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I Heart Workers’ Comp

Time to take off the CrankyPants and list all the reasons I really love workers’ comp – and yes, there are more than three!


  • Work Comp is great because it has a REAL outcome – care is judged based on getting the patient back to functionality.  And that’s how ALL medical care should be measured!
  • Work Comp is great because it works pretty well, most of the time.  Not the highest standard, but given all the efforts by all the bad actors to screw things up, it’s a minor miracle it hasn’t come to a grinding halt everywhere.
  • Work comp is great because most docs, PTs, pharmacists, and rehab professionals, and yes even attorneys are diligent, responsible, committed, and concerned.
  • Work comp is great because the vast majority of claimants really truly want to get better fast and get back to work.
  • Work comp is great because it is a pretty small world, reputations spread quickly, and the community supports those who do good work.
  • Work comp is great because it is a LOT better than the alternative…
  • Work comp is great because almost all of the regulators I know really want to make the system work better/faster/cheaper/more responsibly.
  • Work comp is great because there are many smart, loud, and committed folks talking and writing about what needs to happen and why.  Sure they/we get frustrated a lot, but they keep it up.  I’m talking about you, WorkersCompInsider; Roberto Ceniceros, Rebecca Shafer, David DePaolo, Denise Algire, Bob Wilson, Peter Rousmaniere, Richard Krasner, Mark Walls, Jen Jordan.
  • Work comp is great because CWCI president Alex Swedlow really knows his stuff, calls it like he sees it, and can make even the most arcane, technical, dry stuff interesting and important.
  • Work comp is great because WCRI has upped its game considerably.  Research now uses much more current data and their work in social media is getting stronger by the day.
  • Finally, work comp is great because we hold each other accountable.


11 thoughts on “I Heart Workers’ Comp”

  1. Well said, Joe. I’m going to share your list with everyone I know….those who are overlooked in the system and don’t get many opportunities to see/hear how their work is making many lives better….the adjusters!

  2. Workers’ Compensation is a wonderful vocation on the claims side of the house because we are allowed to aid and assist those unfortunately injured in the workplace, facilitate the provision of the most apporpriate and aggressive medical care possible, help keep the injured person working during the period of healing (or help them get back as soon as possible)…and…we get paid for it. It’s a blessing and an honor to be in the business.

  3. Thanks for sharing the work comp love, Joe! I <3 work comp because after 100 years the professional community is still enthusiastic about making the system better!

  4. Your article hits the nail on the head. We all work together for the same reasons. Its nice to see some credit going to the adjusters. Thank you.

  5. Joe,

    Thanks a whole lot!!!!! That really means a lot to me. It means that I have finally made an impact, and knowing how many times I have backlinked to you and your blog, getting this today is very special. Thanks ever so much. :-)

  6. Joe,

    Nice love note. Workers’ comp is the business everyone loves to hate, but in reality, it does do great things and some very good people work extremely hard to get the job done.

  7. I really like this list. I’m sharing it with my coworkers and posting it in my office! Thank you!

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

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