More from WCRI – What happened after “reform” to states’ work comp systems?

Rather than inundate your in-box with multiple posts last week, I decided to delay posting on some of the research for a few days.  Today, WCRI’s analysis of work comp reform’s impact. I had to listen very quickly and type … Continue reading More from WCRI – What happened after “reform” to states’ work comp systems?


Health care delivery varies a LOT – and there’s your opportunity

So, medicine is a science right? If it is, then the delivery of care should be consistent across the country for patients with identical conditions, right. Absolutely not. That’s the quick takeaway from a terrific panel this morning at WCRI; … Continue reading Health care delivery varies a LOT – and there’s your opportunity


Maryland’s innovative approach to hospital care – and implications for work comp

Maryland has long been a leader in intelligent approaches to managing the cost of health care.  The state has had one of the few effective Certificate of Need programs limiting the medical arms race and employs an all-payer fee schedule for facility … Continue reading Maryland’s innovative approach to hospital care – and implications for work comp


Consolidation in the real world – implications for workers’ comp

There’s been a lot of mergers and acquisitions in the work comp arena, and certainly more to come. But the activity in our little corner is minor indeed compared to what’s happening in the “real world” – group health, Medicaid, and … Continue reading Consolidation in the real world – implications for workers’ comp


There’s no such thing as an “Obamacare” health plan

Some blame “Obamacare” for pretty much everything; high insurance costs, increasing deductibles, access issues (real and imagined), narrow networks with fewer physicians, hospital closures, global warming (oh, wait, no such thing). And worst of all, this is all due to the … Continue reading There’s no such thing as an “Obamacare” health plan