And does his usual superlative job over at the Health Policy and Market. The blog roll keeps increasing, and the fresh insights are more than welcome.
Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda
And does his usual superlative job over at the Health Policy and Market. The blog roll keeps increasing, and the fresh insights are more than welcome.
Colleague David Williams has a new take, fresh look and punchy style in his edition of Health Wonk Review.
His version is a fast read, too.
Health Wonks – get your cuppa and spend a few minutes catching up on the best and brightest in the virtual wonk world. Jaan Sidorov delights and amazes, and the list of blogs just keeps on growing.
HWR welcomes back Health Affairs as the host and editor of this biweek’s edition. Jane Hiebert-White brings her distinctive Washington flair to HWR, one that is quite timely given all the wonking-about among candidates and pundits alike.
Friend and colleague Hank Stern is hosting this week’s Health Wonk Review edition.
Hank’s summary is concise and a fast read.
Jeez, they’re good.
Maggie Mahar and Niko Karvounis host this fortnight’s edition of HWR, and obviously spent a lot of time and smarts on the effort.
Particularly excellent is the discussion of the new Tier 4 pricing for drugs – there are several provocative posts that really explain the potential impact.
Merrill Goozner shows why he’s one of the best in his edition of HWR over at the Health Care Blog.
He’s also been kind enough to separate the wheat from the chaff for you, dear reader, leaving only the best for your reading pleasure.
Here in New England we’re about to welcome spring – that glorious time of year when the wind howls and the rain pours and mud covers all, best enjoyed while standing outside freezing your tukus watching one of your progeny splash up and down a lacrosse field.
What better time to sit in a warm car, editing the latest edition of HWR?
Roy Poses eviscerates Robert Jarvik for his pathetic attempts to portray himself as an active, vigorous guy, presumably made so by taking the meds he is touting – Lipitor.
I’m equally-if-not-more outraged, but for a much less important reason. What I loved about the ads was the shot of Jarvik sculling in a racing shell on a beautiful lake. I picked up sculling after rowing for four years at Syracuse University. After competing for another seven years in singles, doubles, and quadruple sculls, I hung up the oars, only to pick them up again recently.
So I was delighted to observe and comment on Jarvik’s smooth technique, his graceful catch and solid balance, the ease with which he released the water at the end of the stroke and let the boat run out; well, I was delighted but my family got really tired of my endless soliloquies on the finer (well, OK, minute) points of Jarvik’s sculling.
Turns out it wasn’t him, but some stunt guy. Reports now indicate Jarvik’s butt has likely never been in a racing shell. Which ticks me off – first that the jerk was lying, and second that he didn’t pick me to do the stunt work.
Merrill Goozner’s hosting this week’s edition, which looks to be one of the most comprehensive and contentious to date.
He’s off to California on vacation, so post a comment and chide him for slacking while the rest of us are working…