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Insurance execs perspective on McCain

Bob Laszewski posts today on the Center for American Progress’ report on the additional costs inherent in Sen McCain’s health care plan.
Bob – one of the most insightful people in the industry – notes:
“It’s interesting that when I am out in the country meeting with insurance execs in their conference rooms–people who do understand the market–it never fails that they all just roll their eyes at the lack of sophistication when we discuss McCain’s market-based solution–specifically his individual health insurance product ideas.”
And this demographic – well compensated executives – is one that you would think would be in favor of McCain.
I’d echo Bob’s observation. Industry insiders may disagree with Obama’s platform, but most agree that it is fairly well thought thru. In contrast, McCain’s is superficial – by that I mean a few microns thick superficial.

One thought on “Insurance execs perspective on McCain”

  1. This article focuses on the
    Insurance execs perspective on McCain.
    The author describes his concern when he was out of the country for a meeting with the
    Insurance execs.
    Basically, his Health Insurance product ideas have been discussed here!!!

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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