What’s a Prescription Monitoring Program and why you should care

Prescription Monitoring Programs are state-based electronic information systems that collect and deliver information about the drugs dispensed to patients, the prescribers thereof, and the pharmacies that do the dispensing. Each state now has legislation enabling a PMP, with New Hampshire … Continue reading What’s a Prescription Monitoring Program and why you should care


Docs and drugs – details on the ‘high prescribers’

I wasn’t there, but certainly heard enough about it to wish I was. I’m referring to CWCI’s annual meeting held yesterday in San Francisco, a meeting that might well have been subtitled “Opioids and the Doctors who prescribe them”. The … Continue reading Docs and drugs – details on the ‘high prescribers’


Florida’s addiction problem – Rick Scott

Several states have implemented prescription drug monitoring programs designed to identify potentially problematic pharmacies, physicians, or patients – those dispensing/prescribing/getting drugs that could cause significant problems. Florida’s new Governor, the health care expert Rick Scott, thinks Florida shouldn’t have one, … Continue reading Florida’s addiction problem – Rick Scott


Florida’s solution to the high cost of repackaged drugs

Mike Whitely of WorkCompCentral’s piece [subscription required] this morning about Miami-Dade Schools’ solution to the high cost of repackaged drugs should be required reading for any employer or insurer operating in the Sunshine State. As noted here and elsewhere, a … Continue reading Florida’s solution to the high cost of repackaged drugs


UPDATE – Repackaging drugs in comp; the wild west indeed!

Update – parts of this post may be incorrect or mischaracterize the nature of AHCS’ business. I’m trying to get AHCS to respond to my request for information and help me better understand their business model. Original post follows It’s … Continue reading UPDATE – Repackaging drugs in comp; the wild west indeed!


Pharmacy costs in California work comp – time to reform the reform

In 2004, California implemented a set of far-reaching reforms to its workers comp system, including several specifically aimed at cutting medical costs. One of the more drastic changes changed the pharmacy fee schedule from one based on a significant multiple … Continue reading Pharmacy costs in California work comp – time to reform the reform