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What I learned in Vegas – great marketing wins

Great marketing wins.

myMatrixx’ limo service has done wonders for the company’s brand recognition; their ubiquitous limos were all over the place.  Very well organized, efficiently run, and impossible to miss at the airport or hotels.

MedRisk’s booth has featured magician David Harris for several years; he knows their products and services well, is incredibly skilled at capturing a crowd, and for many is a must-see; “I’ve got to see what he’s come up with this year!” (MedRisk is a client)

If you’re going to announce something “big”, make sure it really is – otherwise you’ll be the proverbial boy-crying-wolf.  To be meaningful, announcements should be either a) really big news (and not just what YOU think is big news) and/or b) really meaningful to prospects and customers.  A new product, venture, website, white paper, hire is NOT news – and no one important really cares.

Except – if it is really well done, notable, and timely.  Rising Medical’s Workers’ Comp Benchmarking Study is one of those all-too-rare reports that is truly newsworthy.  That’s because it covers key issues, is authored by a highly-regarded expert (Denise Zoe Algire), is not overtly self-serving, and the launch was very well done.

A few takeaways:

  • there’s always another opportunity for branding; yet another cocktail party or dinner or booth giveaway isn’t getting it done.  be creative.
  • find something great and stick with it.  You don’t need something new every year – unless what you’re doing isn’t working.
  • take a risk.  I know, I know, risk is anathema to work comp folks, but no risk, no reward.
  • it’s about execution.  The best idea will flop unless the details are done right. Those companies that spend the money (yes, effective marketing is expensive, that’s because it is worth it)

4 thoughts on “What I learned in Vegas – great marketing wins”

  1. I couldn’t agree more. Mymatrixx is known and recognized for their limo service and their customer service with the limos. I’d assume their customer service on their products is just as good. Bigger booths and larger signs don’t sell me anything and I got tired of being cornered for a hardcore “sale” after I repeatedly told the marketers that I’m in regulations and have no need for their services. Listening didn’t seem to be a forte. I hope they read this blog and get the message.

  2. As a business owner in a market full of corporate giants, it is very difficult to get the attention of potential clients at a show the size of NWCC. And when you do have something that can change the market, its the choice of the attendees to determine whether or not its noteworthy. I do agree its not the size of your booth (that only shows how much profit is being made) that directs traffic or the style of party you throw. Joe said it best, be meaningful and provide a true change in the market and you will win in the end.

  3. I can attest the customer service of MyMatrixx is outstanding and their limo service in Vegas is a nice added benefit. I was first introduced to MyMatrixx while attending my first NWCDC conference years ago and have been a customer ever since.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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