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I’m so done with consumerism

The problem with consumer-directed health plans as presently constructed is fundamental.
They will not work.
They miss the target entirely, mis-understand the problem, and, if taken seriously, will distract from getting to a real solution.
On the other hand, when they fail miserably, as they inevitably will, we’ll be in such bad shape that a radical revision of the health care system may well be possible.
Thanks to Graham for the reminder…

2 thoughts on “I’m so done with consumerism”

  1. Joe, I’ve felt all along that the path to both lower HC costs and better outcomes is better patient management of chronic disease risks. Advocates of CDHP never seem to articulate that. Shame on them. But chronic conditions are much less expensive if treated preventively, and then managed, and if patient involvement is crtical, then I don’t think we should pour the concept down the toilet — yet.

  2. Joe,
    Thanks for the discussion of this. I am really annoyed that the solution to so many problems seems to be to throw them back on the consumer. I have a hard enough time trying to choose a cell phone plan. I do not want to have to become an expert in health insurance too.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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