I’ve never had a guest post on MCM but an email from a colleague inspired me to ask if I could publish it not as a comment but as a post.
The writer addresses the issues laid out in my post earlier this week about the inherent conflicts in many Americans’ desire to pay lower taxes while getting whatever care they want from whomever they want.
Here’s the guest post.
Your most recent posting and photos brings to mind a case I am now reviewing of a woman who is suing a nearby city for a sidewalk fall. She has more than a decade of treatment and I have gone thru over 4000 pages of files for everything from GI problems, multiple orthopedic interventions including several ineffective spine and knee surgeries, obesity, migraine, ‘fibromyalgia’, history of hysterectomy at young age for pelvic pain, multiple bouts of depression and anxiety, history of domestic abuse, opiate dependence, multiple work comp, auto and disability claims. Her pharmacy records alone are a 59 page printout from 2006 through 2009. Providers include primary care, GI specialists, Gynecology, MSW, Psychiatry, Psychology, ARNP, chiropractors, massage therapy, acupuncture, neurosurgeons, orthopedists, physiatrists, physical therapy, neurology and some I have may be forgetting. And the file even includes over 100 pages of emails to and from the patient and the various providers.
I could go on. My task focuses mainly on causality of the recent injury claim to her back and spine complaints. As a psychiatrist I have been engaged along with other physicians because of the big picture; emotional issues are likely significant or primary drivers for her multiple somatic complaints, surgery, narcotic consumption and life decisions in general. Her demands for this injury are about $600,000 according to the referring attorney, with the inference being that her current problems are the result of a minor slip and fall in 2006.
I found myself wondering how much her care has cost the rest of us and how little of the care had any real value in terms of doing anything meaningful for her health and her life. She currently has chronic multi-system pain complaints, history of multiple surgeries without obvious underlying pathology or positive outcome in most cases, and she is now opiate addicted. My impression is that there may be more than a million dollars in care that she has received over the past decade or more. It is far from clear whether health reform would in any way change this for better or worse but she represents the Pareto principal (ie 80/20 or 90/10 or 95/5 rule in her case) in practice and she is far from alone. I am likely one of the minority of people engaged in the health debate who actually see individuals that reflect the problems we face in society and in health care. This case is an example of how we as a society medicalize emotional and social problems and the extraordinary level of waste represented by many medical interventions, to the degree that the interventions side-step or avoid what is really going on – but spend extraordinary resources in the process. Most practitioners can likely share similar stories from their training or practice, but it seems to be a secret hiding in plain sight. Consider the difference between this scenario and the meager resources available in much of the world for life changing and saving care. The cost of her care could vaccinate large geographic regions in the 3rd world and actually save lives if we could somehow reallocate the resources.
I find it interesting that some folks like us are willing to pay more in taxes for a better society, while we likely use relatively little in terms of government services – while many who rely on government largesse, like those riding power chairs because they are too lazy to walk, who may be collecting their own Social Security and Medicare while perhaps pulling out far more than they ever put in – are holding tea parties. Many of these protesters are one pink slip away from no health care and no income, yet they protest for who and for what?