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The terrible burden of SOHDS

The tradition here at MCM is to honor all the important holidays, with none so important as April 1. In the five and a half years I’ve been publishing this blog, the April 1 post has become a challenge – how can we top the previous year?
Last year’s post about Coventry acquiring UnitedHealthGroup was reportedly the cause of some consternation at the afore-mentioned firm, which was forced to issue a press release denying the deal (I’m kidding).
This year’s effort generated much good cheer among many readers, as even a few who take issue with some of my opinions got a good laugh (Allen you weren’t alone).
Unfortunately, there’s always someone who doesn’t think before passing on the post as truth, resulting in a bit of embarrassment. The adults are a bit chagrined, and a bit wiser, and take the heat in good spirit, realizing the spoof is all in good fun.
But there’s always someone without a sense of humor. Late on the fateful day, a senior policy person at a conservative-group-that-shall-remain-nameless sent me an email which read in part “Is this really true? If so, it is extremely explosive and could quickly become a national story. Can you cite the specific language in the law just signed by Obama and the relevant NHS language that leads you to your conclusion? Thank you.”
I responded back that no, it wasn’t true.
Evidently my correspondent is afflicted with a serious case of SOHDS (sense of humor deficit syndrome), as he (yep, it was a male) shot back “That is extremely unfortunate and not at all funny. I had run it past several very senior people who were looking forward to confirmation of its veracity.”
I’ll bet.
(In retrospect, maybe I should’ve come up with some wild story about how this was in a Presidential signing statement that had not yet been made public, and quoted actual verbiage…)

3 thoughts on “The terrible burden of SOHDS”

  1. Joe, you got me last year. We need a little (correction more)levity in this business. Keep them coming.

  2. No sympathy for nitwits! No group has the stupidity market cornered; they’re everywhere!

  3. Sheesh! But with a recent poll saying that 29 percent of Americans think Obama wants to turn US sovereignty over to a one world government, the joke may be on the 71 percent of us who aren’t idiots.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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