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Leaving Las Vegas

Quick takes from the blur that was NWCDC.

MedRisk’s Restore presentation was sitting-room-only; the company’s new venture is a comprehensive approach to managing delayed RTW – Restore targets all factors including psychosocial issues and involves comprehensive physical therapy, opioid-withdrawal management, and delayed recovery treatment.  (yes, MedRisk is a client)

Heard former Coventry CEO David Young is back in the game as CFO of a new venture with an old name – Occusystem.  No details available yet…

Speaking of Coventry, stopped into their booth yesterday to say hello.  Learned that their perspective on the move of AIG’s bill review business – and pending move of Liberty’s – is (surprise!) different from mine.  They noted that Coventry had informed both parties a couple years back that they would no longer be in the BR application business, therefore they took issue with my statement that they’d “lost” the business. I suggested that if the business was no longer their’s, then they had indeed “lost” it. Rather than argue semantics, I’ll report.  You decide.

Spoke with several investment types about Coventry’s possible re-emergence on the auction table.  As I’ve said ad nauseum, it’s value is the network, which is declining in effectiveness/size/discounts; the re-contracting effort is going to take a long time, and there’s not much else of value. (no, Coventry is not a client)

HealtheSystems has added Johns Eastern as a PBM client- word is things are going well.

Had a great time jousting with Bob Wilson, Becki Shafer, and David DePaolo at the bloggers’ roundtable.  Was hoping for a bit more “Jane you ignorant slut” and a bit less “I agree with…”

Caught up with Foresight Medical – they’ve engineered a pretty interesting surgical implant solution that is gaining traction.  Working with Broadspire and Medata, so they’ve already gone thru the virtual endoscopy.  (no they are not a client)

Ascential Care is growing fast.  Adding clients and getting more business from old ones, thanks to a focus on quality that’s like no other CM firm I’ve ever seen. The case management company also has one of the best websites in the business – and those people are actual AC folks. (no, they’re not a client either)

Finally, had a great session with three private equity executives.  Can’t thank Camilo Horvilleur, Jeff McKibben, and Hunter Philbrick enough – as the brains and dollars behind deals involving PMSI, MSC, OneCall, Align, Sedgwick, Mitchell, and many other work comp companies, this was a rare opportunity to hear about the process, understand what investors look for, get their views on leadership, management, and execution, and find out where they think the market is going.

Hope the conference was blindingly successful for you. Unless you were that ass in the elevator.  

One thought on “Leaving Las Vegas”

  1. I’m not a macro issue finance or return on inveastment guy, but I do understand Coventry as a corporate entity (ableit now a subsiderary of AETNA) has lost a lot of their financial punch (provider network, bill review, etc.) however their WC services module is stellar and profitable. It would be a shame if it withered on the vine (full disclosure; I prefer them as my vendor in many capacities)

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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