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We are all Hawaiians

The disaster in Maui is one of the most awful things I’ve ever seen. An entire town of 12,000 is gone, burned to the ground by a horrific firestorm.

At last 36 are dead, while countless others survived only because they jumped into the ocean to avoid being burned to death.

Here’s how we should think about this.

Of all the places in the US, no one ever thought Maui, a tourist paradise, would ever be in the news for a devastating wildfire. If it can happen in Maui, it can happen in Ohio, or New Jersey, or your home town.

Think it can’t?

So did residents of Lahaina.

What does this mean for you?

Prepare. Now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not as a 2024 goal.  Now.

Here’s a detailed discussion along with a list of what to do.

note – I am on Threads – joe_paduda

6 thoughts on “We are all Hawaiians”

  1. I was fortunate enough to visit Maui a few years ago and this footage is almost incomprehensible. You’re exactly right, Joe, that this sort of disaster can happen just about anywhere. Anyone who thinks they’re immune is fooling themselves.

    1. Thanks for the note Jeff.

      Two days ago tornadoes touched down in upstate new York…a weather event pretty much unprecedented up here.

      The “new normal” is anything but.

      be well Joe

  2. My heart is breaking for the residents of Lahaina. My mom and I just visited Maui and Lahaina Harbor in March this year. The 150-year old Banyan tree has been destroyed, the harbor and ships and homes all destroyed. The devastation and the lives lost is beyond measure. Very well said to have an emergency plan now.

  3. We would visit Maui every year because my in-laws were born and raised on Maui. I miss them very much but am glad they are gone so they didn’t have to see this.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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