Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda

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Science denial – or perhaps a total absence of common sense – is nothing new – if anything it has gotten more pervasive of late.

Here are a few examples of willful ignorance guaranteed to make you smack your head (I hope…)

This from Scott Galloway…


Here’s the map they use…

Belief in Evolution

Belief in creationism

This is NOT a Right vs left, Liberal or Conservative issue.

an almost-comprehensive view of the many, many examples of nonsense…

What does this mean for you?

7 thoughts on “Wait…what??”

  1. Completely agree with you on this one. You can show 100 people a burning house and 20 of them will say it’s not on fire. On another note, can you make the images you post bigger? I can barely see them (and am unable to click on the photo to enlarge). Thanks!

  2. If this weren’t so dangerous, it would be funny. But this ignorance, willful or not, is going to destroy the planet.

  3. Science has limits. I like how Dr. Baird has been an Assistant Professor of Physics at West Texas A&M University puts it: “Many areas of life are simply too non-physical to be satisfactorily addressed by science. Love, hate, relationships, poetry, art, music, literature, and spirituality are all outside the realm of science. Any problems that arise in these areas cannot be completely solved by science.”

    1. Hey Kevin – science does have limits – unfortunately the far greater problem is those who ignore any science that doesn’t agree with their opinions.

      be well Joe

  4. Far too many people get their information from sources they “trust” , which basically means sources who tell them what they want to hear. The number of people who clearly ignore or deny facts is frightening, If it does not comport with what they want to believe, they make up alternate realities. On top of that, Social Media has turned us into a society of ignorant, gutless bullies.

  5. Yesterday, a congressman tweeted, “Over 70% of Americans who died with COVID, died on Medicare, and some people want Medicare for All?” Besides the blithering idiocy of the statement itself, can you imagine the people who work at CMS, or the physicians who accept Medicare, would somehow conspire for bad outcomes?? Mindboggling.

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Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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