
Health reform is a done deal

That’s the word from several senators, at least as of last night. The last holdout, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, is reportedly on board after a lengthy negotiating session that ended late Friday.

The bill is currently being read to the entire Senate on request from GOP Senators, after which the vote will be taken – sometime around 5 o’clock this afternoon. The price for Nelson’s vote was $45 million; the US Senator forced the Federal government to pay for the entire cost of the Medicaid expansion for his home state of Nebraska.
Who would’ve thought Nebraska would need even more pork, or that the Senator would feel no shame in forcing taxpayers from other states to pay for his vote. Since 1983, Nebraska has received more from the Federal government than it has paid in taxes; Nelson’s extortion will skew the numbers in favor of his voters even more.
Things could break down, there could be defections from the ranks of the theoretically-committed, Lieberman could decide he’s not done grandstanding, the House and Senate could run into difficulties in reconciliation, a meteor could hit the earth…suffice it to say there’s a lot that could derail passage, but there’s the beginning of a whiff of inevitability about reform, enough to make it very difficult for anyone to stand in the way of the bill.
In broad terms, the bill will result in a national health insurance exchange where individuals and some small businesses will shop for insurance, provide subsidies to help low-income people buy insurance and expand Medicaid. There are numerous pilot programs to evaluate different forms of reimbursement, cuts in Medicare reimbursement to specific provider groups, elimination of the use of medical underwriting and other ‘risk selection’ tools by insurers, and a host of excise taxes, fee cuts, and other funding mechanisms to help pay for the bill.
I’ll be taking a deeper dive into the bill tomorrow – but I won’t read the entire thing.


Health reform, hospitals, and work comp

As health reform stumbles like an exhausted runner towards the finish line, we are starting to get a clearer picture of the potential changes reform will bring to the health care landscape.
One that bears close watching is the increasing likelihood Medicare will be cutting reimbursement to hospitals. There are two ways this may affect work comp; in those jurisdictions that base reimbursement off Medicare rates, any changes may – or or may not – have a direct impact on comp reimbursement. I’m not expert in the various ways states apply their own formulas to Medicare’s, but will be studying up on it and will repor back in more detail later.
The other, and likely more significant impact may be the result of cost shifting by hospitals if/when Medicare cuts come down from CMS coupled with the expansion of Medicaid. this has plusses and minuses; Hospitals may get more paying and fewer indigent patients if the Medicaid expansion goes thru, but if these were formerly privately insured or if there is a substantial increase in their Medicaid census then their revenue mix may worsen. (Recall Medicaid reimbursement is well below most hospitals’ cost). It is mo likely the MedicUs expansion is a net plus but this will vary across the country.
Potentially more significant would be any major decrease in Medicare reimbursement as medicare is a major payer at most hospitals. Expect hospitals hit hard by a cut to look for other places to make up the lost income, and the softest target around is usually work comp.
Apologies for typos; this post written on my iPhone.


The incredible disappearing health reform plan

Today’s revelation that Joe Lieberman is once again flexing his political muscle to force the Senate Dems to remove the Medicare for 55-64 provision is just the latest evidence of the evisceration of the Senate Health Reform bill.
Here’s a few of the items that were considered for inclusion that have somehow not made it this far (this isn’t to imply or deny an endorsement).
– a meaningful mandate penalty instead of the paltry $750/individual $2250/family in the current Senate plan (the income-indexed penalty in the House plan is better but still not enough…)
– a public plan with reimbursement based on Medicare (if this was mandatory it would definitely have reduced costs – a lot)
– some form of tax on high-value/high benefit plans, aka ‘cadillac’ plans
– a plan that would actually cover the vast majority of Americans (the current plan still leaves 15 million uninsured)
– a clause enabling the Feds to negotiate drug prices for brand medications purchased for Medicare patients
– a non-fungible ban on lifetime caps on medical expenses
– a ‘budget neutral’ plan; although the current Senate plan is indeed budget neutral, it doesn’t include the quarter trillion accumulated deficit in Medicare physician costs. Notably the coming cut to physician reimbursement is addressed in the House bill, where it is eliminated.
What’s next? As Lieberman et al get more and more of the power and influence they so obviously crave, their appetites grow ever more insatiable. Liberals and centrists are getting increasingly desperate to pass something, anything, to deliver on the promise of health reform, and the longer Lieberman et al can put this off, the more press they get and the more their swelling egos demand.
(I’m wondering exactly how far the Senate Dems are going to let Lieberman push them before they decide enough is enough and smack the political crap out of him. He’s become the schoolyard bully to the Democratic weaklings, taking ever more of their lunch money in hope he’ll be nicer next time.)
The current mishmash of giveaways and concessions can only be called ‘reform’ by those willing to hope we can do much over the next decade to rein in costs before they kill our economy. I’m not among those optimists.
It is time to trash the whole thing and start over – preferably with the Wyden-Bennett Healthy Americans Act. (for a comparison of WB HAA to the current mishmash see the Kaiser Family Foundation’s excellent web tool.
But that won’t happen; We’ll likely get something passed in Congress, and President Obama will sign it, and they’ll all declare victory and move on to energy, Afghanistan, and other critical issues. Meanwhile, health care costs will continue to escalate, and in ten years the average family will be paying north of thirty grand for their health insurance and deductibles, and we’ll be reading books about how and why we missed this golden opportunity.
And this from the worst kind of government in existence, except for all the others.


Health reform – better than doing nothing?

I haven’t posted on the reform process not out a lack of interest but because every time I pick up the virtual pen I despair. I’ve been trying to decide if passing this bill is better than a continuation of the status quo, and the more I ponder the less sure I am.

But it’s time.
After months of negotiation, compromise, and horse-trading, we’re getting close to a health reform bill that will come to a vote – probably in the next couple or three weeks. There’s much work to be done to get to the magic sixty Senate votes, but it looks like no compromise, concession, or giveaway is too big to stand in the way of this must-pass (for the Democrats) legislation.
Yet after all this, we’re going to end up with a bill that won’t work – it will not appreciably reduce health care costs today, tomorrow, ever.
Sure, we’ll end up with lots more Americans covered, better/smarter regulation of insurers, and maybe even lower Medicare costs. But ten years from now, the system will be pretty much the same – a fee-for-service based health system with costs increasing well above inflation.
Why, you say? Aren’t there cost controls in the bill? Pilot programs that promise to reduce cost inflation by rationalizing the care delivered to patients?
No, there aren’t. What we have is a mishmash of ideas that have long been on the table, demonstrated to work, and completely without traction. Not to mention the huge costs not addressed in the current bill – like the current quarter-billion dollar deficit in the Medicare physician reimbursement program, a deficit that will have to be added to the total cost of any reform initiative that changes how docs are compensated under Medicare.
Fortunately for Senator Reid, no one is asking what he plans to do about physician compensation, as the Senate bill assumes the 20.5% cut in physician reimbursement goes into effect on January 1, 2010. Does anyone believe that will actually happen?
But that’s just one of the many failings of the current bill.
We have insurance reform with a mandate so weak it will not force anyone to buy coverage they don’t really really want.
– We have pharma still enjoying margins the envy of every other stakeholder in the ‘system’ and a government prohibited from negotiating with pharma for drugs bought with Medicare dollars.
– We have a “fix” that relies on private insurers to control costs, despite overwhelming evidence of the industry’s complete inability to have even the slightest impact on inflation.
– We have tough cost controls and cost reductions that will likely reduce Medicare’s costs over time – but no way for private insurers to stop providers from shifting those costs to them.

Other analysts have complimented Reid et al for trying everything, for not leaving any cost control mechanism, trick, or option out of the bill. That’s precisely the problem – the bill’s ‘experiments’ and pilots are way too little far too late.
Folks, health care costs are increasing a helluva lot faster than inflation. Our economy is increasingly hobbled by legacy and current health care costs, not to mention future liabilities. Governments are going to have to raise taxes – a lot – to deal with retiree health care costs. By the time these pilots and experiments are even ready for dissection in the pages of Health Affairs, (forget broad-based implementation) we’re going to be spending well north of $3 trillion a year on health care.
I’m disgusted by the political grandstanding of people like Joe Lieberman, whose incredibly self-important preening is just the most repulsive example of elected officials using this crisis to show us all how principled and irreplaceable they are. Mitch McConnell’s Medicare advocacy is so blatantly hypocritical it would be laughable if it weren’t so cynical. How he can scream about not cutting Medicare while protesting its expansion to the 55-64 year old cohort is a testament to his complete lack of self-awareness. Meanwhile the Democrats are so eager to expand coverage to as many as possible, they are completely ignoring the future cost of that expansion. The campaign contributions rolling in to Reid and Dodd and other players couldn’t possibly be influencing their legislation…they just don’t think it makes sense to put strong cost controls into health reform.
The public plan advocates have yet to make a compelling case for their statements that it will control costunless Congress requires all providers to participate at or close to Medicare rates, the public option will have zero impact on health care costs. Yet they’re spending untold hours and mountains of political capital trying to include some version of a public option in the reform bill.
Which leads back to the opening question – is the current health reform bill better than the status quo?
Yes, ever so slightly.


UPDATE – OneCall Medical to be acquired

Last Friday I posted the news that One Call Medical was going to be acquired; here’s the official announcement which was published yesterday.
On Monday One Call Medical will announce the company has agreed to be acquired by Odyssey Investment Partners, a New York private equity firm. One of the larger private equity firms, Odyssey has some experience in the work comp business, purchasing York Claims several years ago from AIG and by all accounts transforming that firm from a low-end TPA to one of the up-and-comers.
The deal is the result of a process that has been proceeding for several months; as the dominant company in the work comp imaging management space, OCM was the subject of significant interest, attracting bids from several investment firms. I don’t know the parameters of the deal, but will guess OCM went for a figure well above $100 million with a valuation north of seven times EBITDA.
While the work comp market is OCM’s primary space, the company has recently made successful, if limited, forays into the group health and consumer markets. Look for OCM to expand their efforts in that sector, as there is limited growth opportunity in comp where they handle about one of every six MRI scans.
But for now comp is the revenue driver. A source close to the deal indicated OCM’s top line is in the $250 million range, and despite the decline in claims frequency, the company experienced solid growth this year.

This marks the second significant deal in the work comp space this fall; FairPay Solutions was acquired by the Riverside Companies a couple months ago. Sources indicate there is at least one more deal ‘pending’; this one looks a little more iffy.


HWR is up and running!

The brains behind health wonk review is this edition‘s host as well, with a pre-holiday edition featuring Santa, sausage making, and sentient statements from sensible bloggers.
boy that was pretty bad. but don’t hold that against Julie’s post…


Is the drop in work comp claims frequency a myth?

An article in Human Resource Executive highlights the results of a report by the Government Accountability Office on workplace injuries, specifically noting many employers fail to report injuries and illnesses for fear of increasing their workers’ compensation premiums.
It’s not just employers, as many workers don’t report occupational injuries out of fear that they’ll be fired or disciplined, or their injury will taint their department’s unblemished safety record. The implications of this are significant and far-reaching.
According to the article,

Employers that deliberately under-report injuries in order to protect their workers’ comp insurance rates are committing fraud — fraud that will impact the entire business community, says Paduda [I was a source for the piece].
“Because of this fraud, workers’ comp insurers have been assuming much greater risk than they’ve been pricing for,” he says. “This will eventually lead to a lot more audits by insurance companies of their clients and much higher rates for everyone, especially when the current ‘soft market’ for workers’ comp insurance ends, which it soon will.”
It may also lead to higher rates and more audits from group health insurers due to injured or ill workers seeking treatment from their primary-care providers instead of their company’s workers’ comp provider, says Paduda.
“Group health insurers are growing more suspicious that many of the claims they’re seeing are the result of workplace injuries and will try to subrogate those claims to the parties they believe should be paying for them.”

Another report by the National Employment Law Project highlighted the problems faced by low-wage workers when they are injured on the job. The study looked at a population that accounts for fifteen percent of all workers in just three cities; Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Extrapolating the numbers out in just those three cities indicates that 75,446 workers comp injuries were not reported.
What does this mean for you?
For the comp industry, the declining frequency years may be coming to a screeching halt.
If you’re a work comp payer, you’ve been ‘lucky’ if you insure these businesses. That ‘luck’ will soon change as the Department of Labor is dramatically ramping up enforcement efforts. (I don’t mean to imply that comp carriers have somehow been complicit in this, in fact the opposite is much more likely as insurers work very hard to ensure rapid and accurate claim reporting.)
If you’re a TPA or other servicing entity, your revenues have been suppressed by the failure to report injuries.
And if you’re one of these low-wage workers, perhaps there’s hope that the situation will improve.


Where were the payers in Florida?

The ongoing battle over the work comp hospital fee schedule in Florida continues, as challenges have been filed by two hospitals, the Florida Hospital Association, and FairPay Solutions that prevent implementation of a dramatic revision to existing fees pending further action by an administrative law court.
According to Mike Whitely’s piece in WCC, the suits, reported this morning in WorkCompCentral (sub req) allege that the FL Department of Workers Compensation

“DWC exceeded its rule-making authority and strayed into the legislative realm by abandoning the usual-and-customary charge system.
Florida Statute Section 440.13 gives the final authority for setting workers’ compensation medical fees to the state’s Three-Member Panel. But it specifies that all outpatient fees are to be paid at 75% of usual and customary charges, except as otherwise provided by state law. The statute separately sets the payment for outpatient surgeries at 60% of charges.
FHA and FairPay argue in the filings the proposed fee plan “enlarges, modifies and contravenes” the law by shifting to a Medicare multiple fee schedule.”

Fortunately for employers and insurers in the Sunshine State, the actions of FairPay and the hospitals will save them from much higher hospital costs, costs that the payers have done nothing to address.

I’m bewildered as to why payers – insurers, employers, TPAs, self-insured groups – have not vociferously protested the proposed changes. As I’ve noted repeatedly, the proposed changes will dramatically increase medical costs in Florida’s work comp system with no concomitant increase in value, return to work effectiveness, quality of care, or reduction in total claim cost or duration of disability.
No, this is nothing more than a giveaway to hospitals, a big increase in their income from treating workers comp patients. Here’s how work comp payers are going to be harmed by the proposed changes.
First, this methodology means work comp will pay 174% of Medicare for surgeries and 395% for other hospital outpatient services. Does anyone, at any payer, think that it is reasonable for them to pay hospitals four times more than Medicare does?
Second, the location of services will likely change dramatically to the higher cost hospital location. Thus procedures which were being done in offices will now be billed – at the much higher rates – by hospitals.
Yet not a single payer filed a protest that would have delayed the implementation of this onerous and costly regulatory change.
Not one.
What does this mean for you?
Who’s looking out for your interests?


The long and the short of health reform’s impact on stock prices

Healthplan stock prices climbed yesterday as a Goldman Sachs analyst upgraded his view on the entire sector, concluding “Key to our view is that an end to health reform uncertainty (in a better-than-worst-case outcome) will be a positive catalyst, bringing investors back into the sector…”
Meanwhile, another analyst downgraded the sector, albeit from “overweight” to “market weight”.
I didn’t get it last month, and I still don’t get it. Unless these gentlemen are just looking at the next few quarters or couple of years at most, their recommendations, even the modest downgrade, don’t jibe with the future for health plans under reform.
Which is pretty damn bleak.
Health plans will be forced to take all comers in the individual market. The penalties for individuals not enrolled in healthplans are essentially insignificant in the Senate bill (starting at $95 individual, $285 family in 2014, increasing over two years to $750 individual/$2250 family), and somewhat tougher in the House bill (2.5% of income).
Pray tell me, with individual premiums above $5,000 and family above $15,000 today, how exactly is a penalty that is going to be less than 15% of the cost of a health insurance policy going to force anyone to buy coverage? Especially when the underwriting restrictions will allow those non-members to sign up whenever they get the flu, fall down skiing, discover they’re pregnant, or contract ebola.
No, what we’ll have is what’s happened – already – and is continuing to happen in Massachusetts – people enroll when they need care, stop paying premiums when they’re better, and health plans are getting murdered.
Perhaps the analysts are not concerned about what happens in 2014, or they are thinking the employer plans will provide enough margin to make up for sure losses in the individual sector. Perhaps they don’t think Congress will pass legislation establishing taxes on excessive health plan profits, or require plans to pay a minimum percentage of premiums towards medical care. Perhaps they’ve bought in to the greater fool theory.
Or perhaps their view is the bad news has been exaggerated, and the problems health plans have had of late are over and better times are coming. Those bad times include big losses in membership, with especially high disenrollment among commercial members.
I don’t see commercial membership increasing any time soon, not with the recent announcement by Aetna that it expects to lose up to 650,000 members in 2010. Those people will need coverage, and the current ‘reform’ bills will allow those people to purchase coverage on an ‘as needed’ basis.
What does this mean for you?
Something to ponder as you view your portfolio.


How to know if you’re being ripped off

In the work comp managed care/claims world, some vendors’ revenue maximization efforts are getting ever more clever. I know, I know, I’ve posted on this several/numerous/multiple times before, but to my never-ending amazement, these practices continue. So here are the top ten warning signs to watch out for (sorry for ending with a preposition…)
Before you start, realize that all TPAs are not out to rip you off, all managed care vendors are certainly not either, and the soft market and unreasonable demands by employers have forced many claims administrators to look for revenue wherever they can get it.
That’s fine, as long as you know where your dollars are going…
10. your TPA won’t let you use your own managed care vendors.
9. your TPA won’t offer a bundled price, including all managed care services. Even worse if you never asked for one.
8. savings reports focus on reductions below charges and don’t show reductions below fee schedule/UCR.
7. the TPA determines which cases ‘need’ case management – and your case management fees continue to grow. sometimes this appears to be OK, as the cost per hour is a deal, but it’s highly likely the hours worked are ever-increasing.
6. the TPA won’t sign any statement like this one. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the TPA isn’t lying, as some may sign the statement anyway knowing it isn’t true.
5. the TPA won’t provide copies of any contracts with managed care vendors.
4. the TPA agrees to provide a great deal on claims admin services, with the fine print noting that they have complete control over managed care, investigative, legal, and other claims support services.
3. the TPA’s claims admin price is way, way better than the competition’s. There is no free lunch, and if the deal is too good to be true, rest assured you’re getting ripped off.
2. the claims staff you meet during the pre-implementation meetings disappears when claims come in, replaced by inexperienced/non-experienced/completely ignorant ‘staff’
1. you are paying for bill review on a percentage-of-savings-below-charges basis, which motivates the vendor to find the highest-billing, highest-utilizing providers and let them run roughshod over your bank account, all the while trumpeting the ‘savings’
I’m sure there are more; feel free to contribute your own.
What does this mean for you?
Kinda obvious, don’t you think?