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Hartford changes Medical Directors

As of next Monday, Marcos Iglesias MD will be moving from Midwest Employers to the Hartford, where he will be taking over as Medical Director from Rob Bonner, MD.

I know both well, and the move is a good one.  Rob has done yeoman work at the Hartford, particularly in the areas of pharmacy, disability rating, and analytics.  He’s also been a leading voice in the effort to add more science to the practice of workers’ comp medicine, speaking out against physician dispensing, directing research on compound medications, and leading a key committee at the American Insurance Ass’n focused on workers’ comp. I’ve worked with Rob on a number of issues, and hope to work with him in the future on projects as he transitions to a less-full-time schedule.

Marcos is equally passionate about the right care for the right patient.  With extensive experience in occupational medicine practice as well as leadership roles at several insurers, he will bring an equally strong voice to the Hartford.

I’d be remiss if I did not acknowledge the insight shown by Midwest Employers in actually staffing a corporate medical director position.  I can’t think of any other reinsurers with MDs, and far too few primary insurers have full-time medical directors. Among those that do, many don’t have anywhere near the influence, responsibility, or authority they need and deserve. The Hartford is one insurer where the Medical Director does more than most; alas most workers’ comp payers don’t understand that medical is now approaching 2/3 of claims costs.

If they did, there’d be a lot more medical directors with a lot more authority and responsibility.

What does this mean for you?

Does your work comp insurer get it?


4 thoughts on “Hartford changes Medical Directors”

  1. Marcos will be missed by all his freinds at MWECC. Congradulations Marcos on your new position and God bless.

  2. What a great addition for The Hartford. Dr. Iglesias is a wonderful man and will add to a medical/clinical team at The Hartford that is already one of the best in the industry. Not to mention his expertise and emphasis on one of the most important fields in our industry: managing chronic pain/opiod issues. Congrats Marcos!

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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