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PMSI’s Opioid Summit – part one

I was invited to attend PMSI’s Opioid Summit last month and speak briefly on legislative and regulatory actions focused on this issue. The Summit featured Colorado WC Medical Director Kathryn Mueller MD MPH; PMSI Medical Director Natalie Hartenbaum MD MPH; Len Kamen DO and addictionologist; and representatives from several insurance companies, all speaking on their efforts to identify and address potential overuse and misuse of opioids.
Here are a few of the highlights from the meeting. I’ll skip the discussion of the scope of the problem; it’s huge and growing, but it’s time to talk solutions.
First up, what is pain management – Dr Mueller cited the AHRQ Technical Brief on chronic non-cancer pain, noting in part “the focus is not eliminating pain but managing pain to restore physical and mental function and quality of life.”
That is a KEY issue – managing v eliminating pain. It is unrealistic to expect to eliminate pain, and attempting to do so is in large part how we got to this disastrous point.
Dr Mueller went on to review ACOEM’s recommendations for opioid use, which, when compared to what actually happens out there, are pretty remarkable.
Dr Hartenbaum discussed urine drug testing (UDT) in chronic pain and workers comp, citing the WOEMA comparison of opioid guidelines and noting there are various testing protocols;
– before starting a patient on opioids and annually up to four times a year – more if misuse is suspected.
– once per year for “low risk”, up to 4+ times per year for higher risk, high dosage (>120 MED (morphine equivalent dosage)) and/or patients exhibiting aberrant behavior. Hartenbaum cited the opioid risk tool as potentially useful in risk-scoring patients.
Her discussion of UDT was detailed, thorough, and enlightening. (disclosure, Millennium Labs is an HSA consulting client; they were not present at the meeting).
There was more, which I’ll relate tomorrow.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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