
UPDATE: Could changes to medical malpractice be on the horizon?

According to an article in the NYTimes, the answer is yes. President Obama is actively considering some form of limits on med mal lawsuits as part of his health care reform plan.
Before we get too excited about this, let’s consider what is on the table, and why.
Reports indicate Obama is going to mention med mal reform in a speech to the AMA this week. The group has long advocated for limits in the form of caps on settlements and ‘frivolous’ lawsuits, claiming that med mal forces physicians to practice defensive medicine thereby driving up costs.
The reality is more subtle, and less problematic. A comprehensive study indicated that the cost of malpractice insurance as a percentage of total practice expenses changed little over the last 30 years, ranging from 6% to 11% of total expenses. This doesn’t mean that docs in certain specialties and specific geographic areas aren’t affected differently, with some faced with significantly higher costs and fewer insurer options. But these issues are largely driven not by high settlements and ‘frivolous’ lawsuits but rather by the mechanics and motivations of the insurance market.
In fact, when insurance premiums were soaring in the early years of this decade, awards weren’t increasing at all. While premiums increased 120% from 200 to 2004, claims were flat while the insurers’ incurred loss ratios (ratio of claims to premiums collected) improved by almost 25% to 51.4%.
There is ample evidence that malpractice and medical errors are much more prevalent than the number of claims filed would indicate. The vast majority of patients injured by error — perhaps 98% percent — never press legal claims.
Equally troubling, “46 percent of physicians surveyed admitted they knew of a serious medical error that had been made but did not tell authorities about it.”
And according to an exhaustive study published in the New England Journal of Medicine;
“For 3 percent of the claims, there were no verifiable medical injuries, and 37 percent did not involve errors. Most of the claims that were not associated with errors (370 of 515 [72 percent]) or injuries (31 of 37 [84 percent]) did not result in compensation; most that involved injuries due to error did (653 of 889 [73 percent]). Payment of claims not involving errors occurred less frequently than did the converse form of inaccuracy — nonpayment of claims associated with errors.”
[readers interested in a detailed and authoritative discussion of the topic should read Maggie Mahar’s treatise]
OK, so the med mal monster is more of a med mal midget that casts a very long shadow when the AMA shines it’s “lets make this thing look scary” light on it.
That doesn’t answer the central question; Why is Obama willing to take on trial lawyers, many in his own party, and reality?
Simple – another very valuable bargaining chip.
Politics is the art of making the other guy do what you want by giving him just enough so he can hold his nose and vote for your bill. Obama is seeking to kill two birds with one political stone. His openness to ‘med mal reform’ steals a big chunk of the AMA’s thunder, and his solution – eliminating/reducing litigation/awards for physicians who follow evidence-based clinical guidelines – helps to enforce those guidelines.
Remember the battle over comparative effectiveness (CE)? The final bill was pretty watered-down as the legislative compromises necessary to get it done removed a lot of the ‘enforcement’ opportunities. From here it looks like the bill itself was the first part, and the ‘enforcement’ is going to be linked to med mal reform.
By tying med mal to physician use of evidence-based clinical guidelines, Obama is painting the physician lobby into a very tight corner, one they can’t get out of without politically-untenable contortions.
from Peter Rousmaniere comes this link to an excellent article by Drs. Michelle Mello and Troyen Brennan about the role of medical liability reform in health care reform.
Here’s an excerpt:
“create a federal “safe harbor,” retaining the current process of adjudication but insulating physicians from liability if they adhered to evidence-based medical practices. For example, legislation introduced by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) in February would create a rebuttable presumption that care was not negligent if the physician followed accepted clinical practice guidelines.5 Similarly, physicians could be given immunity or a favorable presumption if they practiced in accordance with findings of credible comparative-effectiveness research (CER).”


RiteAid is back in the FirstScript PBM network

Well done, RiteAid.
Industry sources indicate RiteAid and workers comp PBM FirstScript have worked out their differences; RiteAid is again accepting FirstScript claimants.
While no one would speak on the record, reliable sources reported that the deal came together when FirstScript agreed to stop accessing group health reimbursement contracts for their claimants (in comp, patients are claimants, not members). This was the very large bone of contention that led RiteAid to boot FirstScript out of their stores several weeks ago.
This is good news – not only for FirstScript, but also for all retail pharmacy chains. As I noted in an earlier post, retail stores charge more for comp scripts because it costs them significantly more to identify the correct payer, establish eligibility, and comply with utilization review edits and processes. That’s entirely reasonable and appropriate.
Price compression in the comp PBM business has driven down margins, and is likely behind the RiteAid-FirstScript ‘disagreement’. As PBMs compete for business in what is a rapidly-maturing market, they make price concessions to get new deals. This drive for share has come smack up against the reality that the PBMs’ cost of goods sold is pretty consistent across all PBMs; thus the ones that want to continue to slash price to gain share have to figure out another way to reduce their cost.
In violation of their contacts with the chains, some (but by no means all) PBMs have been accessing group health/Medicare contract rates.
RiteAid’s tough stance has paid off for the retail giant; good for them. Now we’ll see if other retail chains also do the right thing and get tough with WC PBMs that are circumventing their contract obligations.
If they do, we’ll see a level – and fair – playing field for WC PBMs. If the retail chains don’t get tough with the PBMs using group contracts they’ll lose revenue and force the PBMs that are complying with their contracts to either lose business to the unethical PBMs or join the ‘bad guys’.
Note – as mentioned ad nauseum I’d welcome a response from firstscript or their parent but my requests have been ignored.


Health Reform – what’s happening and why

It’s here. Almost.
At long last, health reform is no longer just an idea, a glimmer in the distance, a subject of interest only to those writing doctoral theses, policy papers, and other intellectually interesting but practically useless missives.
Dare we say it; reform is actually possible, perhaps more possible than at any time since 1964.
There are currently no fewer than six (6) health reform bills before Congress, plus about a dozen more waiting in the wings (well, maybe just a couple). Now that there’s actually something concrete to review, discuss, and dissect, the experts from Health Wonk Review’s editorial board have unlimbered their virtual electron microscopes, dusted off their intellectual scalpels, and fired up their mental PET scanners.
Here, laid bare for the benefit of health wonks everywhere, is the combined wisdom of the greatest minds inhabiting the wonk-o-sphere…(click here for the soundtrack, and turn those speakers up)
First, why?
For that, we asked Senator Byron Dorgan (D ND) to tell HWR’s readers why he thinks now is the time to act on reform. Here’s the Senator’s contribution.
“After months of preparation and study, the U.S. Senate is beginning to draft health care reform legislation. The Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is writing its bill this week, and the Finance Committee is expected to begin drafting its own version of health care reform legislation next week [emphasis added].
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee (DPC), which I chair, has also just issued a new policy paper which documents the urgent need for health care reform. It lays out the facts on what the cost of inaction over the past eight years has been.
Health care reform is also economic reform. Ever-rising health care costs contribute significantly to the current economic crisis. People between jobs – and that too often means that they are also without health insurance coverage – often face potential financial catastrophe. Even people with jobs and health insurance struggle to cope with high insurance premiums, co-payments and prescription drugs.
You can view video clips of some of the first floor speeches in the health care reform debate by several of my colleagues who are working to advance health care reform in the Senate are here.
Democrats know that, for our economy to truly recover and prosper, we must help middle-class families, businesses, and federal, state, and local governments cope with skyrocketing health care costs. We are committed to enacting health reform that addresses the health care cost crisis and ensures quality, affordable health care for all Americans.”
From Senators to students, HWR welcomes all. Emma Walsh-Alker asked her fellow fifth-graders why kids need health reform; their answers echo Sen. Dorgan and add their own thoughts – which are wise indeed.
The public plan option
The public plan has incited and excited all, from de facto leaders of the GOP to undergrad student debating societies. It is variously viewed as a way to ensure all Americans get good, affordable health care or a devious way for single-payer advocates to slowly but surely kill off the private insurance industry. While there are lots of opinions out there, our good friends at Health Affairs have perhaps the most comprehensive perspective from a variety of posters, guest and otherwise. We’ll start out with their contributions…
Policy vet Jeff Goldsmith doesn’t think the plan is worth the risk, but Joe White disagrees, arguing that there’s ‘dangerous’ confusion about Medicare’s ability to control costs.
A trio of experts want to make sure policymakers think thru the lessons we’ve learned from Medicare, some of them quite painful (and wildly expensive to boot).
Some wonks believe there are better alternatives to the Medicare for Everyone plan, with Hal Luft proposing one alternative, and your author proposing to use the VA system (it has better outcomes, lower costs, and happier patients than pretty much any other delivery/payer system).
And colleague and good friend Bob Laszewski thinks the public plan option may really be a well-disguised way to cut reimbursement, instead of what the country actually needs – a way to “sweat the waste out of the system”.
Me? I’m thinking the Public Plan Option is a great way to distract reform’s opponents from key issues, a bargaining chip to use when the Dems need a few GOP votes to pass a ‘bipartisan’ bill.
David Williams digs into the differences of opinion between ‘experts’ and the public on all things health care. His review of Drew Altman’s piece provides interesting insights into the core issue of explaining/understanding/debating health reform.
A terrific companion/supporting post comes from Louise at Colorado Health Insurance Insider (one of the few bloggers actually in the health insurance brokerage business). Louise discusses the public’s belief that private health insurers have profit margins over 20%…Hello, AHIP, is anyone there awake?!
Ken Terry argues that the focus on the public plan could kill any chance that a reform bill will pass.
Brian Klepper and David Kibbe urge the administration’s Health Reform Team to take notice of the health industry’s Achilles Heel in their planning. They make the case that universal coverage should be off the table unless the industry relents on specific aspects of current business models.
The Benjamins…
This is going to be really really expensive, so expensive that it will be unaffordable from the get go. That’s my interpretation from reading a post from the actual, real live insurance real world’s InsureBlog. Bob Vineyard takes Sen Baucus to task; “Baucus proposes tax subsidies for those making up to roughly $88,000 per year for a family of 4. Isn’t that just about everyone?”
Merrill Goozner’s post is a terrific synopsis of “where’s the money going to come from.” He discusses cost reductions, potential tax revenues and sources thereof, and concludes with thoughts on the potential impact of raising taxes on the middle class.
Michael Tanner over at the Cato Institute makes the rather compelling point in his post that the current proposals do precious little to address costs. Tanner’s point is a valid one; cost control requires saying ‘no’, and so far no one’s even whispering the word.
RIchard Eskow reminds us that any reform plan must address the huge impact of health care costs on the middle class; he notes that almost two-thirds of bankruptcies in 2007 were caused by medical problems.
Anthony Wright expands on Richard’s trenchant observation, noting “people expect health coverage to prevent them from going into bankruptcy. If it doesn’t do that, then it doesn’t deserve to be called coverage.”
Reform’s impact on hospitals, docs, and others
Brady Augustine has an intriguing post about the knuckleheaded way hospital and their advocates have responded to health reform, drawing parallels to the auto industry. He contends that instead of hiding behind lobbyists and legislative protection (like the Big Three did for so many years) they should get their rears in gear and actually try to make themselves better.
DrRich (his name, not his economic status) laments the downtrodden status of the primary care provider, putting it in historical context, describing CMS’ impact on PCPs, and taking on the American College of Physicians’ support of a bill before Congress that, among other things, “renders nurse practitioners as full-fledged primary care providers”.
‘Ill and Uninsured in Illinois’ makes DrRich’s case – maybe better than he does, with her/his post on why retail clinics aren’t the answer for the medically underserved.
Adam Fein sees more consolidation among PBMs (pharmacy benefit managers) in the future; he makes a compelling case.
And from our good friend Jon Coppleman comes this comparison – If health care is the proverbial 800 pound gorilla, then the medical portion of workers comp is a 15 pound Maine Coon cat. Jon wonders whether health care reform will crush workers’ compensation.
The MassExperiment or, is that lighthouse working?
Pro- and O-pponents of national health reform can find much in the Massachusetts experiment to support their respective positions, but those in neither camp can provide the most Mass-based insight. Here goes.
Relative newcomer Tinker Ready’s video-rich post on a Boston-based debate between single payer and mandated insurance, as well as a meeting between single-payer advocate Dr Steffie Woolhandler and Senator Max Baucus (D MT) (Bet that was fun…) gives readers interested in learning lots about Mass just what they need.
David Harlow’s post identifies the holy trinity of reform – quality, access, and cost, noting that in Massachusetts they began with access. He opines that President Obama should back off his apparent goal to get all three done at once.
Not strictly Mass-related, but definitely Harlow-related is the post from Walter Jessen at HighlightHealth. Jessen observes that a recent study shows Americans value access to providers as their “most essential and highest valued health priorities.”
Newly-minted Ph.D Economist Jason Shafrin (congratulations, Jason) has studied the impact of Massachusetts’ health reform on waiting times. His data indicate it takes longer to see a primary doc and some specialists, but less time to get into a cardiologist these days.
Hold on a second, says Joanne Kenen; the USAToday study used by Jason has a lot of other data about waiting times in lots of other towns here in the US of A. Joanne’s review presents a decidedly mixed picture – both of Mass and many other cities. The top stat is this – over the last four years, the average wait across the US to see a doc for nonemergent care more than doubled – from 8.6 to 21 days.
(These last two posts are but one example of why the blog-o-sphere is so great)
The Politick-ing
Ya gotta love Jaan Sidorov! Really, ya gotta! His post dismantles the various signatories to the now-infamous ‘Dear Mr President, we’ll save $2 trillion’ letter. Here’s an appetizer: “Representing the medical device and remote monitoring industry, this group [AdvaMed] promises that overuse of their technology will reduce overuse of other medical care.”
Not to be outdone Glenn Laffel MD PhD at the difficultly-named Pizaazz recommends Sens Baucus and Kennedy caucus, and do it quickly, before they are forced to settle their differences on the White House hoops court. (my money’s on the skinny black guy…)
Maggie Mahar’s posts are always relevant and precise; she knows of what she speaks. Maggie’s coverage of Sen Jay Rockefeller’s (D WV) bill to greatly expand MedPac’s power to and reduce Congress’ role in determining Medicare benefits is a prime example. Few are following this, but it could well be the key to controlling Medicare’s costs in the future.
Jonathan Cohn has the scoop on the meeting wherein President Obama voiced support for Rockefeller’s bill.
The always-interesting American Spectator has an insider’s view of GOP Senators’ perspectives on yesterday’s release of ‘the Kennedy bill’. Snippet – “Enzi was “very disappointed” with the release of the Kennedy bill, and said the senator feels that all the time Republicans spent talking to Democrats may have been in vain since the majority wasn’t listening to them.”
Not sure where it goes but it definitely deserves mention
HWR has been around for more than three years, and Roy Poses MD has been one of the reasons for that longevity and credibility. Roy is one of the blog-o-sphere’s most perceptive industry watchdogs, and his current post is no exception.
Don’t change that channel!
Health reform will be leading the headlines for the summer and well into the fall. And Health Wonk Review will keep you informed, educated, and up to date with the best of the blog-o-sphere.
Jason Shafrin hosts the next edition of HWR at Healthcare Economist; his perspective and expertise will undoubtedly make the June 24 edition one of the best.


The public plan option as political bargaining chip

The public plan is a non-negotiable for some in Congress, a nice to have for others, a bargaining chip for still others, and anathema to the rest. There aren’t two distinct blocs; rather there are a spectrum of views. This is critical to understanding the ‘role’ of the public plan in the process.
My sense is that – as far as the key players (Baucus, Obama) view it, the public plan is something of a trojan horse; try as I might I can’t see an overwhelmingly compelling reason to make the public plan option mandatory.
However, it is vitally important to Waxman and Kennedy and Stark, all key players in the debate, and to all of the Republicans except possibly the Senators from Maine.
This sets it up beautifully as a bargaining chip; the Obama/Baucus faction can use Waxman/Kennedy/Stark to get the GOP to make big concessions in return for a watered-down public plan option.
Myself, I don’t see the public plan as critical to reform, or perhaps more accurately it is not nearly as important as comparative effectiveness with teeth and reimbursement reform and taxing health benefits. That’s the important stuff.
While comparative effectiveness was part of the ‘stimulus’ bill, it was downplayed, perhaps to mute criticism from those who see it as a thinly-disguised rationing tool.
Help is on the way. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Act of 2009 was introduced earlier this week by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND). according to the press release, it would create a private, nonprofit corporation, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, to “generate scientific evidence and new information on how diseases, disorders and other health conditions can be treated to achieve the best clinical outcome for patients…Research would be conducted by trusted public and private organizations approved by the Institute’s diverse board of directors, which would include practicing doctors, patients, pharmaceutical and biotechnology makers.”
This has been tried several times before; grey hairs out there will remember the old Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) (now AHRQ) and the Patient Outcomes Research Team program. AHCPR was rendered all but powerless by defunding during the mid-nineteen nineties, driven in part by virulent attacks on the agency’s work by several physician groups.
AHCPR’s all-but-demise was partially its own fault, as early guidelines were viewed as weak and ineffective by some, and the development process itself drew fire from the Office of Technology Assessment. In fairness, this was the first real large-scale effort to develop and promulgate clinical guidelines, so it should have come as no surprise that the initial effort was not exactly perfect.
If the bill becomes law, Rockefeller’s Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute has a lot of history to learn from, a different political climate in which to develop, and a mandate to make a meaningful difference.
It is also our only chance to restrain cost growth in Medicare.


The NYTimes on health reform; we expect better

Earlier this week the NYTimes’ Robert Pear did a piece that delved into the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, one of my all-time favorite publications. The Atlas, and the research that spawned it, provides a clear and detailed picture of the cottage industry that is American health care; practice patterns vary wildly and widely.
As just one example, the rate of back surgeries for Medicare members is five times higher in Fort Myers than in Miami, while the hip fracture repair rate is essentially identical. And no, it’s not because the population is different or sicker, it is because that’s just the way medicine is practiced in those two areas.
Well, despite the terrific, well-respected, and well-regarded research behind the Atlas, the NYT got this one wrong, citing some folks who claimed that it is inaccurate, biased, or just plain wrong.
Author Robert Pear is usually one of the best in sorting thru the chaff to find the wheat, but he quoted several individuals without comment, even when the quotes were flat-out wrong. Pear failed to refute critics, even when it would have taken precious little research to do so.
Here are a couple examples:
“There is too much uncertainty about the Dartmouth study to use it as a basis for public policy,” said Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts. “Researchers can’t explain why some areas of the country spend more on health care than others. There are many reasons spending could vary: higher costs of living, sicker people or more teaching hospitals.”
Wrong, Senator. Absolutely, flat-out, incontrovertibly wrong.
There is almost no uncertainty about the study and little confusion about why spending is different. It isn’t sicker people, and the issue of cost of living and excess hospital costs are discussed in detail – and corrected for – in the Atlas. The Mayo Clinic among other excellent providers delivers great care for a lot less money than hospitals in your state, and there are wide variations in hospital admission patterns between New Haven and Boston – patients are admitted far more often for COPD in Boston than in New Haven. That’s just practice pattern variation, for no reason other than ‘that’s the way we do it’ in Boston.
And this.
“Dr. Michael L. Langberg, senior vice president of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is among the critics.
“The statement that Medicare costs can be cut by 30 percent has been repeated so many times that it has come to be viewed as a proven fact by some,” Dr. Langberg said in a recent letter to the Senate Finance Committee. “It is not a fact. It is a gross oversimplification of an untested theory.”
Dr. Langberg endorsed the goal of covering the uninsured, but said, “We do not believe that rushing to make large cuts in Medicare payments to hospitals is the right way to fund that coverage.”
Good to see that automatic kneejerk response is still functioning. There is no question, none, that much of US health care spending is wasted on unproven procedures, hospitalization of patients that could be treated on an outpatient basis, and for devices and drugs with minimal positive impact on health.
Maggie Mahar does a much more in-depth dismantling the disappointing reporting/writing/editing by the Times here.


Health reform – the battle is joined

With the release by the Ways and Means Committee of the first House health reform bill , the debate is about to get much louder and more strident. The ‘bill’ is more of an outline than anything else, although it’s a pretty detailed outline.
It is also very much a ‘moderate’ plan, one that has the fingerprints of the House Blue Dog Democrats all over it.
Notable by their absence from the bill is any mention of a Medicare-based public plan option or employer mandate. This doesn’t mean the Democrats are abandoning either option; rather it indicates a willingness on the part of Baucus, Waxman, Kennedy et al to work with Senate Republicans on compromise language in an effort to gain some GOP support.
Key components of the bills now up for debate include:
– maintains current employment-based insurance structure; employers can keep their plans
– calls for a “public health insurance option [that is] self-sustaining and competes on a “level field” with private insurers”
– an insurance exchange enabling insurers and small businesses to evaluate and select from a list of private insurance options
– prohibits medical underwriting, exclusion of coverage for pre-existing conditions, and rating based on gender, health status, or occupation with some allowances for age rating
– subsidizes coverage on a sliding scale for individuals and families with income up to 400% of the Federal poverty level (family coverage today would amount to 14% of income at that level).
– exempts small, low-wage firms and provides a small business tax credit for those providing health coverage.
-eliminates the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate formula (used to determine physician compensation) and increases reimbursement for primary care providers
What’s not there is more telling than what is.
There’s precious little discussion of how to pay for this, and specifically whether employer premiums will be taxable and if so to what extent.
As I’ve been saying for months, it’s about the money. Expanding coverage without tough cost controls (note – NOT price controls – that’s very different) is a road to financial ruin. With their recent focus on the cost of the Recovery Bill and apparent strategy to take on the Democrats and the President on the issue of government debt and spending, the GOP has served notice that they will miss no chance to accuse the Dems of profligate spending.
Good for them; the ‘oversight’ is certainly appropriate and necessary, as the most important part of health reform is cost containment.


California’s work comp medical costs – it’s the networks!!

Those of us with plenty of gray (or silver) hair have not been surprised by the significant increase in medical expense in California since the implementation of reform several years ago. What has been surprising is that it has taken this long for medical inflation to ‘present’.
Medical costs are the primary reason premiums are headed back up, but before we get too excited, let’s remember that work comp premiums plummeted over the last few years, dropping to almost-unprecedented levels. Carriers rushed into the state, new insurers started up, and existing carriers sought to write even more business. The result was a very competitive market, and a dramatic drop in employers’ workers comp costs.
The market has turned; the insurance rating board is looking for a rate increase of almost 24%, driven in large part by the increase in medical expense.
In a recent hearing before the state’s insurance commissioner, two problems became apparent – one obvious and the other much less so.
The obvious problem is the rapid rise in medical expense in California. According to a recent release by CWCI, their analysis shows “significant increases in California workers’ comp medical payments since AY 2005, with amounts paid for treatment, pharmaceuticals and durable medical equipment…all on the rise.”
The less obvious problem is the lack of understanding on the part of most insurers, TPAs, and other payers about the factors driving up medical expense. This ignorance is demonstrated by their continued reliance on medical management techniques and tools that are not only ineffective but I would argue are likely contributing to the increase in costs.
As reported in WorkCompCentral (subscription required);
“Despite the fact that self-insured employers such as Safeway and the University of California reported much smaller medical cost increases than commercial insurers, they pointed out that their medical networks have helped reduce much of their exposure to cost drivers because of the quality of their physicians [emphasis added], and their ability to encourage claimants to seek treatment within their medical networks and avoid litigation.”
Big generalist networks do not reduce comp medical expense because the incentives are all wrong and they contain too many docs who can’t spell workers comp.
What does this mean for you?
Until and unless payers figure this out and stop talking about doing something and actually start doing that ‘something’ medical costs are going to continue to rocket up, and so will employers’ premiums.


Obama weighs in on health reform (at last)

The health reform battle is escalating. And the President is moving to the head of the pro-reform forces. According to a piece in the NYTimes,
“Ultimately, as happened with the recovery act, it will become President Obama’s plan,” the White House budget director, Peter R. Orszag, said in an interview. “I think you will see that evolution occurring over the next few weeks. We will be weighing in more definitively, and you will see him out there.”
Till now, President Obama has stayed above the fray, talking in generalities about the economic imperative of health care reform, the need to automate the cottage industry that is the health care system (my characterization, not his), and the flaws in the current system. That’s not to discount the significant ‘reform-type’ initiatives that passed early on in this very young administration, including S-CHIP, initiatives that would have been plenty important if expectations weren’t so high. But high they are, and Obama has clearly decided it is time for the President to start doing some of the heavy lifting.
This is where it is going to get very interesting.
Way back in February 2009 the President put forth a health care reform ‘plan’; actually it was more of a list of things to get done, and avoided addressing the key issue – how are we going to pay for reform, and what medical care should we be paying for (a nice way of saying ‘cost control’). Now he’s getting a bit more specific, but avoiding any lines in the sand in an effort to gain some bipartisan support.
What’s interesting is the disagreement between Senate Republicans and the President/most Democratic Senators is centered around the public plan option. I just don’t see this as a huge issue, and continue to wonder why the GOP, AHIP et al are so bothered by the idea of competing with a government-sponsored option.
I’m wondering if the Dems keep promoting the idea more as a bargaining chip than anything else, as it pales in comparison to changes in reimbursement for physicians, pharma, devices, and facilities in terms of overall importance.
That’s where the real battle is going to be fought.


The Magellan-Coventry deal

Magellan Health is buying a small chunk of Coventry – the unit that provides prescription drug programs and other services for Medicaid members. Although the unit was identified as ‘First Health’, it is NOT Coventry’s workers comp managed care business.
The business currently generates about $55 million in annual revenue.
Coventry will take a loss on the sale (evidently the business was carried on the healthplan company’s books at a value considerably higher than the sale price) of fifty-five to sixty cents a share.
The move ties into a larger relationship between the two firms, as Magellan will also be managing Coventry’s radiology and oncology claims for the next three years. The radiology contract is on at at-risk basis, meaning Magellan will guarantee to hold costs to a specific range or dollar figure.
The sale continues CEO Allen Wise’s strategy of divesting under-performing and non-core businesses; expect more news like this over the next year.


The recession and health reform

Yesterday we examined the health insurance industry’s role in the current reform process. Today we’ll look at the recession’s impact on reform initiatives.
There are two obvious effects of the recession – fewer folks with insurance, and lower revenues for providers. The latter has been well-publicized, with physicians seeing fewer patients; Hospitals are also suffering.
Colorado, hospitals delivered 29.2 percent more charity care in the first half of 2008 than in the same period in 2007, bad debt was up 6 percent and in total uncompensated care grew by 18.7 percent.
Hospitals in Pennsylvania saw a 12% increase in uncompensated care in 2007, and it is a safe bet that there was an even greater rise in 2008.
Minnesota‘s hospitals saw uncompensated care almost double, a change that contributed to a decline in overall facility profitability from a 4.8% return in Q3 2007 to a loss of 2.5% in Q3 2008.
And that’s not even getting into the states with real problems – New York, for example.
There is a direct link between higher rates of uninsurance the financial fortunes of providers. But there’s also a more subtle issue – the increase in the number of individuals and families with high deductible plans is likely as big a factor in the problem as the number of uninsured.

Although the high deductible plan members ostensibly have insurance, in reality they don’t have coverage unless they have funded their deductible accounts. And it appears that many, if not a majority, have no money in those accounts. As a result, providers aren’t getting paid because their patients don’t have the money.
This will get worse. I projected there would be over 50 million uninsured by the end of this year, and the latest data indicates that may be slightly low – Health Affairs is looking for 52 million to be without coverage in 2010.
This vicious cycle is accelerating. There are fewer workers with coverage who still need care, providers are looking to recoup lost revenue by cost-shifting to those patients with insurance, thereby driving up costs for the payers left in the game.
One study reports insureds are paying more for their health insurance. “That so-called “hidden health tax” in 2009 was $1,017 for a family policy and $368 for an individual…The uninsured who sought treatment in 2008 received about $116 billion in care, the study said. Of that, they paid for about 37 percent of the costs and government programs and charities paid for another 26 percent.”
The rest, about $42.7 billion, was uncompensated care that was passed on to the insured in the form of higher prices for their care.
While I (and others whose opinions I respect) have issues with some aspects of the report, the overall picture for providers is grim. The current system is fragile at best. Providers’ reimbursement is directly tied to the fortunes of the business community, and when that community drops insurance, the impact is broad and deep.
One solution adopted by creative folks looking for care is to head south – to Mexico.
But for the rest of us – prospective and current patients and providers alike, the recession provides a stark reminder of the fragility of the US health care system and its dependence on employment-based health insurance.
What does this mean?
Two things. First, providers’ financial difficulties may well force them to make concessions they otherwise wouldn’t even consider. The current situation is bleak, but the outlook long term is worse if we don’t solve the health care problem – and providers are terrified of the what-if scenario. They may just be scared enough to bend far enough to get something meaningful passed. That’s a big ‘maybe’.

Second, I’ve said, and still say, that the reform package that eventually passes (if one does, (which is still suspect) will build off the current employment-based system. The recession won’t change that, but may result in Congress drafting legislation that provides a much stronger safety net/alternative coverage vehicle for employers and their workers who can’t/won’t pay for coverage via the employer market.