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It is getting very real

The failure to see change and anticipate its impact is often fatal.

Myopia is now infecting workers’ comp – and the consequences will be dramatic. I’m speaking about human-caused global warming.

Wildfires in California and the west are now commonplace, conveniently far away from those of us in the northeast…Until we woke up last week to this…

Brought on by unprecedented wildfires in Quebec, a thousand miles north of New York’s Finger Lakes, the smoke shut down sporting events; cancelled construction, outdoor maintenance, farming, road repairs, even meter reading.

This should, but likely will not force us to finally grasp how bad things will get. Yet OSHA is woefully behind in promulgating heat standards as is pretty much every state save California, conference attendees ignore sessions on the impact of climate change on workers’ comp, and articles, research, and discussion of the topic is all but non-existent.

For an industry that prides itself on “risk management”, the willful refusal on the part of many to acknowledge that human-caused global warming is:

  • real,
  • happening faster than many predicted, and
  • will increase the number of workers who get hurt and sickened

is nothing less than an abdication of responsibility.

We talk a good game, congratulate ourselves for “injured worker advocacy”, sponsor Kid’s Chance, laud “industry leaders” who ignore the clear and all-too-present dangers, and award trophies for all manner of “accomplishments”, all the while belittling, laughing off, and ignoring the greatest threat to worker health we’ve seen in generations.

What does this mean?


4 thoughts on “It is getting very real”

  1. Joe,
    I am a believer that climate change is caused or at least exacerbated by humans. The urgency to respond is very real given fires in CA, freezes in TX, Ian in FL, etc. I figure that if I am wrong and humans are not contributors, we end up with a cleaner planet with better food, water and air supplies. For those who do not believe that humans are contributors and they are wrong, we are completely screwed. The result would likely be increasingly severe weather events plus bigger issues with food, water, and air quality. This is about risk and the implications of right and wrong theories.
    For those who believe that we are just 1 of many countries contributing to the problem, there is nothing wrong with leading. China is investing heavily in solar. India should be incented to invest in clean energy as well. I am happy to be the first to act in this situation.

    1. Thanks Jeff – agree on all counts. I don’t understand the “well China…” argument.

      reminds me of what all our parents told all of us at one time or another “well, if Johnny jumped into a fire, would you you jump into a fire too?”

      be well Joe

  2. According to the World Economic Forum’s 2021 Global Risk Survey, the #1 most concerning global risk is “Climate action failure”. #8 was “Human environmental damage” and #9 was “Extreme weather.” The clock is ticking.

    1. Thanks for the note Fred. The US Defense Department, banking industry, and insurance industry (with notable exceptions) agree.

      Be well Joe

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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