
Health Wonk Review – the Harvest Moon edition

Health Wonk Review is up and sprinting. Despite a hint of chill in the air here in New England, the darn thing is growing like a weed. I attribute that to the hothouse conditions that exist in today’s health care policy environment.
Thanks to all who submitted entries; a few did not make the cut as they were not remotely on-topic. Those that did make the cut represent the best of health policy blogging.

Continue reading Health Wonk Review – the Harvest Moon edition


Site updates

We’ve made two changes to Managed Care Matters.
Least obvious to most will be the change in color of hypertext links; we are now using blue, which is more easily read by folks w certain types of color blindness. Thanks to friend Terry Reardon for the suggestion. (he’s a color blind orthopedic surgeon, who assures me that is not an occupational limitation…)
We’ve also added another step in the commenting process, asking submitters to enter a bit of text to verify they are a human and not a @#$%^&*&^%$^&**))*%%$## spam bot. Sorry for the extra step, but I can’t go thru 200 spams a day looking for your pearls.


HWR 15 is up at InsureBlog

Hank Stern and Bob Vineyard of InsureBlog have prepared a virtual cornucopia of health wonk delights. Their edition of Health Wonk Review is indeed serious brain food. No reservations required, come as you are, and buon apetit’!


HWR submissions due

Hank Stern and associates at Insure Blog are awaiting your submission for this week’s edition of Health Wonk Review.
I know it’s the first day back from vacation, I also know it’s time to get busy building traffic! Send your entry to Hank at InsureBlog@hotmail.com.


Bloggers are great

Perusing the blogroll on Managed Care Matters over the morning cup, I had that oh-so-rare flash of insight – the blog world is populated by some incredibly intelligent, deeply insightful, prescient folks. Some nutjobs too, but let’s stay positive.
I know, what a “duh” comment. But really – here’s some examples…
Effect Measure follows the bird flu as only public health experts, and I do mean experts, can.
Roy Poses et al at Health Care Renewal dig deep, really deep, into ethical issues, including Pfizer and publicly-funded medical schools. And there’s a lot of muck to be raked by Dr. P.
Kevin Piper posts occasionally, but thoroughly. Really thoroughly. Read his piece on Medicare drug plans, risk corridors, and why smart players are going to make lots and lots and lots of money on Part D.
Medpundit is written by a practicing doc, who (among other talents) has this neat ability to find and report on strange, unsettling, and downright scary happenings in medicine and environs. Here’s one on a report that Chinese prison officials are “harvesting” organs from executed prisoners – if that doesn’t make your skin crawl…
And there’s lots more. So the next time you’re stuck on that interminable conference call, cruise on over to the blogroll and get entertained, educated, and enlightened. You may even find stuff that will be useful in the call…


HWR is up at the Lucidicus Project

This week’s edition of Health Wonk Review is up at the Lucidicus Project, hosted by Jared Rhoads. Jared’s done an admirable job culling from diverse sources; one of the best things about HWR is the wide range of perspectives and opinions.
When a community includes Matthew Holt and Jared Rhoads, that’s a broad spectrum.


Cavalcade of Risk is up

Julie Ferguson, the force behind more than a couple health-related blogs, is hosting the latest edition of Cavalcade of Risk at Workers Comp Insider. With only five editions, the C-cade is up to 20 entries, and quality ones at that.
Peruse and ponder the non-purple prose!


Survey of healthcare blogging

Fard Johnmar of Envision Solutions and Dmitriy Krugylak of The Medical Blog Network are working on a survey of health care related bloggers. The survey, which is on-line (natch) covers a variety of topics and is open to any blogger that devotes a third of their time to the health/medical world.
So if you qualify, hop on over and render your thoughts and opinions.