
Candidate platform cheat sheet

The good folks at the Kaiser Family Foundation have put together a really useful tool to compare all the Presidential candidates’ health care platform planks.
You can slice, dice, and choose which candidates you want to compare. And yes, it even includes Tom Tancredo and Mike Gravel. It includes details on cost, coverage, role of public v private insurance, tax implications, mandates…the works.
And primary source links are provided too. This is really great work.



On a family vacation in Colorado for the week, and assiduously avoiding anything remotely resembling work. See you next week.


When is entitlement spending bad?

When it is spending by the other party. Bob Laszewski points out the hypocrisy of Pres. Bush’s latest rant about the Democratic budget bill’s “excessive” discretionary spending.
Bob notes that Bush’s opposition to entitlement spending is a rather new thing, as he was not opposed to passing the Medicare Part D bill, one that saddled taxpayers with an $8 trillion debt.