Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda

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Friday catch-up and heads-up

Lots happening this week – here’s a few notable events.

First, WCRI’s webinar on physician dispensing, opioids, and physician prescribing patterns.  A couple key takeaways:

  • after FL banned doc dispensing of potent opioids, almost all the docs who were prescribing and dispensing Schedule II and III data switched to NSAIDs; far less potent pain killers.  Which leads one to wonder…how scummy is a doc who does this?
  • Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs – properly designed and implemented – dramatically reduce doctor and pharmacy shopping.

Much more was discussed; the underlying research on Florida’s changes can be found here.

One of the more creative marketing campaigns was launched this week by Acrometis; the Year of the Adjuster. An excellent infographic is here; pay attention to the campaign and offshoots thereof.   My bet is this dramatically raises Acrometis’ profile…

12 of the nation’s 50 most expensive hospitals are in California; thanks to California Healthline for the heads-up. To find out which are in your state, click here.

The Sedgwick sales process is well underway, with bids due (I’m guessing here) within the next week or two.  Don’t expect this will close quickly as there’s a lot to review.

Finally, a tech research firm has a rather bizarre piece out on Google Glass, the next “Killer App” in insurance.  Bizarre because:

  1. there hasn’t been a Killer App out yet, so this would be the First…
  2. given the rather slow tech adoption rate (to be kind) in the P&C insurance industry, I wouldn’t expect companies that spent a year approving MIcrosoft Office upgrades to jump on the Glass platform; they’ll spend much of their effort figuring out how to prevent employees from mis-using the technology before assessing how hard it will be to tie the device and output into their systems.

See you Monday!


Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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