Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


COVID19 and Chloroquine – what does the science say?

The President and the Governor of my home state (New York) are all in on chloroquine and variations thereof.

Spoiler alert – there is no credible evidence that chloroquine is effective in treating COVID19.

And lots of evidence that the drug can be quite harmful.

Let’s unpack the “science”.

First, it’s important to note that this drug has been tried on numerous viral diseases; “Researchers have tried this drug on virus after virus, and it never works out in humans. The dose needed is just too high,” says Susanne Herold, an expert on pulmonary infections at the University of Giessen. source here

There appear to be two sources of “information” that chloroquine advocates cite as justification for using the drug.

Neither meets basic standards of credibility.

One is s tiny “survey” from France; you can read it here. The study’s authors concluded:

our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin.

Well…no.  The “survey” has many flaws, which combine to make it impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions.

(The primary author, one Didier Raoult has been widely criticized for various misdeeds…this is a detailed and quite damning profile)

  • the study was tiny – 42 patients in total at the outset, of which 26 received the drug and 16 did not (these were the controls)
  • out of the 26 who got the drug, 6 were excluded from the reported results, and 4 of those 6 did not do well:
    • 1 died
    • 3 were transferred to the ICU
    • 1 stopped taking the drug due to nausea
    • and 1 left the hospital
    • “As several people wrote sarcastically on Twitter: My results always look amazing if I leave out the patients who died, or the experiments that did not work.” source here
  • the survey’s authors claimed it was a 14 day study but that doesn’t fit between the 12 days from when the study was approved till the day it was concluded
  • the study was not randomized; that is, the separation of study patients wasn’t statistically random which could lead to selection biases (for example, the control group was much younger than the study group, which reflects non-random sampling
  • the “outcome” wasn’t consistently identified or measured;
    • many control patient outcomes are presented as Positive vs Negative, rather than a count (of the actual virus load) vs Negative, as they are for patients in the active treatment group
    • instead of a typical result e.g. 28 day post-treatment mortality (death) rate, for some patients it was the presence or absence of the virus in a nose-swab test.
    • most problematic, some patients tested “negative” one day then “positive” the next; others showed the opposite results...since the final test was a single snapshot and no follow-up was done, we don’t know if the patients that were “negative” at the end of the survey didn’t subsequently become “positive”…or vice versa
    • the outcome also wasn’t specific as it didn’t indicate how much of a “viral load” existed, only if it was present or absent (defined as viral load under a certain threshold)
    • so, “negative” patients could have had the virus, just not enough to trigger a “positive” test result
    • “It would have been better if the authors would use clinical improvement (e.g. fever, lung function) as the outcome, not a throat PCR. The virus could still be rampantly present in the lungs, and the patient could still be very sick, while the virus is already cleared out of the throat. If PCR is an outcome, it would be better measured as e.g. at least 2 or three consecutive days of PCR negativity.” source here
  • There’s a lot more to this – you can read a critique here.

Next – reports from China, which were cited by the French study’s authors as a reason to consider using versions of chloroquine.

The reports included

a) opinions from Chinese physicians that were based on their personal observations, not on actual studies.  A key source for this was a letter published that did not provide any details, data, or credible evidence as to the efficacy or safety profile of chloroquine and related drugs.

Remember…a letter – often cited by opioid promoters as evidence of the drug’s safety and efficacy – helped spark the opioid epidemic, I’d be careful relying on the Chinese letter as a rationale for using chloroquine.

b) many of the clinical trials that were started some time ago were canceled or suspended, leaving no data or substantive conclusions

Fortunately the WHO has begun several major scientific studies to evaluate various drugs’ efficacy and safety…we can be hopeful that they will yield actual credible information that will help us defeat COVID19.

Here’s a handy cheatsheet you can use to evaluate news reports and Facebook posts about COVID19 “cures”,


Finally, this stuff can be dangerous if not deadly. Doses of chloroquine and related drugs just slightly above recommended levels can kill. The drug can damage vision, appears to be dangerous for anyone with cardiac arrhythmia, and has a host of other nasty side effects, many of which occur even when patients are taking doses far lower than “recommended” by French and Chinese doctors.

What does this mean for you?

To quote Karen Masterson, author of THE MALARIA PROJECT;

We should learn from past mistakes. Federal officials after World War II failed to listen to public health experts about the limitations of chloroquine. Our top political leaders today should avoid the same error.


A COVID-free post!

By now you’re as sick tired of COVID as anyone, so today we’re not mentioning the thing that shall not be mentioned.

A few things of note that crossed my desk here at the Intergalactic HQ in Skaneateles NY…

The fine folks at IAIABC have developed a super helpful app that tells you what state workers comp departments/agencies are up and running, doing what things/delivering what services. Way to step up fast, Jen and team!

Also, members can download an issue brief on telemedicine here. Of note several states have emergency regs in place addressing telemedicine and related issues.

WCRI is reminding us that their 2010 study entitled “Recession, Fear of Job Loss, and Return to Work” by Richard A. Victor PhD and Bogdan Savych PhD is available here. Timely reading for these days when unemployment filings hit 3.3 million, 4.5 times higher than the previous record.

The issue voted “most likely to make workers’ comp adjusters go ballistic” is…air ambulance! Good news – MTI America’s Melissa Galea is leading a webinar on that topic; you can sign up at no cost here.   (MTI America is an HSA client)

Finally, for those concerned about supplies of mission-critical commodities, here’s an excellent way to ensure those commodities are only used when absolutely necessary.



COVID-19 quick hits

First – reminder that every April 1 I do my annual April Fool’s post. It usually catches a few folks…you’ve been warned!

Now, a few things of note that crossed my virtual desk.

Chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19

You may have seen President Trump talking about a malaria medication…

Two news items hit this morning, one noting that a patient just died after taking a version of the chemical.

A very small study found outcomes for patients that took chloroquine were not different than outcomes for patients that received a placebo. Out of  30 patients, 15 patients got the malaria drug and 13 tested negative for the coronavirus after a week of treatment. 15 patients didn’t get hydroxychloroquine; 14 tested negative for the virus.

Last week the drug was touted extensively on Fox and the Glenn Beck Show, with that “science” based on an unpublished paper describing what happened to a handful of patients treated with the medication.

Read the link if you want to understand why the “science” was crap and the “conclusions” total bullshit.

Takeaway – this drug can be very dangerous, is far from proven effective, and current studies are too small and have other limitations that make it impossible to draw any firm conclusions regarding its efficacy and dangers.

US Infection trend

As of 9:35 am eastern March 25, there are 55,238 confirmed cases in the US and 802 COVID-19 related deaths. Caveat – the number of cases is almost certainly significantly higher (not enough tests available) as is the actual number of deaths.

Takeaway – we are nowhere near the peak of this pandemic…here in New York we have over 25,000 confirmed cases…3 in our town of 4,800 people.


are pretty much not going to happen.  NCCI’s annual confab will go virtual; more details on the free web-based event here. The date is May 12, 2020, and it kicks off at 1 pm ET.


Briotix Health has developed a free app to help we work-at-home folks prevent injuries and other nasty stuff. Info is here.

A link to the Virtual Office is here.


Workers’ comp and COVID-19, part 2

Workers’ comp is singularly ill-equipped to handle COVID-19…but some organizations are making solid progress

The industry’s antipathy towards change, resistance to anything smacking of risk, and rejection of most anything remotely “innovative” ensures many payers, vendors, regulators and other stakeholders won’t be able to handle the fallout from COVID-19.  Industry veterans know that any change is brutally hard, slow, and fulls of fits and starts; if there’s a business that struggles mightily to innovate its workers’ comp.

Few WC organizations will adapt quickly enough to keep pace. Executives get promoted for not making mistakes, for squeezing vendors, for cutting administrative expenses – not for innovating, taking risks, being creative. These “attributes” are exactly what organizations don’t need if they are to survive the next few months.  Example – many payers are viewing COVID-19 thru the lens of yesteryear, acting as if the future will be the same as the past.

It won’t be.

Covid-19 will change workers’ comp in ways that would have been incomprehensible just a week ago.

But some are moving quickly.

Two big insurers are suspending premium collection – a huge shout out to Chesapeake and BWC Ohio for leading the way. Kudos to the State Fund of California for suspending policy cancellations and penalties for late payments.

Others may follow…for good reason. Workers’ comp insurance has been very profitable of late and most insurers can afford to tap into cash reserves.

Tele-everything is exploding, albeit haphazardly. Regulators in many states are scrambling to enable/allow/legalize the use of telemedicine in its many forms. Vendors are struggling mightily to keep up with the patchwork of state-specific regulations which are different today than they were yesterday.  Payers that pooh-poohed the very idea of telemedicine, or slow-walked it, or had programs in name only are beating down vendors’ doors, demanding access to a service they gave short shrift to just a week ago.

Inevitably, mistakes will be made – what was OK yesterday isn’t going to be tomorrow, and program requirements, procedures, approval processes, and forms are all in a state of flux. This is where the IAIABC could be hugely helpful; The IA is uniquely positioned to bring regulators together to agree on a standard set of guidelines and regulations that should be adopted by each state. These should be fast-tracked because telemedicine will be critical to ensuring injured workers get the care they need.

Regulators and industry executives that ponder, debate, discuss, and dither will do harm to patients, providers, and policyholders alike. Of course there will be things they won’t like or that “won’t fit” – but now is not the time to argue, it is the time for action.

This does NOT mean employers and insurers shouldn’t embrace telemedicine and telerehab, just make sure you are working with vendors experienced in the space. Concentra is one, MedRisk (HSA consulting client) is another. Carisk (also HSA consulting client) is able to deliver services to their cat/complex patients via their proprietary application. The company is also providing access to behavioral health services via telepsych.

For those in the Independent Medical Exam space, you may be able to ply your trade remotely. Register for Chris Brigham’s webinar Working in the Virtual World – Practical Steps for the MedicoLegal Expert here.  It’s tomorrow, Wednesday March 25 at 3 pm eastern.

And for those of us in need of a refresher in coping skills – which includes pretty much all of us – register for David Vittoria’s terrific (and free) half-hour webinar Calm Amidst the Chaos: Taking Care of Ourselves & Others When Things are Stressful. Sign up here.


Working in the brave new world of DC

That’s “During Covid-19”; hopefully we’ll be “AC” soon (After Covid-19)

I’ve been spreading so much doom and sadness it’s time to make amends.

OK, here’s some tips and advice from a person that’s been working from home for 20 years.

  1.  You will get a LOT more done at home than you do at work – if you are disciplined.  Fewer people to chat with, run into in the hall, and engage in non-work conversations means more time – and more ability to focus.
  2. Keep your cell phone on the charger, and use a wireless headset.  That way you won’t run out of battery, and you can pace around while you are on the phone. You’ll find that is way better then sitting at a desk or table – and way healthier too. Put that headset on the charger whenever you aren’t using it.
  3. Turn the email off for several periods during the day so you can focus on the task at hand. Unless you’re waiting on a time-critical email, being off the grid for an hour or so at a time isn’t a problem.
  4. Prioritize your tasks – now that you have more control over your daily work, make very sure that you do the stuff that’s important first. As a former professor told me many times, “Do the important stuff, THEN the urgent.”  Best way I’ve found is to write a list, then number them in order of importance – and stick to it.
  5. Don’t worry about background noise from dogs, kids, partner or spouse. We are all in the same situation.
  6. Respect those directly affected by COVID-19 and preparations for same. They may not have time for idle chitchat, when they ask for something it’s probably important, and they are really stressed.

Finally, it’s entirely okay to call people and talk business, ask for things to get done, check on progress, and otherwise carry on. This will pass, and in the meantime life has to go on.

What does this mean for you?

There’s a lot to be said for getting back to “normal” even when that “normal” is different than it was last week. 



We are out of time.

The time to shut the country down is now. The infection rate just increased 5-fold in 4 days; if that continues, by Wednesday – 4 days from now – there will be 125,000 confirmed cases.

A week from tomorrow there will be 625,000.

Four days later 3 million of us will be infected.

By mid-April, 20 million will have tested positive for coronavirus, and hundreds of thousands will be dead.

Think that’s nuts?

If anything, the actual infection rate is higher than reported – because we still don’t have enough testing capacity.

We do not have the medical facilities, staff, or supplies to handle several million COVID-19 cases simultaneously.  Our government has failed catastrophically, leaving every medical provider from the VA to major hospitals to nursing homes desperately short of everything.

No cure, medication, or vaccine exists – and none will be here until this time next year at the earliest, there’s been lots of media from irresponsible blowhards.

The latest – chloroquine – has been touted as a “cure” despite a) extremely thin evidence that it is effective in humans; b) it can be fatal; and c: according to National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci MD, None of the evidence has been collected through a controlled clinical trial, “so you really can’t make any definitive statement about it.”

This guy is NOT a medical doctor, he is NOT an “adviser” to Stanford University, the “research” was self-published and does not meet ANY standards for credibility.

All this is why we have to flatten the curve. If not, tens of millions more will be infected, the death rate will rapidly increase, and over a million will die.

If you detect more than a bit of anger here, you’re right. Two family members are nurses, both desperately struggling to prepare for the coming tsunami of cases. One is quarantined because there isn’t enough protective equipment, the other exhausted from days of overtime. And both know it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better – and that is terrifying.

The government won’t take responsibility, so we have to. Stop socializing. Go out only when you absolutely have to – and then act like everyone else has Ebola.

Wash your hands. Check on your neighbors, shop for those who are high-risk, call your family members and friends, and don’t panic.

It’s not all bad.  The response from regular people looking to do whatever they can to help out has been nothing short of wonderful. A local business here is using 3-D printing to manufacture face shields because there aren’t enough in emergency stocks (the owners are good friends).

And keep working at your regular job. It’s hard to focus…it’s also essential.



Why COVID-19 is different

An extremely experienced, knowledgeable, and successful executive who happens to be an attorney sent this yesterday – and with their permission, I’m sharing it with you.
It is particularly timely coming on the heels of yesterday’s webinar on the subject – and another piece in WorkCompCentral on applicant attorneys’ views.
From the executive:
I read this morning’s post with interest——if  WC insurers (erroneously) believe that they could arbitrarily deny those WC claims presented by workers who are (or will soon be) infected by COVID19 —those insurers will soon discover that the current pandemic situation and the related economic impact it is already bringing to our markets is REAL—and something that should be addressed with the greatest degree of care.
Here’s why:  If insurers haven’t yet understood….this pandemic is different.  This will change…everything.  And that includes the customary defenses and general traditional methodologies that WC insurers have used to deny or delay WC claims. 
The typical “within the course and scope of work” argument works in 95% of the claim scenarios where there may be a legitimate question of fact——it is not likely to work under situations created by a pandemic.  Service workers (such as those you listed in your post) have very little if any choice but to present themselves for work.
No show? No job.
So, the “social compact” between the employer and the employee changes—fundamentally.  If the worker must be at work — I’m thinking here of healthcare workers, (doctors, nurses, medical technologists, orderlies, nursing assistants, etc.) and they come in contact with an infected patient and become infected themselves——that contraction is in fact within the course and scope.
This pandemic is going to give us a new legal paradigm——the threshold for contact with an airborne pathogen is presenting a new qualifier.  The industry’s leaders are working from a very old, very tired circa 1980s-1990s mindset.  All the old arguments are completely useless.
There is something else for the insurers to think about—and this is what you were striking at in your blog:
If an insurer decides to “fight” the compensability issue——given the potential size of a class of workers that will be adversely affected—it may be a decision that will eventually lead to financial ruin for that insurer.
Yeah…this isn’t going to cut it any more.
Denial of the claims will surely lead to litigation.  With such a peculiarly large class of individuals involved (safe guess, in the hundreds of thousands before this is all over).  Inviting a wave of litigation will cost the insurer truckloads of defense costs (ALAE).  Those costs will lead to larger than necessary loss costs and settlements.  When the insurer eventually wakes up and sees the magnitude of the issue those attendant cost drivers will have already significantly adversely affected both the insurer’s loss ratios and reserves.
Those escalated costs will also negatively impact the loss experience of the policyholders—the employers.
Given enough backlash, policyholders will vote with their feet——rapidly.  The insurer will lose significant market share and revenue; lower revenue means less investment income.  Less investment income coupled with dramatically declining claim management performance and escalating loss payments……well… get the picture.
This is what is now known as “social inflation.”  The topic has been rising and gathering more attention in the industry—usually in other lines of business (more on that some other time).  We didn’t need a pandemic to figure out that there are certain types of losses—certain liability scenarios — that give rise to social backlash.  Other examples exist wherever we see egregious behavior by corporate ostriches:
  • the class action settlements in Monsanto’s Round-up claims——
  • Johnson & Johnson’s brazen defenses in the emerging talc powder class action claims…..coming on the tail of a cluster of very high punitive damage awards from juries in the initial individual claims.
What does this mean for you?
Hard charging defense—or denial of claims in WC just ain’t gonna cut it with this pandemic.  The world of risk has changed.  And COVID19 is here to prove just how much that change will impact the industry….and just about everything else.


Hey workers’ comp – stop the legal BS and do your part.

Yesterday’s WorkCompCentral featured an interview with an attorney discussing whether or not COVID-19 is a covered condition under North Carolina’s work comp regs.

Couldn’t figure out why the piece bothered me so much until I woke up this morning, where it had crystallized in my sleep-befogged brain.

The article was so BC (Before COVID-19). The world has fundamentally, dramatically, and permanently changed, and now is not the time to engage in academic and frankly dangerous discussion over what constitutes “occupational exposure to Novel Coronavirus.”

Because while this assuredly endless debate goes on, the US infection rate is doubling every 2.5 days, (it doubled overnight here in New York state) and workers will:

  • not get tested because they can’t afford it;
  • won’t stay home because they can’t afford to;
  • will therefore expose others to the virus, infecting more of us;
  • and won’t get treated, infecting even more people.

This is not the time to debate arcane points of law and precedent. This is the time for insurers, regulators, and employers to Do The Right Thing – which means treating COVID-19 infections as covered by workers’ comp for healthcare workers, first responders, hospitality staff, airline employees, and others who may have contracted the disease thru contact on the job.

Some insurers are saying they will investigate each case to determine whether a particular workers’ coronavirus/COVID-19 will be covered. Yeah, that was the right policy – before COVID-19 came along and may kill millions of Americans.

Today, it’s just nuts. Not only is it impossible, it’s irresponsible. The confirmed infection rate is growing logarithmically; unless these insurers hire a gazillion investigators they won’t finish these “investigations” for decades.  Meanwhile, those undiagnosed, untreated workers will infect others, and more people will die.

from Statista

Some states – California, Michigan, Pennsylvania among them – have moved quickly to address the issue albeit not always comprehensively. Other states must clearly and immediately ensure COVID-19 is a covered condition for broad categories of workers and jobs

Yes, following the law is important. Precedent is important. Principled debates are important. Advocating for your client is important.

Or rather, was important. 

Now, what is overwhelmingly more important is stopping the pandemic – and workers’ comp must do its part.

What does this mean for you?

Do NOT quibble, cite arcane legal theories or case law, hide behind legal opinions, or waste time discussing the legal niceties and complexities.

Just accept the claim and get the patient treated. You can afford it; insurers are flush with cash, have billions in surplus/excess reserves, and the vast majority of infected workers will recover at home at minimal cost.

And when this is over, you will know you did the right thing.


COVID-19 update – what’s the real death rate?

Quick take – we don’t know.

Before you read this – don’t freak.  Yes this is worse – much worse – than I thought, but panicking and reacting without thinking is NOT helpful.

First, the facts.

That’s because the number of cases is expanding rapidly but people don’t die immediately.  This from the Lancet, based on data from China (as with any early assessment the numbers are rough)

patients who die on any given day were infected much earlier, and thus the denominator of the mortality rate should be the total number of patients infected at the same time as those who died. [emphasis added]

The blue line is the more accurate figure and indicates a death rate of 5.7%.


  • Because of the lack of testing (especially early on in China and for far too long in the US), there are a lot of people with mild symptoms or no symptoms that are undiagnosed. Therefore, the denominator (the number on the bottom) is too low. This means the estimated death rate quoted above is likely too high.
  • Anecdotally, I’ve heard from healthcare workers that some patients dying of respiratory failure were not tested for coronavirus – thus these deaths aren’t counted as related to COVID-19.  Anecdote is NOT data…that said due to the lack of tests, I’m betting the actual number of deaths is higher than reported.

Okay, pretty scary stuff.

What’s scarier is doing stupid stuff – and there is nothing stupider than hoarding toilet paper.

Coronavirus will NOT destroy the supply chain – it will lead to disruptions and delays, but anytime people hoard stuff, that means they won’t need to buy it for a long time. So, while shelves may be empty today, when the supply chain catches up – which it will – there will be lots of pasta, rice, canned food, and yes, TP on those shelves.

What does this mean for you?

Let’s take a lesson from our friends in Italy; be kind and thoughtful, smile at everyone, say hello, and remember we are all in this together.

Oh, and do a lot of takeout and tip generously!


Covid-19 and workers’ comp

We are in the opening inning of the Covid-19 pandemic, so forecasting where this will end up is a fool’s game.

That said, we know and can confidently predict a couple things well worth considering.

Small business

A lot of small businesses will not survive. Retail, hospitality, restaurants, entertainment, sports-related venues and service providers, events centers are all empty or close to it. The many companies that support them, operate them, clean them, staff them, deliver services to them have little cash coming in. Unless they have major cash cushions or lots of untapped credit, these companies are in trouble.

Washington National Airport – think of baggage handlers, shops, cleaners, restaurants, drivers…

Current workers’ comp patients

Care delays – I’m hearing from a broad spectrum of healthcare providers that patients are not going to scheduled appointments or using related services. That’s not surprising; with guidance from many states to avoid non-essential travel and contact, people with medical issues are loathe to risk exposure to the coronavirus.

Over the near term, that bodes ill for the providers and the companies/services doing the scheduling and coordinating care.

Over the near term…

When things return to normal – which they will – there’s going to be a backlog of patients demanding appointments and medical care and transportation and imaging and therapy and surgery. So, the networks and providers will find themselves slammed with appointment requests.

The service companies’ challenge is to survive this big dip in demand – and the cash flow crunch that will inevitably follow – so they are ready when their services are needed. 

Increased disability duration

Those out of work due to an injury or illness may well be out of work longer than one might expect – especially if they are in energy production, airlines, services, retail, or hospitality. Their jobs may not be available until things get normal again, so we can expect disability duration, and associated indemnity costs, to increase over the near term.

More worrying is the current debt crisis – way too many families and businesses have way too much debt. They’ve been surviving on revolving credit that has been historically cheap. Mortgage interest levels are historically low, other consumer credit rates are as well, and lenders have thrown money at companies that never should have gotten thru their front doors.

(I wrote on this in detail back in October, here’s a quote:

The Feds are backing $7 trillion in mortgages, way more than they (us) did before the debt crisis of 2008. With taxpayers holding the bag, mortgage lenders have no reason to not give mortgages to people who can’t afford them to buy over-priced houses. The Feds then package those loans and sell them off to other investors.

In fact, fully half of new FHA mortgages consume more than half of the borrower’s monthly income.

Then there’s regular consumer debt; this from a post back in August of last year:

Consumer debt is really high right now, at 19% of income. When people lose their jobs, they default on their loans and credit card debt, cut back on purchases, and that will further harm retail, construction, durable goods (think washing machines and cars). It can take a long time for people to dig out of these holes, and when they finally do, they are very wary of spending – and absolutely hate debt.

As credit dries up – which will happen – folks with mortgages they can no longer afford and crushing credit card bills are going to do everything they can to keep the cash flowing.

That will likely translate into increased claim duration.

The good news is work comp insurers can afford this.  Insurers are flush with cash, have huge reserves, likely have benefited from the general increase in bond prices, and historically low combined ratios (claims plus admin expense divided by premiums)

What does this mean for you?

It is more important than ever to be clear-eyed and observe what’s going on outside workers’ comp. Because comp doesn’t affect the real world – the real world drives comp.

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

