Florida’s Medicaid ‘Fix’ – What are they thinking??

Or perhaps more accurately, what are they smoking? From HealthNews Florida comes the news that a state Senator, one Joe Negron (R Stuart) has come up with the brilliant idea of shoving most of the state’s Medicaid beneficiaries into a … Continue reading Florida’s Medicaid ‘Fix’ – What are they thinking??


Spine surgery in California – some cheese with that whine?

WorkCompCentral’s [sub req] Greg Griggs reported the Division of Workers’ Comp’s public hearing last week was dominated by providers complaining about moves to reduce reimbursement for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) and spinal implant hardware. I have a [very] tough time … Continue reading Spine surgery in California – some cheese with that whine?


What’s up for 2011 – predictions for work comp in the Next Year

This always seems like a good idea in January, looks like a not-well-thought-thru idea in July, and by December morphs into a well-it-coulda-been-worse idea. But I’ve got a short memory, so here goes – in no particular order, predictions for … Continue reading What’s up for 2011 – predictions for work comp in the Next Year