Quick hits – new services, good news, and why your health insurance costs are stupid expensive

What I missed when I was busy working last week… Workers’ comp HomeCareConnect launched a new service last week intended to smooth the transition for patients moving from acute care facilities to a skilled rehab facility.  HCC folks have credentialed … Continue reading Quick hits – new services, good news, and why your health insurance costs are stupid expensive


Three reasons we’ll have major healthcare reform by 2025

Middle class voters can’t afford healthcare. Total health insurance cost for the average family with employer-sponsored coverage is over $22,000 annually. Even families that have coverage are being crushed by costs not covered by insurance. lawsuits keep the “Debt and … Continue reading Three reasons we’ll have major healthcare reform by 2025


The soft target that is work comp, part 2 – Solutions

Yesterday’s post covered why work comp is a soft target for “revenue maximizers” – particularly facilities. Today we’ll talk solutions. First, on a macro level, states need to develop and use fee schedules based on Medicare. For inpatient that’s MS-DRGs … Continue reading The soft target that is work comp, part 2 – Solutions