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Good news Friday (really)

Yeah…I know, this was a really awful week.

At times like these I retreat into the “control what you can control” mantra…Can’t do a darn thing about the Middle East or the incredibly dysfunctional House of Representatives…but we all can do something.

So, a couple thoughts.

Be outwardly cheerful and engaging, smile at everyone you see, say hello, and wish them well. Some will growl (looking at you, NYC pedestrians), some will smile back, others will wonder what’s wrong with you, but you’ll make things just a bit brighter for many.

It will also improve your mood…guaranteed!

Do something to build community – anything. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, stop by a neighbor’s to just say hello, send a card to a distant friend or relative, maybe drop off cookies at a friend’s desk or home, get a few friends together for a walk, hike, ride…no agenda, just connecting.

At times like these we need each other more than ever.

And if you need something positive to talk about…inflation is moderating…sure it is still higher than the Fed’s 2% target, but things are improving.

And, when you unpack the latest inflation data, housing prices increased more than expected…further unpacking by ABC News found “unusual jump in housing prices in Los Angeles as accounting for much of last month’s housing inflation, which may not be sustained. ”

So, for those of us not looking for a place to live in LA, prices aren’t increasing nearly as much as they were just a few months ago.

What does this mean for you?

You’re all set to be the cheerful bright spot at the barbecue, tailgate, kid’s soccer game, or morning walk.





12 thoughts on “Good news Friday (really)”

  1. Joe – great advice, not just in these trying times but in all times. Thanks for the commentary.

  2. I’d add: Don’t wallow in the news. Once you get the gist, watch a rerun of a sitcom or turn the TV off altogether. I love the suggestion to connect and smile and speak to strangers. Being nice is always appropriate.

    1. Thanks Helen – well said.

      have an excellent weekend, and say hello to the turtles.

      be well Joe

  3. Thank you, Joe. We all need this post. Decided to share what I’m doing….we’re interviewing to fill a couple positions. I’ll be making a couple happy soon with a new job. That’s the world I can control right now.

  4. Thanks Joe! We may not be able to fix the big and distressing issues facing the world and country – which leaves us feeling helpless sometimes. So, maybe contribute locally to an organization that does good work, donate to Save the Children. They recognize that all wars are wars on children. Be kind.

    1. Thanks Susan – excellent idea. My $$ go to CARE, another worthy supporter of folks in need, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, a very effective force for good.

      be well Joe

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2025. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

