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Life after COVID – desperate times, desperate measures

Things that are keeping me awake at night (besides the normal problems associated with being a 61 year old guy)

The number of people without health insurance will increase – a lot, driven by:

Note – in yesterday’s press conference, President Trump did make some vague comments about possibly using Medicare and/or Medicaid to pay for COVID treatment. Here’s the quote:

“I’m not committing,” said Trump. “I have to get approval. I’ve got a thing called Congress. It’s something to look at and we have been looking. “

This would require a massive change to Medicare and/or Medicaid laws, followed by an equally massive change in lots of regulations, followed by…who knows what.  Reality is, there are way better ways to address this.

Back to the growth in the uninsured and implications for COVID:

  • some/many will not get tested for COVID as they can’t afford treatment and are terrified of debt.  Some of these folks will continue to work because they have to, which increases the likelihood they’ll spread the disease.
  • hospitals and other healthcare providers – which are already struggling financially because they aren’t doing profitable surgeries for privately insured patients – are going to be delivering a lot of care to people who can’t pay for it.

Net – fewer people with decent health insurance will mean more people will get infected, and the healthcare delivery system is going to have serious financial problems.

A modest proposal.

Here’s a fix.  The federal government makes COVID testing and treatment a federal benefit for all residents (yes undocumented people too) and reimburses providers at Medicare rates.

This would:

a) alleviate the huge financial pressure on hospitals, EMS, and all healthcare providers;

b) increase the number of people tested; and

c) get us back on track sooner than if we do nothing.

6 thoughts on “Life after COVID – desperate times, desperate measures”

  1. I like your proposal for all the reasons you mentioned. Plus it’s the right/just/decent thing to do. Deficit hawks will argue we can’t afford it, but on the heels of a $2.2T stimulus package, I imagine your proposal wouldn’t even move the needle on the national debt.

    1. Thanks Arnold – we’re on the same page. At this point we need to get rid of as much stress and friction as possible; this would alleviate a lot of the financial issues for all involved. thanks for the comment – Joe

    1. Thanks Rebecca – all the best to you and your loved ones – and the rest of the fine folks at MTI

  2. You’ve got my vote Joe! I agree with everything you said – and here is another kicker to consider. Private healthcare rates for those that do have it are going to increase – a lot – because of COVID-19. Your proposal could help that somewhat, but I still think this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

    1. thanks much Paula – we agree, that things are going to deteriorate for some time undetermined. I’m hoping that several things come out of this:
      a) voters value government programs and workers more;
      b) science gets its due;
      c) we re-think the issues inherent in the role of for-profit organizations in healthcare.

      I also hope the Easter Bunny brings me some peeps…

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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