Get ready for big changes in provider reimbursement

Now that the debt limit deal is done, the hard stuff starts. While there’s been a lot of focus on the Pentagon budget and lack of revenue increases, the real heavy lifting will come when the super-committee convenes to figure … Continue reading Get ready for big changes in provider reimbursement


The Ryan deficit plan, part two – shifting cost to Medicare recipients

Rep Paul Ryan’s (R WI) Plan to address the deficit relies heavily on private health insurers to solve the seemingly-intractable health care cost inflation problem. Today we’ll finish the discussion of his solution for Medicare. Ryan’s Medicare plan does include … Continue reading The Ryan deficit plan, part two – shifting cost to Medicare recipients


Health reform and Medicare cost reduction

The ongoing and far-from-resolved debate about whether or not health reform will erduce costs has generated lots of fear-mongering, wildly inflated claims, and far too little intelligent discussion. Jonathan Cohn’s attempt to add a bit more intelligence to that discussion … Continue reading Health reform and Medicare cost reduction


Changes to physician reimbursement under reform – the details

Several clients have asked for more detail on how the reform bill will change Medicare reimbursement for physicians and other non-facility providers. Here’s the synopsis. First, note that this pertains only to reimbursement changes contained within the reform bill. There … Continue reading Changes to physician reimbursement under reform – the details


Where the work comp world is headed – part 5, physician reimbursement

Earlier this week we discussed the impact of pending changes in the world of big pharma will affect workers comp. Changes to Medicare physician reimbursement, also just over the horizon, will have a dramatic impact on workers comp in ways … Continue reading Where the work comp world is headed – part 5, physician reimbursement


Medicare physician fees: the Senate kicks the can further down the road

Yesterday the Senate passed a bill extending unemployment and other benefits and subsidies for another month; one of the less well known provisions prevented imposition of a 21% cut in Meducare physician reimbursement. ‘Prevented’ isn’t exactly correct; the bill merely … Continue reading Medicare physician fees: the Senate kicks the can further down the road


Medicare and Workers’ Comp – NCCI’s view

Recently NCCI released a white paper entitled “Medicare and Workers Compensation Medical Cost Containment”. The report goes well beyond a discussion of the relationship between Medicare’s physician and hospital reimbursement policies’ impact on workers comp; not that it doesn’t address … Continue reading Medicare and Workers’ Comp – NCCI’s view


Medicare’s changes to physician compensation; the impact on providers and provider networks

As I’ve been reporting for several months, Congressional Democrats and the President are working hard to increase reimbursement for cognitive services by up to 10%. This would go a long way towards fixing what is perceived to be a core … Continue reading Medicare’s changes to physician compensation; the impact on providers and provider networks