Only the thoroughly nerdy (and yes that includes your intrepid reporter) stuck around for the final session, a WCRI research sampler based on their CompScope research database for lost time claims from 2008-2011.
It’s not just medical benefits that vary wildly – indemnity benefits per claim ranged from almost $10,000 per claim in IN to $28,000 in NC. The researchers broke this down into the various components and sub-components; temporary and permanent disability benefits.
This is NOT my area of expertise – so be warned.
One study looked at the Michigan workers’ employment after a lump-sum settlement of their claim. 19% of those claimants who didn’t have a job at the time of settlement found one within a year, most took their time.
Among those claimants who were working at their “pre-injury” employer, 41% left their job and were no longer employed a year later. For those who had found a job at a new employer after their original injury, 75% kept that job.
About a third who had a job at time of settlement quit and weren’t employed a year after that settlement.
That’s it for me – time to get back get back to work.