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Friday’s catch up

I’m beginning to think this is a misnomer, as there’s so much going on these days it is impossible to “catch up”.

We’ll try.

I did not attend RIMS this year (or the last few).  While the must-go for brokers and P&C consultants, it has become less important for the work comp crowd as the content tends to be basic while the time commitment is high. That, and a surfeit of client work, made the decision an easy one.  From what I hear there was a lot of buzz about deals pending and rumored.  In addition to the Stratacare-Xerox transaction, the sale of MedAllocators is said to be close while Healthcare Solutions is off the market.

I do regret missing the MedRisk soiree; evidently it was the event of the conference; there were 800+ there listening to a terrific violin quartet amongst other entertainment innovations.  That, and the billboard greeting attendees…

IAIABC’s upcoming webinar on compound drugs is scheduled for May 29; you can register here.

Meanwhile, B sent me a link to the most blatantly profiteering pitch to docs I’ve ever read. The pitch is for something called terocin, which is nothing more than Capsaicin, Methyl Salicylate and Menthol – to figure out if you are getting billed for this stuff, here are the NDC codes.

and the profits for the docs – and the sales reps – are enormous.  Of course, their profits mean higher costs for employers and taxpayers…

Speaking of scum, I keep getting emails asking for donations to Charlie Crist’s campaign for Governor of Florida.  Crist’s pitch is this:

 What we have today in Tallahassee isn’t working.

Governing for the people has been replaced with cronyism and government on the fringes. Financial bullies and special interests have drowned out the voices of people like you.

What a load of crap.

Much as I abhor Rick Scott, Crist is exactly the kind of sleazeball/hypocrit the Sunshine State doesn’t need.  Recall then-Governor Crist got a huge contribution from drug dispensing “technology” firm AHCS after the then-Governor vetoed a bill that would have killed up-charging for repackaged drugs – a bill that had been passed by unanimous vote in the state House and Senate.

As a result of Crist’s veto, Florida’s employers and taxpayers got stuck with hundreds of millions in higher workers’ comp costs and it took four years to come up with a legislative fix that is no fix at all – in fact it validated the practice of dispensing and will result in hundreds of millions in additional costs.

Crist is everything that is disgusting about politics wrapped up in one nicely-tanned package.

An insightful column from Roberto Ceniceros on the value of UR; good to see Roberto add his voice to the growing chorus calling for more – and better – use of UR in work comp.

Finally, WCRI is out with its annual compendium of work comp laws, which cover all states plus Canada.  Check it out here.

Enjoy the weekend…

5 thoughts on “Friday’s catch up”

  1. Great update Joe, and we can take solace that we have found an area of solid, common ground – in the complete distaste of Charlie “Judas” Crist. In addition to the veto you mention, he did many things wrong for the citizens in our state. I worry they will not remember the lessons, however.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. For those who don’t know, Charlie Crist is the likely Democrat nominee for FL governor. Appreciate your calling it like it is, regardless of the political party.

  3. If the bill in FL which Crist vetoed was unanimously passed by their House and Senate, does FL not have a provision override vetoes in their constitution? Such a political slap in the face is something most state executives would not want to risk, given the lame-duck status they assume thereafter.
    Sounds like there might be more to the story.

    1. Frank – there is an override provision, but as the veto occurred after the legislature was out of session, it forced the legislature to reconsider the vote several months after the veto. By then, the forces of darkness had worked their magic.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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