Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda

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Get a goddamn vaccination and wear a goddamn mask.

Warning – I am really pissed off.

We are very close to several clinicians that work in medical facilities. They are overwhelmed with COVID patients – almost all of whom are unvaccinated. It is devastating to talk with these medical professionals, to hear their pain and immense frustration and anger and fear.

There are no more beds in the Pediatric ICU, no more ecmo machines available for anyone – covid patients or not. Many procedures are being postponed indefinitely because unvaccinated COVID patients are occupying all the beds, Unvaccinated COVID patients are sucking up all the care, all the energy, all the will and desire and expertise and passion and patience and resilience.

All because many Americans allow themselves to be duped into believing somehow COVID isn’t a problem, that kids won’t be affected, that vaccinations are dangerous, that bullshit from right wing pundits is more believable than facts from scientists or pleas from physicians.

And this is just one hospital, albeit a very big one that serves a very large area. Hospital beds in eastern Washington are full to beyond capacity because idiots in Idaho aren’t vaccinated. Hospitals in Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, and many other states are also overwhelmed, all because total assholes who know better are lying to people.

Hospitals in several states are doing battle triage – meaning if you are in a horrendous car accident, have a stroke or an embolism or fall off a ladder, if your baby falls in a pool or your mother falls down the stairs you/them are gonna die because the facilities and doctors you need are too busy caring for fucking idiots who refused to get vaccinated and are now dying of COVID.

This isn’t a short term problem.

Nurses doctors and other staff are running away from patient care because they cannot stomach treating yet another idiot for a dangerous disease because they were too lazy, too willfully ignorant, too willing to listen to some asshole on Facebook and not believe science, facts, nurses, doctors.

This is deeply personal for many. If your baby has a respiratory problem, good luck finding a facility with room and time and facilities needed to care for your baby – they are full with kids who got infected because assholes refused to get vaccinated.  Same thing with ICUs and CCUs, cath labs and operating rooms.

Republicans in many states are trying to pass laws allowing people to not get vaccinated, to not wear masks, in the name of “freedom.” I am done being politically correct when describing these pandering assholes.

They are the real baby-killers.

Through their willful ignorance, their calculating refusal to serve the people that elected them because they want more votes, their shameless pandering, more babies will die. more kids will be infected, more grandparents will be lost, more hospitals will close, more doctors and nurses will abandon their work.

The rightwing conspiracy-fomenting media decries the lack of “science” behind vaccinations, while touting a goddamn horse pill. These assholes recommend breathing in bleach – an incredibly stupid and dangerous idea with NO basis in science.

Personal freedom my ass.

We conquered polio, measles, chicken pox, small pox, mumps, diphtheria and countless other diseases by vaccinating people. You have had many vaccinations, and you are doing just fine.

If you don’t want a vaccine, fine.

You don’t get healthcare when you get COVID.

So goddamn confident in your beliefs and so committed to your “personal choice”? Fine.

You won’t need healthcare, and neither will your kids, mom, or grandparents, so the rest of us can get our heart bypasses, kidney transplants, cancer treatment, hip replacements, and emergency surgery.

Don’t be a goddamn hypocrite. Either get vaccinated and wear a mask, or stay the hell away from the rest of us, take your ivermectin, breathe in bleach, and bury your relatives by yourself.

Oh, and tell the mom with the sick baby who can’t find a Pediatric ICU bed that your personal freedom to be a complete idiot is more important than her baby’s life.

And I don’t want to hear any bullshit from COVID deniers and vaccine opponents. I am done trying to be polite, to explain, to use reason and facts and logic.





69 thoughts on “Get a goddamn vaccination and wear a goddamn mask.”

  1. Joe, I read your call regularly. An overwhelming majority of the time I completely agree. However, with respect to your diatribe above, I find myself somewhere near 110% in TOTAL AGREEMENT. I offer many webinars to Worker’s Compensation adjuster’s and each one begins with a earnest declaration to do just the same. My only restriction is that I tend to stay away from some of the pejorative language. I only hope that this works. Thank you for your bold endeavor, and for having even more stones than I do!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Donald, and appreciate you doing your bit to spread the word.

      I thought long and hard about the language, but after re-reading many of my posts and discussions with COVID deniers and anti-vaxxers, and listening to the pain experienced by family members, I decided I had to write something that fully reflected my growing anger.

      And it isn’t just me.

      be well – Joe

  2. Thank You Joe!!! We will never be able to comprehend the complete lack of personal and community responsibility and disregard of science. The excuses hold no valid reasoning.

  3. Hi Joe,
    The next time you want to rant, please step away and read it before hitting send. You don’t have to use vulgar language especially in a subject line. I get the anger, I get the frustration, but that doesn’t eliminate the need to be professional.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Mark and thanks for the note.

      I did step away from this and reworded several parts. I’m not sure you get the anger and frustration; I have a family member who is not getting the care they very much need because beds are full of COVID victims – victims who would not be there if everyone was vaccinated. We also have family members beyond burned out due to these COVID deniers.

      If anything, I think I was restrained. If our family member doesn’t recover, then I will write something truly “unprofessional”.

      That said, i do appreciate your comment and wish you the best.

      be well – Joe

  4. Temper, temper, temper old, biased, grumpy man. Always pushing an agenda and propaganda. What you don’t realize is that several of your subscribers think of you as a character in Disneyland- no one takes you seriously.

    1. Hey Levy – always good to hear from you.

      So glad to hear that “several” of my readers think of me with the same affection they have for Disneyland characters. That is truly rewarding.

      As for the ones who don’t “take me seriously”, I’m cool with that. Of course, they still subscribe, so there’s that.

      Be well – Joe

  5. Joe,
    I agree totally. Time to reduce or eliminate health insurance coverage for unvaccinated who can get vaccinated but opt to pass. I do not want to be paying for their medical care through higher insurance premiums. And when do PTSD claims for health care workers start?

    1. Thanks Jeff – great question re PTSD and personal responsibility.

      No vaccine, no medical care.

      be well – Joe

  6. And Yes, I’m vaccinated, but your blog is become so biased and political. I’ve asked before but please unsubscribe me from this drama. I’ve unsubscribed on the right side too and I keep getting your so called “blog”. Thanks Josephine

    1. Hello Josephine –

      yes I called out the politicians doing incredibly stupid stuff – which in this case is directly related to healthcare, which is the focus of this blog.

      I emailed you to find out your email address, as I’m happy to drop you from the list.

      be well – Joe

    1. Cherie – I am so sorry for your loss…I am so sorry. I’m not a praying person but please know you are in my thoughts.

      I wish you peace.


  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you! For saying what most of us are thinking. For having the courage to say it publicly. Those folks want to die, want to harm their children? Fine! Do so! Just don’t suck up the resources necessary for those who did the right thing and got vaccinated.

  8. Great post. As someone with a host of comorbidities, I’ve been terrified of Covid for a while. I leaped on the vaccine when it became available, and I’ll do the same for my booster shot. The idea of getting Covid and dying because people who haven’t been willing to take the time to look into the science behind the vaccinations or treatments are occupying all of the resources required for treatment is particularly horrifying.

  9. Well said. The biggest Covid risk is flooding the health care system so providers cant do routine tests and treatments. Limiting other treatments and tests will effect the health of all of us for the worse. And working providers to death isn’t great for outcomes either. You wouldn’t want a fatigued pilot so what makes these folks think a tired doctor or nurse isn’t something to think about. They are dedicated but they’re only human.

  10. Joe, never miss your post. Individuals that feel they have a right not to get vaccinated are taking our right to live in a normal way. I am too tired of pandering to these morons. Thank you and keep up the fight!

  11. Thank you, Joe, for your honest and absolutely true post! My heart goes out to all of our physicians, nurses, and medical staff who have been working endlessly to save lives every day.

  12. Get a goddamn medical degree and treat some patients before you spout off with your keyboard warrior opinions. The reality in the trenches is not what is being portrayed in the media. Your hyperbolic post does not help us to reach solutions.

    1. Hey Troy – always good to hear from new readers, thanks for chiming in.

      One doesn’t need a medical degree to listen to family members burned out from treating COVID victims and telling mothers there are no beds in the PICU, and friends suffering because their procedures havre been postponed.

      Read what is happening in western Washington, in Idaho and other states.

      The “solution” is in fact to get vaccinated. As a physician I assume you would understand the benefit of vaccines in this crisis.

      be well – Joe

    2. Dr. Ross – It may not be the case where you are but it is DEFINITELY the case where I live in New Hampshire where I had to wait a day for a bed in the ICU because the hospital was overflowing with COVID patients. And a family member had trouble finding a hospital bed for her cesarean section. I have many doctor friends here and in Los Angeles who tell horror stories about being overwhelmed and exhausted because their hospitals are over capacity. So I beg to differ with you and the limited perspective from wherever you are.

  13. I agree with you. There was an excellent opinion editorial in the Washington Post yesterday, on September 17. Opinion | Remaining unvaccinated in public should be considered as bad as drunken driving – The Washington Post
    For about a year, I have seen the choice of not getting the COVID vaccination (except for scarce medical reasons) as being personally and socially irresponsible. I have used the analogy of choosing not to be vaccinated equivalent to choosing to drive drunk. This opinion editorial, written by a public health physician and neurosurgeon, is much clearer about the analogy than I have. As a board-certified preventive medicine physician who has written and spoken on the consequences of post-Acute COVID, it is obvious. Vaccination is imperative. We do not tolerate someone saying that they have the personal choice of driving drunk – it not puts them in danger, it puts others in danger. We should do the same with COVID vaccination. Science documents that poor choice puts others at risk. If you choose not to be vaccinated, you should choose to stay confined to your home alone. If you choose to be reckless and get out and get COVID, you assume personal responsibility (including financial) for that personal choice.

    1. Chris – thanks for a very thoughtful and helpful analogy. We decry drunk drivers and others whose actions threaten the rest of us, we don’t allow them to drive drunk to enable their “freedom”.

      I wonder what the anti-vaxxers think of that analogy…

      be well my friend – Joe

  14. Wow! Two Sides to Every Story. All New England states with highest percentages of at least one or more vaccines, with VT, MA, and CT at 75% or higher, but they are also experiencing ‘break through’ cases, with Maine having the greatest at 5.6%. Florida and Texas experienced spikes in positive cases late this summer and because of the availability of Monoclonal Antibodies, our hospitals aren’t as full of those pesky unvaccinated people. Why are there hundreds of thousands of illegals entering our great country with no testing and no vaccinations? Seems like a double standard to me. Why are we ignoring the science, re: VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Report- where over 15,000 people have died because of the vaccine? That’s more than all other vaccines combined. Other vaccines aren’t killing people. Is it normal for a 20 year old to have heart problems after having the vaccine? Don’t you find it alarming that many people have died or have had serious healthcare problems after taking the vaccine? Over 720,000 people reporting an adverse effect; 9,700 life threatening events; 38,000 hospitalizations; 12,000 permanent disabilities for a virus with a 99.94% chance of dying? To put it in perspective, you are more likely to die of cancer or an automobile accident. Why are those who have experienced adverse effects being censored? Who pays for the disabilities, the hospitalizations, and medical bills if there is an adverse effect from the vaccine? lt sure isn’t the government. Why aren’t they allowing Ivermectin, Remdesivir and Monoclonal Antibody Therapy? These pharmaceuticals have years of being proven effective with no serious side effects and are a huge cost savings. Why does it have to be something that is invasive as the first line of defense? What happened to peer reviewed studies? Why isn’t our medical community encouraging citizens to eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of sleep? Why are they incentivizing people with inflammatory foods like free donuts and beer? Lottery tickets and bonuses? Why are they threatening people with the loss of their livelihood? Aren’t people allowed to have a dialogue to discuss both sides of a narrative? Where is critical thinking? Why are so many people adverse to confrontations and being compliant at the sake of losing freedoms for our health, livelihood, and families? Why is there gaslighting and shaming of those who have a different perspective? This is the United States of America. We’ve embraced freedom of choice and to embrace one another. This administration has been very divisive and wants us to be divided and dislike one another for our differences. What happened to inclusiveness and diversity? Oops, doesn’t fit the narrative. I live in my Florida community and embrace my neighbors and colleagues for the choices they make based upon their circumstances. I respect their choices just as I expect them to respect choices that are right for me and my family.

    My grandmother came to the United States because of Hitler’s reign. She left a country, a culture, and her family to escape the tyranny of what was happening in Germany. For me, her efforts won’t be in vain.

    1. Well, Tammy, there are so many misstatements here I don’t have time to address all of them. I’ve debunked most of them in past COVID-related posts – you really need to read them because you are wildly out of touch with reality.

      First, there is ONE side to this “story” that is backed by science – and it isn’t the stuff you listed.

      Of course new england states – and every state – are experiencing breakthrough cases. But these are NOT the ones fulling the PICUs and ICUs and morgue trailers – the unvaccinated are.

      Unvaccinated people are 30 times more likely to die if they get COPVID than vaccinated people. That, Tammy, is a fact.

      Your statement about VAERS reflects your complete ignorance about VAERS – which I have discussed at length in MCM. GO find those posts and read them. There are NOT 15,000 people who have died because of the vaccine – that is utter nonsense.

      Ivermectin? Seriously Tammy, Ivermectin? WTF are you talking about? Ivermectin has serious side effects, especially when taken in higher doses. It is NOT AN ANTIVIRAL Tammy…COVID is a VIRUS! You blame vaccines for deaths, providing no credible data to back up your wild and totally wrong assertions, and then tout a horse pill? Peer reviewed studies? Where do you come up with this nonsense?

      If your neighbors – and you – don’t want the vaccine, then don’t ask the rest of us to pay for your medical care. And stay away from the rest of us who actually care about not infecting others with a disease that is deadly indeed.

  15. Best. Post. Ever.
    It is interesting that your proposal betrays the dichotomy of the political arena surrounding COVID-19. What you suggest is a position typically held by those same individuals preaching freedom of choice regarding the Covid vaccine—individuals should reap the consequences of their individual choices.
    Isn’t it ironic?

    1. Thanks for the note Cal.

      Agreed – the anti-vaxxers want to have their cake, eat it too, and have us pay for their diabetes care and bariatric surgery.

      The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

      be well Joe

    1. Hi Vonesa – unfortunately the non-vaccinated are infecting and killing others, while eating up clinical resources needed for non-COVID patients.

      be well Joe

  16. Thanks, Joe for spreading the truth and taking the gloves off against these entitled anti-vaxer hypocrites that demand their “freedom FROM choice”, but jam the ICUs, when THEY get sick, infected, and dying from COVID, while blindly follow the misinformed herd over common reason, science, and good ‘ol horse sense.

  17. I will simply repeat the sentiments of others…thank you, well said, bravo! Best. Post. Ever. Thank you for your candor, courage and straight talk! I was happily blown away when I read it yesterday!

  18. I am a big proponent for vaccines. That said, there is a lot of hyperbole and misinformation circulating in regards to the currently available COVID-19 vaccines from non-medical and non-professional sources.
    The risk/benefit of the COVID-19 vaccine is not equal for everyone. Some patient populations will receive a much higher benefit, and others higher risks. The science is still evolving. For example, Myocarditis risk has been identified as much higher in young healthy males than any other population, Vaccine effectiveness has been identified as much lower in the immune compromised, vaccine protection against infection has dropped drastically with the Delta variant, and Moderna is showing superior vaccine effectiveness over Pfizer and JnJ.
    The science and body of research is growing, but for the majority of people their ideas/thoughts are not. Where we historically thought vaccine protection would prevent infection and spread, this has proven to be false with the current delta variant. Vaccinated individuals are spreading Delta similar to the unvaccinated, no benefit of “vaccinated only areas”. Fortunately, the vaccine protections against severe disease, hospitalization, and death are still robust.
    The idea that one size fits all in regards to the currently available COVID-19 vaccines is anti-science.
    The three patient populations I see a lack of strong data in and personally are hesitant to make any strong recommendation in are:
    1. Previously infected and recovered COVID-19 Patients: There are zero prospective studies with clinical endpoints in this patient population. These patients were excluded from all earlier efficacy trials due to our basic immunology understanding of natural immunity. There are only two studies out there in this population that give us clues with this population. One prospective study where they looked at laboratory data on antibody levels. They compared non-infected patient antibody levels after one dose, then after two doses to antibody levels of previously infected and recovered patients. This study showed that antibody levels in previously infected individuals was similar to patients with one vaccination dose. It showed a single vaccine dose in previously infected individuals produced antibody levels similar to a double dose of vaccine. There is a hypothesis generating retrospective study out of Kentucky that looked at reinfection rates (based on Health Department testing database and vaccine database) that showed previously infected people had a higher rate of reinfection than infection in vaccinated people. It also showed that a single dose or double dose made no difference in preventing infection.
    2. Pregnant or females attempting to get pregnant: There are multiple databases out there tracking the use of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy and also pretty robust data demonstrating the increased risks in pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to the limited time these vaccines have been available, the dataset is quite small for completed pregnancies (around 1000), so our knowledge around fetal impacts is extremely limited. No red flags yet, but also not enough data to draw conclusions.
    3. Children (specifically young males): This patient population is already at an extreme low risk of negative consequences of COVID infection, although the Delta variant has increased this risk, it is still extremely low. The incidence of myocarditis in young males after their second dose is raising concern among many, especially when compared with the already low risk of negative COVID consequences in this patient group.
    One size fits all is anti-science. Because COVID-19 impacts different patient groups differently, the risk/benefit is different for different individuals, this cannot be ignored when making health decisions. The acceptable safety profile of a medication used to treat cancer in a 65year old, is different than what is acceptable to prevent an infection in a 16 year old male, or 21 year old pregnant female.

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed comment Scott. Couple observations.

      As you note this is based on risk:benefit.

      The case fatality rate is 1.6%, with higher rates for elderly, unhealthy and immuno-compromised individuals and lower ones for younger folks.

      The available research clearly indicates vaccines are beneficial for previously-infected individuals. It’s not a lot of research, but logically it makes sense…and more research is coming.

      The increased “risk” of myocarditis among younger people is still quite low at 1.4 per 10,000. Further,Recovery is mostly complete and uncomplicated.

      Net is there’s clear support for vaccinations, and very little support for not getting vaccinated. Researchers need to be very careful when characterizing “risk” and always provide context, as uninformed and agenda-driven readers will cherry-pick statements to support their already-held positions.

      thanks again – Joe

  19. Joe – I know I am late to the party, but appreciate the invitation none-the-less. You are generally correct. I support personal freedeom – with the acceptance of personal responsibility. Your choice is your choice – until it impacts my life. I am in a small town in one of the top states for infections currently. Our Governor, who signed laws to support personal freedoms, has assigned the National Guard to work the hospitals in the state, because they are that short and that over-filled. Our local hospital has 8 ICU beds – all 8 are filled with patients with exactly the same diagnosis – not car accidents, not heart attacks – not all the other things we need ICU for – but for COVID. Yes, people die from the vaccines – people die from every vaccine. Look at the numbers – over 160 million people fully vaxxed – 15,000 deaths. We have killed over twice the US deaths from WW II in the last 18 months based on COVID. Which way does your personal choice go? If you accept personal choice, accept personal responsibility. No shot is your choice – letting those who choose otherwise with other ICU level medical needs have the needed care is your responsibility as a result.

    1. Thanks for the note Peter – appreciate your perspective and insights. I very much hope people in your wonderful state decide to protect themselves and others and get vaccinated.

      be well Joe

  20. Strong language is needed for a herculean effort — which unfortunately the battle to vaccinate has become. You stated well the toll it is taking on health care professionals, the entire system and other people who played by the rules, got vaccinated and are dying from treatable diseases because there is no room at the inn. I have a family member who has cancer and will likely die alone because visitors are being restricted at the hospitals again. I have neighbors who vocally lashed out at anyone who believed the hype and got a vaccine. Both are now recovering from covid — one in the hospital. I fought more than a month to get appointments for a vaccine for me and my family members, only to still have to mask, stay in and be susceptible to the new variants because of the self entitled narcissists who just want to be angry at something, even if it’s for their own good.
    My great grandmother watched two babies die in 1918 when the Spanish Flu ravaged the country. She would have jumped at the chance to protect them whatever that required.. Today we are closing in on the death toll set by that pandemic in an age of miraculous medical science. What a embarrassingly sad commentary on the state of mankind that we can fix so many medical maladies but we still can’t fix stupid.
    And Covid is the new stupid tax. Nature designed and redesigned it with each variant to sweep through the population, levying it’s cost — permanently — on those who wear denial and stubbornness as a shield instead of a mask and vaccine. Unfortunately an increasingly large number of those who are team players are having that cost forced on them as well.
    If you think being forced to wear a mask or getting a vaccine isn’t fair, run that thought past those who did and are still dying because you didn’t.

    1. Cicely – that was a very articulate and well-written discussion of the topic. I very much appreciate you taking the time to weigh in.

      be well – Joe

  21. I disagree with your language and diatribe completely and am unsubscribing. Over time your agenda has consistently become obvious and a bit pedantic, but this exceeded all boundaries of appropriate and professional communication. I mean really, retribution of withholding medical care for those who disagree with you? Shame. While vaccinated myself, I respect the right of individuals to chose their medical care. Whether I agree with them or not.

    1. Thanks for the note Hank.

      I’m afraid you misunderstand. I’m not calling to withhold medical care from “those who disagree with me” – my opinion is not the issue; I have many friends who disagree with me on many issues, and I still treasure their friendship and love them.

      The facts are the issue – and the facts are clear. Vaccines are safe, effective, and critically important to protect all of us.

      Those who refuse to be vaccinated can do so if they choose, as long as they accept the responsibility that goes along with their choice to exercise that “freedom”.

      I am glad you chose to get vaccinated.

      be well – Joe

  22. Joe,
    This statement is only partially true at best and misses the big picture around “one size fits all” being anti-science: “The available research clearly indicates vaccines are beneficial for previously-infected individuals. It’s not a lot of research, but logically it makes sense…and more research is coming.”
    There are zero prospective studies with clinical endpoints in this population. The best prospective study out there is the study out of Israel that looked at previously infected and recovered healthcare workers and antibody levels compared to COVID naïve individuals pre-post vaccination. Antibodies are not clinical endpoints, but give us clues to protection level. Antibody levels are a better predictor of infection prevention than prevention of poor clinical outcomes. Extrapolation of this data would indicate previously recovered individuals have protection equal to or superior to a single shot, and that a single dose of an MRNA vaccine provides protection equal to or superior to a double dosed COVID naïve individual. The most logical conclusion based on the available science is that previously recovered individuals are protected to the same or greater level as JNJ vaccinated individuals or singled dosed Pfizer/Moderna individuals. Policy should align with the science on this. E.g. Treated similar to JNJ vaccinated individuals in regards to mandates with a recommendation of a single dose vaccination schedule of Moderna/Pfizer for best protection. “Not one-size fits all”
    Maybe it is my clinical research and ethics background, but the mandate policies for previously infected individuals and pregnant women are borderline unethical as the use resembles forced research participation. Looking at it another way, if these were drugs with expensive costs, the managed care community would challenge payment in these patient populations.
    Yes, as stated the incidence of myocarditis is very rare, just a safety signal has been picked up in young males after their second dose (as noted in the last FDA Ad Board meeting). As the science grows and more data is captured, we will likely learn more one way or the other. The point is children are already at an extremely low risk of having poor COVID outcomes, especially healthy young males, and that risk/benefit is not nearly as significant as it is for many others (not all kids have the same risk). Even among young males, the tolerance and impact of risk to myocarditis is different. The young male performance athlete is going to have a lot higher concern and potential consequences on quality of life from myocarditis than the sedentary young male. Again, one size does not fit all.
    After 2020, I am really surprised at the lack of cultural and historical awareness when it comes to the medical community and vaccine hesitancy. Proportionally black and Hispanic individuals have the lowest rate of vaccination, highest rates of poor COVID outcomes, and also some of the lowest trust in government. These groups were mostly ignored until recently. Inflammatory rhetoric by politicians, leaders, and policy makers lumping all the unvaccinated into a single group of far right individuals promoting ivermecting is counter-productive to bridging the gap of government and medical community distrust in these communities. This furthers the belief in these communities that this is a politically motivated push versus public health motivated. The Tuskegee experiment still has impacts today within the black community in regards to mistrust of the medical community and government.
    We need to do better as leaders, politicians, and clinical experts

    1. Hello Scott and thanks for the response.

      Not sure I understand the “big picture around one size fits all being anti-science” statement. By no means am I “anti-science” – I’m just dealing with the world as it is today. And today, the research indicates previously-infected individuals benefit from vaccination. Your point re which vaccination is/are better is a good one and one the previously infected should take into account.

      Where I come in on this is the words scientists use and how they are twisted to serve others’ political agendas. This has happened untold times and continues to this day. That’s why I noted the low risk of myocarditis among vaccinated young people. Most people don’t understand math, much less statistics, and certainly not research where things aren’t exactly precisely 100% clear.

      There’s been a lot written about this issue, and many public health figures have weighed in on the topic.

      Of course you are absolutely right on re minority populations and their vaccine reluctance; I’ve covered this elsewhere and their reluctance is much more valid/understandable than non-minority groups.

      Yes, research is scant on specific sub-populations. That doesn’t mean we should not pay attention to, and take action based on, what we know today.

      Thanks for weighing in – I value your perspective.

      be well – Joe

  23. This totally resonated with me; my son is a Respiratory Therapist at a large teaching hospital in Southern CA–he is tired, frustrated and worried that he could be taking this home to his children who are too young to be vaccinated. HIs hospital is the level 1 Trauma Center for the area, and because all beds at surrounding hospitals are full, they are taking trauma patients and treating people wherever they can. I’d like to see Health Insurers invoke an exclusion similar to what you find in a liability policy that excludes coverage for things were “known or should have known.” At this point, this certainly applies to Covid and people who willfully decide to refuse vaccinations–their right, but why should Health Insurance cover them? The folks who have breakthrough infections after being vaccinated would still be covered, and the people who exercise their freedom would face the consequences of their choices.

    1. Thanks for the comment and sharing your story Karen. I very much hope your son is safe and remains so.

      Be well Joe

Comments are closed.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

