS

Here’s why this is so incredibly important…

Health insurance coverage

is benefiting more Americans than ever, thanks to expansion of the Affordable Care Act. Another major driver is the increase in insurance subsidies for lower-income folks.

This means more moms and dads, kids, and families have access to health care.

The addition of dental care is the cherry on top; new regs allow states to add that coverage.

Work comp

WCRI’s just released in-depth analyses in its CompScope series…this year they’ve added details on COVID’s impact in 17 states.

Work comp rates for employers continue to dropIVANS reported a drop of 0.9% for the first quarter of this year. (Hat tip to R&I for the news)

California is slamming work comp fraudsters, (sub req) with the latest conviction resulting in a 54+ year prison sentence for a scheming fraudster. The Golden State’s been ramping up its prosecution of these dirtbags...here’s hoping these massive penalties discourage others from stealing from employers and taxpayers. Kudos to WorkCompCentral for a comprehensive update on recent convictions.

What does this mean for you?

A safer America comes from a diminished Russia.

More insured Americans = healthier families.

More crooks in jail = hopefully less future fraud.


Dumbest law/regulation of the month – A tie!

Congratulations to Florida and Texas for passing new laws barring local governments from protecting workers from heat-related injuries!

This at a time when global warming is leading to record heat waves with temperatures hitting – and staying at – record highs for days on end.

Last week WorkCompCentral informed us that Florida is about to join Texas in prohibiting local governments from instituting heat protections from workers. This from a state with record high temperatures last summer…

Florida’s move is especially egregious; Florida does not have its own occupational health regulations but relies on OSHA and Federal regulations. But, the Feds continue to drag their feet on national protections for workers exposed to excessive heat…so the new law effectively prohibits ANY protections from heat-related injuries. 

Politicians in Florida and Texas are doing their best to kill more workers. That is NOT hyperbole…and is especially hypocritical because Florida passed legislation protecting student athletes from heat.

credit WaPo

But hey, in the air-conditioned offices in Tallahassee, with the brocade curtains drawn, one doesn’t see the workers outside the windows mowing lawns and doing landscaping.

Colorado, Oregon, and Washington have rules for outdoor workers.

Minnesota and Oregon also have indoor heat standards.

A committee in California’s State Senate passed a bill doing just that two weeks ago; hopefully that bill will be signed into law.

What does this mean for you?

More deaths, more heat injuries, higher premiums, and more devastated families.

Here’s hoping the industry’s “thought leaders” weigh in on this travesty. 


Good news Friday – protecting workers and an improving economy

Lots of good stuff to start your weekend…

First a California Senate Committee passed a bill to protect workers from heat-related injuries. SB1299 establishes a presumption that:

a heat-related injury that develops within a specified timeframe after working outdoors for an employer in the agriculture industry that fails to comply with heat illness prevention standards, as defined, arose out of and came in the course of employment.

Kudos to the Committee – this type of legislation is sorely needed – and should be promoted enthusiastically by anyone and everyone concerned about protecting workers.

And shame on the California Chamber of Commerce and APCA for their objections. The bill is clearly intended to encourage employers to comply with existing heat-related standards…yet these opponents are quibbling over minor definitional issues when they should be pushing their members hard to do the right thing.

More details on heat injuries here.

Hat tip to Workcompcentral.

Inflation – or not.

Wholesale prices edged up 2/10ths of a percent last month, significantly less than expected.

Reminder – retail price increases are closely related to increasing corporate profits. It is very clear indeed that big food is a major driver of consumer inflation.


Filings for unemployment benefits were also lower than expected, yet more evidence of a very solid jobs market.