In yet another sign of the impending attainment of critical mass on health care reform, the SEIU and WalMart have found common ground.
Who woulda thunk it?
The two arch-enemies have been in conversation for several months, discussing health care reform and trying to figure out if they have any commonality. Turns out they do, and in two pretty key areas.
First, both organizations are pushing for universal access by 2012. (About the time I predict we’ll be there) Health care reform without universal access is pointless, no matter the mechanism. Until we cover everyone, we’ll suffer from cost-shifting, adverse selection, and risk selection games by providers and insurers alike.
Second, both the union and management see health care coverage as a shared responsibility – workers, government, taxpayers, and employers all are part of the solution.
We’re getting there!
What does this mean for you?
All the present health care reform initiatives – California, Wyden, Edwards, Massachusetts all include these two key principles – universal access and shared responsibility.
You can bet they will be part and parcel of the reform package that becomes reality.