I’ve been buried under a mountain of my own making, and have ignored/delayed writing on several major topics that demand attention. Now that the survey of bill review in work comp is done (will be emailed to requesters at 1 pm est today; if you have NOT already requested a copy via email you can do so at infoAThealthstrategyassocDOTcom) and a client project is just about wrapped up I’m going to get to the following:
– a discussion of NCCI’s perspective on pending changes to the Medicare physician fee schedule, and the impact on workers comp medical costs
– a post on the implications of the economic recovery for group health, and another post on the implications for workers comp
– an update on the impact of the recession on physicians and hospitals
– a follow up piece on the Health Net policy rescission debacle
Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda
Joe, when you get to the “discussion of NCCI’s perspective on pending changes to the Medicare physician fee schedule, and the impact on workers comp medical costs” I hope you will delve into how states that base their Work Comp fee schedules on Medicare are not requiring all the changing code initiatives to be applied as well. By this I mean the MS-DRG’s, the Present on Admission (POA) codes, and the new CPT-10 codes. It would seem to me that if Medicare and Medicare regulations are going to be used as the basis for your state fee schedule (admittedly not a good idea) then ALL of the regs should be followed, including coding. Your thoughts?