
Quick hits….

Healthcare costs for the average family of four topped $31,000 in 2023.

That’s the latest from Milliman.

Think about that – what percentage of your annual income is $31,000?

a third?

a quarter?

a fifth?

to calculate your total costs, click here.

Climate change’s impact on worker health and workers’ comp is getting more attention every day.

It is now hitting the C-Suite…

This morning, Harvard Business Review called out increasing focus by business execs around wildfires:

we are seeing a rapid rise in employer inquiries related to employee health and the best practices around air quality concerns.

The piece has excellent recommendations.

Word to the wise – whether you are an insurer, TPA, risk manager or captive manager, regardless of your view on human-caused global warming, when the C-Suite comes calling you’d best have a plan. 

Even better, you’d best have implemented it.

good news…

339,000  – that’s May’s increase in employment. That is spot on the average monthly increase for the last 12 months…

over the last year over 4 million jobs have been created. 

That, dear reader, is just terrific.

More than 1.35 million Americans have been kicked off Medicaid to date…and that’s without totals from Texas and several other states yet to report.

This will:




Solving Texas’ healthcare problems…or not.

Yesterday we dug into the difficult position Texas Mutual is in thanks to Texas’ Legislature and Governor.

Today – as promised, why forcing Texas Mutual into a business it has zero experience in will NOT solve Texas’ healthcare messand may actually make it worse. (note this is NOT TM’s fault…it is stuck in a very difficult situation through no fault of its own)

First, TM is planning to sell stop-loss and Level Funded plans…let’s be clear – Level Funded plans have been sold in Texas for years; there are a lot of brokers offering these plans throughout the state.

In a phrase, Adverse Selection.

I’ve written about this a LOT – mostly back in the 2000s before the Affordable Care Act came into being and effectively ended adverse selection and the insurance death spiral it creates.

Here’s the Cliff Notes version…

  1. Thanks to the ACA, health insurance companies cannot:
    1. charge people or their employers more if employee(s) have pre-existing medical conditions
    2. refuse to pay for care for those pre-existing conditions
    3. refuse to insure the employer if its workers or their family members have pre-existing conditions.
  2. Back in the pre-ACA days, health insurers got really good at “medical underwriting”  aka identifying and refusing to insure or upcharging anyone who might have the temerity to file a claim. Why?? well, capitalism baby!.
  3. What happens when employers with young, healthy workers drop health insurance or don’t buy it, self-insuring instead of joining other employers in a health insurance “pool”?
    1. the “mix” gets worse; without that employers’ premiums helping cover other employers’ costs, health insurance premiums rise for all the employers left in the pool.
    2. over time,
      1. the number of employers in the pool drops,
      2. healthcare costs zoom (as only sick people who really need insurance stay in the pool)
      3. eventually the insurer goes bankrupt as it can’t charge enough.

Let’s suppose Texas Mutual’s program to sell self-insured health benefit plans (NOT HEALTH INSURANCE) to smaller employers is a rousing success, and hundreds/thousands of employers ditch health insurance and sign up. (TM is proposing to sell “level-funded” health benefits plans, a type of self-insurance)

Remember, TM will be medically underwriting employers that apply for health benefits plan. As the incredibly knowledgeable (and friend) Louise Norris writes;

Medical underwriting refers to the process by which a life or health insurer uses an applicant’s medical history to decide whether they can offer them a policy, and whether the policy will include pre-existing condition exclusions and/or a premium that’s higher than the standard rate.

Costs will be lower for TM’s health benefits customers because their employees’/families’ heath risks are lower than the average Texas employer’s.

Good for those healthy employers! – they get health benefits for their workers and their families at a lower price.

But…costs for employers left in the health insurance pool go up. And Up. And Up.

So, those employers apply for a Level-Funded plan…but

…some of their workers/workers’ families have pre-existing conditions, so at best they will pay more, at worst those conditions won’t be covered OR they won’t be offered a plan.

What does this mean for you?

this, dear reader, is why forcing Texas Mutual to offer smaller employers health benefit plans will NOT solve Texas’ health care problems.

For a much more detailed discussion of adverse selection, see here.


Texas Mutual foray into health insurance…part 2

Last week we talked about Texas’ healthcare problems and the Texas legislature’s decision to force Texas Mutual to jump into the health insurance business.

Like you, I wondered mostly “why”…

  • why force a very successful workers’ comp insurer to get into a business it knew nothing about
  • why not look to other health insurers, or
  • why not just expand Medicaid (like most states have)

So, I reached out to all the original sponsors of the legislation with several questions about the whys…even with four days to respond, none bothered to address my queries (one  – an office worker for James Frank (R) – responded to my email, saying he wasn’t “available to respond”).

To be clear, Texas’ healthcare problems include: 

  • bad-and-getting-worse access to care…especially in rural areas;
  • a quarter of working-age people don’t have health insurance; and
  • healthcare affordability is among the worst in the nation.

Fortunately, the CEO of TM’s new venture was very responsive to my request for an interview.  Meredith Duncan is a highly experienced, very knowledgeable and quite forthcoming executive with decades of experience in health plan operations.

Here’s our interview.

  1. MCM – Why is TXM getting into health insurance?
    The legislature created TM to help stabilize WC 30 decades ago. The passage of Texas House Bill 3752 in 2021 allowed Texas Mutual to create a subsidiary to provide health benefits coverage.  Through the creation of the subsidiary, we aim to create  additional health coverage options  for small business in TX.    Texas Mutual is a mission-driven organization, and I am excited to bring that same orientation to support small businesses in Texas.
  2. What made you decide to accept this position?
    [For a] couple reasons – I’m a native Texan, and my family is as well, I got into healthcare because [some] family [members] had health issues.  I chose this role becauseI am passionate about reducing the number of uninsured in Texas… [I’m] looking to solve that so business can get coverage for employees and families…I enjoy work that requires me to build and design, so this role seemed like a great fit.
  3. When do you expect to launch?
    Looking to quote new business in the first quarter of 2024 and issue policies in Q2, depending on regulatory approval.Our immediate plans are applying to the state to be a licensed stop loss carrier. Assuming we receive TDI approval, we’ll launch stop loss and self-funded plans in the first half of 2024 – using level funding mechanisms, medically underwritten…a level funded product looks like insurance but financials are trued up at end of the year… Over time, we will evaluate opportunities to enter other lines of business
  4. There are several key components of any health insurance program – claims, underwriting, medical management, provider networks, compliance, policyholder service – will you be looking to handle these internally or outsource specific functions?
    For most part outsource to start – more efficient to outsource for TPA services, PBM, and technology to interface with agents, customers, providers, members…also outsourcing actuarial services for short term, underwriting we are evaluating…[it] may be either inhouse or outsourced”
  5. Are there synergies [with Texas Mutual] that will be beneficial?
    Immediately [we] will keep our businesses very separate, evaluate opportunities down the road where we could support businesses together in markets outside major metro areas that are underserved.
  6. You’ve been on the job for several months, what’s been the biggest surprise?
    I am impressed with the TM leadership team and having a new set of colleagues to collaborate with has been a great surprise. Second, market feedback has been very positive, in general brokers are pretty tough on payers but they have been supportive and excited about what we are designing; there’s incredible loyalty to TM on broker side.
  7. What will TM will learn from group health…
    What they may find over time is keeping employees healthy and insured and making sure they have ability to get primary care, manage diabetes and MSK health will help outcomes on comp side as well…

What does this mean for you?

Spoiler alert – beware of seemingly well-intentioned legislators…


Can Texas Mutual help Texas’ health insurance/healthcare needs?

Texas has some rather troubling healthcare problems…and Texas’ legislators are asking the state’s largest workers’ comp insurer to help solve those problems.

First, a few Texas healthcare data points…

Of course, one of the big issues is Texas refuses to expand Medicaid for reasons I must admit are confusing at best.

And the Feds are looking to cut almost $9 billion in funding; Texas has a convoluted tax-and-transfer thing in place which CMS believes is illegal…

I’ve been digging into this of late…collecting background information, interviewing the leader of TM’s new venture and reaching out to legislators behind a bill that asked required Texas Mutual to help (details below); TM is in the process of standing up a health insurance entity that will begin operations early next year.

From the State’s website:

HB 3752 allows a subsidiary of the Texas Mutual Insurance Company to provide a health insurance product to Texans. The goal is to increase access to affordable health insurance for individuals, especially those in rural communities, and employees of small businesses.

Effective Date: September 1, 2021.

The bill would also require the company to fully explore methods to increase health insurance competition, use innovation to increase quality of care for lower costs, avoid discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions and provide transparency when developing health benefit plans.

(3)  ensuring adequacy of benefits and access to care for individuals in this state with preexisting conditions;

(4)  issuing coverage in a manner that does not discriminate against individuals with preexisting conditions;

Not later than September 1, 2022, the company shall submit to the legislature a report explaining how any anticipated health benefit coverage offerings would comply with all considerations and guiding principles for developing health benefit coverage offerings under Subsection (a).  This subsection expires January 1, 2023.

Gotta admit, this is a head-scratcher.



Quick takes

Stuff you may not have seen/thought much about…

Good work from the Travelers...Analysis of a very large number of WC calms found:

  • watch those new workers – those with < a year on the job account for more than a third of all WC claims
  • workers >60 cost more…a whopping 1.4x more than the 18-24 year olds (but only 15% more than the 25-59 folks)
  • but…the 60+ folks don’t get injured as often.

The report is here.

kudos to the folks under the umbrella and WorkCompWire for getting the work done and news out.

you may have missed this – Texas Mutual is getting into the health insurance business.  I’ve reached out to TM and will be interviewing the new leader. I’ve a lot of thoughts about this…

  • the just-hired leader has a wealth of experience
  • standing up a new health insurance entity in a year is a very heavy lift
  • regulatory structure is quite different from WC
  • all research shows market share is the key factor in negotiating provider reimbursement, making it hard for new entrants to gain traction

Then there’s the question: “Why did legislators want TM to get into health insurance?” If they wanted to cover more people, expanding Medicaid would have been a lot faster, far less expensive, and much more impactful.

Finally, (somewhat) new WC bill review company accuro solutions acquired Splashlight...Splashlight is also in the WC BR business.  Good to see competition in an industry sector that sorely needs it.



Medicaid for All – Biden goes big.

Medicaid for All is back on the table.  In a speech in Rolling Fork MS, President Biden revealed that his administration is working in concert with Progressive Democrats – and Sen. Mitt Romney (R UT) – on legislation that would allow any citizen to enroll in Medicaid.

Citing Mississippi as an example of major problems with healthcare access, widespread un-insurance particularly in southern states, rising healthcare inflation, and massive bad debt from medical bills, Biden sketched a (very thin) outline of Medicaid for All. (no details on cost, timing, or much else, a lot of soundbites about babies, insulin, nursing homes and affordability)

While this may seem like a bolt out of the blue, it is pretty clear Biden’s administration has been working this since before he took up residence in the White House. The latest was a major streamlining of the enrollment process back in August of 2022 intended to make it much easier for families to sign up for Medicaid and eliminate caps on child care coverage.

Biden has been teasing a major announcement on healthcare for a couple weeks, most recently during an event lauding the ACA’s birth…

from the Washington Examiner:

Public support for major changes to healthcare has grown alongside support for the ACA. Seeking to highlight Dems’ perceived strength in healthcare and Social Security well ahead of the 2024 elections, White House spokesperson Robyn Patterson noted:

note this is NOT Medicare for All (M4A), a concept that was widely circulated back when  the ACA was in development. Biden briefly alluded to M4A in his remarks, noting his team ruled it out as Medicare “is not comprehensive, is confusing to many, and is mostly focused on older Americans…it wouldn’t work for young families…”

Reports indicate VP Kamala Harris has been pushing this since Biden named her his VP. Sen. Brian Schatz (D HI) an early advocate of Medicaid for All, has been meeting regularly with Biden staff, other elected officials, and HHS leaderships in an effort to build support. Schatz is close with Utah Sen Mitt Romney; recall Romney led the charge to revamp Massachusetts’ healthcare system and establish “RomneyCare” over a decade ago.

We can count on a full-throated opposition from almost all Republicans, although Romney’s reported involvement will give Biden much-needed “bipartisan” cover. I would not be surprised if Louisiana’s Sen. Cassidy also signs on; he’s been a behind-the-scenes advocate for a major revamp of healthcare for years. Long an advocate for state control of healthcare, Medicaid fits his policy views far better than Medicare.

in my view, there are a host of reasons Medicaid For All makes a lot more sense than Medicare for All; here’s what I wrote about this back in 2018…

  1. Medicaid for All will spread the cost of universal coverage across states, reducing federal financing requirements.
    Medicaid is a state AND federal program; States provide a lot of the funding for Medicaid; on average the Feds contribute 63% and states 37%. This is critical, as Congress will want to spread the cost of a Single Payer solution and there’s no better way to do this than require states to pony up big dollars [State contributions vary based on a state’s average personal income relative to the national average; states with lower average personal incomes get more federal dollars.]
  2. Medicaid is already built to cover everyone.
    Medicare covers people of all ages, Medicare is very much elder-care focused.
    Adapting Medicare to handle everyone from newborns to elderly, maternity care to pediatrics will be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. Medicaid does all this and more – today.
  3. Generally, Medicaid is less expensive than other “systems”.
    This is due to much lower provider payment and significantly lower administrative costs. Yes, this means providers are going to be paid less.
  4. Medicaid member satisfaction is pretty good; access to care is not much of an issue.
  5. Medicaid-based Exchange programs are much more successful in the Exchanges than commercially-based plans.
    The Centenes et al [Medicaid-based plans] understand the demographics of the uninsured, have lower medical costs, and already have provider networks, customer relations operations, workflows and processes set up and operational. At the end of the day, lower cost wins – and their costs are lower.
  6. Medicaid is a simple, fully-integrated healthplan.
    Medicare’s alphabet-soup of Parts A B C and D is confusing and convoluted, with different payers often covering the same individual. This increases administrative costs, member hassles, and decreases quality of care (co-ordinating pharmacy and medical care between different payers is problematic at best.
  7. Managed Medicaid plans are working.
    These plans currently exist in most states, and many have been able to deliver excellent care at lower costs through innovation and very tight focus on outcomes. One example is using paramedics to deliver care. [disclosure – I sit on the board of Commonwealth Care Alliance, a Massachusetts healthplan that serves dual-eligible members]

What does this mean for you?



Medicaid, workers’ comp claim severity, and healthcare deserts

Medicaid is the second largest payer in the US, with spending approaching three-quarters of a trillion dollars this year.

In 2023, workers’ comp medical spend will be around $32 billion – just over 4% of Medicaid.

Medicaid is a major payer for many facilities in poor and rural areas, a financial lifeline that is thin indeed.

Ten states have yet to expand Medicaid, an ethically- and financially-unconscionable failure that has major repercussions for workers’ comp, poverty, child health and healthcare access (two – SD and NC – are in the expansion  process).

Access to care

Most rural areas in those 11 states were already hospital deserts; that will get a lot worse as over a third of rural hospitals are in those eleven states.

Average operating margins, razor thin before COVID, recovered somewhat during the pandemic but will turn negative as the pending Medicaid disenrollment takes effect.

More hospitals and their emergency and trauma units will close. Today in 40% of US counties most patients are more than an hour away from a trauma center…as more rural hospitals close even more trauma patients will be further away from hospitals.

What’s known as the “golden hour” is the first 60 minutes after an injury, when healthcare can save lives, limbs, and livelihoods.

What does this mean for you?

Claim severity will increase in those ten states. 

note – reminder, Saturday is April 1…beware.


Regulations – the good and the bad

Work comp and healthcare are probably the two most highly regulated sectors of the economy – and yes I’m including the financial sector.

Over the last 25 years I’ve spent a ton of time with regulators, legislators, lobbyists and the government folks tasked with implementing those laws and regulations.

Here are my learnings…

  • < 5 state legislators know anything about workers’ comp, and only a smidge more about healthcare.
  • what legislators DO know is from mass media (healthcare) or lobbyists (work comp, because there’s never any mass media coverage of work comp)
  • the laws that pass (with some exceptions) leave much to the regulators
  • Regulators are mostly thoughtful, diligent, attempt to do the right thing and generally open to input.
    • There are some glaring exceptions – Florida being the most problematic.
  • That said they rarely – and understandably – fully understand the potential impacts of their rulings, with big consequence for injured workers, employers, and taxpayers.

According to sources that know a lot about financial regulation, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank was due in large part to laws passed by Congress (with mostly R and some D support) that loosened capital and other requirements for a lot of banks.

Incompetence added fuel to the dumpster fire. Now staunchly-Libertarian Silicon Valley investors and business owners have suddenly become huge fans of central government intrusion into private business (what a bunch of %$#(*&># hypocrites).

credit New Statesman

From the LATimes:

venture investment firms…actually launched the run on SVB on Thursday, when they suddenly urged their companies to pull their deposits from the bank, triggering the $42-billion outflow. “And they now want the Taxpayer to bailout their investments…?! Capitalism, Silicon Valley-style.”

Tellingly, SVB dropped a half-million dollars lobbying to get those laws passed…and their CEO – a huge champion of de-regulation was the biggest champion.

Now we have what just might become a global financial problem that – with better US banking legislation and regulations – would never have happened.

What does this mean for you?

If you are a state legislator, find and talk with objective and informed people in each area you’ll be voting on.

If you are a regulator, do what you can with what the legislature gives you, but be realistic…work comp is <1% of US medical spend, so do NOT expect healthcare providers to do anything different for their work comp patients – even if your regulations require them to.

If you are a Federal legislator, think a lot more about some massive effort to shrink the government.

Those Silicon Valley Libertarians sure wish they did.



Budget facts

credit Prof Galloway

The budget hawks in DC are threatening to prevent us from borrowing money to pay our bills..if we don’t agree to some yet-to-be-defined and pretty massive spending cuts.

The total Federal budget for FY 2023 is $6.2 trillion.

About $3.7 billion is pretty much off limits. So, you may want to ask yourself, where are the cuts going to come from?

$1.5 trillion of our spending is for Medicare and Medicaid, and there are hundreds of billions more for the VA and other health programs. And the GOP recently said thy’d leave Medicare alone, and more states are expanding Medicaid (North Carolina appears to be next), so it’s hard to see where cuts would be deep enough to move the needle.

Defense cuts? Defense is $900 billion…Given China’s saber rattling, Russia’s belligerence, Iran’s new air force and movies towards nuclear arms, and the North Korean’s continued aggressive posture, that’s highly unlikely

Social Security? that’s $1.3 trillion, and the GOP has recently said they won’t cut it .(after saying they’d like to figure out how to privatize it…)

What does this mean for you?

Threatening cuts is really easy when you don’t tell anyone what you’re going to cut…because one person’s waste is another person’s income. 



After 10 days away from the keyboard – family vacation in Mexico and gravel bike race in California – it’s back at it.

shockingly the world kept turning while I was unplugged…

The estimable Charles Gaba has just updated his analysis of US healthcare coverage by payer. Charles’ work is the best I’ve encountered to date…he includes everything from Medicare and Medicaid to Exchange programs to Healthcare Sharing ministries (between 865,000 and 1.5 million, Indian Health Services (2.6 million)…

Here’s the all-in-one view…

Despite all  those gazillions of people with insurance, many hospitals are having real/awful/terrible financial problems. Hospitals’ average margin – according to Kaufman Hall – was -3.4% for the first 11 months of 2022.

That said, things steadily improved during the year…

In the tiny world that is workers’ comp, NCCI released its review of medical inflation…among non-hospital providers (docs, PTs, etc).

Thanks to the good work of Raji Chadarevian and David Colon, we know medical inflation among these providers was…minimal.

As in 1.5% per year over the last decade.

Final note. Facility costs are increasing.

Most payers are doing a really crappy job addressing this; their bill review partners/operations are woefully ill-equipped to ensure your dollars aren’t being Hoovered up by healthcare systems and hospitals.

And yes “most payers”includes you.

To date those increases have been matched by a $2 billion decline in drug spending – which, by the way, has also reduced claim durations (way lower opioid usage = way more claim resolutions).

Physician costs are pretty much flat, drug costs are way down, and facility costs are headed up…net is you need to PLEASE stop catastrophizing about “severity increases” and other nonsense.

If I read one more survey or interview or discussion of workers’ comp execs afraid of “rate inadequacy” or medical inflation or some other incredibly uninformed and wrong-headed and ignorant fear mongering I’m going to call them out publicly.

Just. Stop.