
Two key takeaways from HSA’s bill review survey

The two overarching issues in work comp bill review are state reporting and the non-connect between utilization review/medical management and bill review.

Bill Review
Workers comp payers spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on medical management – pre-cert, utilization review, peer review, case management, clinical guidelines, and the variations and permutations thereof. Dozens of companies from mom-and-pops to regional players to industry giants like Coventry and Genex employ highly trained professional medical personnel to watch over the care delivered to injured workers, carefully reviewing and approving or not approving thousands of medical procedures.
Then, the medical bills come in to the payer. The frightening/amazing/unconscionable truth is that many non-approved medical treatments actually are performed, and billed for, and likely paid – because those determinations are not automatically fed into the bill review system’s database, and/or the bill review system can’t link the determination to the bill/provider/claimant.
How much of this actually occurs on a national basis is impossible to say, and there’s no doubt some payers have the links in place to ensure most if not all medical management determinations are linked to the right claimant/provider/event.
But many payers do not have this link in place and/or it doesn’t work very well and/or it requires a human to make the link, dramatically increasing the opportunity for error.
I’ve seen anecdotal evidence of this non-connect in audits performed for payer clients, but this is the first evidence I’ve seen of an industry-wide issue.
There are a number of potential implications, starting with the obvious – how much are payers spending on treatments that have not been authorized or were actually non-authorized? How much are payers spending on medical management programs/services that are not delivering results due to the bill review linkage issue? Which systems/vendors have these links in place, and how well are they working?
State reporting
State reporting is another issue; friend and colleague Peter Rousmaniere has long proved his ability to cut right to the heart of the issue and he did it again in an email to me this morning wherein he asked the question that is likely on many bill review/IT managers’ minds – what exactly are states doing with all the data they are forcing payers to send to them? Are they doing anything? If so, what, and how will that benefit the industry, employers, society? When?
These are both vitally important issues, albeit for different reasons. But at their core, the question we should be asking about both is the same; what are we getting for our expenditure of time, effort, intellectual capital, and money?


McCarthyism and health reform

Ya gotta do your research.
That’s a basic lesson in the business world, but one that some seem to forget. The latest example – actually there are two – comes courtesy of Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute. Ms Turner sent me an email, copied below.
Dear Mr. Paduda,
Every day, another politician promises to “fix” health care.
With that in mind, the Galen Institute recently launched a YouTube video contest asking average Americans to create persuasive, 90-second videos bringing attention to the dangers of government health care and the benefits of free market reforms. The contest was inspired by the “First Do No Harm” principle. Doctors follow it — shouldn’t politicians?
Today, we’re announcing the winners of our contest. You can view the entries, along with the winning videos, here:http://www.youtube.com/groups_videos?name=firstdonoharm.
If you’re interested in doing a post on our contest, please feel free to contact me via telephone or e-mail or use the press release below.
All best,
Grace-Marie Turner
President, Galen Institute
Alexandria, VA
Here’s my response:
Ms Galen:
Thanks for your email.
I disagree with the premise and the purpose of your “campaign”. You are erecting a strawman based on a distortion of the plans currently under serious consideration and in so doing not contributing to the dialogue but rather distorting it.
It is unfortunate that you are not able or willing to engage on the merits of the current proposals but instead have resorted to fearmongering and obfuscation. There should be an open and honest debate; this effort damages your organization’s credibility and does not contribute to meaningful discussion.
Joseph Paduda
Health Strategy Associates, LLC
The two research blunders committed by Ms Turner are:
a) sending me this press release. Obviously the good folk at Galen have not read this blog or any of my other articles on health care/reform/insurance/policy.
b) deciding this would be an effective way to engage in, and perhaps change the course of, the health care debate. Galen and the right-wing think tanks are rapidly slipping into irrelevance, and with this nonsensical PR effort Turner is accelerating the process. Instead of engaging in a thoughtful, intelligent, fact-based debate, Galen has resorted to the shopworn tactic of trying to scare the pants off common folks.
There are solid, reasonable arguments against a public plan option, single payer, connectors and other aspects of health reform proposals currently under consideration. That’s not to say I agree with some or all of them, but I do believe they are helpful.
It is indeed unfortunate that Ms Turner’s contribution is nothing more than a reminder of why McCarthyism was so destructive.


Health reform heats up, and the insurance industry is out in the cold

The chances of meaningful healthcare reform look increasingly likely. Whether it will be reform we can afford is an entirely different question.
We’ll be taking a look at the differences this time around, and today will begin with the role of the health insurance industry.
Don’t expect to see Harry and Louise return to the small screen (TV or computer); while there may be an occasional sighting, the sponsors of the original edition have refused to let the aging couple out of the retirement home. Fearing a catastrophic backlash, health insurers are doing everything possible to be kindler, gentler, and easier to work with. They’ve got a long way to go, but their path is clear. A 2008 USA Today/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health poll had the industry with a 40 percent favorability rating with the public, lower than banks, airlines and drug companies, and half the approval rating of doctors.
Many view insurers as part of the problem, and with the continuous drumbeat of bad press, they aren’t doing themselves any favors. The public and the powerful do not trust healthplans, who have not given either constituency any reason to do so.
To the extent the insurers are able to stay at the table, they are finding their influence is dramatically lower than it was even twelve months ago. Particularly in the House, where Reps. Waxman and (even more so) Stark (D CA) are the powers behind reform, the health insurance industry has few supporters willing to publicly advocate for their views. In the Senate, it’s not so much that health plans have more friends as fewer enemies, and the friends they do have are reduced to yelling from outside the door.
Healthplans did this to themselves. Medicare Advantage was seen by most as a flat-out hand-out to insurers, who grew fat and profitable from overpayments funded by taxpayer dollars. The health insurance industry way overplayed its hand. Braying about the power and brilliance of private industry and its obvious ability to easily outperform the stumbling bumbling bureaucracy while seeking huge subsidies from that selfsame government was a doomed strategy. Hypocrisy is always a tough sell.
The industry is now all-but-prostrate at the feet of Congress, offering to give up medical underwriting, stop charging sick folks higher premiums, and even reduce health care costs – in return for an requirement that everyone buy health insurance. This last is no concession at all, adding huge revenue dollars while also aligning the industry with the powers that be. Win-win indeed; in retrospect this is so obviously good for the health insurance industry that it is amazing Harry and Louise weren’t pushing for universal coverage back in 1992. What’s new is the revelation that underwriting is not only expensive, but unpopular.
Health plans should count themselves very lucky that the President and key Senators refuse to engage in discussion about single-payer, instead proposing to build a new health insurance/care system on top of the existing (mostly) private insurance infrastructure.
But they can’t entirely give up their old ways, as evidenced by the public battle over the public plan option. This is where the industry may well make a catastrophic mistake. The public doesn’t like health plans, seeing them as mean-spirited, bureaucratic, monolithic entities ensconced in huge office buildings with leaders that are paid way too much for their ability to reject patient’s pleas for care while raising rates every few months and underpaying physicians. Now these private insurers and their advocates on the Hill are complaining about the unfairness of a public plan option, one wherein the government would ‘compete’ with private insurers.
In today’s world, the industry’s arguments against a public plan ring false. Opponents complain about faceless bureaucrats coming between patients and doctors; their lobbyists may have forgotten this was the health industry’s business model, but the public sure hasn’t. On a macro scale, voters traumatized by the failure of the mortgage and banking industry are loathe to trust yet another big financial industry to do the right thing; there has been precious little indication that the industry is in any way interested in that strategy.
All but lost in the debate has been the question of cost reduction. The industry’s pledge to reduce costs by two trillion dollars over ten years was quickly withdrawn, after President Obama masterfully maneuvered the industry and their supporters into a made-for-TV press event wherein he lauded them for that commitment. I’d expect to see a replay of that confab more than once as the debate heats up, and insurers will find themselves squirming on an increasingly hot seat as they try to spin their past statements. In so doing they’ll just dig themselves an increasingly deep hole – aren’t healthplans supposed to control costs? If so, why can’t you? And if you can’t, why, exactly, are we relying on you as the foundation for a new health system?
If meaningful reform happens, the primary beneficiaries will include healthplans. Yet another example of why it’s always better to be lucky than good.


Providers’ view of health plans

The Verden Group’s latest ranking of health plans is out, and there’s a bit of turnover at the top.
For those unfamiliar with the Verden Report, it evaluates how well or poorly managed care companies/health plans are doing from the providers’ perspective. It tracks changes to policies regarding pre-certification; reimbursement; claims filing, processing and problem reporting; eligibility verification and other provider-payer ‘interaction’; the volume, timing and communication about those changes, and the accuracy of that communication.
In brief, the Report reports how well, or poorly, payers are treating providers. The Report is very useful, particularly in monitoring healthplans’ relations with providers overall. Healthplans that consistently rate at the bottom end of the scale are going to have a tough time expanding; likely cause themselves, and their insureds, a good deal of agita due to avoidable confusion about healthplan process/policy changes; and I’d argue don’t have a good grasp on one of the essential components of a successful long term strategy – good provider-payer relations.
I emphasize evaluating health plan performance over the long term. From time to time any health plan is going to look ‘bad’ (or at the least not as good as they usually do) because they will have to implement a number of provider-facing changes around the same time.
As an example, look at Aetna’s history (at the top throughout 2008) compared to their current position (fourth). The big healthplan announced a lot of changes (relative to the earlier volume) – but the clarity of their communications about those changes was quite good – best in the industry, in fact.
On another note, New England’s Fallon Community Health Plan was well below average due to significant changes in the list of procedures subject to utilization review. Although Fallon removed ‘a bunch of pre-authorizations on injections and drugs”, Fallon added a pre-cert requirement for more expensive services including kyphoplasty.
This last is why you need to read the report and not just the rankings. Without getting too far into the details, kyphoplasty, a minimally-invasive surgical procedure intended to alleviate spinal compression, is one of those newish procedures that offers minimal – if any – improvement over older, more established techniques.
It is a good thing that Fallon is tightening up standards for approval of this procedure. Even if it adds to providers’ workload.


What’s coming in MCM

I’ve been buried under a mountain of my own making, and have ignored/delayed writing on several major topics that demand attention. Now that the survey of bill review in work comp is done (will be emailed to requesters at 1 pm est today; if you have NOT already requested a copy via email you can do so at infoAThealthstrategyassocDOTcom) and a client project is just about wrapped up I’m going to get to the following:
– a discussion of NCCI’s perspective on pending changes to the Medicare physician fee schedule, and the impact on workers comp medical costs
– a post on the implications of the economic recovery for group health, and another post on the implications for workers comp
– an update on the impact of the recession on physicians and hospitals
– a follow up piece on the Health Net policy rescission debacle


Tinker’s HWR = good summer reading

Health Wonk Review welcomes a new host – the Boston – based Tinker Ready hsa this week’s edition up and running with a Jersey theme.
Welcome, Tinker!


Medicare for all – not so fast

I’ve been asked to do a point-counter point with Jacob Hacker, one of the more vocal supporters of a Medicare-for-All program.
It’s my contention that Hacker overstates the case for Medicare, and in so doing weakens the case for a public plan option. Specifically, he argues that Medicare has lower administrative costs and does a better job holding down medical trend. I disagree.
Medicare has an unfair advantage over private plans: it doesn’t need to maintain reserves, earn profits to attract capital, or pay premium taxes. These result in big dollar ‘savings’ over private plans. It is also important to note that Medicare’s cost structure is dramatically different in other ways.
1.) Medicare has no underwriting or sales expenses or marketing costs. No commissions, either. This saves a lot of admin dollars. This differential would disappear in a health connector-type system, with the playing field leveled by dramatically reducing commercial healthplans’ marketing costs and elimination of their underwriting expense.
2.) Medicare has one-time enrollment and dis-enrollment, and greatly simplified eligibility processes. This cuts their costs, but would not continue under a connector model.
There’s more here.


Update – RiteAid-FirstScript kerfuffle

I had a chance to speak with the PR folks from RiteAid this morning, who were responding to my request for additional information about RiteAid’s decision to terminate its relationship with work comp PBM FirstScript.
RiteAid is still participating with other work comp PBMs, just not with FirstScript. Sources also indicate that California-based work comp PBM WorkComp Rx has also been terminated by RiteAid for the same reason – processing comp scripts through group health contracts.
As this is a contracting matter, RiteAid will not comment on it publicly, and I won’t characterize my conversation with their corporate PR staff.
However, other internal sources have confirmed that RiteAid has term’ed their relationship with FirstScript. And I’m also hearing that FirstScript has told at least some of their payer customers that they should have their claimants start using other pharmacy chains. FS is obviously doing this in an effort to force RiteAid back into their network; by threatening to pull customers out of stores, FS is trying to hit the big retailer where it hurts most.
Other PBMs are watching very, very closely – as are other retail chains. If RiteAid backs down (which to date it has shown no intention of doing) expect other PBMs to start using group health contracts to process work comp scripts. If they hold firm, and if other chains follow their lead rather than seeking to benefit from RiteAid’s principled position, order will be restored to the market, rule-abiding PBMs will no longer be penalized, and rule-ignoring PBMs will get their comeuppance.
Hang in there, RiteAid. And to the rest of the chains, do the right thing.


Work comp bill review survey – additional findings

Note – The public version of the First Annual Survey of Workers Compensation Bill Review will be released Friday. If you would like a copy, do NOT comment here, but send an email to infoATHealthStrategyAssocDOTcom.
I’m finishing up the survey report, need a break from analysis and writing – and some of the results are just too interesting to keep to myself till Friday. (I know, I need to get a life)
One of the less-obvious but more-interesting findings is the way the market’s perceptions about bill review firms have shifted of late. The industry has seen a lot of change at a rapid pace, with Mitchell’s acquisition of SmartAdviser, Coventry’s acquisition and ownership of the code for their bill review system, new management at Medata, CS Stars’ announced departure from the business, the purchase of Stratacare, and Ingenix’ troubles with UCR.
All of these events/transactions have influenced respondents’ views of the industry, and certainly of individual vendors within the industry. Some have risen in stature, while others have declined, and the changes aren’t necessarily what one would think.
One of the last questions in the survey asks respondents to rate each firm on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being best/highest. While respondents’ views of the various BR firms tend to lump them in a fairly narrow band, their statements paint a more complex and more nuanced view.
Couple the individual BR firm ratings with the responses to another question “is the bill review industry meeting payers’ needs?” and the picture that emerges is of an industry that is viewed in general as mediocre, focused more on processing speed and throughput than effective medical management (yes, bill review does have a lot to do with med management), and more reactive than innovative.
Among the vendors reviewed there are a couple notable exceptions, and it is important to note these views are general: depending on the payer’s market, technical abilities, business model, and strategic orientation, one or more vendors may be a great fit. The ‘fit determination’ process is key to successful vendor selection, and according to several respondents that had recently gone through the RFP process, requires much more interaction, discussion, and sharing of information on the part of the payer than they had anticipated. Instead of the typical RFI-RFP-finalists selection-onsite presentations-reference checking/offsite visits-battle over pricing and terms-contracting process, to a person these respondents talked about the need to engage much more deeply with potential bill review vendors than they had anticipated. In some cases this was acceptable to management, but in others a more rigid process prevailed, resulting in (in a couple cases) a less than optimal outcome.


Work comp pharmacy news – RiteAid dropping FirstScript

Retail pharmacy giant RiteAid is no longer accepting work comp claimants administered by PBM FirstScript. RiteAid, which owns almost ten percent of all retail pharmacies in the nation, decided to terminate their relationship with FirstScript due to a dispute over processing of work comp scripts.
Despite reports to the contrary, RiteAid is still working with other work comp PBMs.
FirstScript uses CVS/Caremark’s network of pharmacies;FirstScript was allegedly processing work comp scripts through the CVS/Caremark group health network, thereby getting lower prices than if the scripts had been identified as workers comp. This has long been a bone of contention among PBMs and retail chains alike, as those PBMs that use work comp contracts typically pay significantly more for their drugs than they would pay under group health (or Medicare) contracts. PBMs that play by the rules (only processing comp scripts via their comp contracts) contend that some PBMs do not play by the same rules, a situation that puts the ‘rule-abiding’ PBMs at a distinct disadvantage.
Retail stores charge more for comp scripts because it costs them significantly more to identify the correct payer, establish eligibility, and comply with utilization review edits and processes. That’s entirely reasonable and appropriate.
Price compression in the comp PBM business has driven down margins, and is likely behind this alleged conflict. As PBMs compete for business in what is a rapidly-maturing market, they make price concessions to get new deals. This drive for share has come smack up against the reality that the PBMs’ cost of goods sold is pretty consistent across all PBMs; thus the ones that want to continue to slash price to gain share have to figure out another way to reduce their cost.
RiteAid is still in the business of filling work comp scripts – just not for FirstScript claimants.
The chain continues to work with other workers comp PBMs, including ScripNet, Progressive, Cypress Care/Healthcare Solutions, Express Scripts/MSC, Aetna, Modern Medical, PMSI/Tmesys, Cogent Health, and MyMatrixx.
Of note, FirstScript claims their network includes 61,000 retail pharmacies. This may not have been updated to reflect the RiteAid termination, as it is next to impossible to have that many retail outlets without RiteAid.
Sources indicate other chains are closely monitoring this situation, as they too have been frustrated by PBMs processing work comp scripts under their group health pricing arrangements. Industry watchers (including your author) have been waiting…and waiting…and waiting for the chains to actually do something to stop this practice. Perhaps other chains will follow RiteAid’s lead and force compliance with their contracts.
Their failure to do so has – and continues to – penalize(d) those PBMs and payers that complied with their contracts.
Kudos to RiteAid for stepping up. About time.