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MedRisk and Carlyle

Focus, customer service, and execution are the three reasons MedRisk has thrived over the last several years.

That’s what Carlyle bought into when they invested in the company in a transaction that will be announced today. This comes less than two years after TA Associates bought a minority stake in the company, one of the quickest “flips” in the workers’ comp services industry.

Disclosure – MedRisk is an HSA consulting client.

I could not be happier for Founder and Chair Shelley Boyce, CEO Mike Ryan, EVP Marketing Rommy Blum, COO Michelle Buckman, CFO Tom Weir, and CIO Vic Pytleski – the rest of the professionals at MedRisk – and the customers MedRisk serves. Great people built this company by focusing relentlessly on execution, sticking to the business they now dominate, and doing business the right way.

And they will continue doing exactly that.

MedRisk continues to innovate, building the industry’s first telerehab program (which is up and running under Mary O’Donoghue’s leadership). A home-built IT platform specific to the industry is making adjuster’s days easier, communications smoother, and patient scheduling a matter of a few hours.

Management is staying. An oft-heard mantra in private equity is “you’re investing in the management team”, and nowhere is this more true than in this transaction. You will see the same people doing the same great work for years to come.

There is one major change; now that MedRisk is in the Carlyle portfolio, the company’s access to capital is greatly expanded. How and where that capital might be deployed is to be seen.

What is crystal clear is this: MedRisk will be a buyer, not a seller.



Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



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