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Another one of workers’ comp’s good people

Welcome to the second in an ongoing, occasional series about the good people in work comp; Bruce Wood led off the series and today’s exemplar of all that is good in workers’ comp is Medata’s Todd Brown.

Todd’s been in the business since, well, since forever.  He is expert – and I mean really knowledgeable, completely locked-in, unbelievably well-connected in the dense, complex, convoluted world of workers’ comp regulatory affairs.

Formerly Executive Director of the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, Todd has been tracking and reporting on changes in legislation and regulation in all fifty states for years.  Not only that, but he’s been good enough to share that with key stakeholders, an invaluable service that has made Todd perhaps the nation’s leading expert on the subject of WC regulatory and legislative changes. If something is happening, he knows about it; understands the implications, can relate the history of similar changes, and forecast the likelihood of adoption or passage.

Simply put, Todd’s a wealth of knowledge.

All that’s well and good, but what really sets Todd apart is he is one of the nicest, most approachable, decent people one could ever meet.  Patient and incredibly generous with his time and expertise, he’s one of those people everyone likes and respects.

I’ve been fortunate to count Todd as a friend and colleague for several years now; kudos to Medata for recognizing his talents and bringing him on board.

4 thoughts on “Another one of workers’ comp’s good people”

  1. It’s so nice to see someone as nice and generous as Todd Brown get this kind of write-up. I’ve only had the pleasure of knowing Todd for two or three years, but have found him very willing to share his knowledge and sincerely want to help others succeed. He possesses rare and wonderful traits. And, good for Medata, a group of pretty wonderful people–especially that Tori Henson–for bringing him aboard. Good people should find each other and work together.

  2. Yes, Todd is truly one of the good guys. And he does know his stuff. Thanks, Joe, for speaking up.

    And keep up the great blog.

  3. I had the pleasure of working with Todd. He is a great guy and very knowledgeable … a mile wide and a mile deep! Always eager to help out and make a contribution.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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